SA1 English Model Question Pprs

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Answer the following questions by bubbling the correct space in the OMR SHEET.
“My life companion is a thin reedy person with the gift of a sprinter”. [The snake and the mirror]
Now answer the following 3x1=3M
1.The speaker of the words is_________________ [ ]
A] Doctor’s wife B] Doctor’s friend C] Doctor D] Villager
2. What type of life companion did the speaker actually wish to marry? [ ]
A] Fat and poor doctor B] Fat and rich doctor C] Fat and clever doctor D] Fat and fast doctor
3. Who is a sprinter? [ ]
A] A fast walker B] A fast bowler C] A fast runner D] A fast jumper


“I have seen thousands of rotting buffaloes on the prairie” [ What is man without beasts]
Now answer the following 2x1=2M
4. The speaker was speaking the above words to ______________________. [ ]
A] USA President B] Chief Seattle C] UK President D] African President
5. What happened to the buffaloes in the above lines? [ ]
A] They were taken away B] They were fed C] They were shot dead D] They were hanged


River, river, little river!

Bright you sparkle on your way
O’er the yellow pebbles dancing,
Through the flowers and foliage glancing,
Like a child at play.

On you rush through rough and smooth;

Louder, faster, brawling, leaping,
Over rocks, by rose banks, sweeping
Like impetuous youth. [The River]

Now answer the following: 3x1=3M

6. To which the movement of the river compared in first stanza? [ ]
A] impetuous youth B]Child at play C] mortal prime D] eternity

7.How does the river moving over rocks? [ ]

A] Louder B]Faster C] Leaping D] All of the above

8] What is the meaning of the word “foliage”? [ ]

A] Branches B] Leaves C] Bark D] Fruits


Then I moved to the next grade
Boy was I afraid
That our trust would slowly fade
But I was wrong
We are still strong [Not Just a Teacher, but a Friend]

Now answer the following: 2x1=2M

9. The boy afraid because.......... [ ]
A] He moved to next grade B] Their trust would fade C] The teacher forgets him D] All the above

10. The boy said “But I was wrong”, because...... [ ]

A] They are divided B] They quarrelled C] They are still strong D] They did not see each other


He went downstairs and told his mom that he wanted to go to church. Bobby’s mother thought that her plan had
worked, as Bobby looked very sad. [Little Bobby]
Now answer the following: 3x1=3M
11. Bobby wanted to go to church, because...... [ ]
A] His attitude changed B] He wanted to pray the God for the bike
C] He wanted to kidnap God’s mother D] He wanted to kidnap his mom.

12.What was Bobby’s mom plan? [ ]

A] To get him realized about study for examinations B] To get reflection about his behaviour
C] To get him a bike after some teasing D] To develop quality of worshipping God

13. Why did his mother think that her plan had worked?
A] Bobby looked very happy B] Bobby looked very angry C] Bobby looked very sad D] None


However, too much homework is not helpful, and can be counter-productive. [Home work]
Now answer the following: 2x1=2M
14. How can home work helpful in teaching and learning process? [ ]
A] To learn by memorizing what they learn in school B] Reinforce what they learn in school
C] To resist them in watching TV D] Encourage them to write notes

15. Counter-productive means............ [ ]

A] Positive effect B] Negative effect C] Neutral effect D] Similar effect

Swamy went out of the school. At home by watching his expressions his father asked Swamy what had happened at
school. There was a conversation between them.
Now answer the following 3x1=3M

16. Which of the following may come first compared to others? [ ]

A] You should go to that school only B] You are not saying the truth
C] I don’t go to that school D] Why did you come from School?

17. Swamy’s father: Why _________________ you gone to school today? [ ]

A] didn’t B] don’t C] haven’t D] hasn’t

18. Which of the following may be the final sentence? [ ]

A] The head master beats me every day. B] Why does he beat you without any reason?
C] I will join in another school D] Why did you come from school?

