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Prog. EnergyCorabust. Sci. 1993.Vol.19,pp. 31 70 0360-1285/93 $24.

Printedin GreatBritain. 1993PergamonPress Ltd




National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, 0H44135, U.S.A.

Received 21 December 1992

Abstract--This paper summarizes experimental and computational results on the mixing of single,
double, and opposed rows of jets with an isothermal or variable temperature mainstream in a confined
subsonic crossflow. The studies from which these results came were performed to investigate flow and
geometric variations typical of the complex three-dimensional flowfield in the dilution zone of combustion
chambers in gas turbine engines.
The principal observations from the experiments were that the momentum-flux ratio was the most
significant flow variable, and that temperature distributions were similar, independent of orifice diameter,
when the orifice spacing and the square-root of the momentum-flux ratio were inversely proportional.
The experiments and empirical model for the mixing of a single row of jets from round holes were
extended to include several variations typical of gas turbine combustors, namely variable temperature
mainstream, flow area convergence, noncircular orifices, and double and opposed rows of jets, both in-
line and staggered. All except the last of these were appropriately modeled with superposition or patches
to the basic empirical model. Combinations of flow and geometry that gave optimum mixing were
identified from the experimental and computational results. Based on the results of calculations made
with a three-dimensional numerical model, the empirical model was further extended to model the effects
of curvature and convergence. The principal conclusions from this study were that the orifice spacing and
momentum-flux relationships were the same as observed previously in a straight duct, but the jet
structure was significantly different for jets injected from the inner wall of a turn than for those injected
from the outer wall. Also, curvature in the axial direction caused a drift of the jet trajectories toward the
inner wall, but the mixing in a turning and converging channel did not seem to be inhibited by the
convergence, independent of whether the contraction was radial or circumferential. The calculated jet
penetration and mixing in an annulus were similar to those in a rectangular duct when the orifice spacing
was specified at the radius dividing the annulus into equal areas.


Nomenclature 32
1. Introduction 32
2. Description of the Flowfield 32
3. Chronology of Previous Studies of Confined Mixing in a Rectangular Duct 33
4. Flowfield Models 36
4.1. Empirical 36
4.2. Numerical 38
5. Results and Discussion 39
5.1. Single row of orifices 39
5.1.1. Variations with orifice size and spacing 39
5.1.2. Coupled spacing and momentum-flux ratio 40
5.1.3. Flow area convergence 40
5.1.4. Square orifices 41
5.1.5. Slots and holes 41
5.1.6. Density ratio 45
5.1.7. Variable temperature mainstream 46
5.2. Double axial rows of holes 46
5.3. Opposing rows ofjets 47
5.3.1. Opposed rows of in-line jets 48
5.3.2. Opposed rows of staggered jets 48
5.3.3. Opposed rows of jets from slanted slots 50
5.4. Effects of curvature and convergence 51
5.4.1. Differences between ID and OD injection in a curved duct 51
5.4.2. Opposed rows with jet centerlines staggered 52
5.4.3. Opposed rows with jet centerlines in-line 53
5.4.4. Effects of radius of curvature in the x - r plane 54
5.4.5. Mixing of jets in an annular duct (effects of curvature in the r-z plane) 58

* Senior Research Engineer, Aerothermochemistry Branch.

19:1.x 31

5.4.6. Convergence effects 58

5.4.7. Jetsinjectedinto acan 58
6. Applicability and Limitations 59
6.1. Empirical 60
6.2. Numerical 61
7. Summary of Results 61
References 64
Appendix--Correlation Equations 68

NOMENCLATURE T temperature
Aj/Am jet-to-mainstream area ratio; (~/4)/((S/ Tj jet exit temperature
no)(no/O) 2) for one-side injection; (n/2)/((S/ Tm mainstream temperature
Ho)(Ho/D) 2) for two-side injection U velocity
C (S/Ho)~/OY; Eq. 3 Um mainstream velocity
Cd orifice discharge coefficient Vj jet velocity
D orifice diameter wj/wm x/(DR)(J)(Cd)(A/Am)
Dj (D)x/(-'~d) wj/wT jet-to-total mass flow ratio; equilibrium 0
DR jet-to-mainstream density ratio (~ Tm/Tj) Wj/Wm
dH/dx duct convergence rate
Heq effective duct height; H0 except for opposed
1 + wj/w=
rows of jets with centerlines in-line; see Appen- W~ jet half-widths on injection ( - ) or opposite ( + )
dix side of jet centerline; see Fig. 5
H0 duct height at injection plane x downstream coordinate; 0 at injection plane
J jet-to-mainstream momentum-flux ratio y cross-stream (radial) coordinate; 0 at wall; y, at
(DR)(R) 2 location of minimum temperature in a line x =
M jet-to-mainstream mass-flux ratio (DR)(R) constant, z = constant
n number of holes around can; see Eq. 6 z lateral (circumferential) coordinate; 0 at center-
r radial coordinate plane
R jet-to-mainstream velocity ratio (Vj/Urn) 0 (Tin - T)(Tm - Tj); Eq. 1
R~ inner radius of curvature in x-r plane 0c temperature difference ratio at y~
Rt inner radius of curvature at inlet in r-z plane 0~in minimum temperature difference ratio on injec-
S spacing between orifice centers tion ( - ) or opposite (+) side of jet centerline;
S~ spacing between orifice rows see Fig. 5

1. INTRODUCTION Although results reported to date have all contrib-

uted additional understanding of the general prob-
Jets-in-crossflow have been extensively treated in lem, the information obtained in them was deter-
the literature, to the point that this flow can almost mined by their motivating application, and may not
be considered a classical three-dimensional problem, satisfy the specific needs of different applications.
Flows in which this is an integral constituent occur Several of the reports, papers, and books that
in a number of areas important in combustion and include information relevant to combustion applica-
energy science and technology, tions of jets in crossflow and which have been pub-
In a gas turbine combustor for example, mixing of lished since 1970, are given in Refs 1-163. The inter-
relatively cold air jets is important in the dilution ested reader should note that although this list is
zone where the products of combustion are mixed rather lengthy, there may be other studies that are
with air to reduce the gas temperatures to levels (unintentionally) not cited, and the reader should
acceptable to the turbine blade material. This renders also note that results from several references, such as
the combustor dilution zone jet-in-crossflow applica- Refs 164-166, were published prior to 1970.
tion unique in that it is a confined mixing problem,
whence the equilibrium temperature of the exiting
flow may differ significantly from that of the entering 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE FLOWFIELD
mainstream flow. To control or tailor the combustor
exit temperature pattern it is necessary to be able to Figure 1 shows a schematic of the flow in a rec-
characterize the exit distribution in terms of the tangular duct with injection from a row of jets on
upstream flow and geometric variables. This requires the top wall. The temperature field results are often
that the entire flowfield be either known or modeled, presented as plots of the temperature difference ratio,
Jets in a subsonic crossflow are also encountered 0, where
in other applications in both airborne and terrestrial (T= - T)
0 - - - (i)
combustion applications, such as in premixing of ( T m - Tj)
fuel and air, the injection of sorbents, and staged
combustion for emissions control. In addition, A sequence o f three-dimensional oblique views of
mixing of transverse jets is important in applications this parameter at several locations downstream of
such as the discharge of effluent in water, and in the injection plane is shown in Fig. 2. In these plots
transition from hover to cruise for STOVL aircraft, the temperature distribution is shown (on the abS
Mixing of multiple jets 33

scissa) in y - z planes normal to the main flow direc- by Holdeman et aL 65 is shown in Fig. 4a. The duct
lion, x. The coordinates y and z are, respectively, convergence was identified by the ratio of the exit
parallel to the orifice centerlines and the row of cross-sectional area to that at the jet injection loca-
orifices. Note that the jet fluid is identified by larger tion. The curved sections in the x - r plane were
values of 0 (i.e. 0 = 1 if T = Tj, and 0 = 0 if T = generated using circular arcs, and the curvature pa-
T,,). The equilibrium 0 for any configuration is rameter was specified as the inner radius of curvature
equal to the fraction of the total flow entering of the duct normalized by the inlet duct height,
through the dilution jets, wj/wT. Because the objective Rci/Ho. The radius of curvature of the inner duct
in this application was to identify dilution zone con- wall in the r-z plane is given nondimensionally by its
figurations to provide a desired mixing pattern within ratio to the inlet duct height, Rt/no.
a given combustor length, the downstream stations Curved and converging ducts are defined by values
of interest were defined in intervals of the duct of Rci and Rt between zero and infinity (see Fig. 4a).
height at the injection location, H0, rather than the Some limiting cases of interest are as follows: a
orifice diameter, D. rectangular channel is defined if Rt and R¢i are
The orifice configurations discussed herein are infinite; a can results if Rci is infinite and R, = 0;
shown in Fig. 3. The primary independent geometric and an annular duct results if Rci is infinite and
variables for each of these are the spacing between 0 < Rt < infinity. A grid typical of those used in the
adjacent orifices, S, the orifice diameter, D (for non- numerical turning duct calculations is shown in Fig.
circular orifices, this is taken as the diameter of a 4b.
circle of equal area), and, for double rows, the axial The primary independent flow variables were the
spacing between rows, Sx. These are expressed in jet-to-mainstream density and momentum-flux
dimensionless form as the ratio of the orifice spacing ratios. Note that the latter is equal to the ratio of jet-
to duct height, S/Ho, the ratio of the duct height to to-mainstream dynamic pressures, and the former is
orifice diameter, Ho/D, and the ratio of the axial equal to the ratio of mainstream-to-jet temperatures
spacing to the duct height, Sx/Ho. if the jet static pressure is equal to that of the
The basic geometry for the turning and converging mainstream. Table 1 gives the ranges investigated for
ducts in the numerical and empirical studies reported both the flow and geometric variables. Not all com-
binations of the independent variables in the table
~ were tested or analyzed; only those combinations
~ ~,,:~ ~ within the range given for the derived variables repre-
~ .........~ sent conditions that are within the range of the
--~ ~+ :~: ~ experiments and calculations performed.

Too : LO~:.;I 30.48~).48cm

~';;'~~i~'! 3. C H R O N O L O G Y O F P R E V I O U S S T U D I E S O F C O N F I N E D
T -"-" +,~: ~:+ M I X I N G IN A R E C T A N G U L A R D U C T
: o~ ~ i~
--* 5~:,~ ; ~:~ From the data of Walker and Kors 1+9 for mixing
of a row of multiple jets in a straight duct, an
empirical model was developed 54'~5~ to calculate the
temperature field downstream of a row of jets in-
jected into a confined crossflow. A microcomputer
,,,,,,,,J.~L ~TJ I ' ] ] H / H ] ] ] H . . . . . program based on this empirical model was used by
~:o~:~:~:. Holdeman 55 to illustrate the effects of separately
U,o -+ y Hn - 10.16 cm varying the independent flow and geometric variables
--~ I+:::+~++++
ii and to identify the relationships among them which
H,','/,'///////,'/H///////H///// characterized the mixing. (Although it is recognized
FIO. 1. Schematic ofmultiplejetflow, that a uniform temperature distribution may not

XIH 0 - O.25 O.5 1 2

....... o . . . . . . . . . . . . o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o

"0 1 10 1 10 " " i

FiG. 2. Experimental mean temperature distributions (J = 26.2, S/Ho = 0.5, Ho/D = 4).

S/Ho Ho/D S x .4"1o Type

A 0.5 8 --
B .5 5.7
C .5 4 --
D .5 4 -- 0 o Slot
E .5 4 -- 90 ° Slot
F .5 4 -- 45 ° slot
G 1.0 4 --
H 1.0 4
I 1.0 4 - - Square
J ~ 9,9 -- 2-O Slot
K -- 19,8 -- 2-D slot
L .25 8
M .5 5.7 0.5 In-Line
.5 5.7 --
N .5 5.7 ,25 Dissimilar
.25 8 --
O 1.0 4 ,5 Staggered
1.0 4

A B C D E F G H I -

o o O ~ 0 0 -'~ o o
0 [] o ,o
o ol o oo c
° ° o ~ 0 0 o o ol
o o 0 c~ 0 0 ° o o o ,
o o OTc= 0 0 0 []
o o'o o o
o o Oi~ ' 0 0 0 ooo
oFo 0 i
0 o 0 ~ 00~ __ ~ o [] oo o o oo ,~ ic

FIG. 3. Orifice configurations.

