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Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology

Faculty of Social Science and Humanities

BHPY2003 Professional and Research Ethics in
202309 Semester Year 2023/2024

Assignment Brief

Introduction This course will examine the ethics, obligations, and competence as a
professional in social science in general, and in psychology in particular. It
will look into the ethical dilemmas in work settings, as well as professional
behaviour and accountability.
Learning I. Explain the code of ethics in accordance with APA's Ethical
Outcomes Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.
II. Analyze situations related to ethical practice of psychologists
in various professional roles.
III. Examine ethical course of actions in resolving ethical dilemmas.

Evaluation Coursework: 100% (60% overall grading)

● Assignment 1 (Written Assignment; 100 Marks to 30%)
● Assignment 2 (Presentation; 100 Marks to
30%) Final examination: 100% (40% overall grading)
Assignment 1: Written Assignment (30%) (CLO1)

Course Code BHPY2003

Course Title Professional and Research Ethics in Psychology
Distributed On Week 1
Submission Date & Time 13 Dec 2023; Wednesday; 11:59pm (Week 4)
Submission Location Google Classroom
*This coursework is mapped to SDG 4 - Quality Education

Title Ethical Decision-Making and Personal Code of Conduct

Instructions / Requirements ● This is an individual assignment.

● Self-Reflection:
- You need to reflect on your personal ethical code and
values as future psychologists.
- Identify and discuss potential conflicts between
personal ethics and the APA's Ethical Principles.

● Written Reflection:
- Write a reflective essay discussing how your personal
ethical standards align or conflict with the APA's
Code of Ethics.
- Provide at least TWO examples or hypothetical
situations to illustrate these points.

● Discussion of Resolutions:
- Propose TWO strategies for addressing conflicts
between personal ethics and the APA's ethical
- Emphasize the importance of maintaining ethical
integrity in professional roles.

● This assignment must have evidence of reference to a

minimum of 8 reliable scholarly sources (peer-
reviewed journal articles or books - either textbooks or
the theorists as primary authors) and published within
2013-2023. Have your sources cited both in your
writing and the reference list at the end of the

● Your report should consist of an introduction,

proposed strategies, and conclusion.
Length of Written Assignment Page limit: 3 - 5 pages
(Note: The minimum and maximum pages are only for the
content of the assignment; From the first paragraph until
the final paragraph)
Format of Written Assignment ● Times New Roman (Font size 12)
● Single line spacing within paragraphs
● Double line spacing between paragraphs
● 1” margins on all sides (Normal-2.54 cm)
● Page number located top right
● Paragraph indentation, pressing “Tab” key once
● Tables & Figures format based on APA 7th edition
● Citations and references using APA 7th Edition
● The arrangement of the written assignment is (1)
Cover Page, (2) Coursework Declaration, (3) Marking
Rubric, (4) Content, (5) References, (6) FULL Turnitin
Report, and (7) Plagiarism Statement Form
Plagiarism & Penalty for Late ● Plagiarism is unacceptable; your
Submission plagiarism percentage should be less than 24%.
● Late submission within 1 – 3 days (10 marks
deduction from total marks)
● Late submission within 4 – 7 days (20 marks
deduction from total marks)
● Late submission after 7 days (Reject coursework and
0 mark shall be awarded)
Cover Page

Faculty of Social Science and Humanities

Department of Social Science
202309 Semester 2023/24

Tutorial Group:


Course: BHPY2003 Professional and Research Ethics in


Name: 1. Student ID: 1.

Lecturer: Ms. Nabilah Binti Mohd Yusoff


Semester :

Course Code & Title : BHPY2003 Professional and Research Ethics in Psychology


I/We confirm that I/we have read and shall comply with all the terms and conditions of Tunku

Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology’s plagiarism policy.

I/We declare that this assignment is free from all forms of plagiarism and for all intents and

purposes is our own properly derived work.

