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Fatigue Tests of 27-Year-Old

Prestressed Concrete Bridge

Box Beams
Two precast, prestressed concrete box beams, 36 in. wide x 27 in.
deep x 56 ft long (914 x 686 mm x 17.1 m), were removed from a
deteriorated multibeam bridge and subjected to fatigue testing.
Visually, the beams appeared in generally good condition but showed
signs of water leaking through the longitudinal shear keys and some
corrosion of reinforcement. The beams were purposely precracked
prior to fatigue loading and had periodic overloads applied. One
beam, cycled to a nominal bottom tension stress level of 6-\/i psi
Chetana Rao (0.50[j MPa) and a stress range of 0.06 retained excellent
Structural Engineer performance after 1,500,000 cycles. Cycling to a nominal bottom
2 Associates
GM tension stress level of 9[j psi (0.75Tj? MPa) and a stress range of
Glastonbury, Connecticut
(Formerly, Graduate Student, 0.11f, significantly reduced the strength of the other beam and
Department of Civil and caused fatigue failure of strand wires after 145,000 cycles.
Environmental Engineering,
University of Connecticut)

n 1987, the deteriorated Walnut and the chloride ion content and distri

I Street Bridge (see Fig. 1) in East

Hartford, Connecticut, which was
bution in five of the beams. This arti
cle discusses the fatigue behavior of
two other beams from this same
built in 1960, was replaced. The sim
pie span, multibeam bridge consisted bridge. Ref. 3 provides a full discus
of 13 precast, prestressed concrete box sion of this portion of the research
beams 36 in. wide x 27 in. deep x 56 ft program.
long (914 x 686 mm x 17.1 m) (see Fatigue failure in prestressed con
Figs. 2 and 3). Four beams were crete members can occur due to fail
severely deteriorated and had to be de ure of the concrete from flexural com
Gregory C. Frantz, Ph.D., P.E. molished in-place. Several of the re pression, diagonal tension or shear,
Professor maining beams were saved for later failure of strands, failure of bond, or
Department of Civil and testing. failure of end anchorages of post
Environmental Engineering
University of Connecticut 2 discussed the
Previous papers tensioned beams. When uncracked,
Storrs, Connecticut static behavior of two of the beams the concrete, which typically remains

