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ocean need help


Creature for the plane we’re living

Everyone in the world need to help ocean not for
you is help the plane where you living now,so let
everybody come join us and protect this plane
D a y

T he ocean covers about 72% of the earth's surface,

is the origin of all life and the source of food,
whether it is transportation, fishing, resource
development or climate regulation, all of which are
related to human relationships. In recent years, the
continuous development of human beings has
seriously affected the ocean, and also caused the
extinction of a large number of marine life.
Therefore, in order to awaken human beings to the
understanding, protection and sustainable use of
the ocean, the United Nations held on December 5,
2008, the 63rd United Nations The General
Assembly passed Resolution 111 and decided to
designate June 8 as "World Oceans Day" starting
from 2009. The United Nations hopes that all
countries in the world can take this opportunity to
understand the importance of the ocean and join
the people to protect the ocean. And every year,
World Oceans Day will have a different theme.
"Rejuvenating the Ocean" is this year's theme.
Protect our oceans. The ocean is
actually very simple, we just need
to unite and know what we should
do and what we should not do.
From our daily life, we can choose
products that do not contain
particles. The particulate matter
cannot be removed by the
filtration system, and the
particulate matter will be
discharged into the ocean through
the sewers. And cause the
creatures to swallow and die. I
believe that everyone has seen a
video about sea turtles inserting
straws into their noses. Plastic is
very harmful to the ocean. I
believe that it is not only the ocean
and land. Responding to
environmental protection
products, refusing to use plastic
products is not a policy set by the
government. It is something that is
resolved, but something that all
the people resolve together.

The United Nations estimates that
nearly 90% of the world's fish species
are approaching or below the
threshold for sustainable survival,
and more than 30% of these species
are already unsustainable. And what
caused all this? Overfishing brings
depletion of sea resources and an
ecological crisis. The rapid
development of pelagic fishing
technology in various countries
around the world and the lack of
proper global ocean conventions to
protect the marine environment
have created the current situation,
but you know that since 1990, the
number of fishing vessels has

increased by more than twice, but

the actual catch is not There is no
growth, and it is conceivable why
the fishing industry is demanding

HELP more fish resources than its natural

ability to reproduce, reducing the
number of fish stocks below the
HELP level that can maintain the stability
of the population. There are limits to

HELP what you can do, and the oceans

need to recover.

The rate at which fish stocks
naturally recover depends on
whether the conditions in the
ecosystem are suitable for fish
growth and competition with other
species. Sudden changes in the
species composition of an area
may lead to changes in the energy
balance, causing some species that
were not dominant to come in and
replace the ecology of the original
species. From an ecological point
of view, there are three recognized
types of overfishing: 1. growth
overfishing 2. recruitment
overfishing 3. ecosystem overfishing
These seemingly trivial ways have
brought huge changes to the
earth. I think it is necessary to
designate marine protected areas
as soon as possible and implement
them. management, and manage
fishery resources with an
ecosystem approach. At the same
time, the ocean is included in the
national land planning, revising
unsustainable policies, counseling
fishermen to change their jobs and
fishery transformation, and
strengthening the publicity and
education of marine conservation
for the general public

Whales are the largest creature in the
world. The females of some species are
larger than the males. Whales have a
streamlined body and a pair of flipper-
like forelimbs.While not as agile as seals,
whales can also cruise at 20 knots.
Baleen whales have a developed "sense
of smell" in the ocean, while toothed
whales have acute hearing.Whales'
sense of smell is so developed that they
can be active in both water and
underwater environments, so that some
whales can survive even after being
blind.For centuries, whales have been
used as a delicacy on the table or as an
ingredient in industrial products.
However, by the middle of the 20th
century, the whale population had
plummeted due to the prevalence of
the whaling industry, and it had
become an endangered species.

In this issue,
The death of a whale is called a whale fall.
After the whale dies, it will sink into the sea
and the process is called a whale fall. When it
sinks slowly from the sea, there will be
different creatures to eat at each depth. What
it has created is millions. Organisms, whale
fall has also brought vitality to the ocean for
tens of thousands of years, and now the large
number of people fishing has made whales
on the verge of extinction, but it is not only
whales but also those creatures that become
extinct.And here I want to call for a stop to
whale hunting, not to limit the seasonal
months, but to ban them completely, and I
hope the sea can be freed again.






united nation

why many creature disappeared


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