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The subject Logic and Critical Thinking is composed of relevant information

and learnings that we should acquire as students and also as future professionals
in order for us to practice our knowledge and skills when it comes to analyzation,
reasoning, critical thinking, and decision-making. This subject will allow us to
have a better performance in our work that will be the root of our success in the
future. As one of the students of this class course, I am very willing to learn a lot
and to explore the beauty of this subject because it will provide to us the
essential knowledge and skills that we need for our chosen profession. Moreover,
I expect that this class course will give a huge contribution to my learnings and
performance in academics by practicing and improving my logical and critical
thinking skills. Also, I expect a lot from this subject because except from the
knowledge that we can gain from it, it can also enhance our skills in reasoning,
critical thinking, and making arguments that are very necessary when we enter to
the field of profession that we’ve choose. From that, I must say that this class
course is expected to offer more benefits to us not just as students but also
future professionals.


Everything in this world is not attainable by just a simple effort or action

especially when it comes to studies. As a student of NCF, it is my responsibility
and commitment to learn and apply those learnings that I’ve gain into helpful
matters like the profession that I choose to pursue. In order to succeed in life,
one must work hard and keep the eagerness in mind. And as a student of this
subject, those expectations and success that I’m willing to get must have the
presence of hard work and perseverance to turn those expectations into reality.
It is very necessary to make essential actions and effort in order to achieve our
goals and we can only achieve our expectations from this subject if we work hard
and give our best to learn and improve our skills through the help of this class
course. It is very important to us to acquire and apply those learnings and skills
that we’ll gain from this subject because it can be the key to uphold our
performance in school and also in our future field of career that we’ve choose.
Thus, we need to pursue this class course and achieve our expectations by giving
our best to learn and improve our skills in logical and critical thinking because it
is necessary for us in order to be functional and knowledgeable professionals



This subject which is the Logic and Critical Thinking contains significant
learnings and values that we should know and apply in real life in order to get its
benefits to our life. Logic and Critical Thinking will teach us to think clearly and
critically and it will allow us to have more knowledge and better skills when
constructing our arguments and claims. As a nursing student of NCF, it is very
necessary to study this subject in order for us to serve our future patients
rightfully. And we need to acquire knowledge and skills from this subject to make
our performance in our chosen field better and outstanding. As I grasp knowledge
from over the pass years, there are important subjects that I find similar to this
class course that enables us to have good reasoning and excellent critical
thinking skills. However, the knowledge and skills that we can get from the
subject of Logic and Critical Thinking are incomparable to other subjects that I’ve
take in the past years. Thus, I claim that I’m not knowledgeable enough in this
subject and I want to learn more and improve my skills through the presence of
this subject. And hopefully, this semester will filled me with overflowing
knowledge and skills in order for me to be outstanding in my chosen profession or

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