Afghan Lee Certification Application Form

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Afghan Locally Engaged Employee Program

Application Form

The Afghan Locally Engaged Employee (LEE) Program offers a pathway to resettlement in Australia
for eligible Afghans who are currently at risk of harm as a result of their employment with Australia
in Afghanistan.

If you were employed in Afghanistan with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT),
including the former Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), and you want to
apply for certification under the Afghan LEE Program, please complete this form.

DFAT will assess your application against the certification criteria at Attachment A.

Applying for certification under the Afghan LEE Program is different to applying for a humanitarian
visa. If you want to apply for a humanitarian visa, you must do so separately.

If you are certified under the Afghan LEE Program and you separately apply for a humanitarian visa,
the Australian Department of Home Affairs (Home Affairs) will prioritise the processing of your
humanitarian visa application.

If you are not certified under the Afghan LEE Program, you may still apply for a humanitarian visa at
any time through Home Affairs. Not being certified under the Afghan LEE Program has no adverse
impact on your suitability to obtain an Australian visa.

Further information on how to apply for a humanitarian visa is available at Home Affairs- Resettle in

Instructions to applicant
 This form must be completed in English.
 At the end of this form there is a declaration which requires your signature.
 There is a Privacy Notice at Attachment B. If you want to consent to the Privacy Notice,
please complete and return the Privacy Notice. You do not have to consent to the Privacy
Notice. Consenting to the Privacy Notice may assist DFAT to verify the employment
information in your application. Your application may be rejected if DFAT is unable to
verify that information.
 If you are unable to print, sign and scan the declaration and/or Privacy Notice, DFAT will
accept an electronic signature on either document. An electronic signature includes typing
a name in electronic format, scanning and pasting a physical signature into an electronic
document, or a name appearing in the ‘from’ field in an email.

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Part A – Personal details

Family name

All given names

Former/other names


Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

Place of birth
(Town/city) (Country)

Identity card number (Taskera)

Please provide a copy of your Identity Card (Taskera) with this form. Is it attached?
Yes or No

Father’s name

Mother’s name

Marital status

Current residential address

(Street name and number)
(Town/city) (Province)
Period of residency _____________________________________________

All known previous residential addresses

All current email addresses

Current telephone numbers

(Home) (Mobile)

Do you have a passport/travel document?

Yes or No

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If yes, please provide details
(Passport/travel document number)
(Country of passport/travel document)
(Date of issue) (Date of expiry)
(Place of issue)

Are you a national or citizen of another country other than Afghanistan?

Yes or No
If yes, which other country or countries are you a national or citizen of?

Part B – Employment with the Australian Government

Are you, or have you previously been, employed with an Australian Government agency or
Australian funded program in Afghanistan?
Yes or No

If yes

Australian Government agency you worked with, or name of specific Australian Government
funded program(s) you worked on

Name of the organisation that directly employed you

Name of your supervisor/commanding officer

Location where you work or worked

(Name of building or program site)
(Street name and number, if applicable)
(Town/city) (Province)

Date when employment commenced (dd/mm/yyyy)

Date when employment ceased (dd/mm/yyyy):

If your employment ceased more than six months ago, are there any circumstances that have
prevented you from making this application at an earlier date?
Yes or No
If yes, please provide details

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Average number of hours you worked per week providing direct support to the Australian

Duties performed during employment, including details of any direct support you provided to the
Australian Government, and any public profile you had representing Australia

Part C – Current risk of harm as a result of employment with the Australian Government

Are you currently at risk of harm as a result of your employment with the Australian Government in
Yes or No
If yes, please provide details

Were you, or any members of your family, ever threatened or attacked as a result of your
employment with the Australian Government in Afghanistan?
Yes or No
If yes, please provide details

Part D – Other information

Please use the space below to provide any additional information you would like to provide to
support your application to the Afghan LEE Program

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Please attach copies of evidence to support your application, which may include a letter from your
employer verifying the information you have provided above, a copy of your employment contract,
and/or your work pass.

Part E – Declaration

WARNING: Providing false documents and/or false or misleading information in connection with a
visa application is an offence under Australia’s migration laws.

