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Agricultural Systems 131 (2014) 45–55

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Agricultural Systems
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Narrowing the rice yield gap in East and Southern Africa: Using and
adapting existing technologies
Nhamo Nhamo ⇑, Jonne Rodenburg, Negussie Zenna, Godswill Makombe 1, Ashura Luzi-Kihupi 2
Africa Rice Center, East and Southern Africa, P O Box 33581, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The importance of rice production in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has significantly increased over the past
Received 8 March 2012 decades. Currently, rice plays a pivotal role in improving household food security and national economies
Received in revised form 4 August 2014 in SSA. However, current rice productivity of smallholder farms is low due to a myriad of production con-
Accepted 5 August 2014
straints and suboptimal production methods, while future productivity is threatened by climate change,
Available online 29 August 2014
water shortage and soil degradation. Improved rice cultivars and agronomic management techniques, to
enhance nutrient and water availability and use efficiencies and to control weeds, have the potential to
increase yields. The aim of this study was to assess the relative contribution of such technologies to
Good Agricultural Practice (GAP)
Soil degradation
enhanced rice productivity. Relative yield gains emanating from nutrient, water and weed management
Cultivars were surveyed and calculated from literature. Partial budgeting was used to evaluate viability of fertilizer
Systems technology under GAP. Substantial yield gains ranging from 0.5 t ha1 to 2.9 t ha1 are projected follow-
Innovations ing the use of improved technologies. Relative yield gains decreased in the following order: weed man-
Africa agement (91.6%) > organic fertilizer application (90.4%) > bunding (86.7%) > mineral fertilizer application
(51.9%) > tied ridges (42.6%). Combining fertilizer with unimproved rice cultivars led to negative returns.
The lack of integration of improved technologies, to increase synergies and alleviate socio-economic con-
straints, largely explained the existing yield gaps. The gains obtained through improved rice cultivars can
be further enhanced through application of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), improving nutrient, water
and weed management technologies, based on the local resource availabilities of small farms. We there-
fore propose adapting technologies to local conditions and developing and using rice production decision
tools based on GAP to enable rice farmers in SSA to improve resource-use efficiencies and crop produc-
tivity at the farm level.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2. Yield gain and economic analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3. Rice yield responses to improved technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.1. Soil fertility management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2. Water management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.3. Weed management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.4. Improved varieties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4. Narrowing yield gaps through integrated management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.1. Crop management systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.2. Local adaptations and holistic approaches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.3. Management tools for improved resource use in rice systems in ESA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5. Implications for research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

⇑ Corresponding author. Present address: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), P O Box 310142, Chelston Lusaka, Zambia. Tel.: +260 211 840365.
E-mail addresses: nnhamo@gmail.com, n.nhamo@cgiar.org (N. Nhamo), j.rodenburg@cgiar.org (J. Rodenburg), n.zenna@cgiar.org (N. Zenna), g.makombe@cgiar.org,
godswill.makombe@ul.ac.za (G. Makombe), aluzi@suanet.ac.tz (A. Luzi-Kihupi).
Present address: University of Limpopo, Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership, Box 756, Fauna Park 0787, South Africa.
Present address: Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), P O Box 77, Morogoro, Tanzania.

0308-521X/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
46 N. Nhamo et al. / Agricultural Systems 131 (2014) 45–55

6. Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

1. Introduction and inuta or amaxhaphozi in Southern Africa according to Acres

et al. (1985)) in particular for rice production (e.g., Rodenburg
The importance of rice as a commodity has significantly et al., 2014). However, the lowland ecosystems should not be
increased over the past decades in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) developed indiscriminately for the sole purpose of agricultural
(Seck et al., 2010). Rice plays a pivotal role in African rural house- production, as they are often fragile or harbour a range of natural
hold food security and national economies. Since the 1990s urban- resources (e.g. biodiversity) linked to important ecosystems func-
ization and increased income associated with rural–urban tions worthy of conservation (e.g., McCartney and Houghton-
migration (Kennedy and Reardon, 1994) has led to an increase in Carr, 2009; Sakane et al., 2011; Verhoeven and Setter, 2010).
per capita rice consumption. In SSA rice grain yield per unit area There is a growing realization that rice production is important
and the total area under production have stagnated (Otsuka and for advancing the agricultural contribution to the national GDP
Kalirajan, 2005). There are however still possibilities to expand (e.g., Seck et al., 2012). In Madagascar for instance, rice is the main
area under rice and improve productivity given the positive land staple food crop and an important export commodity (Garenne,
balance (FAO, 2010) and the relatively low level of adoption of 2002), while Kenya, Mozambique and Uganda are net importers
modern technologies (Balasubramanian et al., 2007). Clearly, there of rice (NPA, 2007). Improving domestic production can reduce
is a need to study important yield reducing factors closely in order imports. If production increases alongside quality, for instance
to determine strategies to help increase and maintain rice produc- through investments in post-harvest grain-quality infrastructure,
tivity on farmers’ fields and, through that, overall regional rice it will augment the market share of locally produced rice (e.g.,
production. Demont and Rizzotto, 2012). However, major constraints to rice
In East and Southern Africa (ESA), Madagascar and Tanzania are production are of biophysical (i.e. soil nutrient depletion, weed
the major rice producing countries (Table 1), while Rwanda is the infestation, variable rainfall patterns, low and under-developed
smallest producer (FAO, 2010; Kanyeka et al., 1996; Rodenburg irrigation infrastructure), socio-economic, institutional and politi-
and Demont, 2009). In terms of area under rice, the rain-fed low- cal (i.e. lack of financial resources, labour shortages, low levels of
lands are the dominant ecosystems in ESA, comprising 55% of the education, weak infrastructure, lack of conducive policies)nature.
total area. Irrigated rice ecology (both highland and lowland) com- Solving these constraints could bridge the existing large gap
prises 27% while rain-fed uplands comprise 18% of the area under between current farm level production and the potential
rice. Though there are disparities across countries in the region, the production.
biophysical conditions in ESA (topography, water reservoirs, rain- The term ‘yield gap’ is used to indicate the difference between
fall distributions and soils), suggests that there is untapped poten- the biological and climatic potential yield and the average actual
tial for improving rice production. crop yield produced by farmers (Lobell et al., 2009). Factors affect-
Ferralsols, Acrisols, Arenosols, Nitosols and Lixisols are the ing crop growth and development are radiation and temperature
dominant soil types found in the ESA region (Bationo et al., 2006; (yield determining), water and nutrition (yield limiting); the
Bekunda et al., 2002; Hartemink, 1997; Nandwa and Bekunda, attainable yield is the potential yield limited by these two factors
1998). Due to erosion and degradation, soils on uplands are rela- in a given environment (Rabbinge, 1993). An additional factor
tively less fertile and more acidic than those on lower positions affecting crop growth is pest and diseases (yield reducing). In addi-
on the catena, with the latter being accumulation zones for soil tion, productivity is also determined by factors such as cultivar
mineral sediments, nutrients, organic matter and (rain or run-off) choice and crop management. The interaction between the above
water (e.g. Andriesse et al., 1994; van der Heyden and New, factors determines the actual yield level at a particular location.
2003). It is for this reason that there exist a relatively large agricul- In irrigated areas productivity is primarily determined by radiation
tural potential in rain-fed lowland systems (inland valleys, also and temperature whereas in rain-fed areas, precipitation and soil
known as mbuga in East Africa and vleis, dambos, mapani or matoro, moisture storage capacity are important factors (De Wit, 1992).

