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Part I. General

1. The Parties

The words “MDG”, “we”, “us”, and “our” refer to MDG Computers Canada Inc., operating as MDG,
or any parties to whom ProtectLine may be transferred to. The term MDG Account refers to the
extended payment account established by your MDG Extended Payment Plan agreement
(“Agreement”) with us, and/or any other party the MDG Account may be sold or assigned to,
including any renewal or replacement. The words “Account Holder”, “Customer
or “you”, refer to any and each person who signed the Agreement, applied for the MDG Account,
whose name is on the MDG Account or who has control of responsibility for the MDG Account.

2. Enrollment in ProtectLine

Your purchase of ProtectLine is optional. Whether or not you purchase ProtectLine will
not affect your application for credit or the terms of any existing Agreement.

To enroll in ProtectLine, ask questions or get information, call 1-800-906-0976 to speak with a
Customer Service representative.

3. Cost of ProtectLine

The monthly fee for ProtectLine is $0.99 per $100 outstanding credit balance, or the bi-weekly
fee for ProtectLine is $0.45 per $100 outstanding credit balance, on your MDG Account as
reflected on your statement at the end of each billing cycle (“ProtectLine Fee”). To determine
your ProtectLine Fee we take the previous balance and subtract any payments and credits, then
add purchases, fees charged (excluding ProtectLine fee charged in current billing cycle) and
interest charged as listed in your MDG Account billing statement (this is equal to your “New
Balance” as reflected on your MDG Account billing statement, minus the ProtectLine Fee charged
in current billing cycle). We then divide the total by $100 and multiply that number by $0.99 for a
monthly, or $0.45 for bi-weekly, billing cycle.

For example, if your billing cycle is monthly, your previous balance was $1,000, you made a $300
payment, $0 in new purchases, and incurred $30 in interest, then your ProtectLine Fee would be:

($1,000 - $300 + $30)/$100 x $0.99 = $7.23

You have the right to cancel ProtectLine at any time, for any reason, by calling us at 1-800-
906-0976. If you cancel within sixty (60) days of your enrollment date, we will refund your
ProtectLine Fee. We reserve the right to adjust any of the terms and conditions, or cancel
ProtectLine entirely, with thirty (30) days prior written notification to you of the change, during
which time you have the right to cancel your enrollment in ProtectLine without penalty. Any change
or cancellation will not affect any Event (defined below) activation that exists on or prior to the
effective date of such change or cancellation. If in an Event, the cancellation will take effect when
the Event term expires.

Part II. ProtectLine Events

The following list of events fall within ProtectLine (each an “Event”).

1. Life Event

A. What is a Life Event?

A Life Event is anytime:

(a) You marry or divorce;

(b) You or your spouse/partner give birth to a child;
(c) You adopt a child
(d) You purchase or move into a new home; or
(e) You enter an accredited college or graduate school for the first time on a full time basis.

B. Limitations on a Life Event

Only one Life Event may be approved per MDG Account per calendar year. To qualify for a Life
Event, the Life Event must occur after the date on which you enroll in ProtectLine.

C. Proof Required for a Life Event

If we request it, we must receive proof that you meet the conditions of a Life Event. This proof
may include a copy of a marriage certificate, divorce decree, birth or adoption certificate, real
estate purchase agreement, deed, signed lease, or college or graduate school confirmation of
full-time school registration.

