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Business and


MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
P1 Explanation of different kinds and purposes of organizations..........................................3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................8
P3 Explain relationships between different functions and their link with organizational
objectives and functions.........................................................................................................8
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
P4 Positive and negative impact of macro environment on the company..............................9
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................11
P5 Internal and external analysis of the company to understand strengths and weaknesses11
P6 Explanation of interrelation between strengths and weaknesses and external environment

The sports industry is diverse and different organizations in various sub-sectors
contribute to sale of wide range of sports products and services (Aghaei Shahri and Azimzadeh,
2021). This report focuses on the sports industry. The sports industry is analysed with focus on
public, private and voluntary organizations in the industry. Factsheets providing insights into
various sub-sectors of the sports industry is included in this report. The interrelation between
various function of organization in the sports industry is also analysed in this report. The external
and internal environment of sports organization is analysed in this report with creation of a
traffic light chart.


P1 Explanation of different kinds and purposes of organizations
The international sports industry is valued at 291.5 billion great British pounds in the year 2020
at a compound annual growth rate of 3.4% since the year 2015 (Global Sports Market
Opportunities and Strategies Report 2021: Sports Market Forecast to Reach $599.9 billion by
2025 as COVID-19 Lockdowns Ease, 2021). On a national the valuation of the sports industry in
UK is valued at 3.1 billion great British pounds (Sports Facilities in the UK - Market Size 2010–
2028, 2021). The sports industry in UK consists of different organizations in the private sector,
public sector as well as voluntary sector. The information about different organizations in the
Sports industry of UK are provided below:
Private Sector Organization
Company Overview: The private sector organization of the sports industry is Adidas. The
company was founded in the year 1949. The company operates in over 160 countries in the
world, joining Nike and Under Amour as the trinity of global sporting goods companies. Adidas
AG owns Adidas and Rebook brands and distributes goods under those two brands through
2,500 stores worldwide and a franchise network.
Products and services: Adidas has three main lines of product segments which are ap-
parel, accessories and footwear which are all focused on sportswear. Apart from this The com-
pany also produces sports equipment.

Mission: The mission of the company is “to be the global leader in the sporting goods in-
dustry with brands built on a passion for sports and a sporting lifestyle. We are committed to
continuously strengthening our brands and products to improve our competitive position.”
Vision: The vision of Adidas is “to be the design leaders with a focus on getting the best
out of the athletes with performance guaranteed products in the sports market globally (Adidas
Mission Statement and Vision Analysis, 2020).”
Business Objectives: The business objectives of the company are provided below:
to increase their sales by 60% while growing their net income by 15% over the next five years,
by combining technology and design to provide the best footwear to their customers, which are
both professional athletes and those “inspired by sports.
Organizational Structure: The company has a matrix organizational structure.
Public Sector Organization
Company Overview: England and Wales Cricket board is the national governing body for
Cricket in UK. The ECB runs successful England teams, oversees domestic and recreational
cricket, and runs participation programmes that get children active and playing cricket
Products and services: The company ensures that Cricket sports are completed as per the regula-
tions in England and cricket is promoted in the country.
Mission: The mission of ECB is “To inspire the nation to choose cricket”
Vision: The vision of the company is “To unite people and communities through cricket (Our
Strategy, 2021).”
Business Objectives: The business objectives of the company are provided below:
 Grow and nurture core cricket through partnership and collaborations
 Inspire through elite teams
 Make cricket accessible
 Engage children and Young people
 Transform women’s and girl’s cricket
 Support cricketing communities
Organizational Structure: The organizational structure adopted by ECB is hierarchical organi-
zational structure.
Voluntary Sector Organization

