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Part 1 – Laws, Rules and Regulations a. Possession without any title
b. Possession with a juridical title
1. The action for annulment of a contract where one of the
c. Possession with a just title
parties is incapable of giving consent to a contract and where
d. Possession with a title in fee simple
the consent is vitiated by mistake, violence, intimidation, undue
influence or fraud shall be brought within ___ years
11. The immovable in favor of which the easement is
a. 2 c. 4
established is called _____; that which is subject thereto, the
b. 5 d. never
a. Servient estate; dominant estate
2. An action for the declaration of the inexistence of a contract
b. Dominant estate; servient estate
prescribes in ___ years
c. Real estate; Gross estate
a. 2 c. 4
d. Gross estate; Real estate
b. 5 d. never
12. Usufruct is extinguished by
3. A mortgage action prescribes after ___ years
a. Prescription
a. 5 c. 10
b. Renunciation of the usufructuary
b. 15 d. 20
c. Total loss of the thing in usufruct
d. All of the above
4. Real actions over immovable prescribe after ___ years
a. 5 c. 20
13. The right or power of a person to demand from another as a
b. 10 d. 30
definite passive subject, the fulfillment of the latter obligation
a. Vested right c. Real right
5. An action for forcible entry, detainer and defamation must be
b. Personal right d. Specific right
filed within
a. 6 months c. 2 years
14. Obligations and actions which have for their object
b. 1 year d. 5 years
movables or demandable sum are considered
a. Patrimonial property c. Personal property
6. A type of condition when the fulfillment of the condition
b. Real property d. None of the above
depends upon chance or upon the will of a third person
a. Potestative c. Casual
15. Easements which show no external indication of their
b. Mixed d. Resolutory
a. Continuous c. Non-apparent
7. A certain author acquire ownership with regards to his
b. Apparent d. Negative
literary, dramatic, historical, legal, philosophical, scientific or
other work. This method of acquiring ownership is ___
16. Docks and structures, though floating, are intended by their
a. By occupation c. By prescription
nature and object to remain at a fixed place on the river, lake or
b. By intellectual creation d. By tradition
coast are considered
a. Patrimonial property c. Personal property
8. The right or interest of a person over a specific thing without
b. Real property d. None of the above
a definite passive subject against whom the right maybe
personally enforced
17. A type of condition which is suspensive in nature and which
a. Vested right c. Real right
depends upon the sole will of one of the parties
b. Personal right d. Specific right
a. Potestative condition c. Mixed condition
b. Casual condition d. Positive condition
9. What waters belong to the state?
I. Subterranean or ground waters
18. Who is not considered underprivileged and homeless?
II. Rain water falling on private lands
a. One whose income falls within poverty threshold as defined
a. Only I c. Both I and II
b. Only II d. Neither I or II
b. One who does not own housing facilities
c. One who lives in makeshift dwelling units
10. What is the degree of possession of a lessee?
d. One who enjoys security of tenure
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REVIEW INNOVATIONS 1st Refresher Examination - GE Board October 2021

