Knights Worksheet v2

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Medieval Knights

1. You will be allocated to a group 1.

2. Follow the instructions for you allocated group to
complete the tasks below.

Part one: Becoming a knight

Group 1: Go to the following website;

Read the section called Knighthood & Knights in Medieval Times and answer the following questions;

1. Could anyone become a knight?

No, they had to be the son of the Medieval nobles, except those who were destined to
take Holy Orders and would be sent to live in the castle of liege lord and commence their
education as a knight and learn skills required as a medieval knight.
2. What was the training involved in becoming a knight?
They were sent to live in the castle at the age of 7, training was focussed on weapon
practise which included enhancing skills in horsemanship.

Part two: Code of Chivalry

Group 1: Go to the following website;

Read the section on Medieval Knights – Knighthood and the Code of Chivalry and answer the
following questions;

1. What were some of the qualities knights needed to demonstrate?

A knight should be brave and fearless in battles and also exhibit cultured Knightly qualities
showing themselves to be devout, loyal, courteous and generous.
2. What was the Code of Chivalry?
It’s a moral system which went beyond rules of combat and introduced the concept of
Chivalrous conduct and courtly love.

Part three: Armour and Weapons

Group 1: Using the section ‘Developments in Medieval Warfare’ in chapter 10.13, answer the
following questions

1. List the 3 different types of armour stated in the first paragraph.

The twelfth century, armour was made of chain mail which the small hoops of iron linked
together and was fashioned into a knee-length tunic. About 1300 onwards, metal plate
armour became more common, it covered the whole body. Full body armour, it made shields
less necessary because the fighter had only one hand for his sword.

2. What kinds of weapons were used in battle?

There’re swords that were redesign, which became larger and heavier for two-handed use.
There’re mace (an iron club), spiked club (the morning star which was similar in shape to a
mace), flail (a metal ball, often spiked, attached to a chain and handle) and battleaxe (an
illustration of a range of medieval weapons.
3. Go to the following website and attempt to dress the knight in the correct uniform;

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