Table 1
Harvested area under cultivation (ha) and mean yields (kg ha1) for rice under rainfed upland (RU), rainfed lowland (RL) and irrigated ecosystems from 8 countries in East and
Southern Africa.

Country RU RL IR Total Area (ha)  1000 Rice yield (kg ha1)

Burundi 4 74 21 21 3310
Kenya 0 0 100 19 3570
Madagascar 29 18 52 1300 2770
Malawi 0 72 28 53 1740
Mozambique 39 59 2 204 960
Rwanda 0 92 8 10 4400
Tanzania 23 73 4 665 1860
Uganda 45 53 2 119 1360
Regional share (%) 17.5 55.3 27.2 – –
Total area under rice 2391
Average yield (kg ha1) 2496
Standard deviation of the mean 1204
Difference in yields (kg ha1) 3440

FAO (2010).
N. Nhamo et al. / Agricultural Systems 131 (2014) 45–55 47

The main objectives of this paper are to determine rice yield used by smallholder famers on rice yields. Blanket application of
gains resulting from use of improved technologies and to analyse variable combinations of N, P and K are widely acknowledged in
how technical interventions should be adapted to narrow the gap ESA (Nandwa and Bekunda, 1998) but smallholder rice farmers
between potential and actual rice yields. We hypothesize that hardly use these recommendations. Due to financial constraints,
agronomic practices and socio-economic conditions are highly farmers often apply reduced amounts of fertilizer (Mwaseba et al.,
interdependent and should therefore be handled in a holistic man- 2006). Inappropriate application of fertilizers can become an ineffi-
ner in order to attain increased yields, and that attention should be cient and unprofitable practice (Poulton et al., 2006). There is a need
given to synergies resulting from applying technologies that have for locally adaptable, and balanced recommendations suitable for a
the potential of addressing two or more yield reducing or limiting range of crop environments. This would require a thorough
factors. understanding of the specific system (Bekunda et al., 2002;
Meertens et al., 1999). In addition, farmers need access to credits
and markets in order to be able to follow-up on recommendations.
2. Yield gain and economic analysis
Based on our analyses of on-farm studies carried out by Kaihura
et al. (1999), Kajiru et al. (1998), Kayeke et al. (2007) and Meertens
Published data from over 105 relevant journal articles and
et al. (2003), a relative yield gain of 52%, equivalent to 948 kg ha1
FAOSTAT were analysed for yield differences. To determine the
of rice grain can be obtained from the use of mineral fertilizer
effects of improved cultivars and management practices on yield,
(Table 2). A closer analysis showed that the initial linear yield gains
yield gains were calculated using Eq. (1).
resulting from N application start to gradually decrease above
YG ðkg ha Þ ¼ Y T  Y 0 ð1Þ 60 kg N ha1 (Kaihura et al., 1999; Kajiru et al., 1998; Kayeke
et al., 2007; Meertens et al., 2003). This result suggests increased
where YG is yield gain; YT is the yield following a treatment effect losses occur under higher fertilizer application rates probably
(e.g. fertilizer application, weed management) and Y0 is yield with- because of poor nutrient recovery by the crop and traditional fer-
out any treatment (from negative control plots). tilizer management practices. Improved fertilizer management
In order to compare the effects of technologies on yields across practices have been used successfully to increase fertilizer use effi-
different sites we calculated a relative yield gain (RYG) from each ciency however, arriving at the right quantities and timing of appli-
experiment expressed as a percentage using Eq. (2). cation in relation to the crop phenology remains a challenge to
most subsistence farmers in ESA (Esilaba et al., 2005).
RYG ð%Þ ¼ 100  YG=Y 0 ð2Þ
In ESA average fertilizer application rates on cereals in general
Partial budgeting was used to evaluate the economic viability of range from 5 to 20 kg N ha1 (Nandwa and Bekunda, 1998;
component technologies. Nhamo et al., 2002; Okalebo et al., 2006) and similar rates are com-
monly observed in rice in particular (Kajisa and Payongayong, 2011;
3. Rice yield responses to improved technologies Nakano and Kajisa, 2012). Subsidies, improved agro-dealer net-
works and re-packaging of fertilizers into smaller portions are mea-
3.1. Soil fertility management sures used to improve fertilizer use by resource poor farmers
(Poulton et al., 2006). The success of such interventions has however
Nutrient depletion through crop and residue removal and soil been low. Meertens and Roling (2000) reported low adoption of fer-
degradation (erosion)is a major threat to rice production in ESA tilizer by rice farmers due to suboptimal availability of urea at the
(Hartemink, 1997; Hartemink et al., 2005). Calculations showed that local markets and a lack of incentives due to high fertilizer prices.
as high as 70% N, 80% P and 63% K can be lost by soil erosion espe- Farmers are least likely to embrace fertilizer use if they lack infor-
cially on fields with more than 5 % slope (Hartemink et al., 2005). mation on yield benefits, ease of implementation, profitability and
Rice production without soil fertility amendments, a common prac- compatibility to their farming systems (Meertens and Roling, 2000).
tice on smallholder farms in ESA, is consummate to high rates of soil Contrary to locally adapted advices, general fertilizer recom-
nutrient depletion (Mghase et al., 2010). Low application rates of mendations fail to capture the within-plot and within-farm vari-
poor quality soil fertility inputs cannot halt nutrient mining leading ability which are often larger than between-farm differences
to reduced returns from land, water, labour (e.g., for weed manage- (Mafongoya et al., 2006). Piha (1993)suggested that within-season
ment) or any other necessary resources and inputs. While mineral management of fertility input can raise the economics of fertil-
and organic fertilizers are important nutrients sources, little is izer use and reduce the risk of its application in areas prone to
known about the effectiveness of combinations and formulations mid-season droughts. By applying P, K and S fertilizer as basal

