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Writing a Personal Profile for

What is a Personal profile of a blog?
● Also called “About Me”- a personal introduction
● A place where curious visitors go to find out more about the person behind the product, story,
or brand.
● Helpful to find out how authentic your site is, who the person, or people, are behind the blog,
and of course, what qualifications or experience you have on your topic.
● A very important part of your content marketing strategy.
● It’s a description of what you offer your audience
● It is a guide to where else the readers can follow you, and how they can share your content.
Important Guidelines to Follow

the 4 H’s a personal profile should have,

● Humor – If your tone comes across with humor people will relate immediately.

● Humility – It’s important to present your information in an informal way that creates a balance between showing people your
qualifications and experience without sounding like you are trying to sell yourself.

● Honesty – People reading your About Me page want to know who you are when you’re not at work. Let people know about
your passions, challenges you’ve faced, how you got to this point, and what you want people to get out of your blog or

● Helpful solutions – Are you providing content that educates, informs, reviews, or entertains. Is the content of value in some
way? Often articles talk a good talk but add no real substance, and the reader leaves the site and forgets about it just as fast.
Define your audience and then you can research what type of information they are after. Can you answer a question, solve a
problem, provide a product to make life easier, or provide a service (like consulting, coaching, delivering, or caring)?
The 8 Point Checklist for a Stand-Out Profile Page
1. Decide if you want to use first or third person

Decide from the start if your profile will be written in first person or third person. And
stick to that for the entire profile page.

2. Keep it short

Keep your bio short and sweet. Don’t tell your whole life story or try to include every
step of your journey. (Keep that for content.)

3. Be authentic

Keep your tone authentic. This means when you read your draft out loud, it should
sound like you are talking. It should sound natural, not stilted or generic.
The 8 Point Checklist for a Stand-Out Profile Page

4. Include an image

Add a photo of yourself. If there is a professional photo of you somewhere

else on your site, let your photo on the about me page show you in a different
scenario. And vice versa.

5. Update regularly

Return to your about page regularly to keep it updated. Add to your bio if you
have completed new courses or cool assignments.

The 8 Point Checklist for a Stand-Out Profile Page

6. Include links

Include any links that can showcase projects you have completed for clients since
you’ve had the blog. Add testimonials of one or two happy customers. Alternatively, if
you have a long list of testimonials, you could dedicate a separate page to them.
The 8 Point Checklist for a Stand-Out Profile Page
7. Organize all information

Your “About me” page should have at least 3 sections.

● One section is your bio. This is a short piece introducing your interests, your
qualifications, and previous experience. But it must be a summarized version. It’s
usually good to add your picture to this section.
● The next section can be your backstory. Here you can add more detail and some
humorous anecdotes (but keep it short and avoid jokes). The backstory usually
leads up to how you came to be in this present business or blog.
● The last section will be how to contact you and where you can be found around
the web.
The 8 Point Checklist for a Stand-Out Profile Page

8. Check twice

Most important: Check your work, your spelling, and grammar. Then check again
and again.
The 5 W’s and an H of the profile page

● What is your name?
● And What do you do?
● Or What is your ethos?
● What do you have to give your audience?
● What experience do you have?
The 5 W’s and an H of the profile page

● Who are you?
● Or Who is this blog written for?
● Who will benefit from this content?
● Who can you help? – recognize and call up your target market
The 5 W’s and an H of the profile page


When did you start your blog/website/business? This can be your backstory, briefly describing your
journey from the start to the present.
The 5 W’s and an H of the profile page

● How did you get to this point?
● Or How can you help clients?
● How can you be contacted?
The 5 W’s and an H of the profile page

● Why can you help your readers with the issues they have?
● Or Why should they choose your business over your competitors?
● Why are you an authority in this niche?
The 5 W’s and an H of the profile page

● Where can people reach you?
● Or Where are you based?
● Where do you deliver to? (If applicable)
● Where do you come from?
● Where are you going? (In terms of your goals and visions for both your blog and business.)
Make your own blog and write a personal profile of yourself.
● 10 Best Free Blogging Sites to Build Your Blog for Free in 2023: Tested, Compared and Reviewed
● How To Write an About Me Page (with Examples)
● How to Write a Killer About Me Page for Your Blog (Free Worksheets!)

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