I/We further confirm that the same work, where appropriate, has been verified by anti-plagiarism

software Turnitin.

Student Full Name Student ID Student Signature Date





Marking Rubric for Assignment 1
Category Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent Marks

Introduction (20%) (0 – 5 marks) (6 – 14 marks) (15 – 20 marks)

● Fail to provide a ● Demonstrated lack of ● Demonstrated comprehensive
comprehensive description comprehensive description description of the personal
of the personal ethical code of the personal ethical code ethical code and values.
and values. and values. ● Thorough explanation on the
● No thorough explanation on ● Lack of thorough potential conflicts between
the potential conflicts explanation on the potential personal ethics and the APA's
between personal ethics and conflicts between personal Ethical Principles.
the APA's Ethical ethics and the APA's Ethical ● Able to provide sufficient details
Principles. Principles. to relate how personal ethical
● Unable to provide sufficient ● Showed some ability to standards align or conflict with
details to relate how provide sufficient details to the APA's Code of Ethics.
personal ethical standards relate how personal ethical ● Sufficient, clear, and relatable
align or conflict with the standards align or conflict examples given.
APA's Code of Ethics. with the APA's Code of ● Numbers of relevant evidence
● Insufficient, not really clear, Ethics. included to support ideas.
and relatable examples ● Some sufficient, clear, and ● Enough depth, details, clarity,
given. relatable examples given. and accuracy of self-reflection.
● No relevant evidence to ● Some relevant evidence
support ideas. included to support ideas.
● No depth, details, clarity, ● Some depth, details, clarity,
and accuracy of self- and accuracy of self-
reflection. reflection.
Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent

(0 – 5 marks) (6 – 14 marks) (15 – 20 marks)

Strategy 1 (20%) ● No understanding and ● Lack of thorough ● Thorough understanding and
comprehensive proposed understanding and comprehensive proposed
strategies to address comprehensive proposed strategies to address conflicts
conflicts between personal strategies to address between personal ethics and the
ethics and the APA's ethical conflicts between personal APA's ethical guidelines.
guidelines. ethics and the APA's ethical ● Analytical and critical thinking
● Fail to show analytical and guidelines. shown in the quality of proposed
critical thinking in the ● Demonstrated lack of strategies for aligning personal
quality of proposed analytical and critical and professional ethical
strategies for aligning thinking shown in the standards.
personal and professional quality of proposed ● Accurate application of
ethical standards. strategies for aligning strategies and evidence.
● Mostly inaccurate personal and professional ● Relevant usage of strategies and
application of strategies and ethical standards. knowledge taught in this course.
evidence. ● Fairly accurate application ● Supported ideas with relevant
● Irrelevant usage of of strategies and evidence. evidence and justification.
strategies and knowledge ● Lack of relevant usage of
taught in this course. strategies and knowledge
● Fail to support ideas with taught in this course.
relevant evidence and ● Demonstrated lack of
justification. relevant evidence and
justification in supporting
Strategy 2 (20%) (0 – 5 marks) (6 – 14 marks) (15 – 20 marks)
● No understanding and ● Lack of thorough ● Thorough understanding and
comprehensive proposed understanding and comprehensive proposed
strategies to address comprehensive proposed strategies to address conflicts
conflicts between personal strategies to address between personal ethics and the
ethics and the APA's ethical conflicts between personal APA's ethical guidelines.
guidelines. ethics and the APA's ethical ● Analytical and critical thinking
● Fail to show analytical and guidelines. shown in the quality of proposed
critical thinking in the ● Demonstrated lack of strategies for aligning personal
quality of proposed analytical and critical and professional ethical
strategies for aligning thinking shown in the standards.
personal and professional quality of proposed ● Accurate application of
ethical standards. strategies for aligning strategies and evidence.
● Mostly inaccurate personal and professional ● Relevant usage of strategies and
application of strategies and ethical standards. knowledge taught in this course.
evidence. ● Fairly accurate application ● Supported ideas with relevant
● Irrelevant usage of of strategies and evidence. evidence and justification.
strategies and knowledge ● Lack of relevant usage of
taught in this course. strategies and knowledge
● Fail to support ideas with taught in this course.
relevant evidence and ● Demonstrated lack of
justification. relevant evidence and
justification in supporting
Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent

