Student Survey Fall 2023

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Student Information survey

1. Name: Ahmad Hussain

2. Program/course BSB (Marketing and sales)
3. Year of Study: 3rd Year

4. What do you consider to be your key strengths or skills that are relevant to your MBA studies and
future career in business or management?

I personally consider my team leading ability to be my key strength for my current and future business
endeavors as I am currently managing my late father’s printing business since past two years now.

5. What experiences or achievements in your academic or professional life highlight these strengths?

I have come across my ability to manage people and put them at work which they can easily execute
according to their mental ability, as printing press consists of huge workforce, and managing 70-100
people at once smoothly makes me think I am at least a little good at handling people but that too
people who are willing to work.

6. What areas do you believe are your weaknesses or areas where you would like to improve during
your MBA program?

For now, I think even after 3 years in university and so many presentations, I still cannot let go of my
fear or foiba of coming Infront of people and speaking up although in professional field I am meeting
clients and having table talks with them but this is one thing I consider I lack in.

7.Have you identified any specific challenges or obstacles that you anticipate in your MBA journey?

I think only thing that will make me think twice about going for MBA is my professional and student life
switching because at one half of day you are functioning at so high and mature level where you cannot
do any mistakes and at the other hand you go on and live a pampered life also the time slots of
universities make it hard to do both at once.

8. What areas of business or management are you most passionate about or interested in pursuing in
your future career?

My interests in business and management are diverse, but I'm particularly passionate about
entrepreneurship and innovation. I'm excited about the prospect of creating and leading my own
ventures, exploring new markets.

9. Are there any specific industries, sectors, or roles that you are particularly interested in?

Currently I’m related to printing sector but I am also interested in digital marketing sector.
10. What specific knowledge or subject areas within the MBA curriculum do you feel most confident in?

I feel most confident in areas related to finance and strategy within the MBA curriculum. I have a strong
foundation in financial analysis and enjoy strategic planning and execution.

11. Are there any areas within the MBA curriculum that you feel less knowledgeable about or would like
to gain more expertise in?

I'd like to gain more expertise in marketing and data analytics. Improving my marketing skills and
understanding data-driven decision-making would be valuable for my career goals.

12. What opportunities or experiences do you hope to gain from your MBA program, both academically
and professionally?

I hope to gain a deep understanding of strategic management and leadership, both academically and
professionally. Additionally, I aim to expand my network through collaborations with diverse peers and
access to industry experts.

13. Are there any extracurricular activities, networking events, or internships you plan to pursue to
enhance your MBA experience?

I plan to participate in networking events, join relevant student organizations, and seek internships in
my field of interest to gain practical experience and broaden my industry connections.

14. What potential challenges or external factors do you foresee that may affect your MBA journey or
future career aspirations?

I foresee the challenge of balancing coursework with work commitments and maintaining a healthy
work-life-study balance.

15. How do you plan to mitigate these threats or challenges to achieve your MBA and career goals?

To mitigate these challenges, I plan to create a structured study schedule, seek support from professors
and mentors, and stay adaptable in response to economic changes by continuously updating my skills.

Overall Goals:
16. What are your primary goals and expectations for your MBA program, and how do you envision it
shaping your future career?
My primary goal for the program is to develop strong leadership skills and gain a comprehensive
understanding of business strategy. I believe this program will equip me with the knowledge and
network needed to advance in my career and potentially explore entrepreneurial opportunities.
17. Is there anything else you would like to share or any specific areas of focus you would like to see in
your MBA coursework or program?

I would appreciate an emphasis on practical, real-world application in coursework and exposure to

emerging trends in the business world. Additionally, I'm open to mentorship opportunities that may
arise during the program to further enhance my learning experience.

Student Extracurricular Activities Survey

Part I: Extracurricular Interests

1. What are your favorite hobbies or leisure activities outside of your academic studies? (e.g., painting,
hiking, playing a musical instrument)

Graphic Designing and swimming.

2. Do you have any sports or physical activities that you enjoy participating in? If so, please specify.

Yes, swimming.

3. Are you involved in any clubs, organizations, or societies on or off campus? If yes, please tell us about
your involvement and role.

I was in past years but now I am not

I have served FES, TAJ & CBS as media manager.