Table 2
Yield gains (kg) characteristics from experimental data (YT–Y0) from published journal article on nutrient, water, weed management trials on rice cultivars calculated as the
difference between each treatment mean and the control.

Technology Mean Yield Maximum Source(s)

gain (kg) gain (kg)
Nutrient management
Mineral 948 (51.9) 2931 (329) Kaihura et al. (1999), Kajiru et al. (1998), Kayeke et al. (2007), Meertens et al. (2003)
Organic 1424 (90.4) 2830 (196) Kaihura et al. (1999), Kajiru et al. (1998), Kayeke et al. (2007), Kijima et al. (2006), Makoye and Winge (1996),
Meertens et al. (2003), Menete et al. (2008), Otsyina et al. (1995)
Water management
Bunds 500 (86.7) 700 (180) Raes et al. (2007)
Tied ridges 1162 (42.6) 2931 (149) Kaihura et al. (1999)
Weed management
Cultural and 1241 (91.6) 2600 (182) Kayeke et al. (2007), Kijima et al. (2006)

Relative yield gain (%) in parenthesis.

48 N. Nhamo et al. / Agricultural Systems 131 (2014) 45–55

applications while varying N applications depending on rainfall pat- as well as fisheries and maintenance of wetland ecosystems. Cli-
terns yields increased by 25–42% and profits by 20–40%. Combining mate projections suggest that rainfall variability will increase,
such an approach together with simple but effective field assess- higher rainfall amounts are expected in East Africa whereas
ment techniques for farmers, such as the leaf colour charts, can sub- drought incidences will be more frequent in the Southern and
stantially improve the N fertilizer efficiency on rice. Western parts of Africa (Giannin et al., 2008). In ESA irrigation sys-
Organic fertilizers address the biological, chemical and physical tems are often underdeveloped or sub-optimally used (Mulwafu
fertility of soil leading to long-term increased availability of nutri- and Nkhoma, 2002) while rain-fed rice production is more vulner-
ent and water to the crop (Okalebo et al., 2006). The successful use able to rainfall irregularities and uncertainties.
of compost in the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) leading to To reduce water stress in crops, rainwater harvesting tech-
yields of around 9 t ha1 shows the potential of organic fertilizers niques need to be promoted. Using data from our synthesis, the rel-
in lowland rice (Moser and Barrett, 2003;Stoop et al., 2009). How- ative yield gain (RYG) emanating from the use of bunding (86.7%)
ever, to obtain such high yields with this system, compost or man- was double that from tied ridges (42.6%) (Table 2), though higher
ure application of 13 (Styger et al., 2011), 20 (Abo et al., 1998; maximum gains were obtained in the latter. Bunds and tied ridges
Kaihura et al., 1999) and even 35 t ha1 (Tsujimoto et al., 2009) can alleviate moisture stress during drought in rain-fed rice sys-
were reportedly used or recommended. Such application rates tems (Raes et al., 2007). However, lack of awareness and the labour
are often far more than what an average livestock farmer produces involved in bund construction could explain the low adoption of
annually. The challenge of using organic amendments on small such practices as observed in Tanzania (Raes et al., 2007). Obvi-
farms is often the supply of such large required to supply balanced ously, the positive effects of temporary and permanent bunds,
nutrition to crops (Mafongoya et al., 2006). Our analyses showed ridges and furrows on yields are more pronounced during years
that organic fertilizer application result in higher rice yield gains with moderate droughts (Singh, 2006). Luzi-Kihupi et al. (2004)
than the application of mineral fertilizer (Table 2), and this practice highlighted the importance of bunding, on-farm reservoirs, irriga-
also has a residual effect. The organic inputs used in the analysed tion and drainage systems in controlling water. Where water
studies include animal manure, banana residues, spear grass, ele- management structures are poor the risk of yield loss due to
phant grass, kitchen waste, maize stover, potato peels, cassava drought, weeds and nutrient losses increases. The risk of soil ero-
peels, coffee husks, household refuse after composting, bean trash, sion followed by soil degradation and reductions in water holding
and biomass of Tithonia diversifolia, Calliandra calothyrsus and Leu- capacities, as observed by Kaihura et al. (1996), highlights the
caena leucocephala (e.g., Bekunda and Woomer, 1996; Meertens importance of controlling surface water movement on crop fields.
et al., 1999; Nhamo et al., 2002; Okalebo et al., 2006; Sseguya Socio-economic and agronomic limitations on many smallholder
et al., 1999). Besides sole application of organic materials the com- farms are often reflected in poor water management
bined application of organic and mineral fertilizers have resulted in (Dobermann, 2004).
higher yields (Alemu and Bayu, 2005). Sistani et al. (1998) demon- Combining water management and nutrient management in
strated an increase in rice yield when both rice straw and rice hull rain-fed lowlands, through bunding, proved to increase yields
ash were combined with mineral N and P fertilizers. The potential (e.g., Becker and Johnson, 2001; Toure et al., 2009). While manual
of building and maintaining soil nutrient stocks using organic fer- bund construction allows for timely planting, it requires a lot of
tilizers (e.g., residues, compost and manure) remains however elu- manual labour, a scarce resource in subsistence farms in Africa,
sive as often farmers prefer to apply them to higher value crops in particular during the planting period (Meertens and Roling,
(Krupnik et al., 2012a–c) or the material is needed to meet other 2000).
needs (e.g., building materials and fodder). Further, the decompo-
sition rates associated with tropical soils are generally high 3.3. Weed management
(Mafongoya et al., 2006; Nkonya et al., 2005).
Fallowing used to be a predominant practice of replenishing soil Rodenburg and Johnson (2009) conservatively estimated the
fertility on cultivated soils under traditional rain-fed farming sys- cost of weed-inflicted yield losses in rice, despite control and
tems (Bationo et al., 2006; Okalebo et al., 2006). Given limited exclusive of the costs for weeding operations, to be $ 1.5 billion
access to land due to population growth, fallowing to improve soil for sub-Saharan Africa. The high labour demand for weed control
nutrient stocks is currently less frequently used (e.g., Demont et al., has been generally acknowledged as a major problem in rice pro-
2007). However, there is potential for improved fallows where mul- duction in SSA (Balasubramanian et al., 2007; Lawrence et al.,
tipurpose legumes are used to enhance soil fertility, in particular 1997). However, according to our analyses labour inputs focussing
through biological nitrogen fixation (Giller, 2001). In upland rice on weed management resulted in high yield gains in East Africa
production systems the use of improved fallows and relay inter- (Table 2). Although based on few studies, our analysis shows that
cropping with legumes has been investigated in West Africa (e.g., weed management technologies account for the highest yield gains
Becker and Johnson, 1999). The use of Cajanus cajan as relay inter- in rice production in ESA (Table 2). Improved weed control prac-
crop and improved fallow species showed to have a positive effect tices in rice resulted in a RYG of 91.6% (equivalent to 1.241 kg ha1
on yields of the following rice crop (Akanvou et al., 2002). Legume of paddy) compared to farmers’ practices (Table 2). However,
fallows have the potential to play an important role in intensified where weed management is not adequate, yield losses as high as
upland rice systems, but effective implementation of this technol- 250 kg ha1 of paddy occur and in extreme cases a total crop fail-
ogy requires more research on the most effective short-duration ure. This result indirectly corroborates reports that weeds together
multipurpose legume species and the most appropriate manage- with birds are major problems faced by rice farmers (Seck et al.,
ment (Becker and Johnson, 1999). Loevinsohn et al. (1994) reported 2012). Common weeds in rice in ESA are: Echinochloa colona, Sphe-
variable success when farmer groups, in cooperatives and associa- noclea zeylanica, Monochoria vaginalis, Hygrophila spinosa, Commeli-
tions experimented on the use of Sesbania spp. to improve the fer- na benghalensis, Corchorus olitorius, Ludwigia hyssopifolia, wild rice
tility status of the soils in inland valley rice systems in Rwanda. (Oryza longistaminata and Oryza punctata) and different species of
the Cyperaceae family (Meertens et al., 1999). Rodenburg et al.
3.2. Water management (2010) has highlighted the increasing importance of parasitic
weeds (e.g. Striga spp. and Rhamphicarpa fistulosa) in rice in sub-
Demand for water is driven by competing uses including Saharan Africa, reporting Striga asiatica problems in Tanzania and
domestic consumption, crop, livestock and industrial production, Madagascar and Striga hermonthica in Kenya and Uganda.
N. Nhamo et al. / Agricultural Systems 131 (2014) 45–55 49

