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Date: 01-04-2023
This is to inform all the students of classes VI-X and XII that it is obligatory for
them to come in proper summer school uniform from the day of resumption of
their respective classes for the new session (2023-24). No admittance will be
allowed to defaulters.
Furthermore, they are advised to go through the below appended STUDENT
CODE OF CONDUCT minutely and follow it religiously.



[Session 2023-24]


DPS Ranchi has the strong conviction in Discipline being the foundation stone of all
accomplishments and it takes all intensive, extensive and comprehensive steps in its
maintenance. With the inauguration of Session 2023-2024 the DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE
acknowledges its responsibility by reminding the students THE CODE OF CONDUCT that
they all have been following since they crossed the threshold and entered the premises of this
educational flagship.
 Institute believes in promoting a safe and efficient climate by enforcing behavioural
standards. All students must uphold academic integrity, respect all persons and their
rights and property and safety of others; etc.
 All students must deter from indulging in any and all forms of misconduct including
partaking in any activity off-campus which can affect the Institute’s interests and
reputation substantially. The various forms of misconduct include:
 Any act of discrimination (physical or verbal conduct) based on an individual’s gender,
caste, race, religion or religious beliefs, colour, region, language, disability, marital or
family status, physical or mental disability, gender identity, etc.
 It is imperative for every student to carry his/her School almanac, Identity Card and
Bus Pass (if applicable) to school regularly without fail. Students are not allowed to
go outside of the class without Class-pass.
 In case Identity Card/Almanac is mutilated or lost, a new set will have to be purchased
by the parents by giving an application and paying a replacement charge at the
Administrative Office personally or through the Class-teacher.
 SILENCE and ORDER must be maintained while changing of class rooms between
 Please note that Warning Cards (1. Yellow Card, 2. Orange Card, 3. Red Card) will be
issued to students who will be found guilty of Discipline Breaches. Yellow and Orange
Warning Cards would serve as a caution, the Red Warning Card will be viewed very
seriously and further disciplinary action will be initiated. Red Card may directly be
issued depending on the extremity and gravity of the conduct.
 Mobile phones/Electronic Gadgets are strictly prohibited in the school
campus/school facility(transport). If reported/discovered, it will be confiscated by
the competent authorities.
 The school reserves the right to take consequential disciplinary action against students
whose conduct is harmful to other students or environment of the school.
 Any willful damage or theft of school property will be regarded as breach of school
rules and the students would be fined by competent school authorities depending on
the severity of the action.
 Self Commuters (Walkers/ones who use private vehicles etc.) should arrive at the
school before the bell (five minutes before the home room period begins). However,
parents availing facility from Private Vehicles Service Providers will do so at
their own responsibility/risk as school will not take any responsibility of any
incurred mishap.
 Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform
should be worn throughout when the school is in session including all school functions.
 Non-Sikh boys should get their proper hair cut at regular intervals. Fashion hair
colouring /high-lighting, wearing mehndi or nail-paints etc. are strictly prohibited.
Girls with long hair should come in plaits.
 Shouting, hooting or whistling is strictly prohibited in or around the school building.
Running in the corridor is forbidden.
 No books (other than text books or library books), magazines or irrelevant paper
should be brought to school.
 Students not availing Bus-facility should remain in the school premises while waiting
for their parents/guardians during dispersal. In case of delay, they should report to the
school office. Those who go home alone, should not loiter about on the way but be
prompt in returning straight to their home.
 Students should observe polite manners, wherever they go. They should always
remember that the school is judged by its students’ conduct. They should always greet
the teachers when they meet them. Bullying and use of foul language are punishable
 The school reserves the rights to dismiss a student whose diligence or progress in
studies is steadily unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
Misbehavior or misconduct with any of the teaching or non-teaching staff shall call
for strict action against the students.
 Students are not supposed to miss any teaching/games/activity period.
 Bursting crackers or splashing colour during Diwali/Holi in the school premises is
strictly forbidden. Noncompliance with these instructions can result in initiation of
strict disciplinary action.
 Name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all belongings
including blazer and jersey of the students.
 School Appointees should wear their respective badges every day.
 DPS Ranchi is a POLYTHENE FREE ZONE hence all should refrain from using
plastic bags. They are advised to use paper/cloth carry-bags if required.

 The students of XI and XII shall avail the canteen facility during the Break-time on all
week-days. Whereas students of classes VI-X will avail it on the assigned days for their
respective classes as per the school almanac.
 Canteen windows to facilitate Boys and Girls are separate. They are instructed to queue-
up against the assigned window.
 While availing Canteen-facility observance of proper Discipline is to be considered
imperative by everyone. Propriety of communication must be maintained.


 Unless an emergency arises, students are not expected to seek permission to leave the
school before the bus gets over.
 Leave for Half-day must be avoided as far as possible. In case of exigency, written
permission may be taken from the Class Representative and Class Teacher by the
 If any student has to stay back for some valid reason, Parent/Guardian will be duly
intimated on their registered mobile number by the concerned/competent authority.
 If any Representative of Parent/Local Guardian is sent by them to pick their ward(s)
during school-hours during school-hours, after cross verification from them (Parent/
Local Guardian) only they (ward) will be handed-over to the Representative. However,
parents are suggested to avoid such practice for security reasons.


 Underage Driving of Automobiles (two/four wheelers) is a punishable offence under
MOTOR VEHICLES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2019. If found guilty the
Parents/Guardian/Owner of the vehicle will be held guilty. Hence, no student will
commute using them as driver/rider.
 Consequently, if vehicles of students are reported/discovered in parking lots in the
school’s vicinity, LEGAL ACTION may be taken by competent school authorities.

 Parents/Local Guardians who pick/drop their wards must ensure that their ward(s) must
wear helmet (in case of two-wheelers) and seat-belt (in case of four-wheelers).


 Permission of Class teacher is mandatory for a student to attend the class if one had
been absent the previous day.
 No leave of absence is granted except on Medical -grounds.
 Repeated absence without any prior information or valid reason for more than six
consecutive days renders the student off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only
on payment of fresh admission fee.
 It is mandatory for students to obtain 85% attendance in the academic year to make
them eligible to sit for their final examination. The percentage, however, can be relaxed
on medical grounds or any other reason which would be deemed genuine or valid by
the concerned competent authority of the school.
 It is compulsory to be present on the last working day and the reopening day of each
vacation. Absence for more than three days immediately after a vacation renders the
student’s name struck off the rolls.
 No student is allowed to step out of the school-gate during school-hours without the
gate-pass either signed by the Class-teacher or Class-representative. Student must be
accompanied by the parent while going out of the gate.
 Students are responsible for making up all work missed by them.
 If a child shows COVID-19 symptoms, he/she should not be sent to school, instead
government guidelines related to testing and isolation should be followed.
 Students remaining absent from school due to an infectious or contagious disease
should produce a medical certificate on returning to school permitting him to do so.


 Students using the school bus must be at their bus stop at least five minutes prior to the
arrival time of the bus. Buses will not wait for the latecomers. It is mandatory for all
students availing bus to carry their bus ID card with them.
 Students should stay away from the main road until the bus arrives and should not rush
towards the entry door of the bus till it has come to a complete halt.
 All students must occupy vacant seats immediately after boarding their buses.
 Food items or trash must not be discarded inside the bus or thrown out of the bus.
Students are not allowed to eat in the bus.
 Students will be held responsible for any damage to buses caused by negligence or
vandalism. Courteous behaviour is expected from students at all times and unruly
bahaviour is strictly prohibited. Students who resort to vandalism will be debarred from
bus facility.




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