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Start (pre-A1)



Look at the picture and read. Choose the correct answer for questions 1-12.
Mark, Lily, Alex and Grace are best friends. They love playing
music together. Today they are practising in Alex’s living room,
but his mom is not happy about it.
Hey, Grace! Kids, you are
Check out this riff! too loud!

That’s a cool
riff, Alex! Play
it again!

We’re such
a great band!

1. There are … people in the living room.

A) three B) four C) five D) no

2. Alex is wearing an orange … .

A) B) C) D)

jacket shirt T-shirt scarf

3. What time is it? It’s … .
A) 3 o’clock B) 5 o’clock C) 7 o’clock D) 12 o’clock

4. Mark is playing the … .

A) B) C) D)

piano violin flute guitar

5. How many guitars are there?

A) one B) three C) six D) ten

6. There is an orange … in the living room.

A) B) C) D)

bed chair sofa rug

7. In the living room there are … posters.

A) five B) six C) three D) seven

8. Grace has got a … dress.

A) B) C) D)

green blue brown yellow

9. The children are … .

A) sad B) angry C) happy D) hungry

10. The piano is … of the living room.

A) B) C) D)

in the in the left

right corner corner in the middle at the front

11. There are … plants in the living room.

A) two B) three C) four D) five

12. What is the missing letter?

A) W B) E C) O D) U
Look at the picture and read. Choose the correct answer for questions 13-25.

It’s nice and sunny. The children are outside.


What a
noise! I’m
going nuts!
Yay, we disturb
Turn it off, nobody in the
please! forest!
We can play as
loud as we want!

I’m hopping

13. Lily, Alex, Mark and Grace are now … .

A) in the city B) at home C) at the zoo D) in the forest

14. What’s the weather like? It’s … .

A) B) C) D)

sunny snowy rainy stormy

15. There are … animals in the picture.

A) five B) seven C) eight D) ten
16. Who has got a trumpet?
A) Mark B) Grace C) Alex D) the squirrel
17. There’s a … cat in the picture.
A) B) C) D)

purple black white brown

18. There are … birds on the trees.

A) ten B) two C) three D) five
19. The blue bird is … the brown bird.
A) B) C) D)

near above under between

20. Can you see the dog? What is it doing? It’s … .

A) drinking water B) running after the cat C) digging a hole D) walking

21. The rabbit is … the rock.

A) B) C) D)

far from on top of in front of in

22. Grace has got … .

A) a green skirt B) a white shirt C) a pink blouse D) a red jacket
23. Lily has got a pair of … .
A) B) C) D)

maracas trousers scissors boots

24. Two children have got red backpacks. Who are they?
A) Lily and Mark B) Grace and Lily C) Mark and Alex D) Lily and Alex
25. The animals are … because of the noise.
A) B) C) D)

amused unhappy sick sleeping



Norwegian fairy tale (adapted)
Read, look at the pictures and answer the questions.

In a big palace, there is a king and a queen. They are sad because they have no
children. Hearing the cries of the queen, a beggar woman comes to the palace.
She gives the queen two seeds and tells her to put them in a vase. In the
morning she will see two flowers: one pretty and one ugly. The beggar woman
also tells the queen to eat only the pretty flower.
If you help me, I’ll eat
I will give you Eat the beautiful
flower and you both!
a house.
will have a child.

But leave
the ugly one
1 2
1. T
 he queen is sad because she can’t have … .
A) a car B) a new palace C) a child D) more servants
2. If the queen eats a … she will have what she wants.
A) flower B) seed C) carrot D) frog
3. If her advice works, the beggar woman will have … .
A) a new house B) lots of money C) a loaf of bread D) nothing
4. The beggar woman is wearing … clothes.
A) new B) old C) green D) pink
5. The queen takes the flower seeds and puts them in a … .
A) bowl B) cup C) plate D) vase
6. Look at picture 2. The queen is … .
A) angry B) excited C) suspicious D) in love
7. How many flowers does the queen eat?
A) one B) two C) three D) four
Nine months later, an ugly baby girl is born. She has a tattered hood*, a goat,
and a wooden spoon. Right after that, a sweet and beautiful baby girl is born.
The two sisters are different but no one can ever keep them apart. They are
sisters and also best friends.
* tattered hood = scufiță zdrențuită
Hi, Tatterhood! It’s not as if they are going
What a nice wooden to attack on Christmas!
spoon you’ve got!
I will always
protect you!
Even from

the trolls!

Wait to see how

cool my goat is!
3 4
8. The queen eats the flowers and after nine … she gives birth.
A) days B) weeks C) months D) years
9. Who is born first?
A) Tatterhood B) a sweet baby girl C) a kid D) a boy
10. Look at picture 4. Tatterhood has got … .
A) a small spoon B) green socks C) a blue dress D) large trousers
11. The two sisters are always … to each other.
A) arguing B) fighting C) friendly D) sad
12. Tatterhood promises to protect her sister from the … .
A) witches B) trolls C) monsters D) aliens
On Christmas Eve, the trolls attack. "Stay inside!" screams Tatterhood and goes
out to chase them away. Her sister, worried about Tatterhood, opens the door
and peeps out . But up comes an ugly troll and takes the beautiful sister away.
Don’t touch We just want to Now we’re moving the
my sister, celebrate with you! party to our place!
you dirty,
old troll!

13. Tatterhood’s twin sister opens the door on Christmas Eve because she is … .
A) inviting the trolls B) getting fresh air C) worried about her sister D) bored
14. When do the trolls come to the palace?
A) on Easter B) on Christmas C) on Halloween D) today
15. The troll who kidnaps the princess is not … .
A) handsome B) dirty C) old D) ugly
Tatterhood gets on a small boat and follows the trolls across the sea. The trolls
are on a huuuge ship, with the beautiful sister tied to the mast*. As Tatterhood
gets closer, they’re laughing at her little boat. Right then, Tatterhood’s magic
goat jumps into the air and pierces the trolls’ ship. Tatterhood gets her sister
from the mast, and they sail together to the closest kingdom.
* mast = catarg
Hold on, Don’t mess up with
It’s with that tiny my magic goat!
boat that you want
I’m coming
to catch us up?!
for you!