in compression, bears a large portion
of the stress reversals and with the
high limits of the stress range capacity
of concrete, fatigue life can be as
sumed to be infinite.
Prior to flexural cracking, the stress
range in the strands is very small and
fatigue need not be a concern as long
as the concrete has not cracked. Be
cause it is usually not cracked during
service loading, prestressed concrete
generally resists fatigue effects better
than reinforced concrete. However, for
loading above the cracking capacity,
the stress range in the strands is much
larger because the strands must carry
all of the tension.
The AASHTO Specifications
4 limit
the maximum concrete tensile stress to
6,.fj psi (0.507J MPa), slightly
below the concrete’s cracking Fig. 1. Panoramic view of Walnut Street Bridge.
strength. However, if a beam is loaded
to cracking by even one (uninten
tional) overweight truck, the flexural current specifications and reached the des. The girders performed very well
cracks thereafter will reopen when the strength predicted by a strain compati and did not fail during the fatigue
bottom fiber concrete compression bility analysis. tests.
stress is decreased to zero. From this Murray and Frantz
28 did chloride 2 conducted fatigue
Rabbat et al.’
point on, the strands will have steep testing on five of the box beams from tests of new Type II AASHTO PCI
increases in stress levels with increas the Walnut Street Bridge. Constructed girders. Three girders were tested with
ing loads above the decompression without a waterproofing membrane 5 million cycles with a maximum
load. Thus, the stress range in the underneath the bituminous wearing stress of zero in the bottom fibers and
strands can be much larger than origi surface, the beams had chloride levels then statically loaded to their full ulti
nally anticipated even for the usual as high as two to three times the corro mate strength and showed no fatigue
service load ranges. sion threshold level with active corro distress. Three precracked girders
The AASHTO Specifications give sion occurring. were loaded to a maximum stress of
no particular requirements for fatigue
in prestressed concrete bridge mem
Leon et al.
9 subjected four 20-year- 67J psi (0.50 fj
7 MPa) in the bot
old prestressed bridge girders to fa tom fiber and showed fatigue distress
bers. If the concrete tensile stresses tigue to study techniques to repair im between 3.2 and 3.8 million cycles.
exceed 37J psi (0.25 7[I MPa) pact damage. Girders repaired with Overman, Breen, and Frank’
3 stud
under a realistic estimate of service additional post-tensioning were unable ied the fatigue behavior of 11 new pre
loads, ACT Committee 2l5 recom to regain their predamaged stiffness. tensioned concrete girders with Un-
mends that the stress range in pre The tests suggested that the original shored cast-in-place slabs and
stressed reinforcement shall not ex beams were in excellent condition. concluded that even a small number of
ceed 0.06f based on a cracked Knudsen and Eney’° tested a new cycles of modest overloads can cause
section analysis, for minimum pre pretensioned, precracked concrete box high stress ranges and sharply reduce
stress levels of 60 percent of the strand beam. Approximately 1,300,000 cy fatigue life. They concluded that
tensile strength. cles of HS2O loading had only minor adopting 6J psi (0.50fj MPa) as
effects, but 100,000 cycles with 54 the maximum tensile stress in the bot
percent overload increased deflections tom fiber was not conservative enough
LITERATURE REVIEW by 30 percent. without being supplemented by well
Shenoy and Frantz”
6 performed Russell and Burns” studied three distributed confined reinforcement.
static tests on two beams that were new pretensioned concrete girders They recommended that a maximum
companion beams to those tested in with draped or debonded strands. The tensile stress of 3 psi (0.25 JF?
this study. Measured prestress losses beams were precracked during the first MPa) would be sufficiently conserva
were about 50 percent of the predicted static test and two of the beams were tive to prevent fatigue damage.
losses. The beams, designed by the also precracked with web shear 4 tested two prestressed,
Roller et al.’
more conservative 1957 AASHO cracks. The beams with shear cracks high strength concrete girders, one
7 easily carried the fac
Specifications, were tested to over 225,000 cycles and with long-term loading and one with
tored static load levels required by the other beam to about 700,000 cy fatigue loading. They reported lower

September-October 1996 75
2” Asphalt
wear i ng

1 ft. 12 in. 305mm



Fig. 2. Cross section of bridge.

measured prestress losses than pre

dicted. One full depth crack, formed
during girder fabrication, was present
near midspan during the fatigue test
ing. After 5 million cycles of fatigue
loading to 6J7 psi (0.50[j MPa),
the beam still satisfied the AASHTO
strength requirements.

The two beams tested in this study
were Beam 10, which was next to two
very badly deteriorated Beams 11 and
12 that had to be demolished in place (\J
prior to removal, and Beam 8, which
was next to the center beam (see Fig.
2). The BI-36 box beams were rein
forced with 22 7/ in. (11.1 mm) diam
eter Grade 250 strands (see Fig. 3).
Beam 10 had large patches of white
stains from salt deposits on the sides.
On one side, it had two 1 ft (300 mm)
long horizontal cracks at strand level
indicating corrosion of the strands. Fig. 3. Cross section of box beam.
Beam 8 had very little surface staining
from water and salt on its sides and
bottom. There were a few rust stained
portions indicating corrosion of some Original design plans were not EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM
stirrups or strands. The beam also had available. Current traffic counts indi
two large vertical cracks extending Details of the test setup, instrumen
cated approximately 5500 vehicles per
tation, definition of service load and
down from the top about 6 ft (1.8 m) day on this bridge. Cores indicated a
test procedure are given below.
from one end, probably caused during concrete compressive strength of ap
removal of the beam from the bridge proximately 6700 psi (46 MPa), close
or during later handling. The beams to the value from the previous work.’ Test Setup
had not experienced any flexural The properties of the strands were as Figs. 4 and 5 show the test setup.
cracking and otherwise seemed to be sumed to be the same as in the previ The 56 ft (17.1 m) long test beams
in good condition. ous study. were simply supported on a 54 ft (16.5