I declare that the information I have given in this form is complete, true and correct.

I understand and accept that:

 completing this form does not guarantee me a visa to Australia; and
 any certification or visa applied for, or granted, on the basis of false or misleading
information provided in this form may be refused or cancelled.

Signature of applicant

Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Full name

Taskera number

Passport/travel document number

If you are unable to print and sign this declaration, DFAT will accept an electronic signature. An
electronic signature includes typing a name in electronic format, scanning and pasting a physical
signature into an electronic document, or a name appearing in the ‘from’ field in an email.

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Attachment A

Afghan Locally Engaged Employee Program

Certification Criteria

This form explains the certification criteria for the Afghan Locally Engaged Employee (LEE) Porgram
set out in legislative instrument IMMI12/127 to the Migration Regulations 1994 available at The Minister for Foreign Affairs must be
satisfied that an applicant meets the certification criteria.

An applicant must not be a national or citizen of another country other than Afghanistan. This
includes dual citizens of Afghanistan.

An applicant must demonstrate they were ‘employed with’ DFAT, including the former Australian
Agency for International Development (AusAID).

An applicant was ‘employed with’ DFAT if:

 they were in a direct employment relationship with DFAT; or
 while directly employed by another party, they provided services for or on behalf of DFAT, or
appeared to be working with or representing DFAT.

DFAT will assess each application on a case-by-case basis, based on all of the applicant’s

If an applicant was not in a direct employment relationship with DFAT, relevant factors for
assessing whether they ‘provided services for or on behalf of DFAT, or appeared to be working with
or representing DFAT’ include:
 Level of direct support provided to Australia – applicant performed work directly related to the
delivery of a project largely funded by Australia; applicant provided services directly to DFAT or
to a project largely funded by Australia.
 Public profile of employment – applicant’s role had a public profile and could reasonably
considered to be representing DFAT/AusAID; applicant had a public facing role or regularly
engaged with the public in the implementation of an Australian development program;
applicant appeared regularly with Australian officials whilst undertaking their duties.
 Duration of services provided – applicant provided services for a long and ongoing period;
applicant provided services at irregular intervals over a long-term period as required by DFAT.
 Extent of control that DFAT exercised over the project or applicant’s work – substantial
direction by DFAT in the project design and delivery; direct supervision by an Australian
government official; applicant provided with documents or items that identified them as part of
DFAT/AusAID (such as identification cards or uniforms).
 Work location – applicant worked at the Australian Embassy, or another location controlled by

An applicant must demonstrate they are currently at risk of harm as a result of their employment
with DFAT.

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Attachment A

DFAT will assess each application on a case-by-case basis, based on all of the applicant’s
circumstances. Relevant factors include their role, location, employment period, and currency of

An applicant must apply within six months of ceasing employment with DFAT or demonstrate
that exceptional circumstances exist for an application more than six months after ceasing
employment with DFAT.

What constitutes exceptional circumstances may change from time-to-time.

Exceptional circumstances may include:

 a change in the group that controls Afghanistan;
 where an individual has been prevented from accessing telecommunications for the
purpose of submitting an application; and/or
 a change in the eligibility criteria for certification.

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Attachment B

Afghan Locally Engaged Employee Program

Privacy Notice

This form is in two parts:

 part 1: a Privacy Notice that explains how the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
will collect, use and share your and, if applicable, your family members’ personal information
in relation to your application for certification under the Afghan Locally Engaged Employee
(LEE) Program; and
 part 2: a request for your consent.

Part 1: Privacy Notice


DFAT may collect, use and share your personal information:

 to assess and manage your application under the Afghan LEE Program;

 to evaluate, audit or assess the Afghan LEE Program;

 to refer you to more appropriate visa application processes, if applicable; and

 for research and development of policies or programs relevant to DFAT’s functions.

We may collect and share your information from and with other parties. This may include other
Australian Government agencies; and individuals, organisations and Governments in other

Please advise us immediately if you do not want DFAT to contact a particular person or entity if, for
example, you have concerns for your safety.

