ICT Notes Class 12

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Birshreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College

Information & Communication Technology

Chapter 4 | Board Question – 2017, 2018, 2019
Knowledge Based Questions
1. What is FTP? [Dhaka Board - 2019]
2. What is website? [Rajshahi Board -2019]
3. What is hyperlink? [Dinajpur Board -2019]
4. What is search engine? [Cumilla Board -2019]
5. What is IP address? [Chattogram Board -2019]
6. What is <hr>? [Sylhet Baord -2019]
7. What is Browser? [Jashore Board -2019]
8. What is Hyperlink? [Barishal Booard -2019]
9. What is web portal? [All Board - 2018]
10. What is HTML syntax? [Dhaka Board - 2017]
11. What is website? [Rajshahi Board - 2017]
12. What is browser? [Dinajpur Board – 2017]
13. What is modem? [Cumilla Board - 2017]
14. What is web site? [Chattogram Board-2017]
15. What is IP address? [Sylhet Board - 2017]
16. What is web page? [Jashore Board - 2017]
17. What is IP address? [Barishal Board - 2017]

Comprehension Based Questions

1. Website and webpage are not same.−Explain it. [Dhaka Board -2019]
2. Domain name is unique—Explain. [Rajshahi Board -2019]
3. Explain an important step for publishing of hosting website. [Dinajpur Board -2019]
4. Domain name is suitable to IP address. Explain. [Cumilla Board -2019]
5. "Web-browser and search engine are not the same."−Explain. [Chattogram Board -2019]
6. Explain the compulsory attribute of hyperlink tag. [Sylhet Baord -2019]
7. IP address is the mathematical form of domain name−Explain. [Jashore Board -2019]
8. Web Hosting is important—Explain. [Barishal Booard -2019]
9. Why hosting is necessary? Explain. [All Board - 2018]
10. Hyperlink is very important in web page nowadays - Explain. [Dhaka Board - 2017]
11. Describe the attributes of <font > tag. [Rajshahi Board - 2017]
12. It is beneficial to use domain name instead of IP address. Explain. [Dinajpur Board – 2017]
13. It is possible to send data at the speed of light ray.-Explain. [Cumilla Board - 2017]
14. Describe the advantages of using HTML. [Chattogram Board-2017]
15. Website hosting is an important step of publication-explain. [Sylhet Board - 2017]
16. Explain the importance of domain name. [Jashore Board - 2017]
17. Explain the relation between web page and browser. [Barishal Board - 2017]

Dhaka Board -2019

You have to click on board to find out the ICT mark using the website : www.board.edu.bd.
1. What type of website structure is used in figure-1? Explain it. [Dhaka Board -2019]
2. Write down the HTML code to display the figure-2 in web browser. [Dhaka Board -2019]
Solution 1:
Tree or hierarchical structure is used in Figure 1. A website home page containing a summary of
all documents and web pages arranged in branches is called a tree or hierarchical structure. The
tree structure contains the complete picture of all the documents in a concise form. For more
detailed information, one can go to the next pages using the links on the home page. The tree
structure is the simplest and most popular of the website structures. Most online systems use this
type of structure. In such a structure, sub-menus are created by creating a list or menu of main
Solution 2:
<table border="1" cellspacing="0">
<td align="center" colspan="2"> ICT</td>
<td align="center"> Subject</td>
<td align="center"><a href="https://www.board.edu.bd">Board </a></td>
Rajshahi Board -2019

1. Write down the HTML code making the first line of the stem in large heading, second line
with a small heading and the third line with a paragraph. [Rajshahi Board -2019]
2. Write down the HTML code of making the table of stem-2 where the website Book.com will
be opened by clicking Book. [Rajshahi Board -2019]
Solution 1:
<h1> WELCOME ICT LAB </h1>
<h6> WELCOME ICT LAB </h6>
<p>A <sub>2</sub> B <sup>2</sup></p>

