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GEODETIC ENGINEERS Pre-board Examination

Wednesday, September 13, 2023 3:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.
Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the
letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES

1. Profile levelling and differential levelling are alike in _____.

A. Purpose C. Field Procedure
B. Accuracy D. Principle

2. It is the angular distance from the zenith to the celestial body measured
along a vertical circle.
A. Polar distance C. Declination
B. Zenith Distance D. Ecliptic distance

3. In secondary control triangulation the check on base not to exceed _____.

A. 1:10,000 C. 1:50,000
B. 1:15,000 D. 1:20,000

4. Field notes containing erasure of field data shall not be accepted. If

erroneous data have been entered, shall be crossed out with pencil line
and the correct data be written.
A. Above it C. Below it
B. After it D. Before it

5. The constellation Cassiopeia, is used as reference to easily locate

Polaris, the stars are formed like a letter ______.
A. X C. W
B. Z D. Y

6. A photograph taken with the camera axis directed intentionally between

horizontal and vertical.
A. Displacement photograph
B. Oblique photograph
C. Vertical photograph
D. Tilted photograph

7. The base meridian to which all azimuth of lines of the project shall be
referred is called ____.
A. Grid C. Central
B. Primary D. Geodetic

8. In afternoon observation, when the mark observed is on the southeast and

on the left side of the sun, the true azimuth of the line is ______.
A. A – (360 degree – observed horizontal angle)
B. A – observed horizontal angle
C. A + observed horizontal angle
D. A + (360 degree – observed horizontal angle)

9. A transit station, or point over which the transit is set with a tract in
the top marking, the point is ____.
A. Turning point C. Hub
B. Station D. Stake

10. In tertiary control of cadastral project the instrument shall be oriented

in a primary or secondary traverse lines of the project to the nearest
A. 1 second of arc
B. 30 second of arc
C. 20 second of arc
D. 10 second of arc

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GEODETIC ENGINEERS Preboard Examination
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 3:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. Page 2

11. In declination of reservation, parks and other protected areas, the

unsurveyed claims shall be sketched and reflected in the plan in ______.
A. Broken lines C. Dotted lines
B. Light full lines D. Heavy lines

12. In differential levelling, the vertical distance from datum to the line
of sight of the telescope is _____.
A. Height of instrument C. Backsight reading
B. Foresight rod reading D. Vertical rod reading

13. The uniform size of cadastral map is _____.

A. 65x60cm C. 54x54cm
B. 45x45cm D. 64x64cm

14. The vernier of engineer’ transit be set to 0°0’0” reading with the use of
A. Lower clamp tangent screw C. Upper clamp screw
B. Lower clamp screw D. Upper clamp tangent screw

15. In the manual for land survey procedure, establishment of geodetic

control points by connecting to existing control, the connection shall be
made to control on the same or higher order of accuracy. To achieve first
order, the recommended number of observation is ______.
A. 6 or more C. 5 or more
B. 4 or more D. 3 or more

16. The sides of astronomical triangles are _____.

A. Declination, polar distance and zenith distance
B. Co-latitude, zenith distance and polar distance
C. Declination, polar distance, altitude
D. Zenith, altitude and polar distance

17. In a photograph, the effect of relief is the location image points are
called ____ displacements.
A. Tilt C. Location
B. Relief D. Image

18. An unintentional fault of conduct arising from poor judgement or

confusion of mind of the observer is ____.
A. Personal error C. Discrepancy
B. Error D. Mistake

19. In mineral land survey, the distance between location posts should not
exceed ______ meters.
A. 400 C. 500
B. 300 D. 60

20. DENR DAO 2007-29 provides survey accuracy, using new survey technology,
the primary control shall used and project with an area of ______.
A. Less than 15,000 hectares C. 15,000 hectares and above
B. 1,500 to 15,000 hectares D. Over 15,000 hectares

21. Contour line cross ridge lines

A. Skewly C. Vertically
B. Perpendicularly D. Diagonally

22. Plane surveying

A. Cover limited areas and earth curvature neglected
B. Are conducted by means of plane table
C. Are made to locate precisely the points for horizontal control
D. Are used to locate ground points for aerial photography

23. It is the angular distance north or south of the celestial equator

A. Declination of the sun C. Latitude of the observer
B. Hour angle of the sun D. Altitude of the sun

24. In a sectional cadastral map scale 1:2000, the Northeast (NE) section of
the standard cadastral map is the __________
A. Section 3 C. Section 4
B. Section 1 D. Section 2

