Materi Bahasa Inggris, Jumat 26-5-2023

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We believe the Earth is about 4.6 billion years old.

At percent, we are forced to look to other bodies in the solar

system for hints as to what the early history of the Earth was like. Studies of our moon, Mercury, Mars, and the
large satellites of Jupiter and Saturn have provided ample evidence that all these large celestial bodies had
formed. This same bombardment must have affected Earth as well. The lunar record indicates that the rate of
impacts decreased to its present low level about 4 billion years ago. On Earth, subsequent erosion and crustal
motions have obliterated the craters that must have formed during this epoch.

Scientists estimate the Earth’s age by measuring the ratios of various radioactive elements in rocks. The oldest
Earth’s rocks tested thus far are about 3 1/3 billion years old. But no one knows whether these are oldest rocks
on Earth. Tests on rocks from the moon and on meteorites show that these are about 4.6 billion years old.
Scientists believe that this is the true age of the solar system and probably the true age of the Earth.

1. Inline 8, the word “obliterated” means.

A. created
B. destroyed
C. changed
D. erosion
2. 2. According to this passage, how do scientists estimate the age of the Earth?
A. By measuring the ratios of radioactive elements in rocks.
B. By examining fossils
C. By studying sunspots
D. By examining volcanic activity
3. 3. Scientists estimate the age of the Earth as …
A. 4 billion years old.
B. 3 1/3 billion years old.
C. 4.6 billion years old.
D. 6 billion years old
4. 4. Which of the following processes led to the obliteration of the craters formed by the bombardment of the
Earth by the celestial bodies?
A. Volcanic activity
B. Solar radiation
C. Gravity activity
D. Crustal motions
5. 5. According to the passage, why are scientists forced to look at other bodies in the solar system to
determine the early history of the Earth?
A. Human alteration of the Earth.
B. Erosion and crustal motions.
C. Solar flares.
D. Deforestation and global warming.

In the 1920s, new technology allowed filmmakers to attach to each film a soundtrack of speech, music and
sound effects synchronized with the action on the screen. These sound films were initially distinguished by
calling them talking pictures, or talkies. The next major step in the development of cinema was the introduction
of color. While the addition of sound to film revolutionized the medium, quickly driving out silent movies, color
was adopted more gradually. The public was relatively indifferent to color photography as opposed to black-
and-white. But as color processes improved and became as affordable as black-and-white film, more and more
movies were filmed in color after the end of World War II, as the industry in America came to view color an
essential to attracting audiences in its competition with television, which remained a black-and-white medium
until the mid-60s. By the end of the 1960s, color had become the norm for filmmakers.

6. We can understand from the passage that the introduction of sound films —-.
A) occurred at the time of the introduction of colour films
B) was not easy because it was not affordable
C) made colour movies a possibility on a commercial basis
D) was an important milestone in the film industry
E) was delayed until after the end of World War II
7. It is stated in the reading that —-.
A) the 1920s marked the end to the era of sound films
B) the transition to colour films was not as rapid as the transition to sound films
C) colour movies did not appear until the mid- 60s
D) television didn’t become popular until the mid-60s
E) colour TVs were expensive initially
8. One can understand from the passage that —-.
A) black-and-white films are still a wonderful source of entertainment
B) the film industry fell into a serious crisis after the end of World War II
C) the’ arrival of sound films ended the popularity of silent movies
D) the introduction of colour to movies didn’t help the movie industry in its competition with television
E) the public was indifferent to sound films

Although there is a great deal of variation within each gender, on the average, men and women discuss a
surprisingly different range of topics. According to some studies, women and men ranging in age from
seventeen to eighty described the range of topics each discussed with friends of the same sex. Certain topics
were common to both men and women; work, movies, and television proved to be frequent topics for both
groups. The differences between men and women were more striking than the similarities. Female friends spent
much more time discussing personal and domestic subjects, relationship problems, family, health and
reproductive matters, weight, food and clothing. Men, on the other hand, were more likely to discuss music,
current events, sports and business. Women were more likely to gossip about close friends and family. By
contrast, men spent more time gossiping about sports figures and media personalities. These differences can lead
to frustration when men and women try to converse with one another.

9. It is stated in the passage that women —-.

A) are unwilling to discuss personal subjects
B) are more interested in discussing relationship problems than are men
C) never talk about other men and women
D) don’t like gossiping about anything
E) discuss more important issues than men
10. According to the passage, men —-.
A) need to learn to communicate better
B) like talking about movies and television as much as women do
C) are not likely to gossip on anything
D) have no common topics with women
E) get frustrated more whenever they try to converse with women

Grammar and Structure

11. The dwarf lemon tree, grown (A) in many areas of the world, bears fruit (B) when it is fewer than (C) six
inches in high (D)

Jawab: (D) high (yang benar = height)

Keyword: six inches in high.
Pembahasan: Setelah preposisi (in, on, at, by, of, from, etc) harus diikuti noun (kata benda), jadi kata
“high” (adjective/kata sifat) seharusnya diganti kata “height”.

12. Polluter (A) is a topic of such importance (B) today that even elementary school children are
well informed (C) about its (D) dangers.

Jawab: (A) Polluter

Keyword: Polluter
Pembahasan: Kata yang seharusnya digunakan adalah pollutant (penyebab polusi).

13. Best (A) represented in a famous oil painting (B) by da Vinci, The Last Supper it (C) is an important part of
the history (D) of Christianity.

Jawab: (C) it
Keyword: The Last Supper it is.
Pembahasan: Dalam satu klausa seharusnya hanya ada satu subjek dan satu predikat, karena pada
kalimat di atas terdapat subjek ganda, maka kata “it” harus dihilangkan.

14. In Vermont, the (A) sap the maple tree is (B) the primary (C) ingredient in (D) producing maple syrup.

Jawab: (A) the

Keyword: The sap the maple tree.
Pembahasan: Kalimat tersebut memiliki subjek ganda sehingga harus ditambahkan of sebelum the
maple tree. Hal ini karena the sap tersebut merupakan bagian dari maple tree.

15. After to have (A) won (B) the 1945 Pulitzer Prize for A Bell for Adano, John Hersey wrote (C) a nonfiction
book about (D) the bombing of Japan.

Jawab: (A) to have

Keyword: after.
Pembahasan: Kata “after” sebagai preposisi (kata depan) + Gerund (Ving), Kata “after” sebagai
conjunction (penghubung) + klausa (subyek + predikat).
Pada kalimat tersebut seharusnya “after having won…”

16. I cannot ____ the floor.

a. Cleans
b. Cleaning
c. Clean
d. Cleaned
17. Farhan, Abdi, Dina, and Salsa will discuss the problem ____ themselves.
a. Among
b. Between
c. To
d. With
18. I have understood this material ____ I studied here.
a. For
b. Until
c. From
d. Since
19. She has been _____ in Jamaica in the last three years.
a. Work
b. Working
c. Works
d. Worked
20. You always make me ____.
a. Pride
b. Prouder
c. Proud
d. Have been proud

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