English T4 Prep

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Visual Techniques Definition Purpose

Angle Refers to the perspective of the The usage of angle can highlight
image and the positioning of the the character's dominance, size
camera and appearance and can
contribute to emotions

Foreground / Background Areas where the elements in a The foreground is used to

visual text are positioned. highlight the main features of
Foreground refers to elements the image while the background
displayed at the front of the is used to add more detail and
image while the background context to the image
consists of the elements behind

Body Language Refers to how characters appear Body Language is used to

in an image. This can include analyse the emotions the
facial expression, pose and characters are feeling through
gesture their facials, pose and gesture.

Colour Used to symbolise certain They are used to symbolise a

features in an image or attract certain feature of the image or
audience attention to a specific to draw attention to a feature.

Comic Strips Short stories created using Comic strips are used to tell a
illustrations with captions and story through images and words
are usually published in
magazines and newspapers at

Composition Refers to the way that Composition is used to place all

something is put together or the important elements of an
arranged in the image. The image effectively and
composition of an image refers harmoniously.
to the lines, shapes, colours, size
and space that are organised to
create meaning or an intention

Contrast Refers to elements of an image Contrast is used to create

that differ from one another. interest and highlight the focal
points of the image

Frame Refers to the composition of a Used to draw attention and

visual text. Includes the focus to a specific feature
consideration of the depth,
width and height of the object
being represented

Illustration A drawing or painting that Illustration is used to convey the

represents an idea. In books, story through a visual take. It is
illustrations illuminate to also used to help the viewers
emphasise the focus of the understand or imagine
story. something better

Graphic Novels Graphic Novels are narratives Graphic Novels are used to
that may be presented in the portray the story with images
comic strip format and are and graphic design and
published as a book. They also communicate the theme of the
may be a simple combination of story.
text and illustrations.

Juxtaposition Refers to elements of an image Used to highlight differences

that directly oppose one between characters or things in
another. Juxtaposition is similar an image.
to contrast. The difference
between juxtaposition and
contrast is that contrast often
refers to the general placement
of different things while
juxtaposition refers to a direct
side-by-side equal placement.

Lighting Refers to the way light and To highlight a specific area in the
shadow are included in an image and imply something
image about the characters

Positioning and Size Refers to where an element is Suggests the significance of a

placed in a text and size refers character or to draw attention
to how big or small the objects to specific features in the image

Reading Path A reading path is the path you Used to guide you through the
take through a visual text. The image by relating the words and
path moves from the most images together
salient elements to the least
salient elements.

Representation Is how the real world is shown To let the audience relate to the
to the audience of the text real world while looking at an

Salience The condition of being To grab the attention towards a

prominent refers to the focal point in an image
importance of a subject with
other objects. The most salient
object in an image is the one
that grabs your attention the

Symbolism Refers to something that Used to add more meaning to a

symbolises a meaning and that visual text and to go beyond a
goes beyond the literal. literal definition

Tagline A short text that is usually Used to hint at the context of

featured on a film poster. It is the picture and convey its
similar to a slogan and it hints at themes it
the story

Triptych Refers to an artwork consisting Used to create a sequence or

of three related panels side by show different important
side elements of the same subject

Vectors The lines in a photograph, Used to draw the eye to a

painting or image that draw to person or particular object.
the eye to a particular object or

Visual Texts Any text that relies on pictures Communicate with the audience
or images through visuals

Eating of Parents The Promised Punishments Looking at the Peach Tree

-Big Ben and London Zoo in -Bare cellar -James on the bottom right of
the background (first panel) -With rats inside and out the image
-Black and white for -The peach tree taking the
-An angry rhinoceros with neutrality and simplicity rest of the area
blood dripping down (2nd -Color the peach tree area in
panel) bright colours and colour
James in darker colours
-Include James in the
foreground (third panel)

Visual Techniques Visual Techniques Visual Techniques

Triptych Positioning and Size Contrast
Body Language Lighting Symbolism

Sophisticated language
Complex and engaging ideas
How your visuals help create meaning for the story
How those techniques help you capture the ideas and develop the story further

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