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GEODETIC ENGINEERS Preboard Examination
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25. DENR DAO 2007-2009 provides, survey accuracy on fourth order, the
relative error using new survey technology, shall not be greater than
A. 1/20000 C. 1/50000
B. 1/10000 D. 1/5000

26. Regular stadia rods differ from leveling rods chiefly in ______
A. Readability at longer distance
B. Design of markings
C. Length
D. Width and Thickness

27. In control points observation, it is a procedural condition that if the

base point in static mode, other receiver during the observation must be
in _______.
A. Real-time kinematic C. Rapid static mode
B. Static mode D. Kinematic mode

28. The NPD correction in morning solar observation, The hourly variation
multiplied by the difference in hours from 8:00 AM is the ________
A. Parallax and refraction correction for NPD
B. Corrected NPD
C. Hourly difference
D. Total difference

29. The standard scale of seven and one half seconds Cadastral map is _______
A. 1:1000 C. 1:500
B. 1:250 D. 1:2000

30. Is the vertical distance from the station occupied to the horizontal axis
of the transit in mining survey.
A. Height of point
B. Elevation
C. Height of instrument
D. Rod reading

31. Photoscale is also determined from the photo distance dividing to its ___
A. Ground Distance C. Flight altitude
B. Camera Focal Length D. Flight height

32. Refers to all original surveys covering Alienable and Disposable lands
which has not been subjected to private rights nor devoted to public use
pursuant to the provisions of public land laws, as provided in DENR DAO
A. Public Land Survey C. Government Land Survey
B. Public Land Subdivision D. Private Land Survey

33. Provincial base maps shall be drawn in the Philippines plane coordinate
system/PRS 92 on drafting film of uniform size 54 x 54 centimetres to a
standard scale of _______.
A. 1:500000 C. 1:300000
B. 1:400000 D. 1:250000

34. In the elements of circular curve, it is the point where curve begins
A. Length of Curve C. Tangent Distance
B. Point of Tangency D. Points of Curvature

35. In underground surveying the height of point is positive if the point

sighted is ______.
A. Below the station C. On the left side of the station
B. Above the station D. On the right side of the station

36. In afternoon observation, when the mark observed is on the northeast and
on the right side of the sun, the true azimuth of the line station
occupied to the mark is _____
A. A – ( 360 deg – observed horizontal angle )
B. A – observed horizontal angle
C. A + ( 360 deg – observed horizontal angle )
D. A + observed horizontal angle

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GEODETIC ENGINEERS Preboard Examination
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37. In photogrammetry, the distance from negative to the lens of camera is

the _________.
A. Focal Length C. Shutter
B. Anaglyph D. Aperture Stop

38. Generally, survey returns of complex subdivision project housing shall be

accompanied by scheme of subdivision or site development plan with the
resolution approved by the _________
A. National Housing Authority
B. Municipal / City Planning and Development Office
C. Sangunian Panlalawigan
D. Sangunian Bayan / Panglungsod

39. If you were a Geodetic Engineer to conduct a Public Land Subdivision, as

provided in DENR DAO 2007-29, the survey order shall be issued by
A. Regional Technical Director for Lands
B. Community and Environment and Natural Resources Officer
C. Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer
D. Regional Executive Director

40. The difference between the elevations of any two points that are obtained
at the same set-up of the instrument is equal to the difference between
the __________.
A. Foresight and backsight C. Turning point
B. Foresight D. Height of instrument

41. In 1920, a line AB has a magnetic bearing of S 80-30 E. The magnetic

declination at that time is 3 deg W. At present, the magnetic declination
is 1 deg 30 min E. What magnetic bearing should the line AB be run from A
to locate B?
A. S 85-OO E C. S 79-OO E
B. None of these D. S 82-OO E

42. The difference between the grid azimuths of the common control lines as
carried from their respective base meridians when reduced by the angle
convergency between their base meridians shall be less than ____ of arc.
A. 30 seconds C. Two minutes
B. 20 seconds D. One minute

43. Determine the relative error of closure of a tertiary traverse with error
in the latitude = 0.17 m error in departure = 0.31 m. Perimeter =
2,300.17 m.
A. 1/6,506 C. 1/6,516
B. 1/6,500 D. 1/6,490