19. Who is considered a landless beneficiary under RA 6657? 28. The law which repealed PD 772
a. one who owns 7 hectares of land a. RA 8435 c. RA 7586
b. one who owns only 10 hectares of land b. RA 8368 d. RA 2056
c. one who owns at least 5 hectares of land
d. one who owns 2 hectares of land 29. It is the process of transforming agriculture and fisheries
sectors into one that is dynamic, technologically advanced and
20. It includes any mineral oil, hydrocarbon, gas, bitumen, competitive yet centered on human development, guided by
asphalt, mineral gas and all other similar or naturally associated the sound practices of sustainability and the principles of social
substances except stratified mineral fuel deposits justice
a. Coal c. Crude oil a. Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization
b. Natural gas d. Petroleum b. Agricultural Mechanization
c. Agro-Processing Activities
21. An agreement where an entity is organized by Government d. Economies of Scale
and contractor with both parties having equity shares.
Government is entitled to a share in gross output. 30. In eviction or demolition orders involving underprivileged
a. Mineral Production Sharing Agreement and homeless citizens, notice must be served upon the affected
b. Co-Production Agreement persons or entities at least ___ days prior to the date of eviction
c. Joint Venture Agreement or demolition
d. Lease Agreement a. 30 c. 15
b. 45 d. 60
22. ______ shall have a width of 2.0 meters intended to break a
block and to serve both pedestrian and for emergency 31. A titled property left by their parents was sold by 4 of the 5
purposes, both ends connecting to streets. It shall not be used forced heirs without the knowledge of one of the heirs who is
as access to property living in an adjacent town. Is the sale valid?
a. Alley c. Pathway a. Yes, because one of the heirs was able to buy a house & lot.
b. Sidewalk d. Minor road b. No, because of estoppel against the other heir.
c. No, because of the exclusion of one of the heirs.
23. A type of condition where the fulfillment of which gives rise d. Yes, because the deed of sale is already notarized.
to an obligation or right
a. Pure condition c. Suspensive condition 32. A thing which is indivisible or destroyed when divided was
b. Resolutory condition d. Demandable condition inherited by five legal heirs. Can it be adjudicated to one of the
24. It is a privilege granted by the State to a person to occupy a. No, because it is unfair to others.
and possess, in consideration of a specified rental, any forest b. It is against existing laws, rules and regulations.
land of the public domain in order to undertake any authorized c. It can be because he/she is the poorest member in the family.
activity therein. d. Yes, provided he/she shall pay the others the excess in cash.
a. Lease c. Permit
b. License d. License Agreement 33. A thing which is indivisible or destroyed when divided was
inherited by five legal heirs. Can the thing be sold at a public
25. Roads which provide for the distribution of traffic among auction?
individual lots and activity centers a. Auction is only applicable to public lands.
a. Major roads c. Minor roads b. Yes, it can be.
b. Service roads d. Collector roads c. It should be referred to the DENR.
d. No, it cannot.
26. Under RA 7279, Small property owners are those whose
only real property consists of residential lands not exceeding 34. What is the Minimum floor area for open market housing?
___ sqm. in highly urbanized cities and ___ sqm in other urban a. 56 square meters c. 30 square meters
areas b. 42 square meters d. 24 square meters
a. 200, 500 c. 300, 800
b. 400, 600 d. 250, 500 35. It means the entire parcel of real property divided or to be
27. A type of condition where the fulfillment of which will in condominium, including all structures thereon.
extinguish an obligation or right already existing a. Condominium Unit
a. Pure condition c. Suspensive condition b. Commercial Condominium
b. Resolutory condition d. Casual condition c. Condominium Project
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REVIEW INNOVATIONS 1st Refresher Examination - GE Board October 2021
d. Condominium

36. Any lot which is not rectangle nor square-shaped

a. Irregular lot c. Interior lot
b. Corner lot d. Through lot

37. A parcel of land bounded on the sides by streets or alleys or

pathways or other natural or man-made features, and occupied
by or intended for buildings.
a. Common Areas
b. Block
c. Lot
d. Community Facilities

38. A lot located at the inner portion of a block with a minimum

of three meter (3-m) wide access which forms part of the lot.
a. Regular lot c. Interior lot
b. Corner lot d. Through lot

39. Lino entered into a contract to sell with Ramon, undertaking

to convey to the latter one of the five lots he owns, without
specifying which lot it was, for the price of P1 million. Later, the
parties could not agree which of five lots he owned Lino
undertook to sell to Ramon. What is the standing of the
a. Unenforceable c. Rescissible
b. Voidable d. Void

40. X, the owner, constituted a 10-year usufruct on his land as

well as on the building standing on it in Y’s favor. After flood
totally destroyed the building 5 years later, X told Y that an act
of God terminated the usufruct and that he should vacate the
land. Is X, the owner of the land, correct?
a. No, since the building was destroyed through no fault of Y.
b. No, since Y still has the right to use the land and the materials
left on it
c. Yes, since Y cannot use the land without the building.
d. Yes, since the destruction of the building without the X’s fault
terminated the usufruct.

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