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Office of Senator Joseph Victor “JV” Ejercito

Senate of the Philippines

October 9 – 12

- A#er September, the senate held its “Session Break” a#er the long days of the

commi=ee hearing on the different agencies of government concerning their fiscal year

2024 budget. During the start of the Session Break, I was just tasked to do capJoning

and daily monitoring on the publicaJon related to Senator JV. My week went on a

normal days since there’s nothing much to do because of the break.

Office of Senator Joseph Victor “JV” Ejercito
Senate of the Philippines

October 16 – 19

- During my second in October, the task was just the same. I did the capJoning and also

the daily monitoring of Sen. JV’s press releases. As days passed by, the office trusted me

with other stuff relaJng to Media Bureau’s access. I was also introduced to other work

relaJng to the posiJon of Social Media Manager.

Office of Senator Joseph Victor “JV” Ejercito
Senate of the Philippines

October 23 – 26

- This week was probably one of my most difficult days. The campaign for BSKE recently

started and I am sJll finishing my internship hours. Good thing that my supervisor is

consultaJve and understanding that she allowed me to take home some of the office

work. During this week, I did most of the backlogs that the office had during the

previous months.
Office of Senator Joseph Victor “JV” Ejercito
Senate of the Philippines

November 6 – 9

- On the month of November, this was my return a#er the elecJon proper in the recently

held BSKE 2023. As soon as I reported back, I was told to manage and explore the

website of Sen. JV because the office is planning to rebrand and update the said website.
Up unJl now, I am sJll fixing it and trying to find ways how the office can rebrand it and

put the touches and images of Senator JV.

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