44. What is the length of economic haul when the cost of borrow is 5.50
pesos. Cost of haul is 2.50 pesos per meter station and free haul
distance is 200 meters.
A. 244 m C. 220 m
B. 215 m D. 210 m

45. Determine the side slope from the following cross-section notes of an
8.6 0 9.0
+1.8 +1.2 +2.0
A. 1:2 C. 1:10
B. 10:1 D. 2:1

46. The mass diagram for an earthwork starts from STA (12 + 010) where the
mass ordinate is + 60 cu.m. and ends at STA (12 + 340) where the mass
ordinate is -210 m^3 The length of economic haul; plotted horizontally,
intersects the summit mass diagram at a point where the mass ordinate is
+140 m^3 What is the volume of the borrow in m^3?
A. 350 m^3 C. 200 m^3
B. 80 m^3 D. 70 m^3

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GEODETIC ENGINEERS Preboard Examination
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 3:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. Page 5

Situation 1. Line AB was measured to be 2565.75 m. when using a 100 m steel

tape supported throughout its length under a pull of 9 kg and a mean
temperature of 40°C. The tape is of standard length at 35°C under a pull
of 10 kg. The cross-sectional area of the tape is 0.035 cm^2. The
coefficient of linear expansion is 0.00000116/1 °C, and the modulus of
elasticity of steal is 2.0 × 10^6 kg/cm^2.

47. Determine the correction to the tape due to temperature.

A. -0.1408 m C. +0.1370 m
B. +0.1488 m D. -0.1578 m

48. What is the correction due to pull?

A. -0.0366 m C. +0.267 m
B. -0.0636 m D. +0.137 m

49. What is the corrected length of the line?

A. 2565.628 m C. 2565.862 m
B. 2556.269 m D. 2556.717 m

50. If the tape was supported on both ends only, compute for the correction
due to pull if the steel tape weighs 0.03 kg/m.
A. 11.077 m C. 12.797 m
B. 11.707 m D. 10.770 m

Situation 2. It is desired to determine the area bounded by a straight road

and an irregular boundary.
10+000 4.4
10+020 5.9
10+040 3.6
10+060 6.8
10+080 8.7
10+100 4.6

51. Determine the area using trapezoidal rule

A. 550 C. 680
B. 590 D. 2950

52. Determine the area using Simpson’s One-Third rule.

A. 474 C. 607
B. 563 D. 1896

Situation 3. A geodetic survey baseline was measured four (4) times, as

follows: 5,873.684 m; 5,837.572 m; 5,873.746; and 5,873.809 m.

53. Determine the probable error of the mean measurement of the baseline.
A. ± 0.024 C. ± 0.034
B. ± 0.054 D. ± 0.014

54. Determine the standard deviation of the baseline.

A. ± 0.121 C. ± 0.111
B. ± 0.091 D. ± 0.101

55. What is the precision of the measurement, to the nearest thousand.

A. 1/116,000 C. 1/106,000
B. 1/96,000 D. 1/126,000

Situation 4. A compound highway curve consisting of three curves connects four

tangents with azimuths of 204-50, 248-12, 279-58, and 312-08,
respectively. It is designed such that the length of both the second and
third tangents is 300 m. The radius of the third curve is 450 m.

56. Determine the degree of the first curve.

A. 3.125 deg C. 5.312 deg
B. 3.512 deg D. 5.213 deg

57. If the PI is at station 6+870, compute the stationing of the PC.

A. 6+290.719 C. 6+310.719
B. 6+300.719 D. 6+320.719

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GEODETIC ENGINEERS Preboard Examination
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58. Determine the length of the compound curve.

A. 811.336 m C. 831.136 m
B. 811.633 m D. 831.361 m

Situation 5. A symmetric vertical curve starting at Sta. 14+180 passes through

points A (Sta. 14+220, Elev. 73.363) and B (Sta. 14+240, Elev. 73.275).
The grades of the back and forward tangents are -4.8% and +6%,
respectively. Points A and B are on the left side of the PI.

59. Find the length of vertical curve.

A. 123.538 m C. 123.853 m
B. 123.835 m D. 123.358 m

60. Find the stationing of the lowest point of the curve.

A. 14+235.046 C. 14+255.046
B. 14+245.046 D. 14+265.046

61. The top of a 2 m diam. culvert is to be placed 1.5 m below the lowest
point of the curve. What is the elevation of the invert of the culvert?
A. 70.467 m C. 70.764 m
B. 69.467 m D. 69.764 m

Situation 6. Differential leveling is run from BM 18 to BM 19 over 48.1 km.