Description is the pattern of development that presents a word picture of a thing, a person, a situation, or a series of
events. We can describe a person, thing, place, animal, an incident, accident etc.
Now answer the following: 2x1=2M
19. In a description we can’t include the following...... [ ]
A] measurements B] complexion C] Behaviour D] Reasoning

20. You had gone to field trip to a place. How can you start the description of the place? [ ]
A] I had gone to a historical place. B] I liked it very much
C] It had many wonders D] I wish to visit once again

Imagine you are the homeopath. Write a diary entry of the incident that had happened on the day when you came
across the snake.

Now answer the following: 3x1=3M

21. Which of the following can be the apt phrase to start the entry? [ ]
A] Oh God! What a ghastly experience! B] What a fearful experience!
C] What an unforgettable experience! D] What a nice experience!

22. “I was turned to a stone.” This sentence can be used to.................. [ ]

A] Begin the entry B] Sustain the entry C] Conclude the entry D] In all we can use it.

23. A diary can be written in................. [ ]

A] first person B] Second person C] Third person D] None

You were asked to give a speech on World environment Day. Keeping this in view answer the following. 2x1=2M

24. The following can’t be included in your speech? [ ]

A] We can minimize the use of polythene bags. B] We have to protect trees
C] We have to protect women rights C] We have to reduce the emissions from factories.

25. I like to share my opinions about environment. – This sentence can be used in....... of speech. [ ]
A] Beginning B] Sustaining C] Ending D] Anywhere

Read the following passage and EDIT the underlined parts 2x1=2M

The rivers carries[26] our canoes and feed our children. If we sell you our land, you must remembered[27] that it is
sacred blood of our ancestors.
26. A] carried B] carry C] carrying D] had carried
27. A] remember B] remembering C] to remember D] have remember

Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with suitable answers given 3x1=3M

Bert Stone was ___[28] hard-core realist. ___[29] believed _____[30] hard work and sweat.
28. A] a B] an C] the D] any
29. A] His B] Him C] He D] Which
30. A] on B] in C] with D] of

31. One student..................................................... [Complete with main and subordinate clauses] 1M

A] had an attack of headache B] said that he had an attack of headache
C] said on attack of headache. D] had attack of headache and fever

32. They give speech on environment. - Change to Yes/No question. 1M

A] Did they give speech on environment? B] Do they given speech on environment?
C] Does they give speech on environment? D] Will they give speech on environment?
33. Swamy said to his father, “ I will join some other school”. – Reported speech of the sentence is....[ ] 1M
A] Swamy said to his father that he would join some other school
B] Swamy told to his father that he would join some other school.
C] Swamy told his father that he would join some other school.
D] Swamy told his father that he will join some other school.

34. I woke up late. I missed the school bus. Combine with “As” [ ]
A] As I missed the school bus, I woke up late. B] As I wakes up late, I missed the school bus
C] As I woke up late, I missed the school bus. D] As I wake up late, I misses the school bus

35. Chandra got first rank. He worked hard. Combine with “Since’ [ ]
A] Since Chandra worked hard, he got first rank. B] Since Chandra got first rank, he worked hard.
C] Since Chandra work hard, he got first rank. D] All the above

36. Radhika completed her work. Then she went to bed. [Rewrite with ‘After’] [ ]
A] After she had completed her work, Radhika went to bed. B] After completed work, Radhika went to bed.
C] After Radhika had completed her work, she went to bed. D] After Radhika had completed work, she went to bed

37. Sivaji is attending examination. What do you say to him? [ ] 1M

A] Best of luck B] Deep condolence C] Congratulations D] Many happy returns of the day

What do the following sentences mean?

38. May I help you? [ ] 1M

A] Offering B] Appreciating C] Giving information D] Suggestion

39. “How many schools are there in your village? ” [ ] 1M

A] Asking information B] Giving information C] Attracting Attention D] Advising

40. How can you advice your friend who is riding bike without helmet? [ ] 1M
A] You should wear helmet B] You should not wear helment
C] You should ride bike D] You should not ride bike

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