Goat, you truly

6 7 are magical!
16. When they see Tatterhood’s boat, the trolls are … .
A) amused B) scared C) hungry D) angry
17. Tatterhood’s twin sister is tied to … .
A) a tree B) a chair C) a troll D) the mast
18. Look at picture 7. Can you spot the sea animal? Yes, it’s a … !
A) fish B) dolphin C) shark D) whale
19. Look at pictures 6 and 7. What is the weather like?
A) sunny B) stormy C) cloudy D) foggy

Tatterhood and her sister arrive at a strange king’s palace. The king has no wife.
She died years ago. He has an only son. The king falls in love with the pretty sister
and asks her to marry him.

Will you marry me? Such a wonderful princess!

If your son You’re too ugly!
marries my
Don’t judge a book by its cover…
sister, I will.

Am I? Close your
eyes and look again! 8 9
20. The king’s previous wife … .
A) died B) divorced him C) lives with the trolls D) is not at home
21. The king falls in love with … .
A) Tatterhood B) the queen C) Tatterhood’s sister D) the goat
22. Look at picture 8. The princess on the left has got … hair.
A) curly B) short C) blond D) dark
23. Look at picture 8. Tatterhood stands in front of … .
A) her sister B) the king C) the prince D) the goat
24. Now look at picture 9. Tatterhood stands … the prince and the horse.

A) between B) in front of C) behind D) above
25. The prince opens his eyes and, to his surprise, he is … .
A) in love B) disgusted C) sad D) scared
26. What happens to the magic goat in the end? It becomes a … .
A) frog B) horse C) donkey D) tiger

Falling in love with each other, they marry, and everyone lives happily ever after.
Even the trolls.

I now declare you

husbands and wives!
I will always love
you, no matter
your looks!


27. The priest is between Tatterhood and her sister. What colour are his boots?
A) black B) purple C) green D) red
28. In the church, there are … people and a troll.
A) eight B) seven C) six D) five
29. The prince will love Tatterhood if she is … .
A) either pretty or ugly B) beautiful C) ugly D) clever
30. After the wedding, everyone lives … ever after.
A) sadly B) happily C) silently D) miserably
Joey (A1-A2)
Rezolvă, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi!

I. For each question (1-5), read and choose the correct answer.
Hi Dave! Dave needs to tell Annie that … .
Can you please check with Annie to make A) her mum is going to be late
sure she knows dad is picking her up from
school today instead of me? Her phone is B) she should get gome by herself
off, and I can’t reach her. C) her dad is going to give her a lift from
Love, school

Dear Tom, Why is Tim writing to Tom?
I can’t wait for the party next week! I just
want to quickly sound you out about a A) He wants some advice.

couple of details. Do you think we should B) He wants him to bring some food to
order pizza or finger food? I was also the party.
thinking about having it out in the garden,
but I am not sure about the weather. C) He is inviting him to the party.
Let me know what you think,

3. According to the announcement … .

A) all DVDs and books must be brought
Please return all DVDs and books you
to the assembly.
have borrowed from the library before
the final assembly next Monday. B) students can keep borrowed items longer,
but they need to ask for it in writing.
You can extend your loan period only
C) students need to ask the principal for an
if you file a request at the reception. extension.

CHARITY CONCERT What does the notice say?
Book your place online and make A) You must buy your tickets online.
donations at the entry. No cards accepted B) You can use cash to buy your tickets
on the premises but purchases at the food online.
stalls can be made with prepaid tokens C) You need to reserve a place on the
which you can get on our website. website.

5. What does the notice say?

Boat hire
A) You cannot hire a boat on your own if you
You must be at least 16 years of age unless are under 16.
accompanied by an adult. Valid IDs are B) You cannot be on a boat if you are not 16.
C) You don’t need to show an ID.
II. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (6-10)
so that the meaning stays the same.
6. Tom is sick and tired of looking after his sister.
Tom is … looking after his sister.
A) fed up with B) fed up of C) fed up on
7. I suggest you dress warmly as it is cold outside.
You … dress warmly as it is cold outside.
A) should B) could C) may
8. “I’ll help you if nobody else volunteers,” said Kate.
Kate said that she … if nobody else volunteered.
A) will help me B) is going to help me C) would help me
9. The football match was delayed until next week.
The football match was … until next week.
A) put aside B) put off C) put on
10. I need to remember to water the plants before I go on the trip.
I … the plants before I go on the trip.

A) mustn’t forget watering B) mustn’t forget to water C) must remember watering

 ead the following descriptions of language schools. For each question (11-15) choose the
language school that would be suitable for each person.
English on the Run
English on the Run is happy to offer private classes all over the country. We provide real life
conversation classes for those who are too busy to attend classes physically. Our teachers will conduct
classes online, in our café or at your own place. We pride ourselves on our teachers who are fully
qualified and have great experience in both English for general purposes and English for certified exams.

Sunnyvale English
We teach English for general purposes as well as English for exams. We offer courses part-time,
full-time, in the evening and at the weekend. We organise our students into very small groups, according
to level and abilities. You can opt for all-skill classes or choose to improve one particular skill.
Cupertino Language School
We offer summer classes from June to late August. Each course lasts for four weeks. Our
programmes provide social activities and are aimed at students whose levels range from beginner to
advanced. You will be staying with a host family of your choice and you will get the chance to spend
time with adults and their children during the entire stay.
Jupiter English School
We are happy to provide a variety of English courses for all levels and abilities. Our courses
are aimed at people who work in the world of business. We offer full-time, part-time, and evening
courses which are meant to help you with the skills and vocabulary you need to become successfully
engaged in talks and other activities at work.
Online Fun
Our classes are for those of you who lead very busy lives and cannot find the time to practice their
English. We provide classes online exclusively. Our excellent tutors will be there for students of all ages.
You can choose our general English courses or opt for a course designed to improve one particular skill.
11. Monica is preparing for an important English exam and feels that she needs to improve her speaking
skills. She has a very busy schedule and wishes to find a private teacher who can visit her at home.
Monica should choose … .
A) English on the Run B) Sunnyvale English C) Cupertino Language School
D) Jupiter English School E) Online Fun
12. Betty wishes to embark on a career in business. She cares to improve her business English and work
on her presentation skills. She is a full-time student so she is looking for a course which takes place
later in the day. Betty should choose … .
A) English on the Run B) Sunnyvale English C) Cupertino Language School
D) Jupiter English School E) Online Fun
13. Martin is 16 and is eager to take a month off this summer to go study in the States. He would love
to be able to spend a lot of time with locals who have teenage children. Martin should choose … .
A) English on the Run B) Sunnyvale English C) Cupertino Language School
D) Jupiter English School E) Online Fun
14. Bristol does not want to quit studying English once he has left school. He wishes to take up
English classes during his summer breaks. He would like to attend evening classes alongside
students at his own level. Bristol should choose … .