4. Do you have any creative pursuits such as writing, photography, or filmmaking? Please share more
about them.

5. Are you a member of any volunteer or community service groups? Describe your volunteer

I run a nonprofit organization named “Umeed” which serves iftar and ration boxes to people in need in

Part II: Fun and Leisure

6. What's your favorite book or book genre?

7. What's the last movie or TV series you binge-watched and enjoyed?


8. Are you into gaming? If so, what are your favorite video games or board games?
Yes, Tekken, Call of duty.
I have been into gaming, right now do not have that much time to play games, but in video games I play
very well Tekken, Call Of Duty.

9. Do you enjoy cooking or baking? If yes, what's your signature dish or favorite recipe to prepare?

Interest on doing such things depends on the mood, I have never baked or cooked anything except my
breakfast which includes eggs and tea.

10. What's your go-to music genre or favorite musical artist?

Recently I have been hearing more sufi music based on Rumi’s or Hazrat Amir Khusro.

Part III: Travel and Adventure

11. Have you traveled to any exciting destinations recently? Share a memorable travel experience.

I recently took a trip to turkey with my school friends and one of my former teacher who is not just our
teacher but we have more than a teacher student bonding with him since past 7 years now. The most
memorable thing would be my two friends who were fond of history and ruins of roman empire lied to
me one day that they are going to museum and took me along but in reality they had planned a full day
trip that too on foot to some abandoned castle and some roman ruins which I did not have much
interest in but I think I walked from 12pm to 7pm that day.

12. Do you have a dream travel destination or adventure you'd like to experience in the future?

I do not think I am that type of person who has these certain dreams or expectations that I wish or want
to do something, I am more of if it comes to my mind I will think about it and execute the plan. Just like
this turkey plan I never had any plans to visit turkey but my friends one day came to my office and asked
me to go along and I we just went for visa tickets and then turkey.

Part IV: Miscellaneous Fun Facts

13. Share a quirky or interesting fact about yourself that most people don't know.
I remember things since class 5 onwards like every detail which I think is weird enough because so much
happens everyday but having a memory of something from so long is weird.

14. If you could have a superpower, what would it be, and why?

My superpower would be to reset my own mind over something I get worried about or stuck because
once I am in some thinking process or something has not been according to what I expect it to be I
corner myself into some very dark space.

15. What's your guilty pleasure, whether it's a favorite snack, TV show, or activity?
Favorite snack would be cocomo, favorite tv show would be Mr. Robot.
16. If you could invite any historical figure or celebrity to dinner, who would it be, and what would you
ask them?
I cannot find an answer for this in my brain right now.

Skills Assessment (Rate Yourself on a Scale of 1 to 5, 1 being Low and 5 being High):

17. Analytical Skills: Rate your proficiency in analyzing complex data and making data-driven decisions.
18. Communication Skills: Rate your ability to effectively communicate ideas, both in writing and
19. Teamwork and Collaboration: Rate your capacity to work collaboratively within a team and
contribute effectively.
20. Leadership Skills: Rate your leadership abilities and your experience in leading or managing teams.
Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) to Evaluate Previous Knowledge:
21. What does ROI stand for?
- [ ] A. Return on Investment
- [ ] B. Return on Interest
- [ ] C. Revenue on Investment
- [ ] D. Rate of Income
22. Which of the following is not one of the Four Ps of Marketing?
- [ ] A. Product
- [ ] B. Promotion
- [ ] C. Profit
- [ ] D. Place
23. What is the primary purpose of a SWOT analysis?
- [ ] A. To identify business competitors
- [ ] B. To evaluate internal strengths and weaknesses
- [ ] C. To assess macroeconomic trends
- [ ] D. To determine market share
24. In financial terms, what does the acronym IPO stand for?
- [ ] A. Internal Purchase Order
- [ ] B. Initial Public Offering
- [ ] C. Investment Portfolio Oversight
- [ ] D. International Production Operation
25. What does the term "Supply Chain" refer to in the business context?
- [ ] A. The sequence of events in a company's annual calendar
- [ ] B. The process of providing employees with training
- [ ] C. The network of entities involved in the creation and distribution of a product
- [ ] D. The legal contracts between a company and its suppliers

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