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Name: Kenneth S.

Hasim Section: BSA A1B

Module 4: Factors Affecting Crop Production

Lesson 2: Biotic and Genetic Factors


What is pest?

- Pest is a general term that refers to invertebrates, vertebrates, weeds, illnesses, and insect pests.
The main issue restricting agricultural yield is pests. They can cause up to 100% damage.

In what situation, corn and rice can be considered as weeds? How do weeds affect growth and reduce
yields of crops?

Yield potential Maturity Moderate seed

Dormancy Adaptability Market

Demand Lodging Resistant

AnalysisIn what situation, corn and rice can be considered as weeds? How do weeds affect growth and
reduce yields of crops?

- According to my own viewpoint, corn and rice can be regarded as weeds if farmers are unable to
control the spread of the seeds, perform adequate tillage procedures, manage water resources
optimally, and apply pesticides in a sensible manner. Because of how the weeds effect growth and
crop yields. For nutrients, water, and light, they are in competition with the crops.

Among the five criteria you have listed for a good crop or variety to plant, which of them is the utmost
and the least of your priority. Explain your answer.

- The potential yield is not my top focus because when you first start farming, the only thing you need
to worry about is how to prevent pests and keep this crop healthy to have a strong production. Only
when the crops are being harvested can the yield be given top priority.

List down at least two (2) crops and identify two major pests and their nature of damage.

Crops 2 Major pests Damages

Rice Rice bug. Rice sucking out the contents of

leaffolder. growing grains as they progress
from pre-flowering spikelets to
the soft dough stage, resulting
in empty or unfilled grains as
well as discolouration.

Wheat Army worm/cut worm. Shoot The young shoot's developing

fly. point and the youngest leaf,
which becomes brown and
withers, are killed when the
maggots enter the sheath and
bore into the center of the
young shoot.

Enumerate at least three (3) crops (other than mentioned above) and their important selection

Onion - High yields, large or small size, single centers, resistance to bolting, good
skin retention, uniform shape

Mungbean - smooth texture, olive, brown, purplish brown or black, mottled and/or ridged.

Sweet Potato - flavor, insect resistance, starch chemistry, color, and nutritional attributes.

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