Fig. 4. Test setup. Fig. 5. Loading system.

m) span and subjected to two point Table 1. Load history for Beam 10.
loads 11 ft (3.4 m) apart centered Test identification Load cycles Load range (kips)
about midspan. One actuator applied
A 1 0to55(S)
load to a steel beam that distributed
the load into four loads applied over B 2 0to55(S)
the beam webs. C 104,003 20 to 41 (F)
Supports under the loading beam D 104.004 010 50(S)
and at the test beam ends were care Repeat fatigue and static sequence
fully designed to permit rotation and E to T 909 014
with 100.000 cycle increments
longitudinal movement while prevent - U 1 109,014 20 to 41 (F)
ing excessive longitudinal movement. -

.____ V - 1,109.015 Oto5O(S) —_____

A 22 ft (6.7 m) high steel frame car

W 1,309,015 20 to 41 (F)
ried the actuator reaction into the -- -

structural strong floor. X 1,309,016 0 to 50 (S)

Y 1509,016 20 to 41 (F)
Z 1,509,017 0 to 73.8 (S)
Note: 1 kip = 4.448 kN.
Near midspan, the bottom cover on (S) = Static loading
five strands was carefully removed (F) = Fatigue loading

without nicking the strands. Seven to

ten SR-4 strain gauges (3.18 mm
with very reliable safety limit checks at a moment of 709 kip-ft (961 kN
gauge length) were applied with epoxy
and system shutdown procedures. m). The beam’s actual nominal capac
to strand wires. A linear variable dif
Therefore, cyclic testing frequently ity, of 1117 kip-ft (1514 kN) de
ferential transducer (LVDT) measured
continued throughout the night when fined the required strength at factored
midspan deflection. Dial gauges moni
no one was present to observe the loads, M.
tored any slipping of strands at the
test. These two conditions set, for testing
beam end. Crack widths were mea
purposes, the dead load moment, MD,
sured to ±0.00 1 in. (0.025 mm) with a
Definition of Service Load and live load moment, MLL+I as ,
50-power microscope. A computer
controlled data acquisition system For these tests, “service load”
recorded strains and deflections. (equivalent to dead load plus live load MD + MLL+1 = 709 kip-ft (961 kN-m)
All tests were performed as load- plus impact) was defined to be the forfb = psi (0.50j MPa)
control tests. The hydraulic loading load that produced a nominal bottom
and data collection systems were fiber stress, fb’ of 6 /j psi (based on 1.3 (MD + l.
67 = 1117 kip-ft
computer monitored and controlled an uncracked section), which occurred (1514 kN-m) forM =

September-October 1996 77
Table 2. Load history for Beam 8. Test Procedure
Test identification Load cycles Load range (kips) Tables I and 2 define the load se
quences for both beams. Each beam
was first tested in a static condition in
BB 2 Oto SO(S)
approximately 5 hip (22 kN) load in
cc 19,252 20 to 50 (F)
crements. Loading continued to a
DD 19,253 Oto5O(S) maximum load of 50 or 55 kips (220
EE 73,903 20 to 50 (F) or 240 kN), which was above the
FF 73,904 0 to 50 (S) cracking load. During this initial test,
GG 145,098 20 to 50 (F)
the effective prestress level was deter
mined by observing the reopening of
HH 145,099 0 to 50 (S)
flexural cracks as was done in the first
II 250,636 20 to 50 (F)
study.’ Crack development, strains,
JJ 250,637 0 to SO(S) and deflections were monitored. A
KK 264,188 20 to 50 (F) second static test was then performed.
LL 264,189 0to55.7(S) A multiple sequence of cyclic testing
Note: 1 kip = 4.448 kN.
followed by a static test (to simulate
(S) = Static loading overloads) then commenced. A final
(F) = Fatigue loading static test completed the program.
Beam 10 was tested first. The cyclic
loading increment was for 100,000 or
80 200,000 cycles between loads of 20 and
41 hips (89 and 182 kN), which corre
70 sponded to the dead load and the ser
vice load, at a frequency of 1 Hz. This
60 produced a maximum nominal bottom
fiber stress of 6fj psi (0.50f
50 MPa). Because the beam had been pur