TABLE 1. Ranges of flow and geometric variables on which summarized as follows: (1) mixing improved with
model is based increasing downstream distance; (2) the
Independent variables: Range momentum-flux ratio was found to be the most
significant flow variable; (3) the effect of density
Downstream distance, x/Ho 0-2 ratio appeared to be small at constant momentum-
Density ratio, DR 0.5-2.2
Momentum-flux ratio, J 5-105 flux ratio; (4) increasing orifice spacing at a given
Orifice diameter, Ho/D 4--16 momentum-flux ratio and orifice diameter increased
Orifice transverse (circumferential) 2-6 jet penetration but decreased lateral uniformity; (5)
spacing S/D increasing orifice diameter at a constant ratio of
Orifice row axial offset, Sx/Ho 0.25-0.5 spacing-to-diameter (S/D) increased jet penetration
Orifice aspect ratio (long/short) 1-2.8
Area ratio(exit/inlet) 0.33-1 (y/Ho), but also decreased lateral uniformity; (6)
Radius of curvature in x-r plane, Rci/Ho 0.25-00 increasing orifice diameter at a constant orifice spac-
Radius of curvature in r-z plane, R,/Ho 0-0o ing (S/Ho) increased the magnitude of the tempera-
Variable mainstream 0 04).5 ture difference, but jet penetration and profile shape
Derived variables: remained similar; (7) profiles for conditions with
the momentum-flux ratio (J) and orifice spacing
Orifice spacing, S/Ho 0.125-1 (S/Ho) inversely coupled showed similar distribu-
Aj/Ar, 0.025-0.1 tions over a range of momentum-flux ratios; (8)
Wj/WT 0.075-0 .36
C = "'""'-"~~s:,~o)wJJ smaller momentum-flux ratios (and/or larger orifice
spacing) required a greater downstream distance for
equivalent mixing. Note from the last two items
always be desired, optimum is used herein (as in that optimum mixing was obtained for any given
e.g. Refs 54 and 57) to identify flow and geometric orifice area when the orifice spacing and momentum
conditions which lead to a uniform temperature distri- flux were coupled, but that a greater downstream
bution in a minimum downstream distance.) distance was required for equivalent mixing when
The results of these investigations of the mixing of either the momentum-flux ratio was small or the
a single row of circular jets in a straight duct may be orifice spacing was large.
Mixing of multiple jets 35

40 - ~,.~


~20 .~


o I I I
-10 O 10 20
Axial distance, x, cm
(a) Transilion duct parameters.


30 36

I] 24 34

18 ,... 32


6 26

o ~ 1'2 l'e :;4 24, -2 6 2

Axial distance,x, cm Circumferentialdistance,z, cm
Side elevatio~ Front elevation

I I I II I l t [1 II F'Tllt; I ,iL~l ' I I IIillt!lllfllllllllll I I I I I i I I I I ! t I I

I I I I~- _'p-2"~'_~ll J I ~ I fl 111 I I I ' I i [i IIIIIIIIIIIlllllll I I t I I I ) I I I 11 I

tl ..r÷.:~... !! '""
iiiii~iiii!ill i ii!il
II I~~H-~,, "ii II', ii......
Ill ~ ...............................

t Plan view; large holes ~ Plan view; small holes

---X X

iiT''iiiiiiiiiliiiii . . . . . . i " " "

II I I I I,-~],1 I I I i I I
,, ......... llLIll ....
............,=:, ,-~:---.-,,.~:_-_-..t i;11
,," ,....
....,, ,
. . . . . . . . I. . I. . . .I . I. I"S.X~X'd

.l . . . II. . . . . . . i . I. . . l i l l l l l l l lii,l,l~
l l . . . . . . . . . . . .

,, x Plan view; slanted slots

(b) Transitionduct grids.
FIG. 4. Parameters for dilution jet mixing studies.

The studies by Srinivasan e t a l . 1 2 s 13o were per- multiple jets in crossflow to include geometric and
formed to extend the available experimental data flow variations characteristic of gas turbine combus-
and empirical correlations on the thermal mixing of tion chambers, namely variable temperature main-

stream, flow area convergence, noncircular orifices, eling, in various levels of sophistication and complex-
double rows of holes, and opposed rows of jets, both ity, may be used to obviate this weakness. In this
in-line and staggered. These experiments were an regard, several one- and two-dimensional integral
extension of those by Walker and Kors.149 and differential jet-in-crossflow models have been
The principal conclusions from the second tier of developed (e.g. Ref. 75) and shown to give, for
experiments reported in Holdeman et al. 57.62 were: example, trajectory predictions that are in good agree-
(l) the inverse relationship between the momentum- ment with experiments. These models may provide
flux ratio and the orifice spacing was confirmed and insight into the dominant physical mechanism(s),
quantified; (2) at constant momentum-flux ratio, and predict some of the characteristic parameters
variations in density ratio had only a second-order well, but they rarely provide enough information to
effect on jet penetration and profile shape; (3) flow completely describe the flowfield.
area convergence, especially injection wall conver- Although the experimental results reported by Lips-
gence, significantly improved the mixing; (4) for ori- hitz and Greber, 93 Riddlebaugh et al., ~19 Lipshitz
rices that were symmetric with respect to the main and Greber 94 and Zizelman 162 have provided consid-
flow direction, the effects of shape were significant erable insight into the flowfield in the annular 180°
only within the first few jet diameters downstream curved duct that connects the exit of the combustor
from the injection plane; (5) penetration of slots to the inlet of the first stage turbine in gas turbine
slanted with respect to the main flow direction was engines using reverse-flow combustor configurations,
less than for circular holes or slots aligned with, or they were not sufficiently comprehensive to define
perpendicular to, the main flow; (6) temperature the flow in all three coordinate directions as would
distributions downstream from slanted slots were be needed to extend the empirical model.
rotated and shifted laterally with respect to the injec- Holdeman et a/. 63 summarized results from the
tion centerplane; (7)jet penetration from two-dimen- computations by Reynolds and White 113 who used a
sional (continuous) slots was similar to that down- three-dimensional, turbulent, viscous-flow computer
stream from closely-spaced circular holes, except that code to investigate the effects of curvature and con-
temperature difference ratios in the wake behind the vergence on the mixing of single and opposed rows
jet were significantly higher for continuous slots; (8) of dilution jets. Based on these results, ~13 the empiri-
a first-order approximation to the mixing of jets cal model reported by Holdeman et al. 62 for the
with a variable temperature mainstream was achieved temperature field downstream of single and multiple
by superimposing the upstream and jets-in-an- rows of jets injected into a straight duct was extended
isothermal-mainstream profiles; (9) at the same to model the effects of both axial and circumferential
momentum-flux ratio, and with the same orifice curvature with and without convergence. 132
spacing (S/Ho), double rows of in-line jets had tem- This extension of the empirical model added the
perature distributions similar to those from a single capability to investigate the effects of curvature while
row of circular holes of equal area at the same retaining all the capabilities and limitations of the
spacing; (10) jets from double rows of orifices of earlier versions. Also, because the empirical model
different size and spacing, or from double rows with calculations (for dilution jet mixing in straight ducts)
orifices staggered, may be approximated by superim- shown by Holdeman and Srinivasan 6° were in gener-
posing independent calculations of the two rows, but ally better quantitative agreement with the data than
caution should be exercised using this model for very three-dimensional numerical model calculations, the
small offsets between the rows; (11) for opposed empirical model was extended to model the trends,
rows of jets, with the orifice centerlines in-line, the but not the quantitative results, from the numerical
optimum ratio of orifice spacing to duct height is calculations.
one-half of the optimum value for single-side injec-
tion at the same momentum-flux ratio; (12) for
opposed rows of jets, with the orifice centerlines 4. FLOWFIELDMODELS
staggered, the optimum ratio of orifice spacing to
duct height is double the optimum value for single- 4.1. Empirical
side injection at the same momentum-flux ratio.
in the studies b y Srinivasan et al. ~2a 13Otheempir i_ The empirical model for the temperature field
cal model reported by Holdeman and Walker 54 was downstream of jets mixing with a confined crossflow
extended to model the effects of a variable tempera- is based on the observation that, for most cases of
ture mainstream, flow area convergence, noncircular interest, vertical temperature profiles everywhere in
orifices, and double rows of jets, both axially staged the flowfield could be expressed in the following self-
and opposed. 6°'62 similar form. 54
Empirical correlation of experimental data were ( 0 - 0=~i,) (T~,- T) I - Y - Yc~2
shown 6° to provide a good predictive capability - -exp -j"2/ _ J (2)
within the parameter range of the generating experi- (0c - 0~,) T d±i . - T ~ ) L W~ d
ments, but empirical models must be used with cau-
tion, or not at all, outside that range. Physical rood- where 0 is the temperature difference ratio at vertical
TABLE 2. Flow and geometric conditions for straight duct experiments

Figure Case* Description 10sPlate~ S/D HolD S/Ho A/Am Cd DR J wjwm wi/wx C~
2, 12a, 21a II1-22 C 2 4 0.5 0.098 0.76 2.2 26.2 0.57 0.36 2.56
6a, 7a I-5 L 2 8 0.25 0.049 0.6 2.1 22.4 0.20 0.17 1.18
6b, 7b, 1 lb I-4 H 4 4 1 0.049 0.67 2.2 23.5 0.24 0.19 4.85
8a I-3 H 4 4 1 0.049 0.73 2.1 5.3 0.12 0.11 2.30
8b, 17b, 24a I-7 A 4 8 0.5 0.025 0.61 2.2 28.4 0.12 0.11 2.66
8c, 16b I-6 L 2 8 0.25 0.049 0.61 2.3 92.7 0.44 0.30 2.41
9a II-50 B 2.8 5.7 0.5 0.049 0.71 2.2 25.4 0.26 0.20 2.52
9b, 10a, 19a, 26a I-2 C 2 4 0.5 0.098 0.61 2.1 18.6 0.37 0.27 2.16
10b II-26 symmetric convergence C 2 4 0.5 0.098 0.60 2.0 26.4 0.43 0.30 2.56
10c 11-34 injection wall convergence C 2 4 0.5 0.098 0.61 2.2 26.4 0.46 0.31 2.57
lla I1-32 square holes I 4 4 1 0.049 0.67 2.1 24.2 0.23 0.19 4.92
12a III-2 streamlined slots D 2 4 0.5 0.098 0.71 2.2 26.5 0.53 0.35 2.57
12b 111-3 bluffslots E 2 4 0.5 0.098 0.9 2.2 26.6 0.68 0.40 2.58 ~"
12c, 13b, 14 III-19 slanted slots F 2 4 0.5 0.098 0.66 2.2 27.1 0.50 0.33 2.60
15a II-45(a) wide slot K -- 9.9 -- 0.10 0.75 2.2 6.7 0.28 0.22 --
15b, 18b I-1 C 2 4 0.5 0.098 0.67 2.1 5.0 0.21 0.18 l .12 =
16a I1-31 (c) narrow slot J ] 9.8 -- 0.05 0.72 2.1 105.4 0.39 0.35 -- ~
17a 1-12 hot jets A 4 8 0.5 0.025 0.65 0.65 22.7 0.06 0.06 2.38 ~.
17c I-8 ambient jets A 4 8 0.025 0.61 2.3 96.0 0.22 0.18 4.90
18a I-9 hot jets C 2 4 0.098 0.61 0.62 22.7 0.22 0.18 2.38
19b, 20 1-13 top cold C 2 4 0.098 0.61 1.8 31.8 0.45 0.31 2.82
19c 1-17 top hot C 2 4 0.098 0.68 1.8 24.4 0.45 0.31 2.47
21b, 22 III-6 double/in-line M 2.8 5.7 0.049 0.65 2.2 26.3 0.24 0.33 2.56
2.8 5.7 0.049 0.66 2.2 26.9 0.25 -- 2.59
21c, 23 IIl-11 double/dissimilar N 2.8 5.7 0.5 0.049 0.69 2.2 26.8 0.26 0.34 2.58
2 8 0.25 0.049 0.7 2.2 26.6 0.26 1 .29
21d 111-9 double/staggered O 4 4 1 0.049 0.65 2.2 26.8 0.24 0.33 5.18
4 4 1 0.049 0.68 2.2 26.7 0.26 5.17
24b, 25 1I-2 opposed/in-line L and L 2 8 0.25 0.098 0.65 2.1 25.0 0.46 0.32 I .25
26b, 27 I1-28 opposed/staggered G and H 4 4 1 0.098 0.65 2.1 26.4 0.48 0.32 5.14

* Srinivasan and White. ~3

t See Fig. 3.
~.C = (SlHo) (~.