Labour intensive and time consuming manual methods of con- ern varieties (IMV) generally have higher yield potential than tra-
trolling weeds (i.e. hand pulling or the use of the short-handled ditional varieties and a higher yield response to fertilizer
hand hoe) are often used to clean rice fields of weeds application. The yield gains reported in Table 2 show the effect of
(Rodenburg and Johnson, 2009). Furthermore, cultural measures plant nutrient use, water and weed management practices on
that are frequently observed in subsistence rice production sys- modern improved cultivars in ESA. However, in Mozambique, Tan-
tems in SSA and that contribute to weed control include land prep- zania and Uganda there has been slow progress in the adoption of
aration (e.g. dry tillage, deep tillage, levelling), transplanting, IMVs as farmers still grow traditional landraces with low respon-
flooding and crop rotations with non-cereal crops (Ampong- siveness to inputs (Kijima et al., 2011; Meertens et al., 1999;
Nyarko and De Datta, 1991; Zimdhal, 2007). Menete et al., 2008). Indeed, there are major constraints in the dis-
On smallholder farms serious labour shortages occur making semination and adoption of IMVs as they do often not possess
manual weeding highly inappropriate for improved rice produc- some farmers’ and consumers’ preferred qualities that traditional
tion. The labour situation has been exacerbated by rural–urban cultivars have. Farmers in ESA, often growing for their own con-
or rural–rural migration for non-agricultural employment and sumption, value cooking quality and taste, adaptability to the local
the effects of the HIV–AIDS pandemic on rural communities. Data environment and the ability to yield under minimum manage-
from Southern Africa showing low adoption of labour intensive ment. For cultivars combining such highly valued traits, farmers
agricultural technologies corroborate this position (Perret and could accept some of the negative associated characteristics such
Stevens, 2006). In order to reduce labour demands, interventions as lower yield potential, later maturity, lodging and poor milling
such as (small scale) mechanization and use of chemical weed con- quality (Meertens et al., 1999). Aroma and softness after cooking
trol methods, where possible, are needed. No single weed control were found to be important parameters for farmer adoption
methods provide an effective solution to all weed species at all (Luzi-Kihupi et al., 2007). These two characteristics are found in
times, suggesting that it is important to develop an integrated Supa India (locally known as ‘Kilombero’) in Tanzania, Faya from
approach to weed control (Rodenburg and Johnson, 2009). Further, Malawi, Sindano from Kenya and Sokotera from Zanzibar
cultural weed control methods promoted in such an integrated (Meertens et al., 1999). Indeed, Mwaseba et al. (2006) noted the
approach (e.g. levelling, flooding, transplanting, use of clean rice importance of including cooking quality preferences of farmers in
seed, high and uniform plant densities) also benefit the crop pro- breeding IMVs and its potential positive implications on adoption.
ductivity in general and therefore support a sustainable rice pro- On the other hand, traditional varieties often have long crop cycles,
duction system. Improving soil fertility technologies can lead to increasing the risk of crop failure in the event of a shortened sea-
Striga control. Examples from Tanzania, for instance, show that son. Work of Mwaseba et al. (2006) described the economic advan-
combinations of green manures and mineral fertilizers can reduce tage of IMVs especially when they are harvested for sale during the
S. asiatica infestation while at the same time increasing N supply to period when the long duration traditional cultivars are not yet
rice (Kayeke et al., 2007; Riches et al., 2005). Crop rotations, green mature. An effort to improve the popular traditional variety Supa
manures or improved fallows and intercropping are widely known India in Tanzania, resulted in varieties that indeed combine the
for controlling weeds in general and parasitic weeds in particular desired grain qualities with early maturing, high(er) disease resis-
through (light) competition or suicidal germination (Rodenburg tance and high(er) responsiveness to water and fertilizer inputs
et al., 2010). Such crop combinations also increase resource use (Kanyeka et al., 1996; Luzi-Kihupi et al., 2009). The two popular
efficiency, break disease cycles thereby reducing risk of crop fail- Supa India derivatives are SARO 5 (TXD 306) and Mwangaza. SARO
ure. Reasons for low adoption of this type of cropping systems 5 has high potential under irrigated conditions whereas the short-
technologies are high labour requirements for clearing and incor- duration Mwangaza is suitable for (rain-fed) lowland as well as
porating into the soil and the general lack of legumes that fit in upland conditions. The major bottle neck that may hamper the
existing farming systems (Becker et al., 1995). Legumes that com- wide adoption of SARO5 is its lack of resistance and tolerance to
bine an economic or food value with weed control and soil rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) according to (Msomba et al.,
improvement capabilities stand a better chance of adoption 2004). RYMV has been found to be highly infectious and destruc-
(Becker and Johnson, 1999). tive and threatens rice production throughout Africa (Abo et al.,
The control of weeds through the use of high yielding and 1998). The application of cultivar characteristic (of landraces) to
weed-competitive cultivars is another potential technology. A solve local challenges of water scarcity and bird attack has been
range of newly developed lowland NERICA cultivars were identi- reported by Meertens et al. (1999). They observed that Supa India
fied to be weed competitive and high yielding in studies done in
West Africa (Rodenburg et al., 2009), while among the NERICA cul-
tivars adapted to uplands, effective mechanisms of resistance
Table 3
against S. hermonthica (Cissoko et al., 2011; Jamil et al., 2011) The economic benefit of fertilizer use on rice: an example of yield gains (the
and S. asiatica (Cissoko et al., 2011) have been identified. Such difference between fertilizer treatment and non-fertilized control), cost of fertilizer
improved cultivars could also play a key role in integrated weed application and the net benefits of this technology from studies carried out in
management in rice in ESA. The challenge in using this approach Tanzania.
is how to deal with wild rice species such as O. longistaminata Item Amount
and O. punctata. These widely distributed wild rice species are Yield gain following fertilizer application (kg ha1) 730a
highly competitive and cannot be easily controlled through herbi- Price of paddy (TS kg1) 600b
cides (Munene et al., 2008) or using mechanical weed control, and Gross benefit (TS) 438,000
such species are also predicted to become a more persistent prob- Fertilizer price (TS kg1) 1957c
Total cost of fertilizer (TS ha1) 58,696
lem given projected increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations
Net benefit (TS ha1) 379,304d
(Rodenburg et al., 2011). M.R.R (%) 646
Source of paddy yield data: Meertens et al. (2003).
3.4. Improved varieties b
Post harvest price of paddy based on key informants from Mvomero district,
There is no doubt that the use of improved rice varieties c
Price of 50 kg bag of Urea (46% N) was 45,000 Tanzanian Shilling (around 25–30
account for a large proportion of the yield gains obtained in the USD).
past decade in Africa (Renkow and Byerlee, 2010). Improved mod- Exchange rate: 1 USD = Tsh 1560.
50 N. Nhamo et al. / Agricultural Systems 131 (2014) 45–55