f 40

posely precracked, flexural cracks re
opened prior to this upper load level.
The theoretical strand stress range was
about 15 ksi (100 MPa) or O.o fPU’
20 based on a cracked section analysis.
Strains and deflections were monitored.
10 Beam 8 was cycled between loads
of 20 and 50 hips (89 and 220 kN) at a
frequency of 0.66 Hz. The 50 kip (220
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 kN) load was slightly higher than the
Midspan Deflections (inches) service load to simulate the effect of
frequent overloads. This level of load
Fig. 6. Load vs. deflection for Beams 10 and 8.
produced a total midspan moment
13.6 percent higher than the service
load moment in Beam 8. The maxi
Solving these two equations simul These beams were originally de mum cyclic load produced a maxi
taneously indicated that actuator signed using the 1957 AASHO Specifi mum nominal bottom fiber stress of
loads of 20 and 41 kips (89 and 182 cations, which had more conservative 9f psi (0.75.J MPa). The theo
kN), plus the weight of the steel load design and load criteria than present retical strand stress range was 32 ksi
distribution beam plus the bridge specifications. For comparison purposes (220 MPa) or 0.12f, based on a
beam’s self weight, were required to with the test loads applied in this re cracked section analysis. Because
produce the dead load and the service search, when these beams were in ser Beam 8 had a more severe stress range
load conditions, respectively. An ac vice, the design loads required by the than Beam 10, it had fewer cycles in
tuator load of 50 kips (220 kN) pro 1992 AASHTO Specifications would the fatigue sequences than Beam 10.
duced a nominal bottom fiber stress cause a service load moment of 494
of psi ( MPa). Here kip-ft (670 kN-m). This corresponds to
after, “applied load” or “load” will an actuator load of 21 hips (92 kN), and TEST RESULTS
mean the load applied by the actuator the required strength would be 840 hip- Dynamic effects of the cyclic loads
without the 5 kip (22 kN) dead ft (1140 kN-m). The fatigue loading were small for these beams. Although
weight of the steel load distribution used in this research was a very severe not measured, the predicted effect was
beam. loading for these beams. less than 4 percent for Beam 10 and

less than 2 percent for Beam 8. The
loads, stresses, and stress ranges re 80
ported in this article were calculated
as for static loading without dynamic 70
Predicted strand stresses were cal 60
culated using a cracked section analy
sis for load stages above bottom fiber ,_ 50

decompression (for all load cycles

other than the first cycle). Predicted ‘ 40
load-deflection response was based on
moment-curvature and moment-area 30
analyses. Beam behavior was evalu
ated based on response to the static 20
Figs. 6 and 7 show the load-deflec 10
tion curves for some of the static tests
for the beams. During the first static 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
tests, both beams followed the pre
dicted response very closely. The sec Midspan Deflections (inches)
ond static tests were very similar to
the first tests except the flexural Fig. 7. Load vs. deflection for Beam 8.
cracks reopened at a lower load of
about 25 kips (110 kN), which was
less than the service load. During des of this very severe loading. Deflections
these static tests, Beams 10 and 8 had Beam 8, which had a more severe
maximum loads of 55 and 50 kips load range, definitely showed signs of During the first sequence of fatigue
(240 and 220 kN), respectively. These fatigue distress after about 145,000 cycles (approximately 1 00,000 for
loads are higher than the service load cycles. At that time, the sound of a Beam 10 and 19,000 for Beam 8), both
level of 41 kips (180 kN) but still strand wire breaking in Beam 8 was beams had a significant increase in de
within the elastic response range of heard. After 261,000 cycles, six more flections, with a greater amount in Beam
the strands. wires were heard failing. A total of 16 8. With further cycling, the response of
Beam 10 showed little effect of fa wires were heard breaking in Beam 8 Beam 10 did not change much between
tigue during its more than 1,500,000 over the entire cycling. Testing contin 100,000 and 1,500,000 cycles. Beam 8,
cycles of testing. Due to lack of ob ued even when no one was present to with its more severe loading, showed
served fatigue effects, the test of Beam observe the beam, and it is likely that much more of an increase in deflection
10 was terminated after 1,509,016 cy more wires ruptured during that time. with additional cycles.