Company Overview: England athletics is a prominent voluntary organization in the sports
industry. England Athletics England Athletics is the membership and development body for
grassroots athletics and running clubs in England.
Products and services: The company has the responsibility to conduct athletic events and pro-
mote athletics sports in UK.
Mission: The mission of the company is “To inspire more athletes and runners of all abilities and
backgrounds to fulfil their potential and to have a lifelong love for the sport.
Vision: The vision of UK athletics is “For athletics and running to become an inclusive sport
where everyone belongs and can flourish.
Business Objectives: The business objectives of UK athletics are provided below:
 Participation: Young People and Running
 Club, club leaders and facilities
 Talented athletes
 Competition (Our Strategy, 2021)
 Coaches and Officials
Organizational Structure: The organizational structure for this company is flat organizational
P2 Size and Scope of different types of organizations
Private Sector Organization
The size of Adidas is huge as it is present in 160 countries and has a physical and digital
distribution network to reach large number of consumers. The global workforce of Adidas equals
to 57,016 which further showcases the huge size of the company.
The scope of the company is large because it has huge global supply chain connected
with large number of external parties impacting the global sports industry at a large scale.
Legal Structure
 Sole Proprietorship: In this type of private sector legal structure, a single owner of the
company is responsible for the loss and profits of the company (Ostrow, Nemec and
Smith, 2019). The financial transactions of the company along with any legal actions of

the company are completed under the name of the single owner. The advantage of sole
trader legal structure is that it can be formed easily.
 Partnership: This legal structure is created when two or more individuals start-up an en-
terprise with focus of carrying on the business in order to attain common objectives of profit.
This legal structure is advantageous because it eliminates the gap in expertise and capital
needed to create a successful entrepreneurial venture.
 Limited Liability Partnership: The main aspect of a limited liability partnership which
separates from other type of partnership is that each partner has limited liability. The
main advantage of a private company adopting such legal structure is that it provides
flexibility and corporate ownership (Allen, Kraakman and Khanna, 2021). These features
support swift growth of the company.
The legal structure of Adias is Limited Liability partnership.
Public Sector Organization
The size of England and Wales Cricket board is large as it consists of umpires cricketers
and members across UK who are dedicated towards the betterment of the cricketing sports in
The scope of the England and Wales Cricket board is also large because the governing
body is concerned with completing both domestic as well as international activities related to
cricketing in UK.
Legal Structure
 Central government: This legal structure of a public company is under the control of the
chief government of a country. The control of such public organizations extends to the whole
country because it is the national governing body.
 State government: The government authorities of specific states or provinces control
this type of public organization (Mwonzora, 2021). This means that such organizations have
the limited control which is restricted to the specific area of the state or province.
 Local government authorities: This legal structure is given to public organizations
under the control of regional governing authorities which have responsibilities to a
specific locality in a state or province is defined as local government authorities.

The legal structure adopted by ECB is central government.
Voluntary Sector Organization
The size of UK athletics is huge with 18,00 affiliated clubs and organizations, 187,000
registered athletes and 30,000 licensed coaches and leaders and 5,200 officials.
The scope of UK athletics is huge because it covers the area of athletic activities in Eng-
land, Ireland and Wales.
Legal Structure
 Trust; In this legal structure a legal entity is created which represents a fiduciary, agent
or trustee on the behalf of a person or an enterprise. This type of legal structure is formed in
order to administer, manage and eventually transfer assets of an organization to the primary
beneficiaries of the trust (Wells, 2018).
 Unincorporated association: An ‘unincorporated association’ is an organisation set up
through an agreement between a group of people who come together for a reason other
than to make a profit. This type of organization does not require registration which makes
it more suitable for small voluntary organizations.
 Company limited by guarantee: This is one of the most common legal structures used
by voluntary organizations (Roberts, 2018). Under this legal structure profits are not removed
from the organization as in the case off private organizations which are limited by shares.
The legal structure adopted by UK athletics is company limited by guarantee.

P3 Explain relationships between different functions and their link with organizational objectives
and functions

Finance and Marketing Function

The finance function supports maintenance of stable financial health of the organization
which provides the marketing function funding needed to conduct promotional activities. On the
other hand the marketing department supports growth of the company through engaging
promotional activities which increase consumer base (Ferreira, Pimenta and Wlazlak, 2019).
This helps reach the financial objectives of the organization. This type of interrelationship exists
between the marketing and finance function and marketing function in case of Adidas. Matrix
organizational structure of Adidas supports this interrelation as it creates nimble teams. The
advantage of this interrelationship is that it helps the company complete marketing activities
under limited budget and achieve organizational growth. The disadvantage of this
interrelationship is that dependency on marketing to attain funding can limit the funding
resources of the company.
HR and IT function
The HR function provides training and career development opportunities to the IT
employees which supports smooth completion of the IT function (Agnihotri, Sareen and
Sivakumar, 2018). On the other hand the IT function facilitates development of technologies
which ensure better HR management for the HR function. This type of interrelationship between