(Kilombero) was grown in water limited conditions, while high has attributes such as aroma, grain shape, size and structure. Such
water demanding Tondogoso and Lugata were popular in the valley preference has created a nitch in the local market and hence pro-
bottoms and Kahogo and Sindano with awns on the spikelets (con- tects local producers from competing directly with external rice
sidered less susceptible to bird attack) were used to mitigate losses sources where subsidies could be available for farmers. Work of
from bird attack. Msomba et al., 2004; Mwaseba et al., 2006; Kanyeka et al., 1996;
While breeding for higher yields has been a noble and worth- Luzi-Kihupi et al., 2009; Shayo et al., 2006; Tsujimoto et al.,
while objective for many years, current challenges faced by farm- 2009) in Madagascar, Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar highlighted
ers require breeding programs to include many other attributes the consumer preference to locally produced rice in ESA. However,
such as weed competitiveness, disease and parasitic weed resis- the development of these market and the response to global
tance and grain quality including aroma, milling and cooking qual- dynamics of trade in crop commodities e.g., rice needs to be stud-
ity. Resource use efficiency of both rain-fed and irrigated rice ied in order to identify changes in trends over time. As noted by
cultivars is becoming increasingly important given the level of deg- Rugumamu (2014), future exploitation of both domestic and inter-
radation on productive soils (Bationo et al., 2006; Nandwa and national markets may result from increased support on rice pro-
Bekunda, 1998), and the cost of inputs required to produce rice. duction in the smallholder farming sector.
NERICA cultivars that combine good adaptation with short cycles,
weed competitiveness and resistance to important diseases 4. Narrowing yield gaps through integrated management
(except RYMV) are examples of cultivars that are capable of
producing under a range of yield reducing factors (e.g., Tran (2004) and Lobell et al. (2009) clearly differentiate
Balasubramanian et al., 2007; Seck et al., 2012; Wopereis et al., between yield gap components. Large yield gaps exist in irrigated
2008). One additional next challenge is for IMV to be able to cope rice systems; in Madagascar for instance, a gap of 2.1 t ha1 (a dif-
with climate irregularities, following climate changes (e.g., ference between 6.1 and 4.0 t ha1) was determined in irrigated
Jagadish et al., 2012). rice (Tran, 2004). The real challenge is to narrow the gap between
To combat stresses attributed to climate change cultivars are farm level yield and the potential yield and to identify the main
being developed that maintain productive capacities under (tem- drivers of yield gains. We propose a focus on nutrient, water and
porary) temperature or water stress (Brar and Virk, 2010). This weed management as the main biophysical factors and labour
development is worth consideration as an investment that can shortages, lack of knowledge and weak financial position of the
benefit ESA. farmers as the socio-economic factors, and analyse this in the con-
A good response to external inputs and management is one of text of rice farming in ESA. The figures on production potential
the valuable characteristic of IMVs. Table 3 shows high marginal using components of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) from pub-
rates of return following the application of 30 kg ha1 on respon- lished experimental data are known (this publication) however
sive rice cultivars. In this example, even after considering the the farm level yield from improved varieties are not readily avail-
downside risk (e.g. one standard deviation) the practice is still able limiting our discussion of the yield gap.
profitable. However, a more complete fertilizer response function Previous sections have focused on identifying yield gains that
would be required to estimate the economically optimum fertilizer can be obtained by addressing single constraints, while many con-
application rate. Furthermore this example (Table 3) also high- straints co-exist (e.g. poor soil fertility and parasitic weeds, poor
lights the importance of combining soil fertility technologies with water control and weed infestation) and many of the technological
improved rice cultivars as illustrated in Fig. 1. solutions target multiple constraints (e.g. bunding improved water,
The local demand for rice has been on an increase due to weed and nutrient management). The next step is to examine inte-
improved incomes, organized markets (local level) and urbaniza- grated and locally-adapted approaches as our hypothesis is that
tion. Work of Luzi-Kihupi et al., 2007; Meertens et al., 1999; have using such an approach will result in yield benefits beyond those
highlighted the importance of the preference to local rice which that can be expected from single-target approaches. Here we will

