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Bataan Branch

Alwin Mahusay BSBA-HRM 1-1


INSTRUCTION: Answer the following question.

1. As a BSBA-Student, what is the importance of studying the subject of corporate

social responsibility to you?

● Studying corporate social responsibility (CSR) is important for BSBA students

because it helps us to understand the impact of business operations on society
and the environment. It also teaches how to integrate ethical and sustainable
practices into business strategies, which can lead to long-term success and
positive social impact.

2. Give a program that you know has become a company project here in Mariveles
which will help the community of said town.

● Hiring Job, Free Orientation and training in Mariveles Genesis transport, In

this program, They offered a free job for unemployed people here in
Mariveles who want to become a driver of a genesis bus and also become
a driver's assistant, and they also offered free training for those who apply
to see the potential of an employee in position he wants to apply for. Then
they did a free orientation for everyone including the students who have
already graduated from high school, including me there, they offered that if
you don't go to college and you want a job, you can work in this job as
long as you graduate from high school and you want to earn money.

● YES to eradicate poor vision by 2050!

Essilor Manufacturing Phils., Inc. (EMPI) conducted a Free Eye
Examination today, November 25, 2022, at Mariveles National High
School-Malaya, as part of its mission to improve lives by improving sight.
Group Mission Activity is indeed advantageous for those who have poor
vision. !
Bataan Branch

3. Discuss based on your understanding the four dimensions of CSR.

● The four dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are:

● Economic Responsibility: This dimension refers to a company's obligation to

generate profits and provide a return on investment to its shareholders. It
involves conducting business operations in a financially sustainable manner,
maximizing revenue, and minimizing costs.
● Legal Responsibility: A legal obligation to comply with all applicable laws and
regulations in the jurisdictions where they operate. This dimension of CSR
focuses on ensuring that businesses operate within the boundaries of the law,
including areas such as labor laws, environmental regulations, consumer
protection, and intellectual property rights.
● Ethical Responsibility: Ethical responsibility involves conducting business in an
ethical and morally responsible manner. It includes principles such as honesty,
integrity, fairness, and respect for stakeholders' rights. This dimension of CSR
involves making ethical decisions, treating employees and customers fairly, and
avoiding actions that may harm society or the environment.
● Discretionary responsibility: Also known as philanthropic responsibility, refers to
the voluntary actions and contributions that a company undertakes to benefit
society beyond its legal and ethical obligations.

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