Conclusion (10%) (0 – 3 marks) (4 – 6 marks) (7 – 10 marks)

● Mostly inaccurate ● Fairly accurate application ● Accurate application of
application of information of information and information and evidence.
and evidence. evidence. ● Conclusion effectively wraps up
● Conclusion does not ● Conclusion fairly wraps up and goes beyond restating
effectively wrap up and and goes beyond restating topics.
goes beyond restating topics.
Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent

Organisation and Language (0 – 3 marks) (4 – 6 marks) (7 – 10 marks)

(10%) ● Less than 50% of ● 51% - 80% of ● 81% - 100% of appropriateness
appropriateness of appropriateness of of grammar, spelling, and
grammar, spelling, and grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
punctuation. punctuation. ● The flow of paragraphs is well
● The flow of paragraphs not ● The flow of paragraphs is organized.
organized. fairly organized. ● Clarity and coherence in the
● No clarity and coherence in ● Lack of clarity and reflective essay.
the reflective essay. coherence in the reflective

Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent

Format and Referencing (20%) (0 – 5 marks) (6 – 14 marks) (15 – 20 marks)

● Less than 50% correct use ● 51% - 80% correct use of ● 81% - 100% correct use of latest
of latest APA style in-text latest APA style in-text APA style in-text citation and
citation and referencing. citation and referencing. referencing.
● None of the in-text citations ● Few in-text citations appear ● All in-text citations appear in the
appear in the reference list. in the reference list. reference list.
● None of the references ● Few references listed in the ● All references listed in the
listed in the reference reference section appear in reference section appear in the
section appear in the in-text the in-text citations. in-text citations.
Total Marks (100%)
Assignment 2: Presentation (30%) (CLO3)

Course Code BHPY2003

Course Title Professional and Research Ethics in Psychology
Distributed On Week 1
Submission Date & Time 15 December 2023; Friday; 11:59pm (Week 4)
Submission Location Google Classroom
*This coursework is mapped to SDG 4 - Quality Education

Instructions This is a group presentation.

● Case Study Selection:
- In groups of 4 or 5, each group selects one case study
that illustrates ethical dilemmas within diverse
psychological practices (e.g., therapy, research,
assessments) for in-depth analysis.

● Ethical Analysis:
- Each group needs to thoroughly analyse the ethical
issues presented in your chosen case study using the
APA's Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct.
- Identify stakeholders, ethical considerations, potential
consequences, and conflicting principles.

● Resolution Proposal:
- Each group must develop and propose a viable and
ethically sound solution for the presented case study.
- Justify the proposed resolution using ethical principles,
professional guidelines, and theoretical frameworks.

● Presentation Preparation:
- Each group prepares a presentation to deliver in front of
the class. You must allocate specific time for each
section of the presentation:

Introduction: Overview of the case study and its ethical

Ethical Analysis: Discussion on the identified ethical
dilemmas and their implications.
Proposed Solutions: Presentation and justification of
the resolution strategies.
Conclusion: Summarize key points and emphasize the
importance of ethical decision-making in psychology.