TABLE3. Flow and geometry conditions for numerical studies

Area Configuration
Figure Case* J S/ Ho Ho/D R~i/Ho Ro/Ho ratio
28a, d, e 38 6.6 0.5 4 Infinity Infinity Aligned/slanted
28b, f, g 39 6.6 Infinity Crossed/slanted
28c, h, i; 35a, c, d; 36a 30 6.6 Infinity Opposed/in-line
29a, e; 30a, e; 31d, g; 32d, g 9 26.4 0.5 ID jets
29b, c, f; 30b, c, f 12 Infinity One-side
29d, h; 30d, h; 31a, d; 32a, d I 0.5 OD jets
31b, c, f; 32b, c, f 18 1.0 8 Opposed/in-line
33a, c; 34a 37 6.6 0.25
33b, d; 34b 10 4 /
35b, e; 36b 29 0.5 0.25

37a, b; 38a 21 Annulus
39a, d, e; 40a, d, e 31 Infinity Infinity 1/3
39b, f; 40b, f 33 0.25 Infinity 1/3
0.25 2.2 1/3
39c, g; 40c, g 35 26.4 Can Infinity 1 OD jets
41a, b, c; 42a, b, c 41
* Reynolds and White, ll 3 Srinivasan and White. 132

. Correlations have been developed for each of these

0 - - ]- .Omin in terms of the independent variables J, S/D, Ho/D,
~! z/S, and x/Ho, plus Rcl/Ho and Rt/Ho for curved
Yc 0 - -0c + 0mln
ducts, and the aspect ratio for noncircular orifices.
These are given in the Appendix.

4.2. Numerical
:~ sc
The numerical code used by Reynolds and
White 1~3 was based on the U S A R T L three-dimen-
sional model, 167 and used pressure and velocities as
y O 0 c +--0rain
÷ the main hydrodynamic variables. The numerical
2 scheme and the pressure-velocity solution algorithm
were adapted from the techniques described by Spald-
J 8t~in ing, 16a Patankar and Spalding 169 and Patankar. 17°
1 0 This code, or others with similar capabilities, have
been used in previous validation and assessment stud-
FIG. 5. Schematic of typical vertical temperature profile ies reported by Kenworthy et al., 172 Srinivasan et
showing scaling parameters in empirical model, al.,173 Sturgess,174 Mongia et al. 175 and Holdeman
et al. 176
In the numerical model used in the studies by
location y, and 0m,,,
± W~:, and Yc are scaling param- Srinivasan et al. t73 and Reynolds and White, ~la the
eters as shown in Fig. 5. governing equations were represented by finite differ-
Note that Fig. 5 shows injection from the top ence approximations on a staggered grid system.
(y/Ho = 0) toward an opposite wall (y/Ho = 1) at Hybrid differencing was used for convective terms
the bottom. 0c is the maximum temperature differ- with central differencing of all other terms. The
ence ratio in the vertical profile, and y~ is its location, velocity-pressure coupling used the SIMPLER algo-
The line defined by the locus ofy~ as a function of rithm. 17° The algebraic Reynolds stress turbulence
downstream distance, x, for z = 0 is the thermal model was based on the scheme described by Laun-
trajectory (centerline). Because the flow is confined, der et al. 171 Uniform velocities, and mass flow rates,
and the vertical profiles are not symmetric about the were specified at all in-flow boundaries. Standard
centerline, the m i n i m u m temperature difference values of the k-e turbulence model constants Co, C~,
ratios (0~,,) are not zero, and they and the half- and C2 were used (i.e. Co = 0.09, C~ = 1.44, C2 =
widths (W~) are different for the injection ( - ) side 1.92). The RMS turbulence intensity was chosen to
(y < yc) and the opposite ( + ) side (y > y¢) of the be 7.5% of the local mean velocity, the inlet length
jet. Note also that Fig. 5 and Eq. 2 are the same scale was 2% of the jet diameter and the duct height
whether the jets are hotter or cooler than the main- for the jet and mainstream respectively, and the
stream, but that Tm~, > Tc and Tdi. ± > T when the turbulent Prandtl N u m b e r was 0.9 for all calcula-
jets are cooler, tions.
Mixing of multiple jets 39

XIH 0 - O. 5 1 2

O 1 0 I O 1
& ........ .'-'<7-- d>........ ~" d>........
~:;-1 , !~ o 0
e,l I I"~!

~:~.a I I ~~~
~,1 , ;;~
~.~,~'~,:,~, ~ . , ;~;~'~.-,;~-~,:;~,.:c<~:~
(hi O

(a) SIHo-0.25, HolD-8, J- 22.4.

(b) SIX 0 - I, HOlD - 4, J - 23.5.

FIG. 6. Effect of varying orifice spacing at constant area on temperature distributions (A~/Am = 0.05).

A typical computational domain in the x-direction wall (part b). In this figure, a duct cross-section is
was from a plane at least 0.5 duct height upstream of shown to the left of the data. Note that both of these
the injection location to a distance of at least 2.5 configurations have the same ratio of orifice area to
duct heights downstream (or to the exit of the 180° mainstream cross-sectional area (A~/Am).
turn). A typical domain in the z-direction was from a The data for these conditions at x/Ho = 0.5 are
plane midway between adjacent jets, across the jet compared with calculated distributions in Fig. 7. The
orifice to a similar plane on the opposite side of the empirical model reproduces the data very well in the
orifice. Cyclic boundary conditions were applied in small orifice case, since the data are consistent with
these x-y planes. The finest grid employed here is the major assumption in the empirical model that all
coarse by today's standards, so it is important to vertical temperature distributions can be reduced
note that the solutions would not be expected to to similar Gaussian profiles. The empirical model
change significantly if these calculations were re- does not do as well in the larger orifice case how-
peated using more nodes, ever, as the impingement of the jets on the opposite
wall results in vertical profiles which are not
The numerical model calculations made with
The following paragraphs describe the experimen- approximately 20,000 nodes, although in qualitative
agreement with the data, show temperature gradients
tal results and compare them with empirical and that are too steep, especially in the transverse direc-
numerical model calculations, in the context of the tion. Under-prediction of the mixing was seen in the
effects of the primary independent variables. The
single-jet calculations by Claus 2~ also, where it was
flow and geometry conditions corresponding to the shown that the k-e type of turbulence model under-
figures shown are given in Table 1. Complete flow estimated the intensity. The result in Fig. 7 is typical
and geometry conditions for the cases discussed are
of the numerical model calculations shown in this
given in Tables 2 and 3 for the experimental and
numerical studies respectively. The case numbers paper.
For the small-orifice case a coarse-grid calculation
shown correspond to those in previous reports as using less than 6000 nodes was also performed. The
noted, numerical results in Fig. 7 illustrate the significant
influence grid selection can have on the solution
5.1. Single Row of Orifices obtained, and the smearing of the profiles which can
occur because of numerical diffusion. Even the finer
5.1.1. Variations with orifice size and spacing grid calculations by Srinivasan et al. ~73 and Reynolds
and White t~a were not claimed to be grid independ-
At constant orifice area, changes in orifice size ent; in fact, later calculations by Claus and Vanka 26
and spacing can have a significant influence on the that used over 2.4 million nodes for a single jet-in-
distributions. This is shown by the experimental pro- crossflow did not appear to be grid independent.
files in Fig. 6 where jets from closely spaced small (Although the calculated coarse-grid profiles in Fig.
orifices under-penetrate and remain near the injec- 7 are in better quantitative agreement with the experi-
tion wall (part a), and jets from widely spaced larger mental data than the finer-grid solution, this result
orifices over-penetrate and impinge on the opposite should be considered fortuitous.) In general, the


Z/S ...... j- ....



I I I0 I

(a) SIH 0 - 0.25, H01D " 8, J - 22.4.


0 1 0 1 0 1
~ SI~- t, ~lO - 4, J - 23.5.

FIG. 7. Effect of varying orifice spacing at constant area on temperature distributions at X/tto = 0.5
(AdAm = O.O5).

finest affordable grid should be used unless grid are approximately centered across the duct height
independence can be demonstrated, and approach an isothermal distribution in the mini-
mum downstream distance when C = 2.5. This ap-
5.1.2. Coupled spacing and momentum-flux ratio pears to be independent of orifice diameter, as shown
in both the calculated and experimental profiles in
It was observed by Holdeman et al. 53 that similar Fig. 9. Values of C in Eq. 3 which are a factor of two
jet penetration was obtained over a range of or more smaller or larger than the optimum corre-
momentum-flux ratios, independent of orifice diam- spond to under-penetration or over-penetration re-
eter, when the orifice spacing and the square-root of spectively (see Figs 6 and 7 and Table 1). A summary
the momentum-flux ratio were inversely propor- of the spacing and momentum-flux ratio relation-
tional. This is apparent in the experimental data ships for single-side injection is given in Table 4.
shown in Fig. 8 from the experiments by Srini-
vasan et. al. 12s (see also Refs 54, 55 and 57). For
5.1.3. Flow area convergence
example, low momentum-flux ratios require large,
widely spaced holes, whereas smaller closely spaced The effect of flow area convergence on the tempera-
holes are appropriate for high momentum-flux ture profiles for S/Ho = 0.5 and Ho/D = 4 with J =
ratios, as shown in Fig. 8. The duct cross-section is 26 is shown in Fig. 10. The profiles in Fig. 10a are
shown to the right of the three-dimensional oblique from the straight duct, whereas those in Figs 10b
and isotherm contour plots for each configuration, and c are for test sections that converge symmetric-
Note that the jet penetration and the centerplane ally and asymmetrically, respectively, to half of the
profiles are similar for all cases, but that the circum- injection plane height, Ho, in a downstream distance
ferentiai nonuniformity increases as the spacing in- equal to Ho (i.e. d H / d x = 0.5). Note that the ordi-
creases. It follows that for low momentum-flux ratios nate in these figures is nondimensionalized by the
(large spacing) a greater axial distance is required local height of the duct, so the gradients are less
for equivalent mixing. (The experimental results in steep than they would be in physical space.
Srinivasan et al. 128 suggest that circumferential non- At all downstream locations, the profiles for sym-
uniformities (as in Fig. 8a) mix much more rapidly metric convergence (Fig. 10b)are more uniform than
with increasing downstream distance than do radial the corresponding straight duct profiles. An even
nonuniformities (such as shown in Fig. 6a).) greater effect was observed when all of the turning
Generally, jet penetration and centerplane profiles was on the injection wall. These profiles (Fig. 10c)
are similar when the orifice spacing and the square are much more uniform in both the transverse and
root of the momentum-flux ratio are inversely pro- lateral directions. Although a detailed analysis was
portional, i.e.: not undertaken, Holdeman et aL s? hypothesized that
the enhanced mixing that was observed in converging
C = (S/Ho)x/J (3) sections could result from stretching of the strong
For single-side injection, the centerplane profiles dual vorticies that are typical of a jet-in-crossflow. It
. . . . .
Mixing of multiple jets

T' °-,i 41

<'-~°;1i~ XIDj- 2.34 ~ ~ -

~~ ' ~
[ ' ~
0 1 5 L5

-0.5 L!

o z/5
Ic) (a) SIH o - 1, Ho/O • 4, Aj/A m - 0.05, J - 5.3.
(b)SIHo- 0.5,Ho/D• 8, AjlArn- 0.025,.I • 28.4.
(c) SIH o -O. 25, Ho/O- 8, Aj/A m - 0.05o J - 92.7.