HR function and IT function helps Adidas create talented workforce and best in the industry IT
infrastructure. The impact of the Matrix organizational structure of Adidas on this interrelation is
that it supports interaction between different functional areas by improving flexibility. The
advantage of this interrelationship is that it facilitates effective usage of technology while the
disadvantage is that cyber security issues can negatively impact HR compliance at the company.
R&D and Consumer Service
The consumer service function provides information about consumer concern so that
product and operation improvements can be made by the R&D function. The R&D provides
innovative technology such as chatbots to increase the efficiency of consumer service function.
This interrelationship between R&D and consumer service function at Adidias is affected by the
Matrix organizational structure of the company. The matrix organizational structure promotes
open communication between employees of different functional areas which helps in
maintenance of such interdependent relationship. The advantage of this interrelationships is that
it helps produce innovation at Adidas which provide additional value to the consumer. The
disadvantage is that data gained from consumer service function can be difficult to interpret
which can also lead to taking the R&D function in unprofitable direction with regards to
improving innovation (Zhu and et. al., 2018).

P4 Positive and negative impact of macro environment on the company
Political Factors: The political tension between America and China affects the global sports
goods and retail industry. This is because China is one of the primary areas which provide cheap
labor and infrastructure for preproduction of sports retail goods. The political tension between
USA and China along with the subsequent tariff imposed by the American administration affects
retail sports goods supply chain and costs.
Positive Impact: In case of Adidas the positive impact of such America-China Political
Tension is that the company can maintain smooth supply chain and gain competitive advantage
by relying on other developing nations for cheap labor such as Bangladesh.
Negative Impact: Many of Adidas products are manufactured and sourced from China.
The American Chinese political tension will negatively affect the production costs of Adidas.

Economical Factors: COVID-19 pandemic lower the growth of global economy and has
disrupted supply chains of different sub-sectors of the global sports industry.
Positive Impact: The positive reaction of vaccination campaigns all around the world,
specifically in developed regions showcases a better economic future with recovery.
Negative Impact: Adidas has faced loss because of the COVID-19 pandemic which
equaled to 3.5 billion euros (Adidas has lost €3.5B of revenue in COVID crisis, 2020). The
COVID-19 restrictions on social activity has reduces the sale of sports goods.
Social Factors: The trend of body fitness is increasing among millennial and generation z. This
trend affects sale of sports retail goods and services because sports is one of the most common
ways of achieving fitness.
Positive Impact: This provides Adidas the opportunity to increase sale of sports goods
and athletic apparel by appealing to the fitness trends of younger generation. The respective
organization will be able to gain huge profits from the young generation consumer segment by
adopting to this emerging social trend.
Negative Impact: The quickly changing fast fashion trends affects the sale of athletic
apparel. This can affect the sale of Adidas athletic goods as there is already high competition in
the sportswear industry.
Technological Factors: The main technological factor which affects sports goods manufactures
is the development in automation and AI technology is that it helps lower dependency on labor
and improve operational efficiency (Sahu, Young, and Rai, 2021).
Positive Impact: The usage of AI and automation technology can help Adidas save on
labor costs and provide better designed sports goods to gain leading position in the sports retail
Negative Impact: Implementation of AI is associated with many challenges such as high
computing power, trust deficit, cyber security and privacy issues. The usage of AI can be
challenging and introduce barriers to success for Adidas.
Environmental Factors: The sports retail industry is associated with unethical labor as many
multinational brands in the past have been accused of using labor from modern slavery.
Consumer demand and government concerns regarding such issue have increased focus on
ethical business and sustainability in the sports retail industry.

