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The majority of job postings include the qualifications that applicants must meet in order to be
considered for the position. Specific abilities, kinds and volumes of work experience, personal
characteristics, school credentials, professional certifications, knowledge areas, and other
qualifications may be included. The abilities, experience, and characteristics that an employer
expects to find in a candidate recruited for a position are referred to as job requirements. Those
qualifications are deemed necessary by the employer for good work performance. The majority
of job postings include the qualifications that applicants must meet in order to be considered
for the position. Specific abilities, kinds and volumes of work experience, personal
characteristics, school credentials, professional certifications, knowledge areas, and other
qualifications may be included. These standards help companies set expectations and guarantee
that competent persons apply for open positions.


The most important aspect of job hunting is demonstrating to companies how competent you
are for the positions you are looking for. When you do so, the hiring manager is more likely to
consider you as a prospect worth interviewing. You'll only have a few seconds to persuade an
employer that you're qualified for the job and that your CV and cover letter deserve a closer

Autocratic, supervisory, empathetic, collegial, and system models are the top five qualities that
enable me do my position effectively. Issue selling, taking the initiative, constructive change-
oriented communication, creativity, and proactive socialising are examples of these
behaviours. Your company's success is dependent on your employees' abilities, and placing the
right person in the appropriate role can be the difference between success and failure, not just
for the individual but also for the project. Identifying your employees' talents and limitations,
and then assigning work and projects accordingly, is an important part of successful
management. Employee talents play a critical influence in both personal and organisational
progress. It also had an impact on each employee's performance.


Finally, as a management tool, job analysis / job descriptions may substantially simplify an
organization's human resource management. They assist workers in understanding their
employment by clarifying work functions and reporting linkages. Maintaining a consistent
wage structure is aided by job descriptions. Job descriptions may be used to underpin
performance evaluations.


Work from home is a notion in which an employee may work from home. Work from home
allows employees to have more flexible working hours while also making the job easier for
employers. The majority of firms nowadays provide this choice to their employees. Work from
home refers to work that is done from home rather than at an office. The notion is referred to
by the abbreviation WFH. During the worldwide pandemic, several companies moved their
staff from the office to a work-from-home approach.


To improve people's perceptions about working from home and keep the corporate culture
intact, the firm and its employees must examine whether they are ready for individuals to work
from home. Current processes and rules, particularly those relating to performance evaluation,
should be reviewed to ensure that they are equitable for all categories of employees. To
guarantee that employees can be productive when working from home, technology like as
servers, laptops, and VPNs must be used. Employees must, however, be ready to work from
home by establishing work habits, defining limits with management, and making an effort to
be socially involved.

In today's world, the notion of working from home is highly significant. It allows employees
to maintain or improve their productivity while also allowing them to spend time with their
families or work on personal projects. In addition, if an employee is dealing with a personal or
family health issue, Work from Home can be a great tool for allowing them to stay at home
and work during these times. Work from Home helped several organisations to remain
productive and relevant in 2020, throughout the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. IT,
management, design, media, and other roles continued to work with the WFH option. Building
trust and collaboration among teams requires the use of communication technologies such as
teams or WEBEX to sustain the present culture. Employees may prevent feeling alone and
make themselves available to their co-workers by employing the methods mentioned.
Trial runs should always be done to get managers on board. Employees should not go from
working five days a week in the office to working five days a week from home; instead, they
should transition and consult with their boss on how to strengthen present communication. In
this instance, trust is crucial. If a management has faith in their employee and the individual is
performing well, the possibility of working from home should be considered. Companies
should, however, continue to provide shared workspaces for workers to use for crucial meetings
or collaborations as needed, in order to maintain a feeling of community when employees
gather in person.


This work-from-home approach has both pros and downsides. However, most organisations
still provide this to their staff, and it is a new trend these days. Some people believe that
dividing the week into days spent working from home and days spent at the office is the best
approach to avoid many of the drawbacks. It is up to the employers to decide which process to

(a) Learning is described as the process of acquiring, enhancing, or altering one's knowledge,
skills, beliefs, attitude, behaviour, and world views via the use of a combination of personal
and environmental experiences and influencers. For quicker outcomes, Nikita should pick
cognitive psychology as the most significant learning theory. Employees will no longer be
viewed as a collection of responses to external stimuli, as behavioural cognitive psychology
will focus on more complex mental activities. The theory was influenced by the computer's
development as an information processing device that resembled the human mind. In cognitive
psychology, learning is described as the acquisition of knowledge, and the learner is an
information processor who receives material, processes it cognitively, and stores it in memory.
As a result, it will be the preferable method for employees to acquire certain model behaviours
demonstrated by leaders.

Answer.3 (b) It is impossible to overestimate the role of reinforcement in the learning process.
According to the law of effect, reinforcement is anything that increases the strength of a
reaction while simultaneously encouraging repeat of the behaviour that preceded the reward.
Reinforcement may also be defined in terms of function: something is reinforcing if it
strengthens and induces the previous reaction to be repeated. Reinforcement is a strategy that
includes instantly providing or removing a stimulus following a behaviour to help increase the
chance of it occurring again in the future. When a pleasurable stimulus is used to encourage a
desirable behaviour, this is known as positive reinforcement. The use of an unfavourable
stimulus as a form of positive punishment is used to dissuade bad behaviour. When a negative
stimulus is eliminated in order to encourage a desirable activity, this is known as negative

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