2. Job Loss

A. What is Job Loss?

i. Job Loss (Excluding Self-Employed or Full-Time Students)

Job Loss (Excluding Self-Employed or Full-Time Students), means you must:

(a) (1) Lose all employment income for at least 30 days in a row; or
(2) Have lost a job because of layoff, dismissal or general strike; and
(b) Have worked at least 30 hours per week for the 90 days before the job loss;
(c) Qualify for state or federal unemployment benefits (unless benefits were exhausted by a
past period of unemployment; if the employer was a nonprofit organization not required to
withhold; if you did not earn enough in the period during which state or federal benefits
are based; or if the job loss is the result of a general strike); and
(d) Register for work at a recognized employment agency within 30 consecutive days after
the job loss and remain registered.

ii. Job Loss for Self-Employed Persons

Job Loss for Self-Employed Persons means you must lose all employment income for at least 30
days in a row.

iii. Job Loss for Full-Time College or Graduate Students

Job Loss for Full-Time College or Graduate Students means you have lost all employment income
because of a layoff, general strike, or dismissal; and you are a full-time student at an accredited
college and you worked at least 15 hours a week for at least the 90 days before the job loss.

B. Limitations on Job Loss

If you are unemployed or retired prior to the date on which you enroll in ProtectLine, you
do not qualify for Job Loss.

C. Proof Required for Job Loss

i. Job Loss (Excluding Self-Employed or Full-Time Students)

If we request it, we must receive proof that you meet the conditions of Job Loss (Excluding Self-
Employed or Full-Time Students). This proof may include a letter from the employer, copy of the
employment agency or registration and qualification for unemployment benefits. Each billing
period, provide proof that you remain unemployed and that you are registered with an employment

ii. Job Loss for Self-Employed Persons

If we request it, we must receive proof that you meet the conditions of Job Loss for Self-Employed
Persons. This proof may include a request for documentation of job loss and income loss. For
example, payment of self-employment taxes and income loss.

iii. Job Loss (Full-Time Student)

If we request it, we must receive proof that you meet the conditions of Job Loss (Full-Time
Student). This proof may include a request for documentation of job loss and attending college
full-time. For example, a letter from the employer and the college.

3. Emergency Room Care

A. What is Emergency Room Care?

You receive medical treatment in a hospital emergency room.

B. Limitations on Emergency Room Care

You cannot qualify for both an Emergency Room Care and Hospitalization Event (below) under
ProtectLine for the same billing period.

To qualify for Emergency Room Care, Emergency Room Care must occur after the date on
which you enroll in ProtectLine.

C. Proof Required for Emergency Care

If we request it, we must receive proof that you meet the conditions of Emergency Room Care.
This proof may include a request for documentation from a doctor or hospital.

4. Hospitalization

A. What is Hospitalization?

You are admitted to a licensed hospital for at least one night.

B. Limitations on Hospitalization

You cannot qualify for both a Hospitalization and Emergency Room Care Event under ProtectLine
(above) for the same billing period.

To qualify for Hospitalization, Hospitalization must occur after the date on which you enroll
in ProtectLine.

C. Proof Required for Hospitalization

If we request it, we must receive proof that you meet the conditions of Hospitalization. This may
include a request for documentation from a doctor or hospital that includes the date of

5. Family Leave

A. What is Family Leave?

Your approved absence from full-time employment of at least 30 hours per week for the birth or
adoption of a child, or the serious health condition of a family member. If you are self-employed,
you may be eligible for Family Leave. In order to be eligible, you must lose all employment income
for the birth or adoption of a child, or the serious health condition of a family member.

B. Limitations on Family Leave

Only one Family Leave may be approved per MDG Account per calendar year.

To qualify for the Family Leave, the Family Leave must occur after the date on which you
enroll in ProtectLine.

C. Proof Required for Family Leave

If we request it, we must receive proof that you meet the conditions of Family Leave. This may
include a request for documentation from the employer approving the Family Leave, reason for
the Family Leave and start and end dates for Family Leave; for example, an employer’s letter.

6. Short-Term Disability

A. What is Short-Term Disability?

You cannot perform your normal duties for at least 30 days in a row because of sickness or injury.
You must be under a doctor’s care for those 30 days and while the disability continues.