FIG. 8. Oblique profile plots and isotherm contours at )(/14o = 0.5 for coupled orifice spacing and
momentum-flux ratio.

TAaLE4. Spacing and momentum-flux ratio relationships square orifices to identify the effect of this change in
Configuration C = (S/Ho)v/~ orifice shape on the mixing. Square orifices were
chosen to represent the approximation often made in
Single-side injection: multidimensional numerical modeling due to limita-
Under-penetration < 1.25 tions on the number of grid nodes available. Figure
Optimum 2.5 11 compares three-dimensional oblique plots of the
Over-penetration > 5.0
temperature distribution for equal-area square and
Opposed rows of jets: round holes with S/Ho = 1 and HolD = 4 at interme-
In-line optimum 1.25 diate momentum-flux ratios (slightly less than 25).
Staggered optimum 5.0 The mean temperature distributions are nearly identi-
cal at all downstream locations.

was noted by Stevens and Carrotte .36 that this effect

5. !.5. Slots and holes
could also result because the axial velocity does not
decay as rapidly in a converging duct, and thus the Figure 12 shows three-dimensional oblique 0 distri-
production of vorticity to negate that of the jet butions for equally spaced equivalent-area stream-
structure is minimized and enhanced mixing is oh- lined, bluff, and slanted slots with S/Ho = 0.5 and
served. HolD = 4. The ratio of the long to short dimension of
these slots was 2.8, with their major axes aligned with,
5.1.4. Square orifices perpendicular to, and slanted at 45 ° to the main-
stream flow direction. All profile comparisons
A single test was performed by Srinivasan et al. 129 shown in this figure are for intermediate
with the conventional circular holes replaced with momentum-flux ratios.


i~-L/~,)7 0- ~-
1 1 l~ ~ . . .
0 1 0 1 0 1
(a] H01D = 5.7, AlIA m- 0.05, J - 25.5.


1 1 1
O 1 0 1 0 1
(b) HolD - 4, AjlA m- 0.10, J - 18.6.

FIG. 9. Effect of varying orifice diameter at constant spacing on temperature distributions at X/Ho = 0.5
(S/Ho = 0.5).

The streamlined slots (Fig. 12a) have deeper jet in this flow would be to laterally shift the jet center-
penetration compared to the equal-area circular holes planes with increasing downstream distance, as can
shown in Fig. 2. Figure 12b shows that, for be observed in both Figs 12c and 13b. Comparing
x/Ho < 1, jets from bluff slots are more two-dimen- the contours at x/Ho = 0.5 to those at x/Ho = 0.25
sional across the orifice centerplane, and their pen- suggests that the distribution has rotated farther as
etration is slightly less than for streamlined slots or well as shifted. This also supports the observation
round holes. Farther downstream, both of the slot made from the oblique plots that the vorticies ap-
configurations, and the circular holes give very simi- peared to be of unequal strength.
lar mixed temperature distributions. Figure 14 shows experimental and calculated three-
Figure 12c shows the temperature distribution that dimensional oblique 0 distributions for slanted slots
results when the same slot is slanted at 45° to the at intermediate momentum-flux ratios. The empirical
mainflow direction. The three-dimensional figures model calculations include a modification to account
suggest that the asymmetry of the orifices with re- for the observed centerplane shift, but do not model
spect to the main flow direction promotes the develop- the asymmetry.62 In contrast to this, both the transla-
ment of one vortex of the pair, but suppresses the tion and rotation of the mixing pattern are apparent
other. The penetration of the jets is noticeably re- in the numerical calculations, although the gradi-
duced for this case, and the mixing does not appear ents in these appear to be too steep as are those in
to be any better. Thus, there does not seem to be any almost all of the numerical calculations shown
advantage to this configuration in a rectangular duct, herein.
at least at the optimum orifice spacing and In the same study, a limited number of tests were
momentum-flux ratio relationship for round holes, performed with two-dimensional slots in place of the
Note that this conclusion is based only on data in a row of discreet orifices. Figures 15a and 16a show the
rectangular channel, and has not been tested, and results for, respectively, a wide continuous slot
may not be appropriate in swirling flows or can geo- (A/A= = 0.1) at a low momentum-flux ratio (J =
metries. 6.7) and a narrow continuous slot (A/Am = 0.05) at
Further insight into the mixing in this case is a high momentum-flux ratio (J = 105.4). Distribu-
provided by the isotherm contours in Fig. 13a for tions for closely spaced (S/D = 2) circular holes are
circular holes and in Fig. 13b for the 45 ° slanted shown in Figs 15b and 16b, and centerplane profiles
slots. Note that at the closest location (x/Ho = 0.25) for the circular and continuous slot jets are shown in
the isotherms for the flow from the slanted slots are Figs 15c and 16c. The similarity in the penetration
inclined compared to those for jets from circular shown by these profiles is surprising, since the two-
holes. The influence of the adjacent image vorticies dimensional slot flow completely blocks the main-
Mixing of multiple jets 43

>" XIHo - 0.50 ] / ~ XIHo = 0.75 XIHo - 1.00

1 lfll~. , ~-~ 1
0 1 0 1 0 1

0050 XIHo - 0.75 o " 1.00

11 . . . .
0 i 0 I 0 i

c t > ...... ...... ' ' ...... " . . . .

I XIHo • 0.50 X/Ho " 0.75 . . . . . IHo - 1.00

(c) e
(a) Straight duct; J - 18.6.
(bl Symmetric convergence(0. 5cmlcml; J -26. 4.
(c) Injection wall convergence(O.Scmlcm); J - ;?6.4.

FIG. I 0. Influence of flow area convergence on temperature profiles (S/Ho = 0.5, Ho/D = 4,
Aj/Am = 0.098).

XIHo-0.5 I 2

..... 'i10 1 -610 i
(a) Square holes, J - 24.2.

1. 1 -
0 1 0 1 0 1

(b) Round holes, J - 23.5.

FIG. ] I. Comparison o f temperature distributions downstream o f square and round orifices: S / H o = 1,

Ho/D = 4.

flow, whereas the discreet jet flow is highly three- the well-known vortex pair and kidney shaped mixing
dimensional. In the latter case the mainstream flow pattern. The increased blockage in the slot-jet cases
is deflected around, as well as over, the jets, creating result in less mixing and higher temperature differ-

XIH 0 - O. 25 0. 5 1
. . . .



lo 'i o 1 lo i
(a) Streamlined slots, J - 26.5.

10 1 0 1 0 1
(b) Bluff slots, J - 26. 6.

Ic) 45-deg slots, J - 27.1.
FIG. 12 Comparison of 3-D oblique temperature distributions for equivalent-area streamlined, bluff, and
slanted slots at intermediate momentum-flux ratios; S/Ho = 0.5, Ho/D = 4.

XIHo-0.25 0.5 !


~ 1 1
~. -.5 1. -.5 1.5 ..5 1.5
~- (a) Circular holes, J - 26. 2.

.5 1.5 -.5 1.5 -.5 1.5
(bl 45-de9 slots, J - 27,1.

FIG, 13. Comparisons of isotherm contours for circular holes and 45-deg slanted slots at intermediate
momentum-flux ratios; S/Ho = 0.5, Ho/D = 4.

ence ratios in the wake region of these flows corn- shown in Fig. 15a for the wide slot at a low
pared to equal-area closely-spaced holes, momentum-flux ratio, and profiles for the wide slot
Experimental profiles for the narrow slot at inter- at an intermediate momentum-flux ratio are similar
mediate momentum-flux ratios are similar to those to those shown in Fig. 16a for the narrow slot at a
Mixing of multiple jets 45


. . . . . . . . . . .

0 1 0 1 0 1
lal XIH 0 - Q, 25.

---zLs-L~' -~ ........6....
Voi lo 1 1; 1
(b) X IH 0 - 0. P.

0 1 0 1 0 1
(c) XIH 0 l 1.

FIG. ]4. Temperature distributions for slanted slots at an intermediate momentum-flux ratio (S/Ho =
0.5, Ho/D = 4, d = 27.1).

In Figs 17a and b the momentum-flux ratios are

high momentum-flux ratio. 129 The corresponding nearly equal and the profiles are quite similar al-
circular hole cases are also similar, as expected since though the density ratio is 0.65 in Fig. 17a and 2.2 in
the corresponding values of C = (S/Hox/~) are Fig. 17b. The slightly smaller 0 levels in 17a result
also similar, from the smaller jet-to-mainstream mass flow ratio
in the case of hot jets. In contrast, the profiles in Fig.
5.1.6. Density ratio 17c show over-penetration, which appears to be the
result of an almost quadrupled ratio of the jet-to-
It was suggested by Holdeman et al. sa that the mainstream momentum-flux. Note, however, that
density ratio did not need to be considered independ- the jet-to-mainstream velocity ratios, R, are about
ently from the momentum-flux ratio. This was con- the same for the hot-jets and ambient mainstream
firmed over a broader range of density ratios in the case shown in 17a, and the ambient jets and hot
experiments by Srinivasan et al. 12s The results from mainstream case in 17c.
these experiments in Figs 17 and 18 show the effect Figure 18 shows a similar comparison for an orifice
of the density ratio on the 0 distributions for (nearly) plate with the same ratios of orifice spacing to duct
matched jet-to-mainstream velocity, mass-flux, and height (S/Ho) but with larger holes. The hot jets and
momentum-flux ratios. The profiles in Fig. 17 are ambient mainstream case and ambient jets and hot
for an orifice configuration with S/Ho = 0.5 and mainstream case in Figs 18a and b, respectively have
Ho/D = 8 (Plate A in Fig. 3) for three different flow nearly equal jet-to-mainstream mass-flux ratios, M,
conditions. For each of these, profiles are shown at but note that the jets in Fig. ! 8b do not penetrate
downstream distances of x/Ho = 0.5, 1, and 2 from nearly as far into the mainstream apparently as a
left to right. The profiles in Fig. 17a are for hot jets result of their lower momentum-flux ratio. The ex-
and an ambient temperature mainstream, whereas perimental profiles for a case with a heated main-
those in parts b and c are for ambient jets and a stream flow, but with a slightly smaller momentum-
heated mainstream, flux ratio than that for the hot jets case in Fig. 18a,

XIH 0 - O. 5 1 2

l 1 1 -
0 1 0 1 0 1
(a) Slot; HoIW - 9.9, J - 6.7.

=o0~ . . . . . .

10 1 10 1 10 1
(b)Holes;SIHo-0.5,HOLD-4, -5.0.
0 ' ' 0 ' ' ' 0 ' '

"~ %1 /!

1 ! 1
0 1 1 0 1
(c) Centerplane profiles.

