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Biology is one of the most successful of the “natural

sciences,” explaining what our world is like. To

understand biology, you must first understand the
nature of science.

The basic tool a scientist uses is thought. To understand

the nature of science, it is useful to focus for a moment on
how scientists think

The Nature of Science can be defined as knowledge about the

natural world.
Natural Sciences
Those fields of science related to the physical world and its phenomena and
processes are considered natural sciences. There is no complete agreement
when it comes to defining what the natural sciences include. For some
experts, the natural sciences are astronomy, biology, chemistry, earth science,
and physics. Other scholars choose to divide natural sciences into life sciences
and physical sciences. Life sciences study living things and include biology.
Physical sciences study nonliving matter and include astronomy, physics, and
chemistry. Some disciplines, such as biophysics and biochemistry, build on
two sciences, and are interdisciplinary.

Science is a way of viewing the world that focuses on

objective information, putting that information to
work to build understanding.
• Observation It consists of analyzing the results of the
It consists of examining a phenomenon. experiments.
• Hypothesis The results of the experiments can support the
It is an explanation for something that is based hypothesis as true, or disprove as false.
on known facts but has not yet been proved. Conclusions
• Experimentation It consists of drawing conclusions after examining
It is a procedure that allows us to test if the the data from the experiment. Maybe,
hypothesis is true or false. you need a new hypothesis.
It can be necessary to make a table with data • Share your findings
and graph. Write a report and make a presentation.
The Earth is the 3rd planet closest to the Sun. The Earth has different characteristics
that make it a unique planet. The following characteristics together don ́t exist in
the other planets. These characteristics are:

Due to its distance from the Sun, its average surface temperature is about 15 ºC.
The temperatures around it make it possible for water to exist as ice, liquid and
water vapor. These changes of state result in the water cycle.
It contains very important gases for living things: oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide
(CO2) are essential gases of respiration and photosynthesis.
It protects living things from solar radiation.
The Moon causes ocean tides.
Erosion, volcanoes or earthquakes.
• Sánchez, M.d.M. V. 2021. Biology and Geology. Teoría, actividades y prácticas de
laboratorio. Región de Murcia Consejería de Educación y Cultura Secretaría General. Servicio de
Publicaciones y Estadística

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