Mineral + organic fertilizer, Drought tolerant
soil reserves Improved Disease, pests
NUE/AUE – timing , recovery adapted resistant/tolerant
Indigenous fertility status Weed competitive
Topography/Catenal position Nutrient efficient

Site-specific Locally adapted

nutrient integrated weed
management GAP management

• Water-saving systems Crop sequences

• Improved WUE Rotating control
• Moisture conservation Optimized practices
techniques water WC/WS cultivars
• Timing of flooding management Timing of interventions
Improved crop

Fig. 1. A schematic presentation illustrating linkages and attributes of four component technologies (nutrient, water, weed and varietal management), which can be used as a
basis for formulating Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for rice systems in East and Southern Africa. HYV – high yielding varieties; NUE – nutrient use efficiency; AUE –
agronomic nutrient use efficiency; WUE – water use efficiency; WC – weed competitive varieties; WS – weed suppressing varieties.
N. Nhamo et al. / Agricultural Systems 131 (2014) 45–55 51

give a short overview of integrated management practices used ments on inputs. The development and use of site-specific recom-
previously in rice in ESA and guidelines on how to build on these mendations is imminent in order for smallholder farmers to obtain
previous experiences, coming to local adaptations of these yield levels that optimize labour, land and applied inputs.
practices. Developing Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) requires knowl-
edge of the available technologies, farmers and farm characteris-
4.1. Crop management systems tics, and access to markets. Fig. 1 illustrates the linkages between
technologies and how they can contribute to GAP. The GAP
Different crop management systems are developed for rice. approach recognizes the importance of addressing research ques-
Here we will discuss three prominent ones, as much as possible tions within each component technology and emphasizes the
in the context of rice-based systems in East and Southern Africa, resultant synergies between component technologies within GAP.
to illustrate the diversity in objectives and approaches and to show Local adaptation of technologies is of key importance in GAP. Fol-
how such systems put the aforementioned yield gain hypotheses lowing this approach, technology packages, such as the System of
into practice. Rice Intensification (SRI) or Conservation Agriculture (CA) should
For rain-fed and irrigated lowlands, Integrated Crop Manage- only be introduced where they are likely to be value-adding, and
ment (ICM), for rice systems also referred to as Integrated Rice they should be adapted to the local conditions, rather than treated
Management (IRM), is developed (Donovan et al., 1999; Haefele as fixed packages (e.g., Krupnik et al., 2012a). Conservation agricul-
et al., 2000, 2001, 2003; Kebbeh and Miezan, 2003; Wopereis ture, has gained popularity in ESA on many cereals because it
et al., 1999). IRM comprises recommendations ranging from land addresses firstly the soil degradation (long-term) and water losses
preparation to post-harvest management and uses a cropping cal- (short-term) that occur on vulnerable rain-fed uplands. Secondly,
endar with 5 main crop stages (Table 4). Transplanting of seedlings conservation agriculture has the potential to improve soil quality
in the 3–4 leaf stage and at optimal spacing (20  20 cm) is applied (soil health). However, the application of conservation agriculture
together with improved water, nutrient and (timing of) weed requires careful consideration of the farm and farmer circum-
management. stances to ensure its relevance and feasibility (Giller et al., 2009)
In irrigated lowlands, with full control over water, the System of and the suitability of conservation agriculture for (upland) rice
Rice Intensification (SRI) can be applied (Stoop et al., 2002). It is has not been thoroughly examined.
composed of a set of management components; transplanting of Most agricultural technologies are only sporadically adopted by
single and young (14-day old) seedlings at a wide plant spacing farmers (e.g., Balasubramanian et al., 2007). Therefore we concur
(at least 25  25 cm), alternate wetting and drying (AWD) water with Ducrot and Capillon (2004) who propose, in order to increase
management, mechanical weeding (using a rotary weeder) and adoption rates, that introductions of new, or adapted, technologies
the use of large amounts of (preferably organic)soil fertility need to be combined with promotion or training of the associated
amendments. Outside Madagascar, SRI has been tested in some organizational and management skills.
part of ESA (e.g., Menete et al., 2008) and in West Africa (e.g.,
Krupnik et al., 2012a–c; Styger et al., 2011) with mixed results. 4.3. Management tools for improved resource use in rice systems in
The emphasis on seedling age and its relationship with overall ESA
yield has been a point of debate concerning the effectiveness and
applicability across cultivars grown under different conditions. We observe roughly two groups of farmers in ESA: (1) the tra-
Other debatable components are the use of large amounts of ditional rice growers that often grown rice for their own consump-
organic soil amendments as outlined above, and the feasibility of tion (subsistence farming) and (2) the new farmers who grow rice
alternate wetting and drying for smallholder farmers. Recent work as a cash crop (i.e., for profit). Traditional rice growers face chal-
by Krupnik et al. (2012a) has shown that adaptations of SRI, for lenges in changing their production practices to those required
instance replacing unavailable compost by available rice straw, for improved cultivars while the new rice farmers have little to
and the involvement of farmers in developing such adaptations, no experience with rice production, e.g. the case of farmers in
hold a promise to improving such production practices. Uganda (Meertens et al., 1999). Both groups require capacity build-
In rain-fed upland systems, Conservation Agriculture (CA) is a ing and practical information on modern rice production practices.