A) English on the Run B) Sunnyvale English C) Cupertino Language School

D) Jupiter English School E) Online Fun
15. Petra is part of a school programme that offers English classes. She wants to study a bit extra for her
upcoming exams. She struggles with her writing and wishes to find an online tutor who can assess
her written work and provide her with useful tips. Petra should choose … .
A) English on the Run B) Sunnyvale English C) Cupertino Language School
D) Jupiter English School E) Online Fun

IV. Read the sentences. For each space, choose the correct answer (16-25).
16. I sometimes do puzzles to … time.
A) waste B) past C) pass
17. If you want to … the competition, fill out this form.
A) register B) sign up C) join
18. This isn’t a … plane, it’s a supersonic one.
A) same B) frequent C) regular
19. Everyone got a 10, … Tom, who got a 9.
A) except for B) except from C) apart for
20. Marie reads in her tree house and she … organises playdates with her friends there.
A) too B) also C) both
21. At the boot camp, they all had to give a … putting up the tents.
A) foot B) hand C) finger
22. They … win the tournament as they’ve been working really hard.
A) should B) ought C) need
23. Global warming will … the size of ice caps.
A) reduce B) melt C) increase
24. If you … the law, you may be arrested.
A) commit B) break C) cut
25. Please be very careful not to jump to … .
A) conclusions B) results C) decisions
V. Read the text. For each question, choose the correct answer (26-30).
Wednesday Addams
Originally created by Charles Addams in 1938, The Addams Family is a century-old set of characters
that seem to be more popular than ever now with the release of a new series on Netflix, focusing
on the Addams daughter: Wednesday. The Addams Family has seen numerous adaptations, among
which the 1964 series and the 1990s live-action films. To say Wednesday is a smash hit with audiences
around the world is an understatement. It clearly speaks to teenagers on a much deeper level than pure
entertainment, giving them food for thought.
Wednesday Addams’ unique and unconventional personality might well speak to people who may
feel like outsiders or misfits in society. Her gothic and morbid appearance, as well as her wit and
sarcasm, have made her relatable to teenagers who aspire to her ability to remain unshaken and to
have the best comebacks in any given situation. When others would run and hide in shame after being
roasted by their peers, Wednesday knows exactly what to say to come out on top and snub her enemies.
Those drawn to darker or edgier forms of humour will find many lines worth remembering in the series.

But there is more to Wednesday Addams than her coolness. She is also self-aware, mature and
willing to admit to her mistakes. Her relationship with other members of the Addams Family, especially
her mother, will definitely seem familiar to many young people, despite the unusual levels of sarcasm
that they use to communicate with each other. While in most households the conversations won’t be
as cheeky as those between Wednesday and her mom, the ways in which the two navigate teenage
rebellion will definitely melt a few hearts. In fact, you might want to choose it for the next Netflix binge
watching session with your folks as it is sure to lead to meaningful conversations.
So, if you haven’t watched it yet, press play and get ready to fall in love with the weirdest and most
fascinating girl in school!

26. The Addams Family have been around for about … .

A) one hundred years B) fifty years C) twenty years
27. The Wednesday series is popular because it is … .
A) fun B) tragic C) complex
28. As a character, Wednesday is … .
A) shy B) strong-minded C) easy-going
29. When compared to a typical family, the Addams are more … .
A) emotional B) sarcastic C) boring
30. The author of this article recommends Wednesday to … .
A) teenagers only B) the whole family C) kids
VI. For questions (31-50), read and choose the best answer.
31. What ocean lies between the US and Europe?
A) The Atlantic Ocean B) The Indian Ocean C) The Pacific Ocean
D) The Arctic Ocean E) The Southern Ocean
32. Look! The baby … for the very first time!
A) walks B) walk C) has been walking
D) walked E) is walking
33. What do we call a body of land that is completely surrounded by water?
A) a peninsula B) an island C) a lake D) an ocean E) a bay
34. What is the fourth colour of the rainbow?
A) blue B) red C) indigo D) yellow E) green
35. She used a pair of … to cut the paper into different shapes.
A) shoes B) hands C) gloves D) glasses E) scissors
36. Spiders make silk with which they build their sticky … .
A) skyscrapers B) social media C) webs D) castles E) nets
37. Would you be so kind as to buy two … of bread, please?
A) bars B) loaves C) jars D) cartons E) slices
38. What type of creature was Baloo in The Jungle Book?
A) a lion B) a monkey C) a bear D) a tiger E) an elephant
39. Silvia … riding her bicycle yesterday.
A) enjoied B) enjoyed C) enjoys D) enjoy E) enjoyied

40. What is a group of pigeons called?

A) a murder B) a congress C) an army D) a flock E) a caravan
41. Natalie … meat, she’s a vegetarian.
A) eats B) no eat C) don’t eat D) doesn’t eat E) ate
42. Which colour is produced by adding yellow and blue together?
A) orange B) blue C) green D) purple E) red
43. Juliette likes wearing long, patterned … around her neck.
A) shirts B) skirts C) gloves D) scarves E) tights
44. What is the capital of Canada?
A) Toronto B) Ottawa C) Vancouver D) Calgary E) Montreal
45. What kind of story uses animals that act like people to teach important lessons?
A) mystery B) fairytale C) fable D) adventure E) comedy
46. What is the name of Wednesday Addams’ brother?
A) Lurch B) Morticia C) Pugsley D) Gomez E) Thing
47. Which variety of quartz is violet to purple in colour?
A) Ruby B) Diamond C) Sapphire D) Emerald E) Amethyst
48. Baby owls are called … .
A) chicks B) cygnets C) cubs D) gooselings E) owlets
49. Female kangaroos care for joeys by keeping them safe inside their belly … .
A) pouches B) nests C) dens D) pockets E) hoodies
50. Completing that puzzle was a piece of … .
A) pie B) cake C) the puzzle D) work E) fun


Wallaby (A2-B1)
Rezolvă, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi!