0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Number of Cycles (x 100,000) Number of Cycles (x 100,000)

Fig. 8. Deflection vs. number of cycles for Beams 10 and 8. Fig. 9. Deflection vs. number of cycles for Beam 8.

September-October 1996 79
stresses in Beam 10 changed very lit
tle due to the fatigue cycles (which
also indicates very little “drift” in the
strain gauge readings). Beam 8 had
60 much larger changes in stress levels
as a result of cycling. At each compa

50 rable load level, the stresses in Beam
8 were higher than those in Beam 10.
The test data for Beam 8 showed a
slight decrease in stress during the
— 30
Predicted Curv 19,252 to 145,009 cycles at the higher
BeamlO mrn load levels. It is not clear why this stress
20 I cycle —O-
@ I cycle —•--— @ decrease in Beam 8 occurred. At zero
@2 cycles —--- 2cycles —0-—
10 @909,013 —•--- @145,099 —‘-—
applied load, the strand stress increased
@1,509,017 —.-— @250,637 —0—-
for Beam 8 but not for Beam 10. To
0 wards the end of the life of Beam 8, as
150 175 200 225 250 wires began to rupture, the stresses in
Stress (ksi) creased very rapidly and were in the in
elastic range at the higher loads.
Fig. 10. Variation of strand stress for Beams 10 and 8. Fig. 12 shows how the strand stress
range varied with the number of fatigue
cycles. It was expected that the mea
Figs. 8 and 9 show the effect of num “Measured” strand stresses were deter sured stress range would increase with
ber of cycles on the static detlections of mined using the strain due to the initial cycles. Beam 10, loaded between 20 and
both beams. Deflections tended to in effective prestress, the strain increment 41 kips (89 and 182 kN), had a mea
crease with increasing cycles. At com measured during loading, and the mea sured stress range of 16.4 ksi (113 MPa)
parable load levels and number of cy sured strand stress-strain curve. or 0.062f at the beginning of testing.
cles, Beam 8 had significantly higher Figs. 10 and 11 show how the strand By the end of 1,500,000 cycles, the
deflections than Beam 10. stress varied during the various static range had increased only slightly to 18.5
tests. Strand stresses remained in the ksi (128 MPa), a 13 percent increase.
elastic range except during the final Beam 8, loaded between 20 and 50
Strand Stresses static test of Beam 10 and during the kips (89 and 222 kN), had a measured
For both beams, the effective pre final fatigue series and final static test stress range of 28.8 ksi (199 MPa) or
stress at the start of testing was taken of Beam 8. During the initial pair of 0.1 lf at the beginning of the test. At
as 153 ksi (1050 MPa), which was ap static tests, the stress increased linearly the end of 264,000 cycles, the range
proximately the value determined in until the cracks formed or reopened. had increased to 38 ksi (262 MPa), a
these tests and in the previous tests.’ As Fig. 11 shows, the strand 32 percent increase. An increase in the

250 50
Beam 10 Beam 8
@ Okips —,--— —c’-— I kip 4.448 kN
@ 20 kips —•—- —0-—
225 —0-— I ksi 6.895 MPa

@3Okips —•—

@40 kips —A--- —a-—


I-c...—.--.... .
C .—..••••• . . . 20
yyyyVVVVV ,. V ‘V
cj3 C6’

10 - BeamlO Beam8 Predicted

125 1 kip=4.448kN
20-41 kips —‘

1 ksi = 6.895 MPa 20-50 kips ° —

100 0— I I
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
Number of Cycles (x 100,000) Number of Cycles (x 100,000)

Fig. 11. Strand stress vs. No. of cycles (Beams 10 and 8). Fig. 12. Strand stress range vs. No. of cycles (Beams 10 and 8).

stress range of about 5 ksi (35 MPa)
had occurred within the first 20,000
cycles and shows that a relatively low
number of overloads can have a sig
nificant effect on a structure.
Fig. 12 also shows the stress range 1 ft. 12 in.
— — 3O5u
for Beam 8 between the same dead
load and live load levels, 20 and 41
kips (89 and 182 kN), as for Beam 10.
Even at this level, Beam 8 had a sig

I t) t1
nificantly higher stress range than
Beam 10. Not too many cycles of
overload were needed to cause a sig + ,
nificant increase in the stress range at
normal load levels. 15’ —0”

Cracking Fig. 13. Crack pattern for Beam 10.