● Visual Aids and Engagement:

- The use of visual aids, such as PowerPoint, infographics,
or illustrative diagrams, to support the presentation are
highly encouraged.
- Groups should engage the audience with activities,
discussions, or Q&A sessions to involve the class in the
ethical problem-solving process.
● Support EACH of the solutions with at least THREE
scientific findings published within 2013-2023 (journal
articles, government reports, or published conference
● Do not repeat the same scientific findings in explaining
the solutions.
Requirements of Presentation ● Form a group of 4 - 5 members for this assignment.
● Your group presentation should be around 20-30
● This assignment must have evidence of reference to a
minimum of 9 reliable scholarly sources (peer-
reviewed journal articles or books - either textbooks or
the theorists as primary authors) and published within
2013-2023. Have your sources cited both in your
writing and the reference list at the end of the
● All students need to submit the complete presentation
slides on Google Classroom (in PDF format) in week 4
(15 Dec, Friday, 11:59pm), and Presentation sessions
will take place from Week 5’s first tutorial class to
Week 6 or 7 (depending on the group size) of the
Format of Presentation ● Tables & Figures format based on APA 7th edition
● Citations and references using APA 7th Edition
● The citations need to be placed at the end of sentences
or bottom right of the slides.
● The arrangement of the presentation submission is (1)
Cover Slide, (2) Coursework Declaration, (3) Marking
Rubric, (4) Presentation slides, (5) References in PDF
format, (6) FULL Turnitin Report, and (7) Plagiarism
Statement Form.
Plagiarism & Penalty for ● Plagiarism is unacceptable; your Turnitin
Late Submission percentage should be less than 24%.
● Late submission within 1 – 3 days (10 marks
deduction from total marks)
● Late submission within 4 – 7 days (20 marks
deduction from total marks)
● Late submission after 7 days (Reject coursework and 0
mark shall be awarded)

● Your presentation slides must include appropriate details.

● Each student MUST present at least 2 slides. Since this is a group work, each student
MUST contribute to the group work. If any student did not contribute (if proven), then 10
marks will be deducted for that particular student.
● The first slide of your group presentation must include and follow the details stated
in the appendix.

● Every presentation will be recorded and uploaded for submission.

● Wear at least semi-formal attire during your presentation.
● Number your slides/pages (handwritten page numbers will not be tolerated).
● Do not attach any articles with your assignment.
● Your citation must follow the LATEST APA 7th edition style. A reference
list must be provided on the last slide/page.
Cover Page for Assignment 2



Name of Member 1 (Reg ID of
Member 1)
Name of Member 2 (Reg ID of
Member 2)
Name of Member 3 (Reg ID of
Member 3)
Name of Member 4 (Reg ID of

Semester :

Course Code & Title : BHPY2003 Professional and Research Ethics in Psychology


I/We confirm that I/we have read and shall comply with all the terms and conditions of Tunku

Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology’s plagiarism policy.

I/We declare that this assignment is free from all forms of plagiarism and for all intents and

purposes is our own properly derived work.

I/We further confirm that the same work, where appropriate, has been verified by anti-plagiarism

software Turnitin.

Student Full Name Student ID Student Signature Date





Assignment 2- Group Presentation (Marking Rubric)

Category Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent Marks

Introduction (0 – 6 marks) (7 – 13 marks) (14– 20 marks)

(Group Work) ● Fail to provide a ● Demonstrated lack of ● Comprehensive explanation of
20% comprehensive explanation of comprehensive explanation of the case study.
the case study. the case study. ● Thorough understanding and
● No thorough understanding and ● Lack of thorough analysis of the ethical dilemmas
analysis of the ethical understanding and analysis of within the case study.
dilemmas within the case the ethical dilemmas within ● Analytical and critical thinking.
study. the case study. ● Supporting ideas with relevant
● No analytical and critical ● Lack of analytical and critical evidence and examples.
thinking. thinking.
● No relevant evidence and ● Few relevant evidence and
examples used to support ideas. examples used to support

Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent Marks

Ethical Analysis (0 – 6 marks) (7 – 13 marks) (14– 20 marks)

