Fixed Cost To Market Price + Nit Market Price To Fixed Cost - Nit Domestic To National + Nfia National To Domestic - Nfia Gross To Net - Dep Net To Gross + Dep Nfia Factor Income From Abroad - F

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Types of economic system

Capitalist economy (means of production are out, controlled and

Fixed cost to market price + nit ///////market price to fixed cost - nit operative by a private sector), socialist economy(means of
domestic to National + nfia ///////National to domestic - nfia production are controlled and operated by government sector.),
gross to net - dep ////////net to gross + dep mixed economy(both public and private sector are allotted
nfia = factor income from abroad - factor income to abroad respective roles for solving economic centre problems) ///////////
nit= in direct tax - subsidy /////depreciation / cost of fixed capital Goals of five-year plans
value added method GDPmp ///////vo= total sales + change in stock 1,Growth (aims to increase country capacity to produce good ), 2,
IC= consumption of raw material ///////VA= VO-IC modernisation( aims at adoption of new technology and change in
VO= price * number of unit sold Social outlook) (adoption of new technology, change in social outlook
vo= VOp+VOs+VOt ////// VA= GVAmp=GDAmp )3, self Reliance(aims to make economy, self-reliant) (to reduce
income method NDPfc foreign independence, to avoid foreign interference )4, equity(aims to
ndpfc= coe + interest + rented loyalty plus profit + mixed income ensure that everyone gets basic needs and to reduce inequalities)
coe= salary and wages in cash in kind Service Security Scheme Features of agriculture /////////Low productivity, distinguish
profit= dividend + corporate tax + retained earnings unemployment, highly dependency on rainfall, subsistence farming,
operating surplus = interest + rental profits outdated technology, conflicts between tenants and landlords,small
Expindituree method GDPmp land holdings
private final consumption expenditure Plus Government final consumption Land reforms /////////Land reforms primarily referred to change
expenditure +gross domestic consumption formation + net Exports in the ownership of land holdings .
net exports= exports- inports There was a great need for land reforms in the country like India,
gross domestic capital formation= gross fixed capital formation + changing stock where majority of population depends on agriculture. Land reforms
income(y)= consumption + saving were needed to achieve objective of equity in agriculture.
AD=C+I ///// AS=C+S Abolition of intermediaries //////Aim to be held and the idea behind
APC=C/Y=1-APS ///////APS=S/Y=1-APC the step of ownership of land would be given initiative to the actual
MPC=chnage in c/change in y= 1-MPS dealer to make improvements and to increase output . the abolition
MPS= chnage in s/chnage in y= 1-MPC of intermediators brought to 200, lakh
C= ^c+b(Y) //// S= -^c + (1-b)Y tenants into direct with government. The ownership rights granted to
multiplier(k)= change in y/change in i =1/1-mpc=1/mps talent gave them the incentive to increase output and this
revenue deficit= revenue expenditure - revenue receipts contribution to growth in agriculture.
physical deficit=total expenditure - total receipts excluding borowing Land ceiling /////////Land ceiling refer to the fixing the specified limit
primary deficit=Physical deficit - interest payment of land which could be owned by an end as well. The purpose of land
revenue deficit= revemnue expemditure - revenue recipts ceiling was to reduce the concentration of land ownership in few
fiscal deficit= total expenditure-total recipts excluding borrowng hands. Land ceiling help to promote equity in agriculture sector.
primary deficit= fiscal deficit-intrest payments Green revolution ////////At the time of independence, about 75% of
country population was dependent on agriculture. Indian Indian
agriculture depends on monsoon and in case of shortage of monsoon
the farmer has to pay a lot of troubles. More the productivity in the
agriculture sector was very low due to outdated technology .
Green Revolution refers to large increase in production of food due to
use of high yield variety, HYV, seat or miracle seat, especially for feet
Industrial development and rice. Green revolution is the specular advancement in field of
Developing countries can progress only if if they have good industrial agriculture.