Fig. 13 shows the crack pattern in
the middle 24 ft (7.3 m) of Beam 10.
The initial static tests created a well The crack widths of several major creased from 0.011 in. (0.28 mm) in
developed and similar series of flexu cracks were read throughout the tests. the first static test to 0.032 in. (0.81
ral cracks in both beams. The average Figs. 14 and 15 show how the width of mm), nearly a 200 percent increase, at
crack spacing was about 12 to 14 in. two cracks, one on each beam, varied the end of 264,000 cycles.
(300 to 350 mm), which approxi with applied load and number of cy During the final static test of Beam
mately coincided with the stirrup spac cles. There was some variation in 10, the cracks extended into the top
ing of 14 in. (350 mm). During the ini these crack widths due to the continu flange of the beam. Shear in these
tial static tests, each load increment ing development of additional nearby beams was not critical and fatigue did
caused an increase in crack width or cracks during the testing. not cause the cracks to become in
crack length. The heavy, short hori Crack widths increased due to ap clined nor cause shear problems.
zontal lines on some cracks in Fig. 13 plied fatigue loads, especially in Beam
indicate the final crack length in the 8. At 50 kips (222 MPa), the crack
first static test at 55 kips (240 kN). width in Beam 10 increased from Final Static Tests
Cycling caused some cracks to ex 0.009 in. (0.20 mm) in the first static After more than 1,500,000 cycles,
tend and some new cracks to form. test to 0.0 15 in. (0.38 mm) after the response of Beam 10 during the
The final crack length at completion 1,500,000 cycles. At the same load final static test was very similar to its
of testing is also shown in Fig. 13. level, the crack width in Beam 8 in- earlier static tests (see Fig. 6). It had

70 - 35
I kip 4.448 kN

60 In. = 25.4mm 30


50 - 25
40 20
Beam 10
30 @lcycle —•—-
@2 cycles —•— C”
0 ‘C
@ 900,000 —A-— 10
@ 1,500,000 —•-—

Beam 8
10 @lcycle —0—— C 5
@2 cycles —D— c-)
0 @ 141,500 —a-— 0
@250,640 —c-—
@264,820 —0-—
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 3 6 9 12 15 18

Crack Widths ( x 0.00 1 inches) Number of Cycles (x 100,000)

Fig. 14. Crack widths vs. applied load (Beams 10 and 8). Fig. 15. Crack widths vs. number of cycles (Beams 10 and 8).