(Group Work)
20% ● No in-depth discussion on the ● Lack of in-depth discussion ● In-depth discussion on the
identified ethical dilemmas on the identified ethical identified ethical dilemmas and
and their implications dilemmas and their their implications
● No analytical and critical implications ● Analytical and critical thinking.
thinking. ● Lack of analytical and critical ● Supporting ideas with relevant
● No relevant evidence and thinking. evidence and examples.
examples used to support ideas. ● Few relevant evidence and ● Demonstration of integration in
● No demonstration of examples used to support scientific findings pertaining to
integration in scientific ideas. APA's Ethical Principles and
findings pertaining to APA's ● Lack of demonstration of Code of Conduct.
Ethical Principles and Code of integration in scientific
Conduct. findings pertaining to APA's
Ethical Principles and Code
of Conduct.
Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent Marks

Proposed Solutions (0 – 6 marks) (7 – 13 marks) (14– 20 marks)

(Group Work) ● No use of ethical principles and ● Lack of ethical principles and ● Use of ethical principles and
20% guidelines in justifying the guidelines used in justifying guidelines in justifying the
proposed solutions. the proposed solutions. proposed solutions.
● No clarity and coherence in ● Lack of clarity and coherence ● Clarity and coherence in
presenting the proposed in presenting the proposed presenting the proposed
resolutions. resolutions. resolutions.
● No concise and coherent ● Lack of concise and coherent ● Concise and coherent
presentation and justification of presentation and justification presentation and justification of
the resolution strategies. of the resolution strategies. the resolution strategies.
● Did not emphasize the ● Fairly emphasize the ● Emphasize the importance of
importance of ethical decision- importance of ethical ethical decision-making in
making in psychology. decision-making in psychology.
Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent Marks

Mechanics and Referencing (0 – 6 marks) (7 – 13 marks) (14– 20 marks)

(Group work) ● No evidence of the professional ● Demonstrated lack of ● Evidence of the professional
20 % presentation. professional presentation. presentation.
● Difficult to read and follow. ● Some are easy to read and ● Easy to read and follow.
● The flow of the presentation follow. ● The flow of the presentation
slides is not organized. ● The flow of the presentation slides well organized.
● No clarity of points presented. slides is fairly organized. ● Clarity of points presented.
● Not engaging presentation style ● Lack of clarity of points ● Engaging presentation style and
and ineffective use of visual presented. effective use of visual aids.
aids. ● Fairly engaging presentation ● Provide accurate in-slides
● Provide inaccurate in-slides style and effective use of citation and reference list
citation and reference list visual aids. according to APA format.
according to APA format. ● Provide few accurate in-slides
citation and reference list
according to APA format.
Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent Marks
Presentation and Delivery (0 – 6 marks) (7 – 13 marks) (14– 20 marks)
(Individual Work) ● Fail to present comprehensive ● Present lack of ● Comprehensive coverage of the
20% coverage of the information. comprehensive coverage of information.
● Fail to emphasize key points the information. ● Emphasize key points well.
well. ● Fairly emphasize key points. ● Holds the attention of the
● Unable to hold the attention of ● Fairly holds the attention of audience with appropriate eye
the audience with appropriate the audience with contact, and seldom looks at
eye contact, and always look appropriate eye contact, and the note.
at the note. seldom looks at the note. ● Speaks with fluctuation in
● Speak with no fluctuation in ● Sometimes speak with volume and inflection to
volume and inflection to fluctuation in volume and maintain audience interest.
maintain audience interest. inflection to maintain ● Able to answer most questions.
● Unable to answer most of the audience interest. ● Proper management of time and
questions. ● Able to answer some presentation etiquette (e.g.,
● Poor management of time and questions. attire, time control, and equal
presentation etiquette (e.g., ● Fair management of time and allocation of tasks among group
attire, time control, and equal presentation etiquette (e.g., members).
allocation of tasks among attire, time control, and equal
group members). allocation of tasks among
group members).

Name Group Work (80%) Individual Work (20%) Total marks (100%)
Presenter 1 :
Presenter 2 :
Presenter 3 :
Presenter 4 :
Presenter 5 :

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