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Name: Larah D.

Soco Date: September 4, 2023

Course and Section: BIT Computer- 3A Night Score: _____________


I. Explain. Minimum of 10 sentences.

1. What is Industrial Psychology?

Industrial Psychology is all about the study of human behavior in workplace. It is the
application of psychological facts and principles to the problems within the context of
business and industry. It studies how individual behaviour affects and is affected by the
physical environment and the organizational culture of the workplace. It examines our
identity and behavior in the work environment.
It also refers to the practice of applying psychological theories and principles to workplace
environments. A person that observe and evaluate human behavior and interactions in the
workplace and provide guidance and recommendations to improve human and
organizational efficiency is called the Industrial Psychologist. Industrial Psychology also plays
major important role in human relations. With the help of an effective communication and
conflict resolution, process evaluation, professional competence and effective management
are examples of the components necessary for businesses lead to success. By understanding
the relations and group behavior existing between the individuals working in industrial
organizations, it is possible to develop concepts and techniques of supervision, effective
leadership, motivation etc. This knowledge can be applied in industrial management to
increase efficiency of management .

2. What is the importance of studying industrial psychology?

The main reason to study industrial psychology is to make organizations more effective and
efficient, while at the same time making conditions ideal for employees. It also plays an
important role in establishing and maintaining a conducive work environment and
optimizing human and organizational efficiency. Key benefits include better workplace
cooperate in, higher levels of job satisfaction. All these factors contribute to an employee’s
productivity, efficiency. These are important because they directly impact an organization’s
bottom line and its ability to meet deliverables. The importance of industrial psychology is
largely rooted

in these practitioners’ ability to quickly assess a company, identify barriers to productivity

and efficiency develop a plan to remedy those problems. They contribute to an
organization’s success by improving the job performance, wellbeing, motivation, job
satisfaction and the health and safety of employees. By studying industrial psychology, you
will learn more on how you can apply the importance and benefits on your work. You can
easily do your job , better work environment and greater workplace cooperation . In
addition , it will make an increased employee productivity.

3. What is group dynamics?

Group dynamics deals with the attitudes and behavioral patterns of a group. It can lead
otherwise sensible individuals to make (or agree to) decisions they might not come to on
their own. At times the effects are positive, as when some group members help others
overcome prejudices. But the dynamics of a group often have negative consequences. When
a good dynamic exists within a group working toward a common goal, each individual
member will perform effectively and achieve goals set by the group. It involves the influence
of personality, power, and behaviour on the group process. A group dynamics includes
mechanisms for dealing with status, reciprocity, identifying cheaters, ostracism, altruism,
group decision, leadership, and intergroup relations. It is the social process by which people
interact and behave in a group environment is called group dynamics. Developing good
group dynamics is crucial for students’ learning journey, as it not only promotes a sense of
confidence in students but also builds trust and acceptance among group members. Team
bonding activities are helpful to reinforce students' sense of belonging throughout the

4. What is the relationship between industrial psychology and group dynamics?

The relationship between Industrial psychology and Group dynamics is they can both improve
the employee’s work better and efficient. They contribute to an organization’s success by
improving the job performance, wellbeing, motivation, job satisfaction and the health and safety
of employees. Industrial psychology tends to focus on hiring, training and development,
assessing employee performance, and legal issues associated with those issues. Organizational
psychology tends to focus on motivation, teamwork, and leadership.
They apply their findings in a variety of ways to help solve human and organizational problems
in the workplace. It helps identifying training and development needs. Optimizing the quality of
work life, formulating and implementing training programs and evaluating their effectiveness.
Coaching employees and organization leaders. Developing criteria to evaluate performance of

individuals and organizations. Lastly, assessing consumer preferences, customer satisfaction and
market strategies. They apply psychological principles and research methods to improve the
overall work environment, including performance, communication, professional satisfaction and

5. What is/are your expectations in this subject?

My expectations in this subject are all about Industry Psychology and Group Dynamics
where in this subject tackles about your behaviors and interacting with the people around
you in work environment. Learning on how you can support each other or work as a team.
On how to apply your findings in a variety of ways to help solve human and organizational
problems in your workplace. It involves the influence of personality, power, and behaviour
on the group process. In this subject there are key benefits include better workplace
cooperate in, higher levels of job satisfaction. All these factors contribute to an employee’s
productivity, efficiency. So ,I believe that in this subject we will learn a lot and also help
builds trust and acceptance among group members. Like team bonding activities are helpful
to reinforce students’ sense of belonging throughout the course. In this knowledge it can
help and lead to increase efficiency of management . It will help us soon and we can apply it
to our work soon by the knowledge of this subject with improving the job performance,
wellbeing, motivation, job satisfaction and the health and safety of employees.

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