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What do you think did the author intend for you to feel while reading this story, and
how did he make you feel it?
The writer intends to highlight various menaces of society by examining them in a light-

hearted way. In the exposition, Keret exposes the class system within the education sector.

He highlights the authoritative behavior of the society and the struggle of a perceptual

disorder person. Keret teaches the readers ultimate happiness if they are not founding it in

this world. At the same time, warning readers to do not find a shortcut for a happy life by

committing suicide, but they should do hard work to find a way that leads them to ultimate


Keret intends to me was to understand the class system in education sectors. They used a

trick in the shape of a psychological test and tried to identify the best skills in the students.

Therefore, they can allocate the students to different educational institutes. Here, Keret asks if

the student did not feel satisfaction anywhere, then what would be the possible solution? How

a single psychological assessment is choosing a student’s fate.

Second, menace the authoritative behavior of the society that a how relationships are

minimizing our happiness, and do not allow us to find happiness. Those authoritative

behaviors exist in different shapes, and we are trying to remove those boundaries drawn by

the authoritarian. The pilots are pushing themselves into Bermuda Triangle to come out from

the cruel boundaries, housewives are trying to find a way in the Kitchen, and Mathematicians

are trying to demolish those boundaries with the help of equations. Everyone is trying to

figure out a way to ultimate happiness.

Further, by committing suicide, we cannot find the ultimate happiness, but we will send back

to this world and ask for another try to find out away. That is why the writer emphasizes

hard-work and continuous struggle to identify a way that eventually leads us to ultimate
happiness. One simple solution to societal pressure and expectations youngsters find

nowadays is to commit suicide because they do not bear this burden on themselves. But the

writers warn them that it is not a solution because you will send them back to this world.

All in all, the writers highlighted the core issues of society in a light-hearted way. People are

bearing the societal pressure and expectation and wanted themselves to be hidden

somewhere. As the protagonist hid in the pipes, some people try to hide somewhere where

they are not visible to others. Nowadays, suicide is the simple solution to such things when an

individual cannot bear the pressure of society or this world. They just go to kill themselves.

The writer emphasizes that it is not the solution; you should fight with bravery and dignity

and create a path to ultimate happiness. The story revolves around the theme of happiness and

emphasizing over and over again throughout the story.

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