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**Role Play Scenario of a role of Supervisor:**


Supervisor Blake, Employee 1 Fejay, Employee 2 Mary Grace , Employee 3 Larah, Employee 4 Josephine


A meeting room/ conference room


The supervisor and four employees are meeting to discuss a new project. The supervisor starts the meeting
by explaining the project and the goals that need to be achieved.

*******@ the conference room********

( Fejay enters the conference room first and sits down at the table)

( Mary Grace enters the conference room next and sits down next to Fejay. They nod and wave each other
as they enter)

Mary Grace: Hi!

(Larah enters the conference room and sits down next to Mary Grace. They look around the room and then
smile at the other employees.)

Larah: Hi! Good morning

( Josephine enters the conference room last and sits down next to Larah. They yawn and then look at the
other employees with a tired expression on their face.)

Josephine: Hello everyone!

(Blake enters the conference room last and stands at the head of the table. He clear his throat and smile
at the employees.)

Blake: “Good morning, everyone. Thank you for coming to this meeting.”

All E: Good morning supervisor!

Blake: “So, I’m sure you’re all wondering why we’re here today. Well, I’ve called this meeting to discuss
our team’s goals for the next quarter. As you know, we’re working on a new product launch, and it’s
important that we’re all on the same page and working towards the same goals.”

Fejay: What are the main goals for the project?

Blake: The main goals are to increase sales by 10% and to launch the product on time and within budget.
Mary Grace: That sounds challenging, but I think we can do it.

Blake: I agree. I have faith in all of you.

Narrator: The supervisor then goes on to discuss the specific tasks that each employee will be responsible

Blake: “Now, I’d like to go over the specific goals for the next quarter. So first, Ms. Apostol, you will be
responsible for developing the marketing plan for the product. Ms. Morre, you will be responsible for
developing the sales plan.

Fejay: “Sounds good. I’m happy to help with the marketing plan.”

Mary Grace: “Me too. I have a few ideas for developing the sales.”

Blake: Ms. Soco, you will be responsible for developing the production plan. And Ms. Batiquin, you will
be responsible for developing the customer service plan.

Larah: Sure! “I’m happy to help with the product design. I have a few ideas for new features that I think
would be useful for customers.”

Josephine: “I’m happy to help with customer support. I’m good at troubleshooting problems and
explaining things to people in a clear way.”

Blake: “Great! That’s the spirit guys! I’m glad we’re all on the same page. I’m confident that if we work
together, we’ll be able to achieve our goals and launch a successful product.” Also, please don’t hesitate
to come to me with any problems or questions that you have. I’m here to support you in any way that I

Narrator: The supervisor then opens the floor to questions.

Josephine: (raise her hand, looking at blake) I have a question about the marketing budget.

Blake : Sure, what is your question?

Josephine: I’m wondering if we could increase the marketing budget by 5%. I think it would help us to
reach a wider audience.

Blake: That’s a good idea. I’ll see what I can do. Now, let’s get started on our brainstorming session…”

Narrator: The meeting continues for another 30 minutes, and the supervisor and employees discuss all of
the details of the project. At the end of the meeting, the supervisor summarizes the key points and makes
sure that everyone is on the same page.

Blake: Okay, everyone. I think we’ve covered everything today. Just remember that I’m here to support
you in any way that I can. If you have any questions or problems, please don’t hesitate to come to me.

All Employees: Thank you, supervisor.

Narrator: The meeting ends, and the employees go to work on their respective tasks.

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