FIG. 15. Comparison of temperature distributions for a wide 2-D slot and closely-spaced holes at low
momentum-flux ratios.

is shown in Fig. 10a here and in Fig. 5b in NASA In the variable temperature mainstream case the
TM 83434. 57 numerical model results agree well with the experi-
mental data, especially on the jet centerplane, but
5.1.7. Variable temperature mainstream the transverse mixing is under-predicted, as in the
The influence of a nonisothermal mainstream flow corresponding isothermal mainstream case shown in
on the profiles for intermediate momentum-flux Fig. 9b.
ratios with S/Ho = 0.5, Ho/D = 4 is shown in Fig.
19. The isothermal mainstream case is shown in the
top row. In the center row in the figure, the upstream 5.2. Double Axial Rows of Holes
profile (left frame) is coldest near the injection wall,
whereas in the bottom row, the upstream profile (left Figure 21 shows three-dimensional oblique and
frame) is coldest near the opposite wall. In this isotherm contour plots at x/Ho = 0.5 for a single
figure, the hottest temperature in the mainstream for row of round holes and several equal-area double-
each case was used as Tm in the definition of 0. row circular hole configurations at intermediate
Experimental, empirical, and numerical results for momentum-flux ratios. The single row (configura-
the top-cold case are shown in Fig. 20. The empirical tion C in Fig. 3) is shown in Fig. 21a; flow down-
calculations are from a superposition of the upstream stream from two rows of orifices with centerlines
profile and the corresponding jets-in-an-isothermal aligned (configuration M) is shown in Fig. 21b; two
mainstream distributionP 7 Although this gives a rows of jets with a different hole diameter and spac-
good first-order approximation, it should be noted ing in each row (configuration N) are shown in Fig.
that with a variable temperature mainstream there 21c; and a staggered double-row (configuration O) is
can be cross-stream thermal transport because of the shown in Fig. 21d. F o r the double row configura-
flow of mainstream fluid around the jets (and hence tions, x/Ho = 0 was midway between the rows.
to different y locations), and this is not accounted The average penetration is nearly the same for all
for in superimposing the distributions. This becomes of these. The mean flow mixing is only slightly better
apparent if the local mainstream temperature, Tin(y), for the double-row configurations in Figs 21 b and e
is used in the definition o f 0 i n Eq. 1. than for the single row in Fig. 21a. In the double
Mixing of multiplejets 47

XIHo=O. 5 1 Z

0 1
(al Slot; HoIW = 19.8, l - 105.4.

0 l l 0 1
(b) Holes SIH 0 - 0.25, HolD - 8, J - 92. 6.

0 ' ' ' 0 ' ' 0
,,rNo, s :
=r- \\\ I
>" ~\ ,-SLOT //


1 " 1
/' 1
I /
1 0 1 t
(c) Cenlerplaneprofiles.

FIG. 16. Comparison of temperature distributions for a narrow 2-D slot and closely-spacedholes at high
momentum-flux ratios.

row of staggered holes configuration shown in Fig. The influence of the leading row on the tempera-
21d, the jets from the lead row penetrate farther ture distributions is evident in Fig. 21d also, where
than the single row in Fig. 21a, while those from the distributions from a double row of staggered jets
trailing row do not penetrate as far, as would be (Sx/Ho = 0.5) is shown for comparison with other
expected. (A similar result was reported by Walker and configurations. The jets from the leading row pene-
Kors149 for a single row ofjets with mixed size orifices.) trate farther across the duct than do those from the
Figure 22 shows both experimental and calculated single row, as would be expected due to their larger
temperature distributions for a double row of in-line spacing, but the penetration of the jets from the
holes (Sx/Ho = 0.5). It was observed from the experi- trailing row is suppressed, probably by the vortex
mental profiles in Holdeman et aL 5s that single and field from the leading row. Farther downstream this
axially-staged double row configurations have very distribution was similar to that from a single row at
similar temperature distributions, and this is seen in the spacing of the lead row. This flow was modeled
the calculated profiles as well. In this case the empiri- empirically by superimposing separate calculations
cal model calculations are derived by superimposing of each row, but note that this approach significantly
the distributions from the two rows. overestimates the jet penetration for very small axial
Both experimental and calculated temperature dis- distances, Sx/Ho, between the rows. 61
tributions are shown in Fig. 23 for a double-row
configuration with S~/Ho = 0.25 where the trailing
row has twice as many orifices as the lead row. Note 5.3. Opposing Rows o f Jets
that the orifice area is the same for both rows. The
similarity in the profiles shows the dominance of the The next three sections show results for two-side
lead row in establishing the jet penetration and first- injection from opposing rows of jets, with: (I) the jet
order profile shape .ss The same conclusion is sup- centerlines on top and bottom directly opposite each
ported by the empirical and numerical calculations, other; and (2) the jet centerlines on top and bottom
As with the double row of in-line holes, the empirical staggered in the z (circumferential) direction. The
calculations for this case were obtained by superim- experimental results are shown and compared with
posing separate calculations for the two rows. the single-side results in Figs 24 and 26. In these
dPEC5 19=1 ~

~.. z/s ~ &._. &___~....

" i ~
. . . ...... i
" ........l//XiH0-....
ig// X/H0-
0 ] 1 1 1

"d....z/ &---6.... ~ &a

1 H0 - 0.500 1 ~/H0 - 1.000


-- d~--- ' &-- ' " '

2 :i" ....
XIH o - 1.000 X/H o - 2.000

0 1 1
(c) e
(a) Hot-jets/ambient-mainstream; DR - 0.65. J = 22.7, R = 5.5, wj/w T - 0.062.
(b) Ambient-jets/hot-mainstream; DR • 2.2, J - 28.4, R - 3.6, wj/wl.- O. 105.
(c) Ambient-jets/hot-mainstream; DR - 2.3, J - 96.0, R - 6.5, wj/w T- (3.18l.

FIG. 17. Effects of density, momentum-flux and velocity ratios on temperature profiles: S/Ho = 0.5,
Ho/D; Aj/Am = 0.025.

figures, a duct cross-section is shown to scale to the rapidly. Note that since the orifices in Figs 24a and b
left of the data. are the same size, the jet to mainstream flow ratio is
four times greater in the opposed jet case than in the
5.3.1. Opposed rows of in-linejets single-side case. If it is desired to maintain an equal
flow rate, the orifice diameter must be halved, since
Figure 24 shows a comparison between single-side there is injection from both sides, and the opposed
and opposed jet injection cases for intermediate jet cases require twice as many holes in the row
momentum-flux ratios. For these momentum-flux compared to the optimum single-side case.
ratios, an appropriate orifice spacing to duct height Experimental and calculated profiles for opposed
ratio for optimum single-side mixing is approxi- rows of jets of identical orifice spacing and diameter,
mately 0.5 (see Eq. 3), as confirmed by the profiles in with the orifice centerlines in-line are shown in Fig.
Fig. 8. 25. The empirical model predicts the opposed-jet
For opposed jet injection, with equal momentum- case very well, as the experimental profiles on both
flux ratios on both sides, the effective mixing height sides of the plane of symmetry support the Gaussian
is half the duct height, based on the result in Kamo- profile assumption. The numerical model results
tani and Greber 74 that the effect of an opposite wall show the steep transverse and lateral gradients indica-
is similar to that of the plane of symmetry in an rive of too little mixing, as seen in almost all of the
opposed jet configuration (cf. also Wittig et aL 16o). previous calculations also, but the jet penetration is
Thus the appropriate orifice spacing to duct height in good agreement with the data.
ratio for opposed jet injection at these intermediate
momentum-flux ratios would be about S/Ho = 0.25.
5.3.2. Opposed rows of staggered jets
Dimensionless temperature distributions downstream
of jets with this spacing are shown in the bottom row Figure 26 shows comparisons between single-side
of Fig. 24; and the two streams do indeed mix very and staggered jet injection for intermediate
Mixing of multiple jets 49

...... C>-6-.~ . . . . . . .

XIH o - 0.500 X/H o - 1.000 XIH o - 2.000

] ! t
0 1 0 1 0 1

' ~3>......
~ - ~ .... <~>-~ ....

1 ~ 1 1
1 0 1 0 1
(b) e

(a) Hot-jets/ambient-mainstream; DR - 0.62' J • 2L7, M • 3.8, wjlw T • 0.183.

(b) Ambient-jets/hot-mainstream; DR - 2.2, J • 5.0, M - 3.2, wjlwT = 0.176.

FIG. 18. Effects of density and mass-flux ratios on temperature profiles: S/Ho = 0.5, HolD = 8,
Aj/Am = 0.25.

1 2

l 1
0 1 0 1 0 1
...... 0 > i ~ O>...... O>......

1 . . . . . . . .
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
. . . . . .

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
(a) Isothermal mainstream; J -18.6.
(b) Top cold; J = 31. 3.
(c) Top hot; J - 24.¢

FIG. 19. Influence of nonisothermal mainstream on temperature profiles (S/Ho = 0.5, Ho/D = 4,
Aj/Am = 0.098).

momentum-flux ratios. Since for opposed in-line the two streams in the bottom row of profiles in Fig.
injection, it was found that the effective mixing height 26. In this figure, the orifice spacing for the jets on
was half of the duct height, it was hypothesized that each side is twice the optimum value for one-side
for staggered jets the effective orifice spacing would injection at the given momentum-flux ratio. Thus,
be half the actual spacing, a configuration that mixes well with one-side injec-
This hypothesis is verified by the rapid mixing o f tion mixes even faster when every other orifice is


0 1 0 1 0 1
(a) X/H0" 0.5.

o : 6- o ....

~1 1 1
0 1 0 1 0 1
(b) XlH 0 - I.

FIG. 20. Temperature distribution for jets injected into a nonisothermal mainstream; top cold (S/Ho =
0.5, H o / D = 4, J = 31.3).

moved to the opposite wall (see the duct schematic In opposed-jet/slanted-slot configurations, the slots
to the left of the data in Fig. 26). on opposite sides of the duct may be slanted in either
Empirical and numerical model calculations for an the same or opposite directions. If parallel, the result
opposed row of staggered jets are compared with the is similar to single-side injection toward an opposite
data in Fig. 27. The empirical model does not handle wall (as was observed previously for circular holes).
this complex case well, as the fluid dynamic interac- Centerplane and cross-stream contour plots for this
tions here are not amenable to a direct extension of case are shown in Figs 28a, d and e, and may be
the Gaussian profile and superposition type of mod- compared to the corresponding plots for circular
eling appropriate for many of the single-side and holes in Figs 28c, h and i. The parallel slanted-slot
opposed-jet cases of interest. The numerical model configuration imparts a translation to the flow con-
calculations are not in appreciably better agreement sistent with the experimental results, la° It was also
with the data than the empirical model results how- reported therein that for the momentum-flux ratios
ever, as the mixing is under-predicted here as in the tested, this configuration results in augmentation of
previous cases. More recent calculations and experi- one of the vorticies of the normal vortex pair, and
ments for opposed rows of staggered jets are given suppression of the other, and the jets mix less rapidly
by Smith, 126 Bain e t al. 5 and Liscinsky e t al. 9~ than in the circular-hole configuration. This is also
A summary of the spacing and momentum-flux evident in the calculations shown in Figs 28a, d and e.
ratio relationships which give optimum mixing for If the slots on opposite sides of the duct are
opposed in-line and staggered jets is given in Table crossed, the jet flow shifts in opposite directions in
4. It should be noted that the mean mixing from the two halves of the duct, with opposite transverse
optimized opposed row configurations is better than velocities imparted on the top and bottom creating
that from optimized single row configurations. The the potential for large scale vortex interaction and
selection of in-line or staggered centerline configura- high shear between the halves. However, the center-
tions is more ambiguous, and will depend greatly on plane and cross-stream contours for an opposed row
the 'goodness' criterion of the target application, and of crossed slots shown in Figs 28b, f and g, at what
where that criterion is applied, is an optimum spacing for round holes, do not
suggest any improvement in the mixing over the
5.3.3. O p p o s e d r o w s o f j e t s f r o m slanted slots corresponding circular hole case. Thus, it was con-
cluded by Holdeman e t al. 63 that there does not
Numerical model calculations for 2.8:1 (long- seem to be any advantage to this configuration, at
:short) slots slanted at 45 ° to the direction of the least in a rectangular duct at the optimum ratio be-
mainstream flow are shown in Fig. 28 for opposed tween orifice spacing and momentum-flux ratio for
row/in-line jet configurations in a straight duct. round holes.
Mixing of multiple jets 51

~ i~"~~
Z/S. "............. O ~

0 1 0 1
(a) Single row; SIH0 - 0.5, HolD = 4, J = 26.2

0 i i

......~ 0-~
ZIS . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 1O 1
(b) Double row of in-line holes; SxlH(1 - 0.5; Row 1: SIHn -
0.5, Ho/D-5.7, J - 26,3. Row2: ~/Ho • 0.5 , Hn/D =5.7,
J - 26.9.


