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Shaykh Muḥammad Nāsirudīn al-Albānī and His Prodigious Love for

Islāmic Libraries (1420 H./1999 C.E.) 
A brief example of the importance of the Islāmic library is illustrated in the life of one of the
greatest scholars of hadith of our time; Shaykh Muḥammad Nāsirudīn al-Albānī . While
discussing his life, he mentioned that he had learned how to repair watches at a young age. He
expressed how happy and grateful he was to Allāh for allowing him to learn this trade due to
that fact that he was able to open a watch repair shop, which helped him support his family,
but at the same time, gave him lots of spare time for researching, studying, and authoring
books. After mentioning about the time he spent in his watch repair shop in Syria, he went on
to say:
“The rest of my time I spent in seeking knowledge, authoring books, and studying books of
ḥadīth, and more specifically, ḥadīth manuscripts that were present in ath-Thāhiriya Library.
Consequently, I visited the library regularly similar to someone working there. The time I
spent there (daily) fluctuated between 6 to 8 hours depending on the summer or winter
operating hours.”1
In one of the largest biographies written about the Shaykh, the author mentioned:
“Ath-Thāhiriya Library was a tremendous blessing to him as he was able to find within it
books that he was unable to purchase. He would also borrow books from bookstores which
he considered a tremendous blessing from Allāh.”2
The author of the biography – who actually met the Shaykh and narrated much of the
biography directly from him - goes on to mention how the owners of bookstores would allow
Shaykh al-Albānī to borrow any book he needed free of charge.
Then he said:
“His research in ḥadīth became the focal point of his life to the extent that he would close
his repair shop, go to ath-Thāhiriya library, and remain there for 12 hours. He did not stop
reading, writing notes, and verifying information, except during prayer times. He also would
eat small portions of food in the library most of the time.”3
The author further mentions:

Ḥayāt al-Albānī by Muḥammad Ibrāhim ash-Shaybāni vol. 1, pg. 49
Ibid pg. 51
Ibid pg. 52-53
“For this reason, the manager of the library granted him a specific room so that he could
remain in it with various reference books and (conduct) his important research. He would
occasionally arrive at the library in the morning before staff and on a daily basis when staff
would return to their homes at mid-day, the Shaykh would remain in the library as long as
Allāh decreed. Occasionally, he would remain there until ‘Ishā prayer and then depart to his
home. Certainly, everyone who saw him those days in the library witnessed how diligent
and eager he was in benefitting from his time. To the extent that many people criticized him
because of his constant reading and authoring (books) when they visited him in the library.
Of course, the Shaykh’s excuse was that he did not wish to waste any time with greeting
(visitors) and engaging in conversation. In fact, he would respond to questions presented to
him while still reading a book without raising his eyes to look at the questioner.”4
While discussing some of the Shaykh travels in Syria the author says:
“He used to benefit from his trips to the city of Halab every month and he would visit Awqāf
Islāmic Library, which is the only library there filled with manuscripts. He would spend long
hours in the library studying manuscripts and copying from them for his research needs and
Translator’s note:
What has proceeded is just a few examples of how dear and loved Islāmic libraries were to
Shaykh al-Albānī  and how he greatly benefited from visiting various libraries during his
lifetime. We will conclude this brief article with the mention of the last portion of his will
where he said:
“I bequeath my entire library – whether printed works, photocopied, or manuscripts, by my
handwriting, or others – to the Islāmic University in al-Madinah al-Munawarah. This is
because I have fond memories of it (the university) as it relates to calling to the Book (of
Allāh) and the Sunnah upon the way of the Salaf as-Ṣāliḥ while I was present there as a
teacher. I hope from Allāh, the Most High, that visitors [to my library] benefit from it as I
have benefitted students from it in the past. I also hope [from Allāh) that I benefit from their
sincerity and their supplication [for me].”
May Allāh, the Most High, bless our beloved Shaykh and grant him Jannah for the knowledge
that he has left behind for the Muslim Ummah. May Allāh allow us to benefit from his great
works and implement what we learn. Additionally, may He allow the Muslim Ummah to
understand the high status and importance of the Islāmic library and its vital role in preserving

Ibid pg. 52-53
Ibid pg. 56
knowledge and making it available to the Muslim community as has been displayed in the life
of Shaykh al-Albānī and many other renowned scholars of Islām. Lastly, may He, the
Most High, grant us success in opening Imām Ibn al-Qayyim’s Islāmic Library in Newark N.J.
next month (Rab’ī al-Awal 1445 H./ Oct. 2023 C.E.) Inshā Allāh.
Copy of Shaykh al-Albānī’s Will

Abū Ismā’īl Muṣṭafá ibn George DeBerry

3 of Rabi al-Awal 1445 H. / September 18, 2023
Newark, New Jersey

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