sector Effect of green revolution
Rule of public sector in industrial development 1,Attaining marketable surplus(marketable surplus referred to the
Shortage of capital with private sector, lack of incentive for private part of agricultural produce which is sold in market by farmer after
sector, objective of social welfare meeting around consumption requirement)
Industrial policy resolution, 1956 2, buffer stock of food grains(green revolution enable the government
It was comprehensive package of policy measure which covers various to procure sufficient amount of foodgrain to build a stock which
issues connected with different industry enterprises of the country. could be used in times of food shortage)3, benefit to low income
Classification of industries group(as large power portion of foodgrain was sold to the farmer in
Schedule A 17 industries like arms, automatic, energy, heavy and core the market, their prices declined relative to the other item of
industry, oil, railway, shipping etc consumption)
Schedule B 12 industries like aluminium, other mining, industry, machine /debate over subsidies to agriculture
tools and fertilise etc Subsidy means that farm Harman input at price lower than the market
Schedule C Consist of remaining private sector industries price. In other words, subsidies, financial assistance provided by
Foreign trade government to producer to fulfil social welfare objectives.
Foreign trade in India includes all important exports from India entered Economics in favour of subsidies
into plant well in air of 1950 and at that time import substitution was The government should continue with agriculture subsidies as
major element of India’s trade industry policy farming in India continues to be risky business, majority of farmers
Trade policy import substitution are very poor and they will not able to go forward the required input
In seven plant trade was characterised by an inward looking trade without the sufficient is, eliminating subsidies will increase the
strategy technically called import substitution. Import substitution refer income equality between the rich poor farmers will boil the ultimate
to a policy of replacement of substitution of an import by domestic good of equaty.
production Economic and the subsidies
Critical of industrial develop 1950 to 1990 According to some economic subsidies were granted by the
The production of GDP contributes to industrial sector increase to 11.8% government to provide an incentive for adoption of new H by V tech
to 26.6%. The 6% annual growth rate of the industrial sector during the technology. So after the wide acceptance of technology, technology
period is also admiral. Indian industry was no longer restricted to cotton, subsidy should be faced out of these purpose have been served,
textile and jute. It include in general included via range of consumer subsidies, do not benefit the poor and small pharma has benefit of
quotes, promotion of small scale industry, protection from foreign substantial amount of subsidy, go to fertiliser industry and
Comp, licensing policy, public sector prosperous farmers .
Need for economic reforms Features of Indian economy, feeder economy, semifinal, economy,
High physical deficit, Balance of payment crisis, failure of public sector, stagnant economy(absence of development), under developed and
increasing prices backward economy(low per capita income), depleted economy(no
Liberalisation :-it means giving greater freedom to economic agents to take their arrangement to replace the deprecited physical assets), dependent
own decision. It implies rating, trade and industry from warned government economy,disintegrated economy’s////. State of agriculture
controls and restrictions. :=1,stagnation/ (main causes:- exploitation by zamidar, use of old
Measures :-industrial sector, reforms (exemption of industries, from licensing, and outdated technology of production), 2,low level of production
contraction of public sector, freedom from MRT, freedom, to import of capital and productivity (in 1947-48 508 tonnes and in 16, 17, 275.68
goods and technology, reforms in small sector )financial sector reforms(change in million) 3, forced commercialisation of agriculture, heavy
role of RBI, establishment of public sector, banks, opening up of stock market for dependence on rainfall, landlord tenant relation, subsistence
foreign investors, establishing of national stock exchange, Jan dhan Yojana), tax farming ///// Industrial sector, D industrialisation, very few
reforms(there are two type of tax, direct tax and indirect tax:-reduction in taxes, modern industries, lack of capital goods and industries, limited role
reforms, intact, taxes, simplification of process), and external sector of public sector, management agency system, contribution to GDP,
reforms(foreign investment policy, foreign exchange reforms, foreign trade policy new pattern of demand,
reforms) oreign trade line, exporter of primary products and water of Finnish
Privatisation goods, monopoly, control of Indian foreign trade, surplus trade,l
Privatisation referred to any process that reduces the participation of state and Infrastructure /// Railways, roads, power, Postal Service, air,
public sector in economic activity of a country. It employs a greater role for transport, irrigation health facilities
private capital and enterprises in the functioning of economy. Arguments for Indian industrial sector during British period
privatisation, poor performance of public enterprises, raising budgetary deficit, 1,British systematically destroyed, Indian handicraft, industrial No
high capital output ratio modern industry base as allowed to come up as British rulers D
Arguments against privatisation, unbalanced growth, adverse effect of standard industrialised the Indian economy. 2, during the British rule, there
of living, for development of infrastructure, growth of monopoly was hardly any capital government to promote further
Globalisation industrialisation in India.3, during the second half of 19th century.