I. For each question (1-5), read and choose the correct answer.

FOR SALE A) The soccer boots have never been worn.
Soccer boots. B) The size of the soccer boots is “small”.
Worn once but turned out to be C) The soccer boots are almost brand new.
too small for me.
Perfect condition!
$60 or nearest offer.
For extra information, call 5558585

2. Jackie, A) Jackie should call Sarah about the meeting

I’m meeting Sarah at 8 tonight in arrangements.
front of the corner market. If you B) Ron and Sarah are meeting before going
can’t make it by then, give me a to the cinema.
ring and we’ll meet later at the
cinema. C) Ron is letting Jackie know he cannot make
it to the cinema.

3. A) Take your parcel to the collection desk.
Collecting a package?
Please bring some document which B) We only accept a certain ID when you collect
can prove your identity when your parcels.
picking up packages from the C) Your parcels will only be handed over to you if
collection desk. you can provide a valid identification document.

4. A) You must not leave the table messy.

Please ensure that your table
is clean once you have finished B) You must wash your tray when you are
eating and take your tray to done eating.
the designated place before C) You must clean the designated place for the
leaving the canteen. empty trays.

Be sure to deposit all your A) Valuables must be kept in a safe place.
valuables in your own locker or, B) Valuables are not allowed at school.
if you don’t have one, leave them
with your teacher at the beginning C) Teachers will not look after your valuables.
of the PE class.


II. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (6-10) so
that the meaning stays the same.
6. The black sunglasses are nicer than the golden ones.
The golden sunglasses … the black ones.
A) aren’t as nice as B) are just as nice as C) are similar to
7. There was no need to worry about the exam after all, as I passed with flying colours.
I … about the exam, as I passed with flying colours.
A) mustn’t have worried B) couldn’t have worried C) needn’t have worried
8. My advice is to avoid junk food.
You … avoid junk food.
A) must have B) had better C) would rather
9. Jenna couldn’t attend the party because she didn’t have her parents’ permission.
Jenna’s parents … attend the party.
A) didn’t permit her B) didn’t allow her C) didn’t let her
10. I can’t wait to see my story published in the school magazine.
I’m … my story published in the school magazine.
A) looking forward to see B) looking forward to seeing C) looking up to seeing

III. Read the text. For each question (11-15), choose the correct answer.
Lewis Carroll
As Alice fell down the rabbit hole, she discovered a world of whimsy and wonder, a place where
animals spoke, and tea parties were never-ending. The mind that created this magical place belonged
to a man known by many names, but to us, he is simply the master of fantasy, the dreamer of dreams.

Born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson in 1832, he would later become known as Lewis Carroll, a name
derived from the Latin translation of his first two names. Despite being an accomplished mathematician
and logician, Carroll’s true passion lay in writing and storytelling. His most famous work, Alice’s
Adventures in Wonderland, has enchanted readers of all ages for over a century. The tale follows a
young girl named Alice as she falls into a rabbit hole and discovers a world of absurdity and delight.
The characters she meets along the way, from the Mad Hatter to the Cheshire Cat, are iconic in their
own right and have been reimagined countless times in films, television shows and even video games.
But Carroll’s literary legacy extends beyond his beloved children’s book. He was a prolific poet
and wrote numerous works of nonsense verse, including Jabberwocky and The Hunting of the Snark.
His unique style, characterised by wordplay, puns, and a childlike sense of wonder, continues to inspire
poets and writers today.
As we follow Alice down the rabbit hole and into the world of wonder that Carroll created, we
are reminded of the power of imagination and the joy that can be found in the simplest of things.
His stories have become a part of our cultural heritage, inspiring generations of readers and writers to
dream big and embrace their own unique sense of creativity.
So let us raise a teacup to the man who gave us Alice, the Mad Hatter, and the Queen of Hearts.
Let us celebrate the legacy of the man who showed us that sometimes, the most wonderful things are
the ones that we cannot explain. For in the world of Lewis Carroll, anything is possible, and the only
limit is our own imagination.

11. People regard Lewis Carroll today as … .

A) the mind behind important mathematical breakthroughs
B) a most amazing writer of fantasy literature
C) a figure that helped promote tea parties domestically
12. Carroll’s masterpiece, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” … .
A) is a book which only children can appreciate
B) is a work whose underlying messages make it inappropriate for children
C) is appreciated by children and adults alike
13. Most characters in “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” … .
A) have become cultural icons
B) have failed to prove unique and worthy of praise
C) are seen as odd by film and video games producers
14. Carroll’s poem “Jabberwocky” is a fine example of … .
A) logical poetry B) absurd writing C) sarcastic literature
15. According to the writer, … .
A) it is works of great complexity that can really challenge our imagination.
B) literary works do not need great complexity to challenge our imagination.
C) Carroll praised logical thinking more than imaginative characters.

IV. Read the sentences. For each space (16-20), choose the correct answer.
16. Martha went for a(n) … yesterday for a part in a new film.
A) role B) audition C) trial
17. I have won this amazing antique sculpture in an online … .
A) auction B) exhibition C) charity
18. My grandma will … next month, when she turns 65.
A) be sacked B) be made redundant C) retire
19. I wonder … sunglasses these are.

A) who’s B) whose C) who
20. If only … how to work this machine!
A) I knew B) would I know C) I know

V. Read the text. For each space (21-30), choose the best answer.
The History of Theatre
Since the dawn of civilization, humans have … (21) fascinated by the art of storytelling. It is
a medium that transcends time and space, allowing us to share our experiences, emotions, and
beliefs with others. From the earliest oral traditions … (22) the modern-day performance, theatre
has been an integral part of human culture. The evolution of theatre is a testament to the power of
human creativity, imagination, and expression.
The history of theatre can be … (23) back to ancient Greece, where plays were performed as
part of religious festivals. The Greek theatre was an open-air amphitheatre, with a semi-circular
seating arrangement that allowed for excellent acoustics. The plays were performed by all-male
casts and dealt … (24) themes such as love, betrayal, and the power of the gods.
In medieval Europe, theatre took on a more religious tone, with plays focusing on biblical
stories and the lives of saints. These plays were performed in churches and were often used as a
… (25) of teaching the illiterate masses about the lessons of the Bible.
During the Renaissance, theatre underwent a significant transformation, as the emphasis shifted
from religious themes to other, more grounded topics. The Renaissance theatre was characterized
by elaborate sets, complex plots, and focused more on people and their day-to-day struggles.