crop management system applied on vulnerable soils (Scopel Based on the currently available data we propose the develop-
et al., 2012). Here tillage is minimized, and the soil is protected ment of interactive decision guides for effective implementation
by mulch derived from rotation or intercrops (crop residues). Some of improved nutrient, water, weed management and varieties as
successes of CA in rice in Africa are reported from work in the vul- illustrated in Fig. 1. The objective of such decision guides can be
nerable highlands of Madagascar (e.g., Scopel et al., 2012) but the twofold (1) to assist farmers in their management decisions using
applicability as well as the adoption potential are rather localised. a set of logical steps that take into account the prevailing circum-
The knowledge and labour requirements of all these systems stances at their farm and (2) for researchers, extensionists and
can be a serious hindrance to adoption by farmers (Kebbeh and farmer to evaluate the interaction of factors important to improve
Miezan, 2003; Krupnik et al., 2012a; Moser and Barrett, 2003; rice production through GAP. IRRI and AfricaRice are in the process
Scopel et al., 2012). However, despite the differences and limita- of developing such interactive guides, to be used on mobile devices
tions of each of the three cropping systems (Table 4) they are all e.g. smart-phones and electronic tablets. Soils, broadly described
in principle built on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). Local adap- by colour and texture as light sandy or heavy clays and positions
tations of such systems or the adoption of one or a few of their on the catena, synonymous to upland, hydromorphic and lowland
components at a specific location might provide farmers with some are considered to require distinctly different management. For
advantages in terms of yield or resource-use efficiency. clayey soils colour and texture classes include red clays and black
clays. Haefele et al. (2006) simplified categorization of soils into (1)
4.2. Local adaptations and holistic approaches inherently poor soils, (2) soils with abnormally poor fertilizer
response, (3) soils productive only when fertilizer is applied and
Narrowing yield gaps suggests refinement of available technol- (4) soils with normal to high fertilizer response, an approach which
ogies, making them more efficient and suitable under the prevail- is very useful in developing a decision guide for soil fertility man-
ing local socio-economic and biophysical circumstances thus agement. A soil fertility management decision tool, called Nutrient
reducing environmental damage and negative returns to invest- Manager, is currently in an advanced stage of development for use
52 N. Nhamo et al. / Agricultural Systems 131 (2014) 45–55

Table 4
Summary principles of the two main rice systems applicable to ESA described in literature (a) Integrated Crop Management (ICM) and (b) the System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
and Conservation Agriculture (CA), and suggested areas of improvements.

Rice system Principles Areas of improvement Sources

Integrated Crop Management (ICM) (1) Rice cultivation is a production a. Developing effective Donovan et al. (1999); Haefele et al., 2000,
systems involving several components communication means for 2001, 2003; Kebbeh and Miezan, 2003,
from land preparation to harvest and post- farmers Wopereis et al., 1999
harvest management
(2) ICM takes into consideration all factors b. Incorporating local
that impact crop growth, yield, quality adaptations through farmer
and profitability experimentation. Improving
links to markets by using a
value chain approach
(3) Technologies are delivered as a basket
of integrated management options
(4) Farmers are heterogeneous and
different in terms of access to resources
(5) Components of ICM include improved
varieties, good quality planting materials,
improved fertilizers, weed and water
management, and efficient and cost
effective harvest and post-harvest
(6) The cropping calendar is made up of 5
different periods (a) land preparation,
basal fertilizer application and sowing (b)
first urea application and chemical or
manual weeding (c) second urea
application and additional weeding (d)
final urea application and additional
weeding and (e) harvest and post-harvest
operations. In addition, N fertilizer is
applied at 250–350 kg ha1, water level
for each fertilizer application is 3 cm high
and weeding methods can be chemical
manual or mechanical, but need proper
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) (1) Shallow transplanting (1–2 cm) of a. Reducing labour Deb et al. (2012), Krupnik et al. (2012a–c),
young seedlings (<16 day-old) into moist requirements on weeding Menete et al. (2008), Moser and
but not flooded seed bed Barret (2003), Noltze et al. (2012),
Stoop et al. (2002), Styger et al. (2011),
Tsujimoto et al. (2009)
(2) transplanting of single seedlings per b. Develop local adaptations
hill to recommendations of
organic matter inputs
(3) wide plant spacing (25 cm  25 cm to
30 cm  30 cm)
(4) alternate wetting-and-drying water c. Include responses of
regimes during vegetative growth improved cultivars and
synergies from other factors
(5) early and regular weeding using a d. Improving links to
rotary weeder markets (using value chain
(6) high nutrient inputs in organic form e. Adapting water
e.g. compost management to local
irrigation infrastructure or
Conservation Agriculture (CA) (1) Use of minimum tillage a. Finding suitable cover Dobermann (2004), Erenstein (2011),
crops and grain legumes. Giller et al. (2009), Oicha et al. (2010),
Scopel et al. (2012)
(2) Soil protection through mulching, dead b. Reducing labour and/or
or living organic materials costs of weed and organic
matter management
(3) Use of crop rotation or intercropping c. Developing suitable
(crop combinations) tillage equipment
(4) Biomass production whenever possible d. Creating better links to
throughout the whole year markets (using value chain
(5) Use of multifunctional cover crops e. Improving suitability for
crop-livestock farming