If you complete part 2 of this form, you are consenting to DFAT collecting and managing your
personal information as set out in this Privacy Notice.

For more detail, read the below notice or DFAT’s privacy policy available at

This Privacy Notice explains how DFAT will manage your and, if applicable, your family members’
personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act).

Why will DFAT collect your information?

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Attachment B

DFAT collects your personal information to manage the Afghan LEE Program, including:
 to assess and manage your application under the Afghan LEE Program;
 to evaluate, audit or assess the Afghan LEE Program;
 to refer you to more appropriate visa application processes, if applicable; and
 for research and development of policies or programs relevant to DFAT’s functions.

DFAT may have already collected your personal information (including sensitive information) for
one or more of the above purposes. This statement will provide you with information on how
DFAT proposes, with your consent where necessary, to manage that information moving forward.

What types of information will DFAT collect about you?

To manage the Afghan LEE Program, DFAT will need to collect your personal information and if
relevant, the personal information of your family members. This may include the following
 full name;
 date of birth;
 contact details, including email, phone number and address;
 gender;
 country of residence, citizenship and/or birth;
 identity, travel, passport and visa information or documents; and
 employment and financial information (including, employment status, occupation/career
history and reference details).

DFAT may also collect sensitive information, including:

 language, ethnic, religious and cultural background information;
 health information, including medical history, test results and reports; and
 any criminal history information.

How will DFAT collect your information?

DFAT will collect this information directly from you and from other people such as:
 Australian Government agencies and departments, including the Department of Home Affairs
(Home Affairs), the Department of Defence (Defence) and the Australian Federal Police (AFP);
 other individuals, organisations or Governments, where it is required to verify any
information that you provided to us in your application.

Please only provide information that you are comfortable with providing. It is your choice what
personal information you provide to us in relation to the application.

If DFAT does not collect your personal information, DFAT may not be able to assess or manage
your application under the Afghan LEE Program.

How will DFAT use and share your information?

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Attachment B

DFAT will use and share your personal information and the personal information of your family
members to manage the Afghan LEE Program, including to:
 to assess and manage your application under the Afghan LEE Program;
 to evaluate, audit or assess the Afghan LEE Program;
 to refer you to more appropriate visa application processes, if applicable; and
 for research and development of policies or programs relevant to DFAT’s functions.

Who will DFAT share your information with?

DFAT may share your personal information with:

 Australian Government agencies or departments, including Home Affairs, Defence and the
 agents of DFAT, including contractors engaged by DFAT to assist with, or evaluate, the Afghan
LEE Program or DFAT’s operations more broadly;
 any other individual, organisation or government agency or department (including in other
countries) to verify the information that you provided to us in your application; and
 Australian Government Ministers with responsibility for the Afghan LEE Program, or a House
or Committee of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Sharing your information outside Australia

DFAT may share your personal information with other parties outside Australia, including in your
home country, who are able to assist DFAT to assess your application under the Afghan LEE

DFAT’s Privacy Policy and contact details

DFAT’s Privacy Policy (available at contains important information, including:

 how you can access and correct personal information DFAT holds about you; and
 how you can complain about a privacy breach.

Part 2: Request for Consent

Participation in the Afghan LEE Program is voluntary.

By completing this form (please tick to confirm):

I consent to DFAT collecting and handling my personal information in accordance with

this Privacy Notice, including DFAT disclosing that information to parties located outside
of Australia.
I acknowledge and agree that DFAT will not be responsible under the Privacy Act for
how a party outside of Australia handles my personal information.

If you supply personal information to us about another person (please tick to confirm):

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Attachment B

I represent and warrant that I am authorised to do so and that the relevant person has
consented to the disclosure of that information to DFAT and to DFAT’s collection and
handling of that information in accordance with this Privacy Notice.

Signature of applicant

Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Full name

Taskera number

Passport/travel document number

If you are unable to print and sign this declaration, DFAT will accept an electronic signature. An
electronic signature includes typing a name in electronic format, scanning and pasting a physical
signature into an electronic document, or a name appearing in the ‘from’ field in an email.

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