The works of playwrights … (26) William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe remain
popular to this day.
The 19th century saw the rise of melodrama, a form of theatre that emphasized emotions
and sentimentality. Melodramas were hugely popular with the working-class audiences and
often dealt with themes such as crime, love, and revenge. In the 20th century, theatre … (27)
another significant transformation, as playwrights experimented with new forms and … (28).
The works of Bertolt Brecht, Samuel Beckett, and Tennessee Williams were revolutionary and
paved the way for a new era of experimentation and innovation.
Theatre has been an integral part of human culture … (29) thousands of years, and its evolution
has been a testament to the power of human creativity, imagination, and expression. From the
ancient Greek theatre to the modern-day spectacle, theatre … (30) entertained, educated, and
inspired generations of people. As we continue to explore new forms, theatre remains a vital
and dynamic art form, a reflection of our ever-changing world and a celebration of our shared

21. A) had B) being C) been D) done

22. A) or B) up C) to D) either

23. A) traced B) taken C) twisted D) tipped

24. A) with B) by C) to D) from

25. A) means B) mean C) series D) serie


26. A) such B) such like C) such as D) like as

27. A) underwent B) undergone C) underlay D) underlain

28. A) teachs B) technologies C) technicalities D) techniques

29. A) for B) from C) since D) while

30. A) had B) did C) have D) has

VI. For questions 31-50, read and choose the best answer.
31. In the United States, which bird is a symbol of freedom and appears on the Great Seal of the
United States?
A) the Bald Eagle B) the American Robin C) the Peregrine Falcon
D) the Wild Turkey E) the Red-tailed Hawk

32. Which English playwright wrote “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and “Hamlet”?
A) William Wordsworth B) William Shakespeare C) Charles Dickens
D) Jane Austen E) Oscar Wilde

33. Who can jump higher than a house?

A) a kangaroo B) a grasshopper C) an athlete D) anyone E) nobody


34. Kangaroos are large marsupials that travel in … of 50 or more.
A) packs B) flocks C) herds D) mobs E) clusters

35. Nick Carraway … writing his essays on a computer.

A) used to B) isn’t used to C) didn’t use to D) get used to E) use to

36. Who was the famous monster of the Greek legend, part woman, part beast, who dwelt near
A) the Cerberus B) the Medusa C) the Minotaur D) the Sphinx E) the Cyclops

37. … it was late, Mark ended up going out with his mates.
A) Despite B) Although C) Then D) However E) When

38. What is the national sport of Canada?

A) soccer B) baseball C) hockey D) tennis E) basketball

39. The rugby match … at 6.30, so we can go out for dinner after that.
A) is ending B) ends C) ended D) has ended E) finished

40. In which U.S. state can you find the Grand Canyon, one of the world’s most famous natural
A) California B) Nevada C) Arizona D) Utah E) Colorado

41. Who is the best football player … the world?

A) for B) on C) in D) of E) against

42. What is the national flower of England, often associated with Shakespeare?

A) the daffodil B) the rose C) the tulip D) the lily E) the daisy

43. She needs five … for this recipe.

A) potatoes B) potatos C) potatoe D) potatoses E) potatosauce

44. What is the traditional Scottish instrument that is often played at events and ceremonies?
A) the bagpipes B) the flute C) the harp D) the violin E) the trumpet

45. In which U.S. state is the city of New Orleans, known for its vibrant jazz music?
A) Texas B) California C) Louisiana D) Mississippi E) Alabama

46. What a … book! It took me donkey’s years to finish it.

A) boredom B) bored C) boring D) bore E) interesting

47. What is the national bird of India?

A) the chicken B) the kiwi C) the owl D) the peacock E) the ostrich

48. The students … notes while the teacher was talking.

A) were taking B) have taken C) took D) have been taking E) take

49. What was the name of the Addams Family butler?

A) Fester B) Victor C) Gomez D) Thing E) Lurch

50. I have keys but open no locks, I have space but no room, you can enter, but not go inside.
What am I?
A) a house B) a car C) a garage D) a keyboard E) a museum
Grey Kangaroo (B1-B2)
Rezolvă, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi!

I. Read the text. For each question (1-5), choose the correct answer.
Depeche Mode
In the depths of the 1980s, a band emerged from the gritty streets of Basildon, England, armed with
a unique sound and an undeniable charisma. They are a band that captured the hearts of a generation,
and their legacy still resonates today. This is the story of a band that not only revolutionised the
synth-pop genre but also left an indelible mark on the landscape of modern music. This is the story
of Depeche Mode.
With their debut album, “Speak & Spell”, the band announced themselves as the new wave of
pop. Their blend of haunting melodies and electronic beats was a stark contrast to the conventional
sound of the era, and it catapulted them to stardom. However, it was not until their second album,
A Broken Frame, that the band began to carve out their unique identity. With the departure of
founding member Vince Clarke, Depeche Mode's sound shifted towards darker themes and more
introspective lyrics, paving the way for their future success.
Throughout the ‘80s and ‘90s, Depeche Mode continued to produce chart-topping hits, including
“People Are People,” “Personal Jesus,” and “Enjoy the Silence.” Their music was a fusion of
electronic beats, atmospheric soundscapes, and David Gahan’s haunting vocals. They tackled
themes of love, lust, and loss with a rawness that connected with their fans on a visceral level.
As the years went on, Depeche Mode's sound evolved with the times. Their music became
more experimental, incorporating elements of rock, blues, and industrial music. They continued to
push the boundaries of electronic music, inspiring countless artists in the process. Today, Depeche
Mode’s impact on modern music is undeniable. They have sold over 100 million records worldwide
and have influenced everyone from The Killers to Nine Inch Nails. Their music has transcended
generations, and they continue to attract new fans with their electrifying live shows.
In a world of ever-changing trends and fads, Depeche Mode has stood the test of time.
Grey Kangaroo

Their music remains as relevant and captivating as it was in the ‘80s, and their influence can be
heard in the music of countless artists today. With a career spanning over four decades, they have
cemented their place in the pantheon of musical legends.

