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Lockey Stick Dog

Business Plan

Business Concept
The Lockey stick Dog is the name of our product and business name.
The Lockey Stick Dog potential customer will be students of Banga National
High School and other personnel inside the school premises. The group is
selling this product inside the school where our potential customer is in.
Moreover, we believe that our product is unique and will surely in to the
taste of everybody who are looking for a good snack that is cheaper and
delicious. In addition, this product will serve a good services and best
quality snack for the customer.

“To deliver a good quality product for the customer and provide
nutritious with affordable service for the customer.”

“To sell the product with a competitive price and show the customer
hard work, professionalism, good quality and healthy product.”

 To generate and deliver products
 To gain profit from the products produce
 To develop strong market inside the school; and
 To provide the customers tasty and quality product.

Key Results Area (KRA)


Our product Lockey stick Dog will be a good substitute snack to the
students of Banga National High School and to the other customer. We
believe that our product is unique and eye catching the people and it will
surely catch the attention of the customer especially the students. Our
products are composed of hotdogs and cheese inside that mostly of the
students wants. Moreover, our product can be a good start to build and
develop strong market at the school especially to the students. Lockey stick
Dog will give the students a satisfying snack and can be bought by
affordable price.

Lockey stick dog is also best alternative snack if you are starving
because the ingredients are not spared and, in this way, we can serve the
students the best quality snack that is affordable compare to other snack
like junk foods. In addition, Lockey stick dog is consist of thirteen (13)
members. This student will do their best to promote the product and
consider this as a training to know more about business especially to those
who want to bu8ild a business someday.

Product or Services Description
The name of the product is Lockey Stick Dog and its main ingredients
is obviously a hotdog and cheese inside, wrap and fill it with cheese powder
or all-purpose dressing ketchup. Our product, Lockey Stick Dog is for
anybody who wants to try something new that is not found in the canteen of
the school and its affordable snack that everyone can afford. Moreover, our
product is easily made and its ingredients is really comfortable to find in any
supermarket or store near you.

Price of the Product

We consider the budget and the cost of our ingredient and needs to
make our product and decide how much it cost for every stick. The value of
Lockey stick dog is consist of ten (10) pesos and that is equivalent of 3 s
dog. It is very affordable on students.
Target Market
The Lockey Stick Dog is targeting the students of Banga National High
School and other people near in the school who wants to buy our product

The Lockey Stick Dog will have a chance to get a high demand
because the school is composed of 3,000 students adding the personnel’s
inside or outside the school. Students and other customer will get the best
quality produc5t and good snack they will ever taste at a very affordable and
competitive price and to give gratify to the customer because it’s worth the

Competition in business is normal. Our potential competitor in our
business will be the canteen of the school and other groups who sell their
product but we are confident to sell our product because we are the only
group who is selling this kind of snack or product around the school area.

Our distribution technique is putting a small space or store where our
product will be located and girdle around the school from Grade 12
HUMSS student to be given to the students of Banga National High School
and other potential customers alongside.

Promoting a business is easy nowadays. In addition, we promote our
business using online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, in TikTok or
Twitter. Furthermore, we will be doing sales talking for the customers know
more about our product.

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