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‘lugs 2 Mata Eula Pdak 4304 Babasa Inggris untte Guru SD Hama : Guntur Wicalesono QU: 85438 F663 Semester: 1 B ® Say these time th Enolreh ese = Wis a oxter 10 0 4.08.45 Pm = It'S a quarter to nme PM c + aq : Ten d'elodk - - 0.00 > Ten O'elors ~___ b 03.15 = 'Sa quarter past ten. A. \ D Wilda: whar bine ic it? Anna : It's Gam time tobave a break fase Hilda: Yeon, Lees. go - 'We been hungry. D Vika = wha tine ise? Anti + at 4.00 p.m. lWattt to sleep early tonight. Bika: Yeah We Una lly go to bed aond Hat ime, too eood night, 1) are : How long have yoo been working iw Has Company 7 Jone + Wal, | started last Janary . So ,\have been working tor aboot $ months, Work + Did you werk Somewhere before Yoo work here? sone * Yeats. Wed worked ina wining company for 2 years betore (moved here. wate? Vid Yoo duit? Jane: Wall Wrod 10 Cuoose Bre one oser to where \decided te live. ® san: may \ Fred to Ur. Ardi 7 Deana: Vm atraid vic. bedi Le oot atthe moment? Joan: Codd yoo tal Wim what Joan is calling 7 © Nety : Exouserme . where cant Find mille 7 Sweassistont : ls over there, atthe dairy Section. Hesty > How about bread Hee‘ K Shop 58 4ant = He's there near the clodaing Section. At Pastry Sectron. © Dipindai dengan CamScanner CD Andi + Almost all foots in dais vetaviant are cheng. lis But, US more exgensive Aan the (ood in Sauna Sunda. IN Sauny Sanda We Can pind the cheapest feed in ts town. Moreover , they ate de\tadous Acdi Deadly? By Che way + do you remember having lunch (nw bedai % Arabung 7 Norling’s Compares to Ue, guess . That's the Mow delicious Food \ have ver eaten D Customer: Creuse me, do you have any Mout » Please 7 Shop acsistans : Yes, Sir.-How Much wodA you [the 7 Customer 2 2 kilos , Please Shoe assenane ? Whar ele world yoo Iie 4° ove 7 D Waiter + Goad evening. Saung Twang , Moy \hele you 7 Bianca : Yer, please . I'd like to reserve atable for Five at 8 Pm dongle. Waiter + which one World you like to have. the one at tbe corner 7 Bionear : Yes please. A table at the corner . Sease. D Sani + cootd | have a meng, Please? waitress = Here you are. What Would You Ike toloue, miss? Geni One avocado juice and one orange Juice , Plerse . Waitress : Anything else to at Santi + Yes, Please . coud you bring me one ‘Brien French Fries ond two Fred chikens’ ) gets —rexersee hon de Lge tat Sear] Stanger . i) Lucky : Exeuse me, Could foget to the bank 7 Stronger: Gar OF Course , to reach JN. Juanda . from here, go Sratght ahead , then Aven let on the second turing The banle '5 200 meter aheac®, on your Tight. ® Lucky : Excuse me ,does this bus a t0 the aicpore] Saearger: No, (egoes 0 Depo Tago te atrpors_take the yellow bos D Lecky + Kemwse me, tnevee go by Hs bus» How Suda Com trom bere to Dopo? sterer: oh, i's 10.000 Rorahs : ae © Dipindai dengan CamScanner : here, ® Luckey Excuse me, Where can Igo to the Salami Pool From Stranger + The suaimming Pook is on M.Binyai. From here goto the (nrersecteen ha Ten leet flowing SM materam Then there is _a T-Junetion turning tight Onto the JI. Binjat and Yoo will Find the Suxmming fool on your tight. © Lady + Whar the eost oF the Hale to medan Information: Business class would be LS million to Rahs Whereas economy \mnitlion Tuptahe. & ~ Meeting on campus about Collecting assignment. D Avede | Hi, ing 1S been a None feme gence { saws Yoo. Row are ypu Preparing For tome troua's Assign mens Roa: onde « Yes, Hat's teghe. I'm sett not Feniehed Yer. Are you Fintshediq Andi: Not Bet actualy .\ Forge wha me thederdine is toworcass 7 Pina: Os the dead IS 3.0m. Don't be late okay 7 Arai? Ok , Hank you 1 Let's ger excited abour do te together ( © conver screen about Rood Rreces Dian : He, Fadi. Whoe kind oF exeenstve Food do you Ite? Foal? Wi Dian. Hm, | like sushi. Dean: sudhit thot's nothing .('Ve eaten athe Fe dining relourant-,and the Price there Seif Wuch higher, Fadli : Sertously 7 is there Someshing even mor Dian: Yes, ever Weard oF food with real gold. Bur incead, i#5 quite extensive . re exeenstye7 1 theerece is Fantosir'c. ® food orderins in cesravcant. Bella t Good evenens, Si: \ would tke fo order freed tice and Pango Joice please Noiter : Good evening malam . Certainly , Lill place your orcter right ares ; Balas OF, one Perse add a hale Cooked eqy . Vaatter : Arto 1Malam ~ Thank you for your orter. @ clatiny forchase atthe store. bet: Hello. 1M interested in Huis Jacket -Hous Mody te tet Soles: Wi MWS Socket Ie Rricad at soo ioesancl PURIOlis . Aci + apite extensive, isn't ie7 Do you have a large st2e? Be: ('m Sorry, Mas ts Che lagen sree we have . Perars Yeu could tsyit on brs? Ari «of, Oy. try thon, Bette you. . © Dipindai dengan CamScanner © Conversation about gotny home From Campus. Bucks Hi, Dini . Movs do-you usvatly, go home From UT campus 7 Dine + Ais Ruri. V usually toke a minivan 40 the Hertminal and then Convave with A tide From an online motorcycle taxi. Buri : oh, that's Convinient. where dow yoo go From the terminal 7 Dini: From the terminal, V head tomarks Rar minggy . My house is Near there, Tort: Hope folly, there's No tare - L usually go home to Degck From lebale Bolus Terminal. @& Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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