Positive Impact: In case of Adidas the company has adopted several policies and CSR
initiatives to enhance sustainability and ethical business so that positive brand image is created.
This can help the company gain better public perception in comparison to rivals.
Negative Impact: Investing in improving ethical nature and sustainability of global
supply chain is financially taxing for Adidas which can also lead to lower profit margins.
Legal Factors: New technology solutions have been introduced which can help multinational
organizations with regulatory compliance in different international market to ensure smooth
movement of goods (Saputra, 2021).
Positive Impact: The usage of such type of technology by Adidas can help the company
smoothly deal with the legal complexity in the sports retail industry.
Negative Impact: The dependency of Adidas on such technology for dealing with legal
issues and regulations can create the problem of inability to handle region specific regulations
and legal requirements such as Emiratization. This UAE specific legal requirement involves
ensuring employment of certain amount of UAE citizens in the company. This kind of regional
legal requirements cannot be completely understood by technological program because it is
related to region specific issues and government policies.
Competition Funding Activity Legal Complexity Investment

High High High


P5 Internal and external analysis of the company to understand strengths and weaknesses
SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
 Adidas is an internationally  The company outsources its production in
recognized sports brand and is famous countries which offer cheap labor such as
for its high quality. China and Vietnam. This has increased the
 The company constantly invests in risk of depending on foreign suppliers.
offering innovative products and  The legal battle with Nike related to patents
diversifying product range as per new harms the image of Nike (Nike Prevails in
trends. Latest Fight with adidas Over Their Rival
Knitted Footwear Technology, 2020).
Opportunities Threats
 Adidas has the opportunity to make  The company faces extreme competition in
profit from the Athliesure trend. the sports retail goods industry which is
 The company has the opportunity to threat to market share.
diversify sporting equipment offered  The fake product circulation of Adidas
by the company and target different brand is threat to the profits of the
sports. company.

P6 Explanation of interrelation between strengths and weaknesses and external environment

Political Factors Economical Factors Social Factors
Strengths Complying with Economic growth in The rising influence of
different government developing countries helps social media influence on
policies is beneficial the company increase sports apparel trends can be
for international profits (Alabdullah, 2020). used by Adidas to market
growth of Adidas. new products.
Weakness The political The decrease in consumer The fast changing social
instability of trade confidence because of media fashion trends
wars affects expansion pandemic affects financial negatively affect profit
potential of Adidas. recovery of Adidas from potential of Adidas apparel.
COVID-19 loss.
Technological Environmental Factors Legal Factors
Strengths The rise of e- The CSR programs Adidas has created strong
commerce helps undertaken by Adidas to supply chain by ensuring
Adidas reach larger improve sustainability help compliance with global
audience. improve brand image. legal requirements.
Weakness Cyber-security issues The short-term impact of The ineffective
and threats of cyber CSR programs on financial international patent rights
fraud are threat for health of Adidas can limit protection has lead to high
Adidas (Sacks and Li, investment in other areas counterfeiting of Adidas
2018). such products.

From the above report it can be concluded that different sub-sectors of the sports industry
fulfill different goals. The legal structure and scope of these sub-sectors is different. The internal
departments in an organization affect each other. Marketing function supports finance function
by managing growth of the business while financial function arranges finance needed for
marketing campaigns. The internal departments of an organization are also affected by
organizational structure. The external environment affects organizations in negative and positive
way which can be determined through PESTELL analysis. The internal environment and
external environment factors are related and contribute to strengths and weaknesses of a

Books and Journals
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Allen, W. T., Kraakman, R. and Khanna, V.S., 2021. Commentaries and cases on the law of
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Sahu, C.K., Young, C. and Rai, R., 2021. Artificial intelligence (AI) in augmented reality (AR)-
assisted manufacturing applications: a review. International Journal of Production
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Saputra, B., 2021. Modelling Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)
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Wells, P., 2018. Degrowth and techno-business model innovation: The case of
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Adidas has lost €3.5B of revenue in COVID crisis, 2020. [Online] Available through
Adidas Mission Statement and Vision Analysis, 2020. [Online] Available through
< >
Global Sports Market Opportunities and Strategies Report 2021: Sports Market Forecast to
Reach $599.9 billion by 2025 as COVID-19 Lockdowns Ease, 2021. [Online] Available through

Nike Prevails in Latest Fight with adidas Over Their Rival Knitted Footwear Technology, 2020.
[Online] Available through <
Our Strategy, 2021. [Online] Available through <
strategy >
Our Strategy, 2021. [Online] Available through
< >
Sports Facilities in the UK - Market Size 2010–2028, 2021. [Online] Available through


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