Solution 2:
<table border="1" cellspacing = "0">
<td align="center">
<a href="Book.com"> Book </a>
<td align = "center">
<img src="Book.jpg" alt="Book.jpg">
Dinajpur Board -2019
The pages of the online E-paper are arranged one after another from the very beginning. For this
reason, the interest of the readers is increasing day by day for this paper. For this, a multi-national
company, named-A, becomes careful so that they can find the company information easily.
Because, the pages of the website are linked from many sides. Besides, they keep an eye for the
beautification of the website. Company-B has arranged the pages in such a way so that the pages
are linked with the main page.
1. Explain the arrangement of the structure of a webpage of a newspaper in the stem. [Dinajpur
Board -2019]
2. Give logical opinion of convenient uses of webpage structures of 'A' and 'B' companies in the
stem. [Dinajpur Board -2019]

Solution 1:
A website where the pages are arranged in a specific order (one after the other) and one page is
followed by another is called a linear structure or sequential organization. Linear structure is used
when the pages of a website need to be viewed in order. This type of structure is useful when the
number of pages is less.The type structure describes the next steps in the document starting from
the main page. Links like Next, Previous, Fast, Last etc. are usually used in such pages. As a result,
pages can be uploaded easily and pages can be browsed quickly. Example: www.youtube.com

Solution 2:
Company A's web page structure is a hybrid or combination structure. Company B's web page
structure is web linked or network structure. Combination structure between the two structures is
more convenient. Because-
Combination structure is the website design using multiple structures. Sometimes linear structures
and hierarchical structures can be used to create combination structures. The use of multiple
structures not only increases the beauty of the website but also makes it easier for the visitors to
visit. On the other hand, a website structure in which all pages are linked to each other is called a
network structure. Websites created using only the network architecture take up more space on the
hard disk. Therefore, it is more convenient to build a website using multiple structures, i.e.
combination structures.
Cumilla Board -2019
ICT teacher taught about HTML in the class. He wrote down the HTML code for below table
and insert the 'logo.jpg' picture into the blank cell:

Then he told to the students to write down the HTML code for the below paragraph:

1. According to the stem, show the HTML code of the students. [Cumilla Board -2019]
2. According to the stem, write down the HTML code mentioning precaution for inserting the
picture in the blank cell. [Cumilla Board -2019]
Solution 1:
<body> <p> <b> Quick </b><i> brown </i><u> fox </u><br> <del> Jumps over </del> the lazy
dog </sup> <br> and <sub> then </sub> <b><i> it fall </i></b><br>
<u> prey to a lion. </u></p>
Solution 2:
Precautions to be taken while adding the picture in the empty cell are-
1. Name of the picture should be given correctly.
2. Image extension should be given correctly.
3. Source must be given correctly.
4. The resolution of the image should be fixed in such a way that the browser supports it.
Below is the html code to create the table:
<table border="1">
<td align = "center"> A </td>
<td colspan = "2" align="center"> B</td>
<td align = "center">C</td>
<td align = "Center"> D </td>
<td rowspan = "2"> <img src = "Logo·Jpg"> </td>
<td align = "center"> E </td>
<td align = "center"> F </td>
Chattogram Board -2019
This is our national flower

1. In order to get the output of the figure-1 like the stem in browser, write down the necessary
HTML code. [Chattogram Board -2019]
2. "The website structure from figure-2 of the stem is not an ideal one for the big educational
institution."− Give your opinion verifying the truth of the statement. [Chattogram Board -

Solution 1:
<img src="Water lily.jpeg" alt="Water lily">

Solution 2:

Stem Figure-2, The web structure is a linear structure. Such a structure is not ideal for large
educational institutions.

The pages of such websites are arranged in a certain order (one after another) and the order of page
is indicated, is called a linear structure. Linear structure is used when the pages of a website need
to be viewed in order. Used on small websites to keep the number of pages low. This type of
structure describes the next steps in the document starting from the main page. Links like Next,
Previous, Fast, Last etc. are usually used in such pages.In this method, the pages are linked one
after the other. To visit a page on such a web site, you have to visit the immediate previous page.
That is, it cannot go directly to any page. Hence the linear structure is not ideal for large educational
Sylhet Baord -2019
The website of Shila’s college distributes data bidirectionally between the server and browsers.
Shila has made a webpage where “www.e-board.edu.bd” website is shown when the word “our-
board” is clicked.