0 1 0

(c) Double row of disimilar holes; Sx/H0 - O.25; Row 1:

SIHo=0.5, HdD-5.7, J-26.8. ROW2:SIH0-0.25 ,
Ho/O- 8, J -26.6.
..z:.s. ....... o

"- 1[0--~''" I 1 O I
(d) Double row of staggered holes; SxlH0 - 0.5; Row 1:
SIHO=l, Ho/D•4, J.26.8. Row 2: SIH 0•1, Ho/D=4,
J - 26.7.

FIG. 21. Comparison of temperature distributions for double and single rows of jets at X/Ho = 0.5 and
intermediate momentum-flux ratios;/tj/Am = 0.1.

5.4. Effects of Curvature and Convergence also shown in parts b, c, f and g of these figures. The
cross-stream plots for the straight duct case are
5.4.1. Differences between ID and OD injection into shown at downstream distances equal to the distance
a curvedduct along the injection wall at 30° into the turn for ID
and OD injection, respectively.
Figures 29 and 30 show centerplane and cross- Comparison of the centerplane view of injection
stream temperature distributions calculated with the from the ID wall in a curved duct with that in a
numerical and empirical models respectively for the straight channel, parts a and b, shows that the penetra-
flowfield downstream of a row of jets injected from tion is similar. Examination of the cross stream plots
the inner (ID) and outer (OD) walls into a uniform in parts e and f, however, shows that for ID injection
mainstream flow in a nonconverging duct. Orifice into the curved duct the familiar kidney shape is not
configuration C in Fig. 3 (S/Ho = 0.5; Ho/D = 4) evident; i.e. for ID injection the minimum tempera-
with C0 = 0.64 was used for these calculations with ture at any radius is on the centerplane (z/S = 0),
the jet-to-mainstream momentum-flux ratio, J, equal whereas for OD injection and straight-duct flows the
to 26.4. This is an appropriate combination of orifice minimum temperature is often off the centerplane.
spacing and momentum-flux ratio for optimum Parts c and d, and g and h show a comparison of
mixing in a straight duct. For comparison with the OD injection upstream of a 180° turn with injection
turning duct cases, contours calculated for a straight into a straight duct (parts c and g are from the same
duct with the same jet flow and orifice geometry are straight duct calculation shown in parts b and f, with


....... 1 L . . . . ...... 1 . . . . . .... 1

0 1 0 1 0 1
(a) XIH 0 = 0. 5.

...... z/s ...... 'i?ii . . . . .

O 0


1 1 . . . . 1
0 1 0 1 0 1
(b)X/H0 = 0.75.

FIG. 22. Temperature distributions for a double row of in-line jets (AffAm = 0.10, Sx/Ho = 0.5; ROW 1:

S/Ho = 0.5, Ho/D = 5.7, J = 26.3; ROW 2: S/Ho = 0.5, HolD = 5.7, J = 26.9).

....... . . . .

....... Z/S-- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-6~" ~ , ~ / ~ . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 1
0 1 0 1 0 1
(a) XIHo = 0.25

....... z/s---:- ~ o

10 1 10 'i I0 1
(b) X/H o - O. 5.

FIG. 23. Temperature distribution for a double row of dissimilar jets (Aj/Am = 0.10, Sx/Ho = 0.25; Row
1: S/Ho = 0.5, HoD = 5.7, J = 26.8; Row 2: S/Ho = 0.25, Ho/D = 8, J = 26.6).

the plots inverted to facilitate c o m p a r i s o n with the 5.4.2. Opposed rows with jet centerlinesstaggered
O D injection case). F o r O D injection, the penetra-
tion a n d mixing are similar to t h a t in a straight duct. It was reported in H o l d e m a n et al. s 7 a n d Holde-
Parts e a n d h in Figs 29 a n d 30 show that the jet m a n a n d Srinivasan ~° t h a t e n h a n c e d mixing was
structure a n d mixing are significantly different for obtained when alternate jets for o p t i m u m one-side
the I D a n d O D jets. N o t e also that the jet trajectories injection were m o v e d to the opposite wall, creating
drift slightly toward the I D wall o f the t u r n c o m p a r e d opposed rows of jets with centerlines staggered. F o r
to where they would be in a straight duct. This latter example, if configuration C is selected to optimize
result was observed in the experimental results in the mixing for one side injection, then configurations
Lipshitz a n d Greber. 94 G a n d H would be a p p r o p r i a t e choices for opposite
Mixing of multiple jets 53

X/H 0 = 0.5 1 2
~ ~ ~,~ ~~ ~ ........... ~ ........ , . . . ~ ........

• " ~r-'~:,.'o ~; ,-,'~:: 10 1


~ r ~ ÷ 1 s~! ~z/s-~ ...,~ ~ ........... ~ ...........

~ t t¢~ ......
~:~'-"~ 1 ~'I~I ~i!',~ ~ ...... ~ .......
0 1 0 1 0 1
(b) 0
(a) Single-side (top) injection: S/H o = 0.5, Aj/A m = .025, J = 28.4.
(b) Opposed row (in-line) injection: S/Ho = 0.25, Aj/A m = 0.10. J = 25.0.

FIG. 24, Comparison between single-side and opposed jet injection (Ho/D = 8).


..... i i i
0 i 0 1 0 1
~ ) XIH 0 - O. 5,

..... 6 .... ,.,.,. ,,,.. .......6

..... i - 10 i
:~ ~ ( . I 1 '~'
(b) X/H0 • 1.
FIG. 25. Temperature distributions for opposed rows of in-line jets (S/Ho = 0.25, Ho/D = 8, Ai/Am =
0.10, J = 25).

sides of the duct in an opposed row/staggered jet tions downstream from OD and ID jets is apparent
configuration. Jet centerline and cross-stream con- also, and is consistent with the corresponding con-
tour plots for the analogous opposed row configura- tours of the separate OD and ID jet configura-
tion in a turning duct are shown in Figs 31 and 32. tions.
Note that parts b and c show planes through the OD
and ID jets, respectively. Corresponding plots for
5.4.3. O p p o s e d r o w s with j e t centerlines i n - l i n e ,
separate rows of OD and ID jets are shown in parts
a and e, and d and g, respectively. An alternative to staggered centerlines in the op-
The contours for opposed rows of staggered jets in posed row configuration is to have the centerlines
a turning duct (Figs 31 and 32) show that both the directly opposed. To maintain the appropriate ratio
OD and ID jets in this configuration penetrate far- of orifice spacing to mixing height for this case, the
ther than the comparable single-side case. This was orifice spacing must be halved, since the effective
also seen in the straight duct experiments. A differ- mixing height is half the height of the duct. ~7'16°
ence between the cross-stream shape of the distribu- Since there will be four times as many injection

X IH o O.5
l 2
~'~ I ~'~ ~ ~:~'~ ' ' '
N I ti~ d::> -"'c2~2"...... <:t> O:> ...... ' O::>'::::b'-""
~ ! ~! o


t :: 'i ._ - .........
1 1 0 1
(b) o
(a) Single-side (top) injection: S/H o = 0.5, O = 18.6.
(b) Opposed row (staggered) injection: S/Ho = 1, J = 27.6.

FIG. 26. Comparison between single-side and staggered jet injection (HolD = 4; Aj/A m = 0.10).


. . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . ....


............ 16 1 ............ 10 ~ i ......... 0 1

(a) X/H0 = 0. 5.

0 1 0 1 0 !
Ib) XIH0 - 1.

FIG, 27. Temperature distributions for opposed rows of staggered jets (S/Ho = 1, Ho/D = 4, Aj/Am =
0.10, J = 27.6).

locations for opposed/in-line injecton, the orifice di- for opposed rows of in-line jets are shown in parts b
ameters must be half of that for the single-side case and d of Fig. 33, and part b of Fig. 34. The similarity
if the same mass flow ratio is desired. This is shown of the flow pattern is evident in both the numerical
in configuration L (S/Ho = 0.25, Ho/D = 8) in Fig. and empirical model calculations when the
3. Centerplane and cross-stream contour plots for momentum-flux ratio and the square of the orifice
this configuration with J = 26.4 are shown in parts spacing are inversely proportional. Compare the
a and c of Fig. 33 for calculations made with the plots for J = 6.6 and S/Ho = 0.5 to those for J =
numerical model, and a centerplane distribution cal- 26.4 and S/Ho = 0.25, and note that C = 1.28 for
culated with the empirical model as shown in Fig. both of these. This similarity was also seen in the
34a. experimental and analytical results for opposed rows
A lower jet-to-mainstream momentum-flux ratio o f in-line jets injected into a straight duct.
requires a larger orifice spacing to maintain optimum
mixing (and larger orifices will probably also be
5.4.4. Effects of radius of curvature in the x - r plane
needed to give the required total orifice area). Tem-
perature contours for configuration C with J = 6.6 The effect of varying the radius of curvature, Rci,
Aligned slanted slots Crossed slanted slots Circular holes
x/H o = 0.5 x / H 0 = 2.0 x / H o = 0.5 x/H o = 2.0 x/H o = 0.5 x / H 0 = 2.0

6C 'I'D ~'E ~'F 0


Section A - A Section B-B S e c t i o n C-C Section D-D S e c t i o n E-E S e c t i o n F-F 0.2

0.7 ~_

z/S z/S z/S z/S z/S z/S

0 0 0 0 O e
(d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)

FIG. 28. N u m e r i c a l m o d e l c a l c u l a t i o n s o f t e m l ~ r a t u r e d i s t r i b u t i o n s f o r o p p o s e d r o w s o f s t a g g e r e d j e t s (S/Ho = 0.5, Ho/D = 4, ,4j/Am = 0 . | 0 , J = 6.6).


m M:i::!F?:i!~
' ~1 ' i i , i i
0 0 - 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.0
Curved duct Straight duct Curved duct
inner wall outer wall
injection x/H 0 = 0.39 Rci/Ho =~ injection
Rci/Ho = 0.5 Rci/H 0 = 0.5
~ = 30 ° ~ . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ - O = 30 °

AJ ~ x/H 0 = 0.91

(a) (c) -c (d)

Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C Section D-D

Outer I ~ ; O. . . .
wall I ~::~!:wall

i i I i i i I I i i
-0.5 0 0.15 -015 0 0.5 -0.5 0 0.5 -0.5 0 0.5
(e) z/S (f) z/S (g) z/S (h) z/S

FIG. 29. N u m e r i c a l c a l c u l a t i o n s o f t e m p e r a t u r e field d o w n s t r e a m of jets injected from inner and outer

w a l l s i n s t r a i g h t a n d c u r v e d d u c t s ( J = 26.4, S/Ho = 0.5, Ho/D = 4, Rt/no = i n f i n i t y ) .

Curved duct 0 0' -1' 0 '. 2 '
0.3 '
0.d 0I5 '
0.7 '
1.0 Curved duct
inner wall Straight duct outer wall
injection injection
Rci/H 0 = 0.5 Rci/H0 =® Rci/H 0 = 0.5
= 30° ~ B x/H 0 = 0.39 0 = 30 °
~ A ~ • ~ ~

(b) '~" B ~D

C x/H 0 = 0,91

(a) (c) ~c (d)

Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C Section D-D

I I I I I I I i I I I

-0.5 0 0.5 -o.5 o o.5 -0.5 o o.5 -o.5 o 0.5

(e) z/S (f) z/S (g) z/S (h) z/S

FIG. 30. E m p i r i c a l m o d e l c a l c u l a t i o n s o f t e m p e r a t u r e field d o w n s t r e a m o f jets injected f r o m inner a n d

outer walls in straight a n d c u r v e d ducts ( J = 26.4, S/Ho = 0.5, Ho/D = 4, Rt/Ho = infinity).
Mixing of multiple jets 57

Outer wall Opposed staggered Inner wall

injection injection injection
S/H 0 = 0.5 S/Ho = 1 s / a 0 = 0.5

tlJ . . . i 00
0 z/S = 0 z/S = 0.5 z/S ~ 0 0.7

(b) (c) (d)

Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C
f~lml~ o u ter Outer ~ Outer
~ ~ w a l wall wall

~,.nor I !In.e, ~ ,nner

i i 0wall I i i i i )wall i , wall
-0.5 0 0.5 I 0 -0.5 -0.5 0 0.5
z/S z/S z/S
(e) (f) (g)

FIG. 31. N u m e r i c a l m o d e l c a l c u l a t i o n s f o r o p p o s e d r o w s w i t h j e t c e n t e r l i n e s s t a g g e r e d ( J = 26.4,

Ho/D = 4, Rci/Ho = 0.5, R,/Ho = infinity).

