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Abhishek Satish Lawhale

Pune, Maharashtra
ƒ +91 7382062801 # ï
Smt Kashibai Navale College of Engineering Pune December 2020 - June 2024
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science [SGPA- 8.7] Pune Maharashtra, India
Kendriya Vidyalaya CRPF Barkas - HYDERABAD December 2019 - June 2020
12th CBSE [Percentage - 73.5] Hyderabad Telanagan, India
Technical Skills
Languages: C++, Python, Java, JavaScript, SQL
Technologies/Frameworks/Libraries: HTML, CSS, Git, Github, Mongo DB [Basics] ,Azure [Basics]
Coursework -: DSA , OOPs , DBMS , CNS , OS
Persistent Martian Internship Program June 2023 – Present
• Learnt technical skills, Persistent provided Self-placed learning, Recap sessions, Hands on practice to make students
Industry ready.
• Key Skills: Linux Data Structures Algorithms RDBMS Python
Microsoft Future Ready Talent Internship Nov 2021 – Jan 2022
• I was among first 1000 successful participant to complete internship .
• Designed an interative E-Commerce site by using HTML,CSS,JS,Bootstrap | Azure technologies with GitHub .
• Primary goal is to sell goods online with solving problems of customers speedly via chatbot.
• Deployed site on Azure cloud platform. Services used - Static Web Apps, QnA Maker, Azure bot services.
Face recognition program | Python, Face-recognition, Dlib, cmake, open-cv 4
• Built a program which identify detect people and mark their attendance .It registers person name ,photo date time and

mark attendance in excel sheet.

• It can be further developed to be used in other avenues such as ATM’s, etc.

E-commerce site | HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, Azure, GitHub 4

• Designed an interactive E-commerce site that have Home, Product detail,Product Category, Checkout page provide user

a catalog of different products shopping cart for purchase. And used a chatbot,QnA section to be interactive with
customer problems to solve it speedily and sell products effectively.
• Deployed site on Azure cloud platoform. Used Azure services - Static Web Apps, QnA Maker, Bot service

Text to Audio conversion program | Python, Library - Playsound, gTTS module 4

• A program which converts text to audio using Playsound and gTTS module.

• Made for Physically Challenged people[Silent People] to conversate effectively.| It even read Hinglish texts and convert it

to audio.
• Achieved Global rank 7993 in Google Kickstart Round G
• I came in top 50 participant in IEEE Smart Sensing Hackathon - The BlueSky Challenge and got rewarded.
• I reached till 2nd round of TVS Credit E.P.I.C Hackathon
• Highest rating is 5* at Hackerrank in Python, C++ which ranks among the top sites for competitive programmers..
• Solved more than 200+ problems across platforms.
• Completed Learn to Earn Cloud Security Challenge and got rewarded and my Linkedin post got shout out on
Qwiklabs youtube channel .
Profile Links
• Hackerrank
• GitHub
Extra Activities
• Participated in Girlscript Summer of code 2023 - Learnt about open source contribution git commands etc,
learnt about project designs . Started with good- First- issues, Collaborated with other developers
• Participated in Winter of Blockchain -Hyperedge program.

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