September-October 1996 81
essentially the same response up to 50 on the east side, there was also a longi O.O performed very well. Beam
kips (220 kN). The final load stage tudinal crack along the strand. After 8, with a stress range of 0.1 lfp
(, per
was at 74 kips (330 kN) with a deflec removing the concrete, the strand ap formed very poorly.
tion of 7.4 in. (190 mm). The beam peared quite rusty. The stirrup here had 5. After 264,000 cycles, the deflec
did not show any signs of failure even a side cover of only about 0.625 in. (17 tions of Beam 8 were 35 percent larger
at this stage and additional loads were mm), and it seemed like the rusting than those of Beam 10 after 1,500,000
not applied due to the actuator’s stroke here may have initiated at the stirrup. cycles. After not many cycles of over
limitations. The predicted ultimate ca Beam 8 had some surface stains due load, Beam 8 had a significant in
pacity was 79 kips (350 kN) at a de to rusting of several stirrups, which crease in the stress range and in
flection of 23.2 in. (589 mm). Beam were found to have little concrete creased crack widths even for normal
10 still showed the good ductility de cover. The strands of Beam 8 were vi service loads.
sired in bridge structures. sually judged to be in good condition 6. Fatigue problems can occur with
The final static test of Beam 8 was and had the typical amount of surface small increases in load range levels.
done after 264,000 cycles and after at discoloration due to minor rusting but Beam 8 had only 13 percent greater
least 16 wires had broken. At a maxi there was no pitting. The decreased fa total applied moment than Beam 10
mum load of 55.7 kips (248 kN), it tigue strength of Beam 8 could not be did during the cycling. But after
had deflected about 4 in. (100 mm), attributed to corrosion of the strands 1,500,000 cycles, Beam 10 performed
about 35 percent more than Beam 10 because they seemed to be in better better than Beam 8 did after only
at that same load. Beam 10 had condition than those of Beam 10. 145,000 cycles.
reached this same deflection at about There did not appear to be any sig 7. Beam 10, though it performed
62 kips (276 kN). Further loading was nificant change in the strand slip dial very well in general, did experience
causing additional wire failures and gauges in Beam 10. In Beam 8, one propagation in strand failure and dam
the test was stopped for safety reasons. dial gauge, which was monitoring a ages induced by corrosion.
strand that had ruptured during the 8. These particular beams could be
test, changed by 0.005 in. (0.1 mm), expected to serve satisfactorily for
Additional Results perhaps indicating some possible slip longer periods of time in a bridge pro
Prior to testing, Beam 10 had hori ping for that strand. vided the bridge does not experience
zontal cracking at the strand level on frequent overloads. Bridge girders in
the east side that had been adjacent to a similar condition can be evaluated
the two badly deteriorated beams. A CONCLUSIONS to have satisfactory fatigue strength if
large piece of concrete near midspan It should be noted that these beams no corrosion is occurring.
fell off after about 650,000 cycles, ex had been in service for 27 years. Also,
posing two strands at the edge in the these tests subjected the beams to
lower row. The corner strand was higher loads than the beams had been RECOMMENDATIONS
badly corroded and had a few broken originally designed for or had been 1. Because an unintentional over
wires with rusted fracture surfaces that subjected to in actual service. These load can cause flexural cracking,
the authors concluded were not caused tests support the following conclusions: strand stresses and stress ranges
by the tests. At about 1,000,000 cycles 1. Fatigue need not be a concern as should be calculated assuming a
of loading, two more wires in this long as the beam is uncracked. This can cracked cross section for loads above
strand fractured due to fatigue. be inferred due to the observed low the decompression load.
After completion of the test, more strand stress range prior to cracking. 2. Frequent loading which creates
concrete was removed from Beam 10 2. Beam 10, precracked during ini concrete tensile stresses of more than
in this same region. Two more wires tial testing and subjected to more than 6,fj psi (0.50J MPa) or with
in the corner strand had fractured due 1,500,000 cycles of loading that strand stress ranges above 0.06f
to corrosion prior to our testing. The caused a nominal bottom fiber stress should be avoided.
strand immediately above the strand of 6Jj psi (0.50f MPa), did not 3. Overloads can have a significant
that had fractured appeared to be in show any severe fatigue problems. Its effect on fatigue strength and their ef