1. Depeche Mode … .
A) are a one hit wonder band
B) are a band whose success was short lived
C) are a band whose impact is still traceable in today’s music

2. The band’s first album … .

A) consisted of songs the sound of which was in line with conventional music
B) featured songs the sound of which was at odds with the conventional music of the time
C) failed to live up to fans’ expectations
3. During the last two decades of last century, Depeche Mode … .
A) released songs that went to the top of the charts of the time
B) released songs whose lyrics offended certain groups of people
C) had a hard time getting fans to relate to their music
4. Depeche Mode … .
A) have always made sure their music would undergo the necessary changes to prove relevant for
the times when it was released
B) have always tried to keep their musical style unaltered, irrespective of the trends
C) have always shown resistance to the influence of industrial music
5. The sales of Depeche Mode records … .
A) have exceeded 100 million units
B) have put an untimely end to the band’s career
C) have exceeded those of any other band in the history of music

II. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (6-10)
so that the meaning stays the same.
6. We couldn’t swim in the sea because of the storm.
The storm prevented … in the sea.
A) us to swim B) us from swimming C) we swam
7. Someone stole my smart phone last night.
I … last night.
A) stole my smart phone B) had my smart phone stolen C) was my smart phone stolen
8. You can choose from over a hundred different models.
There … over a hundred different models.
A) is a choice of B) are to choose from C) is a choice from more than
9. They are demolishing the old theatre next week.
They are … the old theatre next week.
A) pulling off B) pulling in C) pulling down
10. There is hardly any difference between those two houses.
It is very hard to … .
A) tell the two houses apart B) differ those two houses

Grey Kangaroo
C) differentiate the two houses apart

III. For each question (11-15), read and choose the best answer.
11. This place is like a war zone
A) Yes, lots of pubs are springing up.
B) Yes, there’s so much crime going on.
C) Yes, there’s a real buzz around this neighbourhood.
12. So, what do you think of the new tutor?
A) She comes across as someone you can rely on.
B) She comes to terms as a bit of a pain.
C) She comes around as a bit shallow.
13. Young people these days have no respect.
A) You can’t be serious. It’s like saying all Dutch people are tall.
B) You can say that again! They are always so considerate.
C) How very thoughtful of them!

14. That must have been pretty dull!
A) Yes, he was lots of fun to be around.
B) Yes, judging from the way he speaks, he must be foreign.
C) Yes, I had to stop myself from yawning.

15. Why did you buy what he said?

A) You know he can be quite convincing.
B) Because I had nothing better to do with my cash.
C) Because I managed to take him in.

IV. Read the text. For each space (16-25), choose the best answer.

The history of horses is intertwined with that of humanity itself. The use of horses shortly
… (16) any form of state. Horses have a difficult time surviving in nature, with most of them
not … (17) recovering from injuries. The history of the horse … (18) be called the history
of the domesticated horse, as most horses to survive nowadays are more docile breeds that can
more easily be … (19).
The horse was, just a few hundred years ago, equivalent … (20) a piece of strategic technology.
While costly, horses were highly sought … (21) due to their ability to facilitate travel, trade, and
wield significant military might. Though military uses faded with the popularization of gunpowder,
and commercial uses with the creation of engines, horses remained as more … (22) a luxury good,
kept and maintained by only those who could afford them.
Sadly, however, horses are no longer the crucial element they once … (23). Most horses
nowadays are used for farming in less technologically advanced farming communities, as well as
in competitions and some sports, though even these have generally … (24) out of favour.
Though horses have significantly fallen in importance, that does not change their status as one
of the first species to have been domesticated by man, and arguably the most impactful. From the
conquests of Genghis Khan to farming, equestrian-kind has … (25) the world a great deal of good,
Grey Kangaroo

despite having become less popular.

16. A) proceeds B) persuades C) precedes D) pursues

17. A) easy B) easily C) solely D) lonely
18. A) might well B) might as well C) must well D) must as well
19. A) tamed B) torn C) tainted D) tempted
20. A) like B) to C) as D) from
21. A) for B) on C) forward D) after
22. A) of B) that C) off D) in
23. A) have B) had C) were D) did
24. A) felt B) frozen C) filled D) fallen
25. A) made B) benefited C) done D) improved

V. For each sentence (26-30), choose the correctly-spelled word to complete each gap.
26. They say it is too late to even try to fix the damage already done to the … .
A) enviroment B) environement C) environmant D) environment

27. I could see a dark … approaching the room.

A) silhouette B) sillhouette C) silhouet D) sillhouet

28. There was a box where all … could go.

A) micellaneous B) miscellaneous C) micelaneous D) miscellanous

29. He has very strong … skills.

A) entrepreneurial B) entreprenurial C) entreprenorial D) entrepreneural

30. He was there … to support his parents.

A) soully B) solelly C) souly D) solely

VI. For questions 31-50, read and choose the best answer.
31. What American holiday is celebrated on October 31st?
A) Christmas B) Halloween C) Valentine’s Day
D) Easter E) Thanksgiving

32. If you “cross the bridge when you get there,” what are you doing?
A) avoiding bridges B) ignoring problems C) dealing with issues as they arise
D) building a bridge E) planning in advance

33. When people visit a haunted castle, they usually … ghosts and vampires.
A) look out for B) look over C) look around D) look through E) look back

34. In Mary Shelley’s novel, what is the first name of Dr. Frankenstein?
A) Victor B) Igor C) Henry D) William E) Alex

Grey Kangaroo
35. Mufasa … have seen a doctor; his injury was quite serious.
A) could B) would C) should D) had to E) needed

36. When You Wish Upon a Star is from which Disney film?
A) Cinderella B) The Little Mermaid C) Aladdin
D) Pinocchio E) The Lion King

37. Who was the first president of the United States of America?
A) Benjamin Franklin B) George Washington C) Elvis Presley
D) Jacques Chirac E) Thomas Jefferson

38. In which US state is the city of Pittsburgh?

A) Texas B) Ohio C) Maryland
D) New York E) Pennsylvania

39. Complete the saying: “To err is human; … is divine”.

A) to fail B) to forget C) to stumble
D) to learn E) to forgive
40. It’s not worth … money on a new pair of Balenciaga.
A) to spend B) having spent C) spending D) waste E) to waste

41. In the U.S., which holiday is celebrated on July 4th?

A) Memorial Day B) Labour Day C) Columbus Day
D) Independence Day E) Martin Luther King Jr. Day

42. If only I … in a bigger house so that I could get a dog!

A) lived B) can live C) live D) leave E) will live

43. “Break a leg, Jenny!” said Tim. He meant to … .