in SSA. Attributes on soil fertility, depth, structure and colour and options (Habarurema and Steiner, 1997). However, lack of correla-
use of indicator plants, texture, consistence and parent material tion between local knowledge of soils and scientifically determined
have successfully been combined by farmers and researchers in values challenges farmer participatory soil suitability evalua-
arriving at different soil types and associated best management tions (Birmingham, 2013). For effective weed management,
N. Nhamo et al. / Agricultural Systems 131 (2014) 45–55 53

identification of dominant or persistent weed species or groups is (4) Impact of climate variability (extremes) on rice systems
an important first step. A proper diagnosis of the weed problem need to be investigated through a combination of experi-
forms the basis for effective weed management recommendations. ments, farmer recall surveys and crop modelling. Suitable,
A decision support tool (Weed Manager) is currently in an early affordable and effective technologies that contribute to mit-
stage of development and will include a recently finalized weed igating, or coping with, climate irregularities or other envi-
identification tool and data base for weeds of rice in Africa, called ronmental stresses imposed by climate change, need to be
AFROweeds, freely accessible online and offline as application on developed or adapted with farmers.
tablets, smartphones and computers (CIRAD-AfricaRice, 2012). (5) Crop combinations and sequences that effectively utilize
There is a high probability of developing effective decision temporal and spatial opportunities for improving rice sys-
guides with rice farmers especially because of the high market tems need to be developed and promoted. Introduction of
value of rice and the current drive in improving productivity. How- effective legumes and high value crops in rice systems to
ever, it is important to involve farmers in the development of such generate incomes for farmers and effectively utilize water
tools as this gives ownership to users, ensures thorough testing and nutrient resources need to be considered for increase
and understanding on how they lead to efficient resource use production, productivity and profitability.
management. (6) Locally improved rice systems using relevant elements of
potential crop production systems (e.g. SRI, IRM, CA) need
to be developed with farmers and other relevant
5. Implications for research stakeholders.
(7) In order to provide incentives associated with adoption of
Yield targets that incorporate farmers’ socio-economic status, Good Agricultural Practices there is need to evaluate the
field soil conditions, available improved technologies and rice cul- effectiveness of the value chain approach on crop such as
tivars need to be worked out together with farmers in order to rice in ESA. More importantly, the knowledge gaps in the
reduce yield gaps in rice production systems. Banwo and mechanism associated with adoption of integrated technol-
Makundi (2002) identified promotion of integrated crop manage- ogies by farmers need to be addressed.
ment practices, deployment of new technologies, reduction of
post-harvest losses and characterization of the nature of gaps for 6. Conclusions
different farm conditions (location specific) as key requirements
in narrowing yield gaps. Yield gains from improved weed control In East and Southern Africa, rice yield gains following use of
and N management have been reported by Becker et al. (2003). improved cultivars and component technologies improving nutri-
When combined with effective water management targeting ent, water and weed management are evident. Although based
weeds and soil fertility can lead to significant rice yield increases. on few data, we found that improving weed management could
Similarly, exploring linkages between biophysical and socio-eco- result in the highest relative yield gains (91.6%). There is scope to
nomic factors can unlock production potential at minimal costs obtain higher yield gains if technologies are integrated as Good
to the farmers (Stoop et al., 2002). Combining a strategic with an Agricultural Practices for rice however, such gains emanating from
adaptive approach (on-farm with full farmer participation) has also locally adapted technology combinations are yet to be thoroughly
been emphasized (Giller et al., 2011). Using a similar approach, the studied. Yield gaps explained by the socio-economic circumstances
gains derived from use of improved fertilizer, water and weed of farmers remain a major challenge because rice farmers in East
management on improved cultivars (e.g., Table 3) can be further and Southern Africa are often resource constrained and do not have
characterized taking into consideration the impacts of socio-eco- the organizational skills and know-how required for timely and
nomic and climate variations. proper implementation of improved technologies. Fertilizer use
Based on our analysis, the following issues are (not exclusively) on rice can be profitable to farmers but the price of such inputs
considered important for near-future research and development is the most critical factor. Further, there is a paucity of data at pres-
efforts: ent to fully characterize the technical yield gaps in a step by step
manner in rice systems. There is however evidence that locally
(1) Flexible fertilizer application strategies – that take into adapting rice systems i.e., with elements of ICM, SRI or CA, can pro-
account the target yields (short term) and minimization of vide farmers with adequate solutions to stagnant rice yields. We
environmental damage from over application – need to be propose the further development and implementation of interac-
worked out together with farmers and other stakeholders. tive decision support guides for smallholder farmers, focussing
Site-specific nutrient management practices need to replace on Good Agricultural Practices and based on farm typologies,
the blanket fertilizer recommendations approach. determining the local availability of resources, for rice-based pro-
(2) How to tailor technologies to specific farm conditions need duction systems.
to be investigated in order to increase the implementation
of locally adapted Good Agricultural Practices. The cost of Acknowledgements
conducting these studies can be reduced by delineating
areas with similar ecological characteristics, i.e. farm typol- The authors are grateful to two reviewers who provided useful
ogies according to Giller et al. (2011), and by integrating comments for improvement of this paper.
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