The term globalisation indicates the opening of economic for world market. It Modern industries starting developing through very slow which
includes interaction of economy relating to production, trading and financial were mainly confined to cotton, textile and jute mills. 4, the
financial transaction with other countries of the world. contribution of industrial sector to GDP was very small about 17%.
Positive effect
Government budget is an annual statement showing item wise
High growth rate, outsourcing, growth of service, sector, benefit to Indian
estimate of receipts and expenditure during the fiscal year. ///////
companies, consumers sovereignty , increase in foreign direct investment,
Objectives of government budget
increase in foreign exchange reserve, increase in share in world trade, check on
realocation of resources(tax concession and subsidies, directly
producing goods and services), reducing inquality in income and
Negative effect
wealth(to government aims to influence distribution of income by
Reforms and agriculture, known level of industrial growth, disinvestment, control
imposing taxes on the rich and spending more on the Welfare of
over economy by MNC, unbalanced growth, process, poverty, still wide, spread,
poor) ,economics stability(it means absence of large scale
jobless growth
fluctuation in prices), management of public Enterprises(large
Effects of demonetisation
number of public sector industries which are established for social
Inconvenience and hardship to people, adverse effect on economic activity,
welfare), economic growth (it implies to real GDP of an in economy
impact on GDP// positive effect eliminated the counterfeit currency,
increasing volume of goods and services produced in any
Has come and, demonetisation has promoted digital transactions, rise in real
economy),reducing regional disparties(the government budget
state, have came down and affordable.
aims to reduce its regional dispaties through its taxation and
Goods and services tax has been considered as biggest ever tax reform in Indian
expenditure policy), Employment generation (government budget is
tax system game changing tax by government implemented from July 1, 2017
used as an effective tool in the process of Employment generation
Objectives of GST
in various ways).....
To eliminate multiple taxes, to reduce overall tax burden, to boost economic
Components of budget;- revenue budget(and revenue budget is the
growth, to improve tax compliance
statement of estimated revenue receipts and estimated revenue
Benefits to Indian economy of GST
expenditure during the fiscal year), capital budget= (capital budget
It has expanded the tax base, GDP is expected to rise by about 2%, tax compliance
is the statement of estimated capital receipts and estimated capital
will be easier, introduced high transparency in the taxation system
expenditure during the physical year).
Revenue receipt;- revenue receipt with neither create and ability or
cause any reduction in the acids of the government.Two source of
revenue receipts are tax revenue and non tax revenue///// tax
revenue refer to the sum total of receipts from the tax and other
due to imposed by the government. These are of two types direct
tax and indirect tax.//// non tax revenue refers to the receipts of
government from all sources other than pose of tax receipts. Main
source of non tax revenue are interest, profit and dividend, licesnce
fee, gift and grand, forfeatues,special assesment.
Capital receipts;- capital receipt refer to those received with her
either create and I will tea or cause A reduction in the Asset of the
Sources of capital receipts are;- borrowing, recovery of loans, other
Deficient Demand - A situation when the receipts like disinvestment and small saving.
Aggregate Demand is less than the Budget expenditure;- a refers to the estimated expenditure of the
Aggregate Supply in an economy, government during a physically it have two categories revenue
corresponding to full employment in expenditure and capital expenditure.
the economy, is termed as deficient Revenue expenditure;- it refers to the expenditure with neither
demand. create any asset nor causes reduction in any liability of the
Deficient demand > AS > AD, government it is recurring in nature.
Excess Demand: When the planned corresponding to full employment Capital expenditure;- it refers to the expenditure with either create
aggregate expenditure is greater than the condition. and asset or cause A reduction in the government. It is non
available output at full employment level, Deflationary Gap - When there is recurriung.
the situation is termed as excess demand. It involuntary unemployment in the Revenue deficit it refers to access of revenue expenditure over the
leads to an inflationary gap in the economy. economy, there is a shortfall in revolutions during the given fiscal year.
Inflationary Gap: When aggregate demand Aggregate Demand from the level Fiscall deficit;- it refers to the excess of total expenditure over the
is more than the level of output at the full required to maintain a full-employment total receipts excluding borings during the given physical year.
employment level, then the gap is called equilibrium. This shortfall is termed a Implications of physical deficit;- debt trap, inflation, forign
inflationary gap. deflationary gap. independence, hampers the future growth.

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