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Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation

Presented in this chapter is the summary, conclusions and

recommendations of the response of the teachers on the mother

tongue-based multilingual education. This study utilized descriptive

correlation method and the data were gathered through

questionnaires which were distributed and gathered in all elementary

schools of Mati North District, Schools Division of the City of Mati.


In the socio-demographic profile of the respondents that the

teaching force is dominated by female teachers which is 89 % and

male teachers constitute only 11 %. This sex composition, 101 of

them are Mandayan, 4 teachers are Kalagan, and 32 teachers are

Cebuano. Most of the teachers are in lower rank level or position ,

79.9 % of them are ranked teacher I (123) and 17.5 % are ranked

teacher II (27) and few teachers are master teachers which is 2.6%.

Based on the information stated above, it clear that major of teachers

are Mandayan and mostly teacher I in position.

In terms of the level of MTB-MLE utilization as medium of

instruction in terms of: Translation of target language to Mother


Tongue, Utilization of Multilingual teaching, and instructional

materials written in mother tongue, it could be stated that the

translation of target language to mother togue (0.461), utilization of

multilingual teaching (.459), and instructional materials written in

mother tongue (0.456), remediation of instruction (0.454), and

utilization of literary piece (0.443). Each of this corresponding mean

value is under the membership category of . It can be

categorically described as moderate level. The level of MTB-MLE

utilization as medium of instruction and teaching strategies which is

0.445 is in moderate level. The certainty of the proposition is 96.1%,

based on the Cronbach’s Alpha of .96.1

In terms of the level of teaching materials and teachers

training, the individual mean value of each indicator is 0.506 and

0.517 for instructional materials and teacher trainings respectively.

Using the Kent (2015) membership categorization, it could be stated

that, the level of instructional materials and teachers’ trainings is

moderate. The general observation of the phenomenon suggests that,

it has an mean value of 0.511 and the certainty of this argument is

100%. This is based the Cronbach’s Alpha of 1.0.

In the direct effect of mother tongue-based multilingual

education utilization as predictors to pedagogy and teachers’ training,

the direct effect size of translation of target language to mother


tongue towards utilization of literacy piece is large (0.70), remediation

of instruction is medium (0.28), teaching materials is medium (0.44),

and teachers’ trainings is small (0.10). For the direct effect of

utilization of multilingual teaching towards remedion of instruction is

medium (0.37), teaching materials is medium (0.31), teachers’

trainings is medium (0.29), and utilization of literacy piece is small


Lastly, for the direct effect of instructional materials written in

mother tongue towards utilization of literacy piece is medium (-0.31),

teachers’ trainings is medium (0.29), teaching materials is small (-

0.13), and remediation of instruction is small (-0.04). In general, the

average direct effect of the of mother tongue-based multilingual

education utilization on pedagogy and teachers’ training is 0.28, a

medium direct effect.

In the best fit model for mother tongue-based on multilingual

education utilization on pedagogy and teachers’ training, there are

four level of goodness of fit to be considered , these are, the

absolute/predictive fit, comparative fit, parsimonious fit, and others.

Some software generates only few indices. It can be observed that the

indices goodness of fit under absolute/predictive fit has been

satisfied. Since Chi-square = 762.091, AIC = 720.091 and CAIC =

635.36 456) all of these indices are considered small values or


number. This suggests that the model used for this study is

candidate for best fit.

It can be concluded that there exists a best fit model for

model for mother tongue based on multi-lingual education teachers

strategies, instructional materials and training, that is, the Least

Square model using the path analysis.


The study successfully surfaced the teachers’ experiences from

the schools in Mati North District in mother tongue-based

multilingual education utilization as predictors to pedagogy and

teachers’ training. Through these strategies employed by the

teachers, they are able to effectively implement the use of MTB-MLE

in helping their pupils acquire the necessary information and

learning in the classroom.

In terms of socio-demographic profile of the teachers, it is clear

that major of teachers are Madayan and mostly teacher I in position.

In terms of the level of MTB-MLE utilization as medium of

instruction and strategies is in moderate level. The general

observation of the phenomenon suggests that, it has an mean value

of 0.511 and the certainty of this argument is 100%. This is based

the Cronbach’s Alpha of 1.0.


It could be stated that the level of instructional materials and

teachers’ trainings is moderate.

In terms of the direct effect size of translation of target

language to mother tongue towards remediation of instruction is

medium, utilization of literacy piece is large, teaching materials is

medium, and teachers’ trainings is small.

It can be concluded that there exists a best fit model for model

for mother tongue-based on multilingual education on pedagogy and

teachers’ training, that is, the Least Square model using the path


There is direct relationships of the mother tongue-based

multilingual education utilization on pedagogy and teachers’ training.

Hence, the hypothesis is rejected.


In the light of the foregoing findings and conclusions, the

following recommendations are suggested.

First, it is suggested that teachers engage in different seminar

workshops conducted by the Department of Education specifically on

the MTB-MLE.

Second, it is suggested that teachers make use of different

resources in having a contextualized materials especially in the MTB-


Third, it is suggested that teachers find ways to learn the native

language of the community.

Fourth, it is suggested that the school heads may strengthen

the activities/programs in school specifically in MTB-MLE through

strengthening in conducting the learning action cell (LAC).

Lastly, future researcher may explore other variables or factors

which may correlate to the mother tongue based multi-lingual

education on utilization of pedagogy, and teachers’ training.

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