fairly good condition with little rust load-deflection and load-stress re fect on prestressed concrete beams
ing. The strand in the bottom row ad sponses were satisfactory and close to should be studied further.
jacent to the fractured strand had some the predicted results. 4. Corrosion can be a serious prob
rusting but little or no pitting. The 3. Beam 8, subjected to loading that lem when combined with fatigue. It is,
clear cover to the strands was 2.75 in. caused nominal bottom fiber stresses therefore, absolutely essential that suf
(70 mm) on the side and about 1.25 in. of 9\/j psi (0.75/j? MPa), started ficient protection against corrosion be
(32 mm) on the bottom. The stirrup failing due to rupturing of strand wires provided in bridge structures.
near this location had a cover of 2 in. after about 145,000 cycles. 5. Additional work should be done
(51 mm) to the side and 1.5 in. (38 4. The strand stress range limit of to establish a correlation between
mm) on the bottom. The stirrup in this 0.06f, recommended by ACT Com maintenance or rehabilitation require
region was extremely rusted. mittee 215, was consistent with the re ments, observed deterioration, and
Towards the north end of the beam, sults. Beam 10, with a stress range of structural performance.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 4. AASHTO, Standard Specifications Iowa State University, Ames, IA,
for Highway Bridges, Fifteenth Edi September 1988.
This work was performed as part of tion, American Association of State 10. Knudsen, K. E., and Eney, W. J.,
the research project “Tests on Pre Highway and Transportation Offi “Endurance of a Full-Scale Preten
stressed Concrete Bridge Beams —
cials, Washington, D.C., 1992. sioned Concrete Beam,” Proceedings
Fatigue Tests of the Bridge Beams,”
5. ACT Committee 215, “Considerations of the 36th Annual Meeting, V. 36,
sponsored by the Connecticut Depart for the Design of Concrete Structures Highway Research Board, Washing
ment of Transportation. The authors Subjected to Fatigue (ACT 215R1- ton, D.C., January 7-11, 1957.
also gratefully acknowledge the assis R74),” American Concrete Institute, 11. Russell, B. W., and Burns, N. H.,
tance provided by Blakeslee Prestress, Farmington Hills, MI, 1992.
“Static and Fatigue Behavior of Pre
Inc., Branford, Connecticut, for stor 6. Shenoy, C. V., and Frantz, G. C., stressed Composite Bridge Girders
ing the beams prior to testing at the “Tests on Prestressed Concrete Made With High Strength Concrete,”
University of Connecticut and for de Bridge Beams, Part 1 — Structural PCI JOURNAL, V. 38, No. 3, May-
livering and disposing of the beams. Tests of the Bridge Beams,” JHRAC June 1993, pp. 116-128.
Project Report 91-198a, Department 12. Rabbat, B. G., Kaar, P. H., Russell,
of Civil Engineering, University of H. G., and Bruce, R. N., Jr., “Fatigue
REFERENCES Connecticut, Storrs, CT, January
Tests of Prestressed Girders With
1. Shenoy, C. V., and Frantz, G. C., 1991, 120 pp.
Blanketed and Draped Strands,” PCI
“Structural Tests of 27-Year-Old Pre 7. AASHO, Standard Specifications for JOURNAL, V. 24, No. 4, July-August
stressed Concrete Bridge Beams,” Highway Bridges, American Associa 1979, pp. 88-114.
PCI JOURNAL, V. 36, No. 5, tion of State Highway Officials, 13. Overman, T. R., Breen, J. E., and
September-October 1991, PP. 80-90. Washington, D.C., 1957. Frank, K. H., “Fatigue Strength of
2. Murray, V. E., and Frantz, G. C., 8. Murray, V. E., and Frantz, G. C., Prestressed Concrete Girders,” Final
“Chloride Testing of 27-Year-Old “Tests on Prestressed Concrete Research Report, Center for Trans
Prestressed Concrete Bridge Beams,” Bridge Beams, Part 2 Chloride portation Research, Bureau of Engi
PCI JOURNAL, V. 37, No. 5, Penetration in the Bridge Beams,” neering Research, University of
September-October 1992, pp. 68-79. JHRAC Project Report 91-198b, De Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, Novem
3. Rao, C., and Frantz, G. C., “Tests on partment of Civil Engineering, Uni ber 1984.
Prestressed Concrete Bridge Beams versity of Connecticut, Storrs, CT,
14. Roller, J. J., Russell, H. G., Bruce,
Fatigue Tests of the Bridge January 1991, 143 pp. R. N., and Martin, B. T., “Long-Term
Beams,” JHRAC Project Report 95- 9. Leon, R. T., French, C. W., Olson, Performance of Prestressed, Preten
245, Department of Civil and Envi S. A., and Coggins, F. B., “Reusabil sioned High Strength Concrete
ronmental Engineering, University of ity of 20-Year-Old Prestressed Bridge Bridge Girders,” PCI JOURNAL,
Connecticut, Storrs, CT, December Girders,” Proceedings of the Confer V. 40, No. 6, November-December
1995, 146 pp. ence on Bridge Research in Progress, 1995, pp. 48-59.

September-October 1996 83

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