A) wish Jenny good luck B) encourage her to take a risk C) urge her to break a bone
D) tell her to be careful E) offer medical advice

44. In the U.S., what is the traditional dessert associated with Thanksgiving?
A) the Apple Pie B) the Pecan Pie C) the Key Lime Pie
D) the Blueberry Pie E) the Pumpkin Pie

45. These ships travel at a snail’s … compared to modern vessels.

A) speed B) pace C) rhythm D) rate E) quickness

46. In British culture, what is the name of the annual event in November when people make effigies
of Guy Fawkes?
A) the May Day B) the Bonfire Night C) the Guy Fawkes Day
D) the Midsummer’s Eve E) the Easter Parade

47. The Pilgrims were a group of Protestants who left England and crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a
ship called … .
A) the Friends of the Hunley B) the Santa María C) the Mayflower
D) the Titanic E) the Queen Mary

48. What is the capital city of Australia?

Grey Kangaroo

A) Sydney B) Melbourne C) Canberra D) Brisbane E) Perth

49. I received an unexpected inheritance from an uncle in Australia I didn’t know I had; so it was
completely out of the … .
A) ordinary B) clear C) question D) blue E) surprise

50. Two fathers and two sons went fishing. Each fisherman caught a fish, yet only three fish were
caught. How many people went fishing?
A) four B) four and a half C) three
D) three and a half E) five

Red Kangaroo (B2-C1)
Rezolvă, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi!

I. Read the text. For each question (1-5), choose the correct answer.

Women in the Middle Ages

When asked what life was like for women in the Middle Ages, most of us would reply with an
unwarranted sense of certainty “Awful”, but researchers have been tackling this assumption with
fervour of late. If we read work by contemporary historians, we will find out perhaps with a sense
of awe and renewed hope that women were not only more irreverent but also busier than we had
thought. They took part in commerce as brewers and blacksmiths, they entertained the court as
poets, and most surprisingly they could be landowners too.
A medieval woman’s dowry often came with firm requirements that the property stay with her,
regardless of her husband’s whims. While aristocratic women were placed well below their male
counterparts, traded for dowry and exhibited as ornaments, women of the lower walks of life lived
fairly empowered if rough lives. The careful reader of Chaucer would smirk at this being considered
a fresh discovery as they would be well acquainted with the celebrated medieval author’s depiction
of riotously domineering women.
It was actually during the Renaissance, the age when man was placed at the centre of the universe,
when women’s rights were greatly rolled back. As a new middle class was emerging, it felt the need
to quickly acquire the prestige of blue blood by emulating their straitjacketing gender hierarchy.
Women were relegated to the household and property rights transferred to their husbands. This also
spilled over into the way the clergy perceived women. If in the 13th century holy visions might get
a woman sanctified, a few hundred years later she may well have been burned at the stake.
So why do these findings sound so refreshing? Most of the sources from the Middle Ages have
reached the general public through the lens of Victorians, who had a bee in their bonnet about this
historical period. However, as we all know, their gender politics was not at all progressive. Another
possible explanation might be that we have been looking predominantly at the lives of aristocrats,
who were considerably more oppressed than their poorer sisters and extrapolated based on their
experiences. While a fair degree of anachronism always colours our understanding of the past,
we normally tend to imagine that the past was like the present. When it comes to the treatment of
Red Kangaroo

women, the tendency is to assume that medieval women had it much worse than they did.

1. According to the writer, our perception of the Middle Ages is … .

A) unjustified B) impulsive C) solid D) well-researched
2. Recent research shows that women in the Middle Ages.
A) worked too much B) challenged the establishment
C) had more formal education D) enjoyed a good life
3. For the rising middle class in the Renaissance, their treatment of women was a matter of … .
A) emulating the upper class B) defying aristocrats
C) financial gain D) religious faith
4. In our perception of women’s lives in the Middle Ages, both the Victorians and us are guilty of:
A) bias B) indifference C) sloppiness D) disrespect
5. The overall intention of the author of this text is to:
A) clarify a misconception. B) condemn bad research.
C) advocate women’s rights. D) advertise the work of certain historians.

II. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (6-10)
so that the meaning stays the same.
6. The teacher never once told us we would have to have a portfolio.
At no time … to have a portfolio.
A) were we required B) were we requested C) we were asked
7. The police alleged that the escaped convict had been helped by a guard.
The escaped convict … by a guard.
A) was alleged to have been helped B) has been alleged to have been helped
C) was alleged to being helped
8. An unexpected issue arose and we had to cancel the project.
An issue … and we had to cancel the project.
A) sprung up B) cropped up C) popped in
9. He has such bad humour that I am not surprised Jane refused to go on a date with him.
If … his bad humour, maybe Jane would have accepted to go on a date with him.
A) it hadn’t been B) it hadn’t been for C) it weren’t for
10. Many people criticized the film that won the Oscar.
The film that won the Oscar … a lot of criticism.
A) came into B) came across C) came in for

III. Read the text. For each question (11-20), choose the best answer.
Adidas, the German manufacturer of athletic shoes and apparel, is the largest sportswear manufac-
turer in Europe and only second to Nike worldwide. Instantly … (11) by its iconic three-stripe
trademark, it has a complicated history that is perhaps less well-known to Adidas aficionados.
The name Adidas is an abbreviation of the name of … (12) Adolf (“Adi”) Dassler, whose family
went … (13) manufacturing shoes after World War I. At the 1936 Berlin Olympics, the American
sports star Jesse Owens wore shoes that were reportedly … (14) to him by Dassler himself, increasing
Red Kangaroo

awareness of the brand around the world. World War II put a … (15) on the hopeful beginnings of
the Adidas company. After the war, sibling … (16) between Adi and his brother Rudolf ultimately led
to a historic split: Rudi’s company was called Puma, while Adi’s became Adidas.
Adidas grew during the 1950s as football players switched to the company’s shoes, which were
light in weight and featured screw-in cleats. For many years Adidas was a … (17) name in athletic
shoes, but competition increased during the 1970s, notably from newer firms such as Nike.
When Adi Dassler passed … (18) in 1978, the company experienced falling market shares, despite
… (19) deals with famous rappers. In the late 1980s, the re-launch of Adidas as fashionable sporting
apparel was a key milestone. The jogging craze was … (20) hold and ordinary people could now wear
Adidas when out for a run, making the brand the fashion statement it has remained to this day.