1. Explain the type of the website of Shila’s college. [Sylhet Baord -2019]
2. “The webpage, which is made by Shila is a webportal”—Analyze with HTML codes. [Sylhet
Baord -2019]

Solution 1:
Shila’s College website is a dynamic website. A website with ever-changing information is a
dynamic website. Websites that display changes according to the user's needs are called dynamic
websites. Nowadays dynamic websites are in high demand. Javascript, PHP, .Net, ASP etc. are
used as programming languages to create dynamic website web pages. MS Access, My SQL is
used to connect the website to the database. The page design or content may change during such
website run time. Various dynamic content can be generated through database queries and user
input is provided.
Solution 2:
www.e-board.edu.bd is a web portal. A web page where various information collected from many
sources and important links are arranged is called a web portal. A web portal usually provides
information on government services, local, regional, stock reports, national news and e-mail
services. Web portals are of different types. For example- personal web portal, government web
portal, cultural web portal, corporate web portal etc. All board information is available on this web
portal www.e-board.edu.bd.
HTML code:
<a href = “https:// www.e-board.edu.bd” > ourboard </a>
Jashore Board -2019

1. Write the necessary HTML code for figure-3 to be displayed on the web page. [Jashore
Board -2019]
2. Which structure of website is more convenient between figure-1 and figure-2. Analyze
logically. [Jashore Board -2019]

Soution 1:
<table border="1">
<caption> Student-Info </caption>
<th> Roll </th>
<th>Name</th> <th> Address </th>
<th> Result </th>
<td>5001 </td> <td> Rima </td>
<td> Dhaka </td>
<td>3.5 </td>
<td>5002 </td> <td> Moon </td>
<td> Sylhet </td>
<td>4.7 </td>
<td>5003 </td>
<td> Jui </td>
<td> Dhaka </td> <td> 5.0 </td>
<td>5004 </td>
<td> Koli</td>
<td> Cumillaa </td> <td> 3.8 </td>

Solution 2:
Figure -1, Hybrid or combination or mixed structure. Figure-2 Tree or hierarchical structure.
Among these two structures scenario-1 hybrid or combination or mixed structure is more
advantageous. Hybrid or Combination or Mixed Structures – Websites are designed using multiple
structures (linear structure, tree structure). Sometimes a mixed structure is created through linear
structure and hierarchical structure.Such a structure is created in case of big organizations. Such
structures are linked in many ways. As a result, it becomes easy to find information easily. Such
structure is used to increase the beauty of the website and reduce the memory space.

On the other hand, the tree or hierarchical structure is that the home page of the website contains
the full image of all the documents in short form and the web pages are arranged in branches.
The tree structure contains the complete picture of all the documents in short form. For detailed
information you can go to the next pages using the links on the home page.

Barishal Booard -2019

Two friends Ela and Anjum developed a website consisting the First, Last, Next, Previous links.
Though the website can be browsed quickly, the information cannot be updated regularly. That’s
why they take the decision to change the website with the tools like PHP,MySQL etc.
1. Explain the structure of the website. [Barishal Booard -2019]
2. Analyse the logic of the decision mentioned in the stem. [Barishal Booard -2019]
Solution 1:
Ila and Anjum, two friends, created the web site with HTML, which is a linear structure. The
linear structure is explained below-
A website where the pages are arranged in a specific order (one after the other) and one page is
followed by another is called a linear structure or sequential organization. Linear structure is used
when the pages of a website need to be viewed in order. This type of structure is useful if the
number of pages is less.

Linear structure

This type of structure describes the next steps in the document starting from the main page.
Links such as Next, Previous, Fast, Last etc. are usually used in such pages. As a result, pages
can be uploaded easily and pages can be browsed quickly. Example: www.youtube.com
Solution 2:

The solution mentioned by Stem is a dynamic website. This decision is logical; in this case, the
websites are displayed according to the user's needs. Nowadays, dynamic websites are most in
demand. Page design or content may change during run time. A variety of dynamic content can be
created through database queries. There is also a system for user input.Moreover, attractive and
interactive layouts can be created. Javascript, PHP,.Net, ASP, etc. are used as programming
languages to create dynamic web pages. MS Access, or My SQL (My Structured Query Language),
is used to connect the website to the database.