B. Limitations on Short-Term Disability

If you were disabled at the time of enrolling in Protectline, you do not qualify for Short-
Term Disability.
C. Proof Required for the Short-Term Disability Program

If we request it, we must receive proof that you meet the conditions of Short-Term Disability. This
may include a monthly request for documentation from a doctor confirming that the disability

7. Death*

A. What is Death

The death of the MDG Account Holder.

B. Proof Required for the Death Program

If we request it, we must receive proof that the conditions of Death have been met. This may
include a request for a certified copy of the MDG Account Holder’s death certificate.

8. National Disaster

A. What is a National Disaster?

In a national disaster, you must be directly impacted by a declared federal disaster within Canada.
A direct impact means that you must:

(a) Live in a federally declared disaster area; and

(b) Incur more than $500 in damages or miss at least 5 consecutive days of work because of
the disaster.

B. Proof Required for a National Disaster

If we request it, we must receive proof that the conditions of the National Disaster have been met.
This may include a request for receipts for damages or a letter from an employer.

To qualify for a National Disaster, the National Disaster must occur after the date on which
you enroll in ProtectLine.

Part III. General Requirements and ProtectLine Benefits

1. General Requirements

(a) In addition to the limitations, qualifications and proof required for each specific Event set
out in Part II, you will not qualify for ProtectLine benefits for an Event if your MDG Account
is seriously delinquent (more than 60 days past due) when we receive your application for
an Event.

(b) To qualify for ProtectLine benefits, you must be enrolled in ProtectLine prior to the Event
(c) If your Event is approved for ProtectLine, your ProtectLine benefits will be activated
immediately. If your Event is not approved, you will be notified of such action and the
reason why your Event was not approved for ProtectLine.

2. ProtectLine Benefits

If we approve your Event, MDG will provide the following ProtectLine benefits:

(a) Defer interest and finance charges on your MDG Account for 3 months from the approval
date (the “Deferral Period”). During the Deferral Period, you cannot use your MDG
Account other than to make a payment as described below. While your MDG Account is
deferred, interest charges and any applicable fees will not accrue on your MDG Account.

(b) During the Deferral Period, reduce your required periodic payment to an agreed amount,
or a minimum of $10.00.

(c) If after the Deferral Period ends you still qualify for the Event, upon notification from you,
and subject to any proof requirements, MDG will continue Deferral Period benefits for an
additional three months (the “Extended Deferral Period”).

(d) *If a MDG Account Holder’s Account qualifies for the Death Program, MDG will
waive the balance outstanding on the MDG Account.



Part IV. ProtectLine Restrictions

(a) A MDG Account Holder can only qualify for ProtectLine and receive the ProtectLine
benefits on two separate occasions per year, per MDG Account.

(b) We must be notified of the Event within 2 years (731 days) of the Event arising in order to
qualify for ProtectLine.

(c) During the time it takes MDG to process your application for the Event under ProtectLine,
you must make your payment(s) as required under your Agreement.

(d) ProtectLine benefits will end as of the date one of the following occurs: (i) you receive the
maximum ProtectLine for the Event; (ii) the documentation you provide in support of your
Event for the ProtectLine benefit indicates an end date earlier than the maximum benefit
allowed; or (iii) you request the closure of your ProtectLine benefit period early.

(e) ProtectLine for your Event will automatically end, without further notice to you, if you
intentionally misrepresent any information to us.

Part V. Applying for ProtectLine

To apply for ProtectLine, ask questions or get information, call 1-800-906-0976 to speak with a
Customer Service representative.
Hours of operation:

Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m., EST,

Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., EST.
Sunday – CLOSED

Or writes us at:


MDG Computers Canada Inc.

2940 Bristol Circle
Oakville, ON L6H 6G4

Part V. Miscellaneous
(a) Changes to Terms and Conditions: These ProtectLine Terms and Conditions, including
any applicable fees, may change at any time upon written notice. The current version of
the ProtectLine Terms and Conditions will be posted at EN
ProtectLine Account Protection Terms and Conditions.pdf.

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