11. A) recognizable B) understandable C) remarkable D) obvious

12. A) speaker B) founder C) agitator D) initiator

13. A) up B) into C) on to D) ahead

14. A) bestowed B) transmitted C) gifted D) conveyed

15. A) damper B) problem C) issue D) pressure

16. A) feud B) fight C) rivalry D) contest

17. A) housewarming B) housework C) homebound D) household

18. A) up B) away C) aside D) in

19. A) public B) praiseworthy C) supportive D) endorsement

20. A) getting B) taking C) catching D) bringing

IV. For each sentence (21-25), choose the right answer to define the phrase in italics.
21. Getting sacked was actually a blessing in disguise.
A) something good that wasn’t recognized at first
B) more of a hindrance than a help
C) a case of betrayal

22. Negotiations fell through and we’re back to square one.

A) we’re ready to close the deal
B) we have to start all over again
C) we’re making great progress

23. His jokes went down like a lead balloon.

A) completely failed to please the people present
B) were hilarious
C) got everyone laughing out loud

24. Don’t act that way now. It takes two to tango.

A) It is too late now. B) You are not being fair. C) We are both guilty.
Red Kangaroo

25. They started pigging out on that pasta.

A) eating the pasta really quickly
B) commenting on the poor quality of the pasta
C) hiding the pasta

V. For each group of sentences (26-30), choose the word which can be used in all three gaps.
26. Patrick felt terrible when his jokes were … with a deafening silence.
Although it was hard work, he … the deadline eventually.
He thought it was going to be an easy win against the young opponent, but he actually … his match.
A) received B) reached C) stopped D) met
27. There are some undergraduate programmes specializing in … languages.
We were sure we were getting somewhere but we actually reached a … end.
I’ve been working all night; I’m … on my feet.
A) dull B) final C) drained D) dead

28. The president has just won a second … .

I didn’t get the … the professor used.
The winter … is finally coming to an end!
A) word B) mandate C) term D) break

29. Unless you start showing up on time, you’re … in line to get the sack.
It was … to impossible to get the work done in a fortnight.
Maybe it is not the real deal, but it is definitely the … best thing.
A) next B) following C) best D) standing

30. He is by no means modest; he always gets too … for his boots.
Don’t worry about it; it is no … deal.
If you want to get the company to take off, you should start thinking … .
A) large B) great C) big D) grand

VI. For questions 31-50, read and choose the best answer.
31. Who wrote the horror novel Dracula?
A) Mary Shelley B) Bram Stoker C) Edgar Allan Poe
D) George Bacovia E) H.P. Lovecraft

32. Which British city is famous for hosting the annual Festival Fringe, the world’s largest arts
A) London B) Manchester C) Glasgow D) Edinburgh E) Liverpool

33. When was the Channel Tunnel officially opened? In … .

A) 1986 B) 1994 C) 2001 D) 2010 E) 1876

34. “This medicine tastes horrible!” “Be it as it …, it will cure your cough.”
A) may B) could C) is D) will E) must

35. Which Stanley Kubrick film was based on a Stephen King novel and starred Jack Nicholson?
A) 2001: A Space Odyssey B) A Clockwork Orange C) Full Metal Jacket
Red Kangaroo

D) Paths of Glory E) The Shining

36. Can you shed any light on the reason … her appalling behaviour?
A) why B) of C) about D) for E) which

37. What goes up and down but doesn’t move?

A) a staircase B) a thermometer C) a seesaw
D) an escalator E) a kite on a string

38. The red Maserati moved … of the blue Ferrari.

A) quickly B) gracefully C) next to D) ahead E) behind
39. Who was the first woman to hold a seat in the British Parliament?
A) Margaret Thatcher B) Queen Victoria C) Princess Diana
D) Indira Gandhi E) Lady Nancy Astor

40. I wish you … shout all the time.

A) wouldn’t B) don’t C) won’t D) shouldn’t E) couldn’t

41. New York City is divided into five … .

A) territories B) boroughs C) neighbourhoods D) provinces E) states

42. … be it from me to tell you how to run your life.

A) To B) You C) Far D) Although E) Only

43. Which English novelist wrote the classic novel Pride and Prejudice?
A) Charles Dickens B) Emily Brontë C) George Eliot
D) Jane Austen E) Thomas Hardy

44. Sorry, but I’m unable … you the money.

A) lend B) lending C) to lend D) lent E) borrow

45. The historic city of Stratford-upon-Avon is famously associated with which renowned English
A) Christopher Marlowe B) Ben Jonson C) Samuel Beckett
D) William Wordsworth E) William Shakespeare

46. Julia usually arrives at eight o’clock … . She’s never late.

A) safe and sound B) in a flash C) on the dot D) tomorrow E) maybe

47. Sir David Attenborough’s contributions have helped raise awareness about:
A) Space Exploration B) Environmental Conservation C) Medieval History
D) Time Travel E) Cryptocurrency

48. It’s unpleasant for children when they … names by other children.
A) are called B) were called C) will call D) call E) being called

49. Two teachers teach at the same school. One is the father of the other’s son. What relation are they
to each other?
Red Kangaroo

A) siblings B) colleagues C) friends D) spouses E) offsprings

50. What are the capital cities of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom?
A) Dublin, Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham
B) London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Cardiff
C) Belfast, Dublin, Edinburgh, Cardiff
D) London, Belfast, Edinburgh, Manchester
E) London, Belfast, Edinburgh, Cardiff


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