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.0
Outer wall Inner wall
injection Opposed staggered injection
S/H o = 0.5 injection S/H o = 0.5

A ~ B N Bm c

z/S = 0 - z/S = 0 z/S = 0.5 z/S = 0

(a) (b) (c)
Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C

-0.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 -0.5 0 0.5

z/S z/S z/S
(e) (f) (g)

FIG. 32. E m p i r i c a l m o d e l c a l c u l a l a t i o n s f o r o p p o s e d r o w s w i t h j e t c e n t e r l i n e s s t a g g e r e d ( J = 26.4,

Ho/D = 4, Ro~i/Ho = 0.5, R,/ H o f = infinity).

is shown in Figs 35 and 36 for calculations made

f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i with the numerical and empirical models, respec-
o 0 o.1 o.2 o.3 o.4 o.5 o.7 1.0 tively. Figures 35b, 35e and 36b show distributions
J = 26.4 J = 6.6 for an ID radius of curvature equal to a quarter the
S/Ho = 0.25 S/H0 = 0.5 height of the inlet duct, i.e. Rcl/Ho= 0.25. The jet-
H0/D = 8 H0/D = 4 ~ = 300 to-mainstream momentum-flux ratio is 6.6 with an
~ b opposedrow/in-linejetsconfigurationwithS/Ho=
0.5 and Ho/D= 4 (configuration C). Both the center-
plane and cross-stream distributions for these and

, i i i thelargerradius°fcurvature(R°i/H°=O'5)
in Figs 33 and 34 are similar. For comparison, shOwn
A ~m / B butions for the comparable straight duct case are
shown in Figs 35 and 36. As in previous figures the
straight and turning duct flows are similar, but the
difference between the mixing of the ID and OD jets
is evident in the turning duct cases.

5.4.5. Mixingofjets inanannularduct(effectsof

(a) (b)
curvaturein ther-z plane)
Section A-A Section B-B Calculated centerplane and cross-stream contours
I for a straight annulus are shown in Figs 37 and 38
for numerical and empirical models, respectively.
Cross-section contours for the annular duct are
shown at a downstream distance of x/Ho = 0.75 for
the numerical model calculation.
For the annular duct, the inside radius (ID) of the
I ~ annulus was equal to the duct height, i.e. Rt/Ho= 1.
The orifice geometry was again opposed rows of in-
line jets (configuration C) with J = 6.6. Similar pen-
etration and mixing, as seen in both the centerplane
I and cross-stream contours, was achieved by specify-
ing the jet spacing for the annular duct to be equal
(c) (d) to that in the rectangular duct at the radius which
divides the annulus into equal areas (R½ = Rci +
Fro. 33. Numerical model calculations for opposed rows
with jet centerlines in-line (Rc~/Ho= 0.5, Rt/Ho= infinity).
Ho/~/(~).The comparable rectangular duct distribu-
tions are shown in Figs 35 and 36.

5.4.6. Convergenceeffects
I I I I I I I l
The effect of a 1 : 3 (exit: inlet) area ratio conver-
0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.0 gence i n turning ducts is shown in the centerplane
and cross-stream contours in Figs 39 and 40 for the
J = 26.4 J = 6.6 opposed row/in-line jets configuration. For a turning
S / H 0 = 0.25 S / H 0 = 0.5
H0/D = 8 H0/D = 4 duct, this convergence may be obtained through re-
duction in the duct height or by circumferential
convergence if the exit annulus is at a smaller radius
(closer to the engine centerline) than the inlet. Center-
plane and cross-stream temperature contours for
these turning and converging cases are shown in
# parts b and f, and c and g, respectively. Temperature
distributions, especially the cross-stream contours,
are similar for both radial and circumferential conver-
gence. Centerplane and cross-stream plots for a
straight converging duct are shown in parts a, d and
e of Figs 39 and 40, and for a straight nonconverging
duct in Figs 35a, c, d and 36a.
(a) (b)
5.4.7. Jetsinjectedintoa can
FIG. 34. Empirical model calculations for opposed rows
with jetcenterlines in-line (Rci/Ho= 0.5, Rt/Ho= infinity). This is the limiting case for OD injection with
Mixing of multiple jets 59

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.0

Straight duet Curved duct

Rci/H 0 = ~ Rci/H 0 = 0.25
B ¢ = 36 °

'~A ~B
x/I-I0 ~ 0.368 x/H 0 = 0.910


Section A-A Section B-B Section D-D

(c) (d) (e)

FIG. 35. Numerical model calculations showing effect of radius of curvature in x - r plane (J = 6.6,
S/Ho = 0.5, Ho/D = 4, R,/Ho = infinity).

curvature in the r - z plane where the radius of the Substituting these into the spacing and
inner anulus is equal to zero. Calculated temperature m o m e n t u m - f l u x relationship for a rectangular duct
contours for jet injection into a section of a can are Eq. 3 gives the appropriate number of holes as
shown in Figs 41 and 42. Cross-stream contours are nx/-2-flC. (6)
shown at downstream distances of x / H o = 0.75 for n =
the numerical model, and at downstream distances It follows that each sector would be (360/n) °.
of x / H o = 0.25 and 0.75 for the empirical model. Recent experiments and calculations in a cylindrical
The corresponding centerplane and cross-stream con- duct have been reported by Vranos et aL, 14s Hatch
tours for the rectangular duct case are shown in Figs et aL 48 and Oechsle et al. los
29 and 30.
The jet-to-mainstream m o m e n t u m - f l u x ratio was
26.4. The jet spacing for this case was specified, at 6. APPLICABILITY AND LIMITATIONS
the radius which divides the can into equal areas, as
that appropriate for injection of a row of jets into a These results suggest that for a given m o m e n t u m -
rectangular duct. That is, the relationship of the flux ratio and downstream distance, combustor
spacing between jet centerlines to the number of design procedure should first identify the circumferen-
holes around the circumference o f the can would be tial orifice spacing ( S / H o ) required to obtain the
desired penetration and profile shape. The orifice
S = 2nR½/n (4) size would then be chosen to provide the required
where jet-to-mainstream mass flow ratio. Also, other param-
eters including the combustor pressure loss and the
R~ = Ho/(x/2). (5) ratio of the orifice spacing to the orifice diameter

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.0

Straight duet Curved duet

R z i / H 0 = ~* Rci/H 0 = 0.25


FIG. 36. Empirical model calculations showing effect of radius of curvature in x-r plane (J = 6.6,
S/no = 0 . 5 , no/O = 4, Rt/no = infinity).

__ 6.1. Empirical
0 () 011 012 013 014 0'.5 017 110
Annular duet Examination of the empirical model results shown
Rt/H 0 = 1 here suggest that correlation of experimental data
~ ~ can provide a good predictive capability within the
parameter range of the generating experiments, pro-
vided that the experimental results are consistent
with the assumptions made in the empirical model.
These models must, however, be used with caution,
(a) ,-A or not at all, outside this range.
x/H 0 = 0.75
The range of the experiments on which the empiri-
cal model used in this study was based are given in
Section A-A
Table 1. The density ratio, momentum-flux ratio,
- ~ Outer orifice spacing, and orifice size were the primary
wall independent variables. The orifice-to-mainstream
area ratio, the jet-to-total mass flow split, and the
constant of proportionality between the orifice spac-
ing and momentum-flux ratio, which are derived
from the primary variables are also given in the
table. Not all combinations of the independent vari-
I ables in the table were tested; only those combina-
tions which are within the range given for the derived
Inner variables represent conditions that are within the
wall range of the experiments and calculations.
FIG. 37. Numerical model calculations for the mixing of Examining the results in Figs 6-42 in the context
jets in an annular duct (J = 6.6, S/Ho = 0.5, Ho/D = 4, of Eq. 3 suggests that generally the empirical model
Rci/Ho = infinity), would be expected to provide good temperature field
predictions for single-side injection when 1 < C < 5.
Similarly, good predictions would be expected for
opposed in-line jets provided that 0.5 < C < 2.5.
(S/D) must be monitored to ensure that the suggested This model does not work well for impinging flows
configuration is physically realistic. Because jet pen- as the experimental temperature distributions are not
etration varies slightly with orifice variables such as consistent with the assumption of Gaussian profile
size, shape, and multiple rows at constant spacing similarity in the empirical model. The experimental
(S/Ho), some adjustments may be needed to arrive at profiles for conditions giving optimum mixing in
the final design, opposed staggered-jet configurations are also some-
Mixing of multiple jets 61

achieved by adjusting model constants and/or inlet

I I I I I I I I boundary conditions. Since this was not necessary to
O 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.0 satisfy the objective of evaluating the potential of
these codes vis-~-vis combustor dilution zone flOW-
Annular duet fields, and because the mean temperature was the
Rt/H 0 = 1 only paramater compared, no adjustments were
Thus, consistent with previous assessments, three-
dimensional calculations of complex flows (ca. 1985),
such as those shown herein, should be considered as
only qualitatively accurate, but are useful in guiding
FIG. 38. Empirical model calculations for the mixing of jets design changes or in perturbation analyses. Although
in an annular duct (J = 6.6, S/Ho = 0.5, HolD = 4,
Rc~/Ho = infinity), these codes were deemed sufficiently promising to
justify further development and assessment, they pos-
sessed neither sufficient accuracy nor efficiency for
what at variance with the model assumptions, and practical use as a general engineering tool. Recent
the satisfactory agreement with the data in these codes with improved numerics, accuracy, and turbu-
cases must be considered fortuitous, lence models offer more quantitative predictions, but
Use of the empirical model in regions close to the there would appear to be a continuing need for the
injection location (x/D < 1) is not recommended, empirical model as a near-term design tool, provided
Also, a major weakness of the empirical model used that the conditions of interest are within the range of
here and previous versions is that the form of the the experience on which the model is based.
empirical correlations precludes their use for ao-
confined single jet flows, semi-confined flows (large
Ho/D or S/D), or fully confined flows in which it is 7. SUMMARYOF RESULTS
known a priori that the primary assumptions in the
model will be invalid. The principal conclusions from the experimental
results summarized herein are:
(1) Variations in momentum-flux ratio and orifice
6.2. Numerical size and spacing have a significant effect on the flow
It is significant to note that the numerical model is (2) Similar distributions can be obtained, independ-
not subject to the inherent limitation of the empirical ent of orifice diameter, when the orifice spacing is
model regarding profile shape and confinement, inversely proportional to the square-root of the
Thus, three-dimensional codes can provide calcula- momentum-flux ratio.
tions for complex flows for which the assumptions in (3) Flow area convergence, especially injection wall
the empirical model are known to be invalid, or that convergence, significantly improves the mixing.
are outside the range of available experiments. Fur- (4) For orifices that are symmetric with respect to
thermore numerical models provide calculations for the main flow direction, the effects of shape are
all flowfield parameters of interest, not just those significant only in the region near the injection plane.
that happen to have been empirically correlated. Beyond x/Ho = 1 (x/D > 4 for the orifices tested)
The numerical calculations correctly show the temperature distributions were similar to those ob-
trends which result from variation of the independent served from equally spaced equal-area circular ori-
flow and geometric variables, although the results rices.
consistently exhibit too little mixing, consistent with (5) The penetration and mixing of 45 ° slanted slots
previous jet-in-crossflow calculations using a model are less than for streamlined, bluff or equivalent-area
reported in Claus. 24 The numerical model calcula- circular holes in a rectangular duct. Also, tempera-
tions for the slanted slots and staggered jet cases are ture distributions for slanted slots are rotated and
encouraging in that the experimental data for these shift laterally with respect to the injection center-
cases show profiles that are not consistent with the plane.
primary assumptions in the empirical model. (6) Jet penetration for two-dimensional slots is
The numerical calculations performed were shown similar to the centerplane value for closely-spaced
to be grid sensitive, and false diffusion was known to (S/D = 2) holes, but the temperature difference
be present. Uncertainties also exist in these calcula- ratios show that the mixing is significantly slower for
tions regarding the validity of turbulence model as- two-dimensional slots.
sumptions, and due to unmeasured (and hence as- (7) A first-order approximation to the mixing of
sumed) boundary conditions. The results shown here jets with a variable temperature mainstream can be
are not intended to represent the agreement possible achieved by superimposing the upstream profiles on
from numerical models at this time, as better tempera- those calculated for jets in an isothermal main-
ture field agreement could undoubtedly have been stream.
Radial Circumferential
Straight duct convergence convergence
Rci/H0 = ~ duct duct
Rt/FI0 = ~ Rci/H0 = 0.25 Rci/H0 = 0.25
x/H0 = 0.39 x/H 0 = 0.91 Rt/H 0 = ~ Rt/H 0 = 2.2

a " . . . . . 0=36°D


(b 0.4 i
Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C . .Section
. . . . . . . D-D 1.0 •