If the average back-sight distance is 70 m long and the average foresight
distance is 60 m long.

62. What is the total number of instrument set-ups?

A. 360 C. 370
B. 380 D. 350

63. What is the total error, in mm, due to earth curvature and atmospheric
A. 28 C. 43
B. 38 D. 33

64. If the computed elevation of BM 19 is 42.095 meters, what is its correct

A. 42.106 C. 42.084
B. 42.128 D. 42.062

Situation 7. A differential leveling between two bench marks BM 12 and BM 13

is carried out across four (4) different routes. The route lengths and
respective differences in elevation as determined in the field for each
route are indicated below.

Route Length (km) Distance in elevation (meters)

1 8 0.858
2 6 0.637
3 7 0.953
4 5 1.002

65. If Route 1 is assigned a weight value of 1 in the weighted-value method,

what is the summation of the weights of the four routes?
A. 5.066 C. 5.076
B. 5.086 D. 5.096

66. Using the weighted value method, what is the most probable difference in
elevation between BM 12 and BM 13?
A. 0.867 C. 0.857
B. 0.877 D. 0.887

67. If BM 12 has an elevation of 27.048 meters, and it is higher than BM 13,

what is the most probable elevation of BM 13?
A. 26.161 C. 26.171
B. 26.181 D. 26.191

68. The curvature of the earth's surface, is taken into account only if the
extent of survey is more than
A. 100 sq. km. C. 200 sq. km.
B. 160 sq. km. D. 260 sq. km.

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GEODETIC ENGINEERS Preboard Examination
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 3:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. Page 7

69. One of the Lehmann's rules of plane table surveying, is

A. location of the instrument station is always distant from each of
the three rays from the known points in proportion to their
B. when looking in the direction of each of the given points, the
instrument station will be on the right side of one and left side
of the other ray
C. when the instrument station is outside the circumscribing circle
its location is always on the opposite side of the ray to the most
distant point as the intersection of the other two rays
D. none of these

70. The chord of a curve less than peg interval, is known as

A. small chord C. normal chord
B. sub-chord D. short chord

71. Setting out a curve by two theodolite method, involves

A. linear measurements only
B. angular measurements only
C. both linear and angular measurements
D. none of these

72. Which one of the following mistakes/ errors may be cumulative + or -?

A. bad ranging C. erroneous length of chain
B. bad straightening D. sag

73. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

A. While measuring a distance with a tape of length 100.005 m, the
distance to be increasing by 0.005 m for each tape length.
B. An increase in temperature causes a tape to increase in length and
the measured distance is too large.
C. The straight distance between end points of a suspended tape is
reduced by an amount called the sag correction.
D. A 100 m tape of cross section 10 mm x 0.25 mm stretches about 10 mm
under 5 kg pull.

74. Usefulness of plane table is enhanced by providing:

A. The Indian tangent clinometers
B. The box compass
C. The optical square
D. The planimeter

75. Which one of the following statements is not correct in respect of a

prismatic compass?
A. It consists of a glass-topped case of diameter 114 mm
B. An engine-divided aluminum ring carrying the needle rotates on a
jeweled center
C. The scale is divided round the ring from 0 to 360 in degrees and
half degrees in a counter-clockwise direction
D. The zero reading is engraved at the south end of the graduated ring.

76. Which one of the following statements is not applicable to the Simpson's
Rule for the calculation of areas?
A. The geometrical figure must be divided into an odd number of equal
B. It is assumed that the irregular boundary is composed of a series
of parabolic areas.
C. It is most accurate method of calculating areas.
D. None of these.

77. For calculating the area enclosed by an irregular boundary we generally

A. Planimeter C. Simpson’s rule
B. Bowditch’s rule D. Trapezoidal rule

78. The power of a lens

A. is reciprocal of its focal length
B. is positive if it is a convex lens
C. is negative if it is a concave lens
D. is measured in diopter

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GEODETIC ENGINEERS Preboard Examination
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 3:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. Page 8

79. The systematic errors which persist and have regular effects in the
performance of a survey operation, are due to
A. carelessness C. inattention
B. faulty instrument D. none of this

80. The ratio of the distances at which a stated length can be distinguished
by the telescope and the human eye, respectively, is called
A. brightness of telescope C. resolving power of telescope
B. magnification of telescope D. none of these


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