Basic Concept of ICT

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Information and Communication Technology

• Information and Communication Technology (ICT) may be defined as
the convergence of electronics, computing, and telecommunications.
• It has unleashed a tidal wave of technological innovation in the
collecting, storing, processing, transmission, and presentation of

• Today, the definition of Information and Communication Technology

(ICT) is much broader, encompassing nearly every type of business.
Information and Communication Technology
• From manufacturers, retailers, banks, and publishers to research
firms, medical institutions, law enforcement agencies, government
companies, and libraries everywhere rely on Information and
Communication Technology workers to run their daily businesses.

• ICT is the combination of Information Technology and Communication

Information Technology
• What is Information Technology?
Information Technology (IT) uses technology to manage, process, and
transmit information. This includes hardware, software, and
networking systems that store, retrieve, and distribute data.
• IT is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of technologies and
applications, including computer systems, telecommunications,
databases, and programming languages.
• IT is critical in modern businesses, enabling organizations to process
and manage large amounts of information, streamline business
processes, and improve decision-making.
Information Technology
• Some of the key areas within IT include:
✓ Computer systems: This includes the hardware, software, and
applications used to process and manage data.
✓Networking includes the systems and technologies used to connect
devices and enable data transfer between them.
✓Database management: This includes the software and systems used
to manage and organize data within an organization.
✓Web and mobile applications: This includes the development of
software applications for web and mobile platforms.
What is Communication Technology (CT)?
• Communication Technology is the process of sending, receiving, and
exchanging information through network systems with the help of IT
& CT

• Any information can be exchanged from anywhere and anytime

without any borders. This information exchange is possible through
LAN, expanding and connecting to other networks globally.
Information Communication Technology
Information Communication Technology
• So, we can define Information and Communication Technology-ICT as
‘the use and applications of computers, telecommunications, and
micro-electronics in the acquisition, storage, retrieval, transfer and
dissemination of information.’
Characteristics of ICT :
• Effectiveness:
✓ Most interactive
✓ Fewer errors
✓ Customized
✓ Personalized
✓ Achievable
✓ Transparent
✓ Searchable
Characteristics of ICT :
• Efficiency:
✓Fewer steps
✓Lower costs
✓Less paperwork
ICT Infrastructure and Systems
• Information and communication technology includes a wide range of
information, telecommunication and support tools and services that work
together to facilitate communication.
This includes:
✓Hardware and software that supports the way information is created,
disseminated, acquired and stored.
✓Infrastructure and electronics that enable communication between
hardware devices.
✓Protocols and interfaces that enable seamless communication and data
exchanges between different hardware and software components.
ICT Infrastructure and Systems
✓Tools for protecting sensitive information and ensuring the integrity
of an ICT system.

✓Standards for protecting data in transit, during processing and at rest.

✓Governance policies for how information should be accessed,

secured, processed, transmitted and stored.

✓Workers who have the skills required to design, develop, maintain

and support ICT systems.
Impact of ICT on Society
• E-commerce has created new opportunities for businesses and
consumers alike, supporting globalization by enabling transactions
and interactions to occur across borders seamlessly.

• Smart cities are improving urban living by leveraging IT and

communication technology to improve transportation, public services
and municipal infrastructure.
ICT and Digital Transformation
• Online e-learning platforms experienced a surge in demand as schools
and universities had to quickly transition to remote learning

• As technology and collaboration tools continue to advance,

organizations are finding it necessary to continually reevaluate their
best practices for sharing digital information

• Virtual events and conferences gained traction, enabling

organizations to share knowledge and foster professional

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