(d) (e) (f) (g)

FIG. 39. Numerical model calculations showing the effect of convergence; exit: inlet area ratio = 1.3.

00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.0

Radial convergence
Straight duct c°nvergence duct duct
Rei/H0 = ~ Rci/H0 = 0.25 Rei/H0 = 0.25
Rt/H 0 = ~ Rt/H0 = ~ Rt/H0 = 2.2

C~~' ~C0=36° ~ i =q,3 ~ ° ....XD~,,~

x/H 0 = 0.39 x/H o = 0.91 ~i~,~,;

(b) ........

Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C Section D-D

-0.5 0 0.5
(d) (e) (f) (g)

FIo. 40. Empirical model calculations showing the effect of convergence; exit: inlet area ratio = 1.3.
Mixing of multiple jets 63

I i I I l I I l I I I I I i I I
0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1,0 0 0 0.l 0.2 0,3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.0

Can Can
Rt/LI o = 0 Rt/H 0 = 0
x/H0 = 0.75 [~'A [~B

A ~ x/H0 = 0.25 x/H0 = 0.75

(a) (a)
Section A-A

Section A-A Section B-B

bT r
FIG. 41. Numerical model calculations for the mixing of
jets injected into a can (J = 26.4, S/Ho = 0.5, Ho/D = 4, (b) (c)
R¢i/Ho = infinity, Rt/Ho = infinity).
FIG. 42. Empirical model calculations for the mixing of jets
(8) With the same orifice spacing in (at least) the injected into a can (J = 26.4, S/Ho = 0.5, Ho/D = 4,
lead row, double rows of jets have temperature distri- RcdHo = infinity, R,/Ho = infinity).
butions similar to those from a single row of equally-
spaced, equivalent-area circular orifices. Empirical model calculations provide very good
(9) For opposed rows of jets, with the orifice results for modeled parameters within the range of
centerlines in-line, the optimum ratio of orifice spac- experiments whenever the primary assumptions in
ing to duct height is one-half of the optimum value the model are satisfied.
for single-side injection at the same momentum- Numerical model calculations can predict all flow-
flux ratio. Similar mixing was observed to that field quantities, flows outside the range of experi-
from comparable single-side cases, except that ments, or flows where empirical assumptions are
better mixing was observed at the same down- invalid. Three-dimensional code calculations shown
stream distance for opposed jets because the effec- here correctly approximate the trends which result
tive mixing height is less than the channel height from variationoftheindependentflow and geometric
for this case. variables, but they consistently exhibit too little
(10) For opposed rows of jets, with the orifice mixing. Numerical calculations should yield more
centerlines staggered, the optimum ratio of orifice quantitative predictions with improvements in numer-
spacing to duct height is double the optimum value ics, accuracy, and turbulence models.
for single-side injection at the same momentum-flux An existing empirical model for the temperature
ratio. This configuration exhibited even better mixing field downstream of single and multiple rows of jets
than optimum single side injection. That is, a configu- injected into a confined crossflow has been extended
ration that mixes well with one-side injection per- to model the effects of curvature and convergence on
forms even better when every other orifice is moved the mixing. This extension is based on the results of
to the opposite wall. a numerical study of these effects using a three-dimen-
Temperature field measurements from the experi- sional turbulent flow computer code. Temperature
ments cited above are compared with distributions distributions calculated with both the numerical and
calculated with an empirical model based on assumed empirical models show the effects of flow area conver-
vertical profile similarity and superposition, and with gence, radius of curvature, and inner and outer wall
calculations made with a three-dimensional elliptic injection for single and opposed rows of jets.
code using a standard turbulence model. The results The following conclusions can be made from the
can be summarized as follows, computational study:

,.PEC5 19:1-[

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143. VERMEULEN,P. J. and ODGERS,J., Acoustic control of MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (1963).
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New York (1988). (Also NASA TM-lO0290.)
(Cd)O. 12 s (x/H¢q)O.5


APPENDIX--CORRELATION EQUATIONS a5 = 0.1623 if R¢i/H~q = infinity ( s t r a i g h t duct)

= 0.3 if Rci/H,q < infinity (curved duct).
Jet Thermal Centerline Trajectory
( w ~ / n c q = (a6)(J) T M (S/D) 0"27 (neq/O) -°'38
yc/Heq = ( a l ) ( 0 . 3 5 7 5 ) ( J ) °'2s (S/D)°I4 (H¢q/D) -°'45 (Ho/Heq) °'5 (Cd) °'°s5 (x/H¢q) T M
(Cd)O. t 5S (x/neq)O. 17 (exp( - b)) where

where a6 = 0.2 if Rci/H~q = infinity (straight duct)

a l = m i n i ( 1 + S/H,q), 2] = 0.5 if R¢i/H,q < infinity ( c u r v e d duct).
b = (O.091)(x/Heq) 2 [(Heq/S) -- (J°'5)/3.5]. Off-centerplane Thermal Trajectory

Centerplane Maximum Temperature Difference Ratio Yc.z/Y¢ : 1 -- (4)(z/S) 2 ( e x p ( - - g ) )

0c = 0EB -~- (I -- 0EB)
g = (0.227)(J) °'67 (S/D)- ~ (Heq/D) T M (Cd) °'23
I-(a I ) ( J ) - o. 35 ( Cd)°" 5 (Heq/O) - 1 (x/neq) - 1] f (x/neq)°"s 4.
f = i. 15 [(S/H,q)/(I + S/H,q)] o. 5 Off-centerplane Maximum Temperature Difference
and Ratio

0EB = Wj/WT. (0¢.Z)/0c = I -- (4)(z/S) 2 ( e x p ( - d ) )

Mixing of multiplejets 69

where Effects Due to Curvature

d = (0.452)(J) °'53 (S/D)-1.53 (Heq/D)O.83 (Cd)O.35 The flow in a curved duct develops a free vortex,
(X/Heq) °'a3. wherein U = (const)/r, with higher velocities near
the inner wall than near the outer wall. The local
momentum-flux ratio is thus
Off-centerplane Minimum Temperature Difference
Ratios Jlocal = (4)(J)(r/(ri + to))2
where J is the momentum-flux ratio based on the
(0m~i.,z)/(0c,z) = (0~i.)/(0e). uniform mainstream velocity.
The effective momentum-flux ratio for OD jets is
defined to be the integrated average of the values of
Off-centerplane Half-widths J~oca~ over the outer half of the duct, and similarly
the effective momentum-flux ratio for ID jets is
(W~,z)/Heq = (W~)/Heq. defined to be the integrated average of the Jtocal
values over the inner half of the duct. These values
The six scaling parameters, yc/Heq, 0~, O+mi,,O~,, W ; are:
/Heq, and W~/Heq, are used in Eq. 2 to define the
vertical profile at any x,z location in the flow. For Job = (J)(l + (2)(Coo) + (4)(Coo)Z)~3
all except the case of opposed rows of jets with
Jio = (J)(1 + (2)(Cio) + (4)(CID)2)/3
centerlines in-line, H,q in the correlation equations is
equal to Ho, the height of the duct at the injection lo- where
cation. CoD = (1 + Ho/R~i)/(2 + Ho/Rci)
Nonisothermal Mainstream, Double (Axially Staged) CIO = 1/(2 + Ho/ Rcl).
Rows of Jets and Opposed Rows of Jets with
Centerlines Staggered

It was shown by Holdeman and Srinivasan6° that Flow Area Convergence

these flows can be satisfactorily modeled by superim-
posing independent calculations of the separate ele- This case is modeled by assuming that the accelerat-
ments. This is accomplished as follows: ing mainstream will act to decrease the effective
momentum-flux ratio as the flow proceeds down-
0 = 1-01 q- 02 -- ( 2 ) ( 0 1 ) ( 0 2 ) ] / [ 1 -- ( 0 1 ) ( 0 2 ) ] . stream, thus:
Note that 0 = 01 at any location where 02 = 0 J(x) = (J)[H(x)/Ho] 2.
(and 0 = 02 if 01 = 0); and that 0 < 1 (provided Note that the trajectory and the jet half-widths are
that 01 and 02 are each < 1). Also, for the completely calculated in terms of the duct height at the injection
mixed case 0EB is equal to the ratio of the jet flow to location, so must be scaled by the inverse of the
the total flow as required, convergence Ho/H(x), to give profiles in terms of the
local duct height.
Opposed Rows of Jets with Centerlines In-line

It was observed by Kamotani and Greber TM that Orifice Aspect Ratio

the flowfield downstream of opposed jets was similar It was observed by Srinivasan et al. 13° that bluff
to that downstream of a single jet injected toward an slots resulted in slightly less jet penetration and more
opposite wall at half the distance between the jets.
This is also confirmed by the experimental results in two-dimensional profiles than circular holes, and
Srinivasan et al. 129 Thus for the symmetric case, that streamlined slots resulted in slightly greater jet
Heq = (Ho)/2. penetration and more three-dimensional profiles.
This effect is modeled by using the ratio of the
In general, these flows can be modeled by calculat-
orifice spacing to the orifice width, S/W, in lieu of
ing an effective duct height as proposed by Wittig et
a l , 16° n a m e l y : S/D in the correlation equations. For rectangular
• orifices with circular ends:
[neq]top = (no)([(Aj/Am)(J°'5)]top)/([Aj/Am)(J°'5)]top S / W = (S/D)[1 + ( 4 / n ) ( W / L - 1)] 0.5 if W/L > i
+ [Aj/Am)(J°'5)]b . . . . . )
and S / W = (S/D)[1 + (4/n)(L/W-- i)]°'5(L/W)
[-Heq]bottom = H o - - [-Heq]top. if W/L < 1.

Note that this is only appropriate for streamlined the axes of the kidney-shaped temperature contours
were inclined with respect to the injection direction.
(L > W) and bluff (L < W) slots whose long axis is, The former is modeled as a function of momentum-
respectively, aligned with, and perpendicular to, the
flux ratio and downstream distance as:
mainstream flow.
dz/S = sin[(n/2)(a)]

Slanted Slots where

Two effects were noted in the experimental results a = min[l, (x/Heq)(J/26.4)°'25].

for slanted slots, namely that the centerplanes shifted The rotation effect observed in the experimental
laterally with increasing downstream distance, and data is not modeled.

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