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10 Kalimat Simple Present Tense

1. My mother is a teacher.
2. We are from the same class.
3. My aunt lives in Bandung.
4. We are from Bogor city
5. This painting is so amazing.
6. Cow has four legs.
7. The girl is very polite.
8. Do you like nasi goreng?
9. The sun rises from the east.
10. Is he a student?

10 kalimat conditional sentese type 1

1. I will buy you a mie ayam if you wait for me a little longer.
2. If you don’t like coffee, don’t drink it.
3. If you send this letter now, he will receive it tomorrow.
4. Bayu will go shopping if he has time this afternoon.
5. Rusli went to Makassar today if he got a flight this morning.
6. If you're home tomorrow, I'll come.
7. If it rains tomorrow, I'll bring an umbrella.
8. If you support France, then I will support Argentina.
9. I will leave as soon as the bus comes.
10. If it rains tomorrow, I don't need to water the plants.

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