On the other hand, static web pages are unchanging, i.e., they display some pre-made information
and provide the same information every time. Changes are only shown when the web developer
makes changes to the file. The same information is displayed to all users on this web page. Such
pages are easy to create but difficult to update. Small companies usually create static websites to
display their information.

So the decision of Ela and Anjum to use a dynamic website instead of a static website is logical.
All Board – 2018
A website has been designed for "Chandana Model College" using HTML only. There is a picture
named ict. jpg of size 200x300 px in the home page of the site. There have a link of notice page
named notice. html under the picture. The text "Welcome to Chandana Model College" is displayed
on the top of the picture in blue colour. There is no arrangement to give visitors opinion in that
1. Write down the HTML Code to develop the Home page as mentioned in stem. [All Board -
2. Explain necessary steps taken so that visitors can give their opinion in website. [All Board -
Solution 1:
<title>Chandana Model College </title>
<h2> <font color="Blue" > Welcome to Chandana Model College </font> </h2>
<img src = "ict.jpg" width="200" height = "300">
<a href = "notice.html"> notice </a>
</body> </html>

Solution 2:
There are four steps to follow in order to receive feedback from visitors on a web site, known as
web publishing. The steps or steps are as follows:

Domain Name Registration: Choose a proper name that is easy to remember and makes sense
and register the domain name.

Web Page Design: Generally, web pages should be designed through banner, graphics design,
frames, coding and database handling, text images, animation, audio, video, testing and debugging,
addresses, hyperlink tools, etc. In this case, it is better to take the help of professional web

Page Hosting on Web Server: After completing domain registration registration and web page
design, website pages should be hosted on a reliable server.

Linking Website to Search Engine : This step is not essential. The web page/site should be linked
to the search engine for more promotion. As a result, the website of the college can be visited
through the web browser from any part of the world and visitors can provide feedback on the site.
Dhaka Board – 2017
Mr. Shahriar wants to create a small web page in which there will be a image named institute.png
and the following tables will be displayed.

1. Write the necessary HTML code of the 2nd table to display it in the mozilla firefox web
browser. [Dhaka Board - 2017]
2. Write the HTML code of the 1st table by taking the image mentioned in the stem to display it
in the webpage and write the importance of using image in the web page. [Dhaka Board - 2017]

Solution 1:
Below is the required HTML code to view stem's 2nd table data in Mozilla Firefox web browser:
<table border = "1">
<caption> Employee Information </caption>
<th> ID No </th>
<th> Emp. Name </th>
<th> Salary </th>
<td>1001 </td> <td> Nafis </td>
<td rowspan = "2"> 50,000 </td>
<td> 1005 </td>
<td> Sajal </td>

Solution 2:
Required HTML code is given below:
<table border="1">
<th> Serial No </th>
<th> Institute picture </th>
<td> 01 </td>
<img src = "institute.png">
</body> </html>
The importance of using images in web pages is as follows:
1. Using images in web presentations can easily reduce the amount of text.
2. Using images is a great way to grab people's attention.
3. Using navigation tools to link images can make the webpage more visually appealing.
So the addition of images to the web page makes the web page more attractive.

Rajshahi Board - 2017

Mr. Z sir was showing html programing in class. He attached a picture from C drive of picture
folder which name is logo.jpg and size is 500*300 pixel in a website. Then he said to his student,
write a html code that if we click on the picture it will show www.xeducationbard.edu.bd website.
Then he write the following html code for create a table:
1. Show the student code look like and describe all attribute which is used in the code.
[Rajshahi Board - 2017]
2. Write HTMl code to create a table that will be created if we convert the rows in columns and
columns into row of the stem. [Rajshahi Board - 2017]
Solution 1:
<a href = "www.xeducationboard.edu.bd">
<img src = "logo.jpg" width="500" height="300">
</body> </html>

"href" is an attribute of hyperliking tag (<a></a>). Inside href attibute we have to include the
target website link or target page link.

"src" is an attribute of img tag. It defines the source of image including the image name.

"height" and "width" are also attribute of img tag. Height arrtibute determines the height of the
image and width attribute determines the width of the image.

Solution 2:
<table border="1">
<th> Student Name </th>
<td colspan = "3" align="center"> Harry Porter </td>
<th rowspan="3"> compulsory </th>
<td colspan="3" align="center">Bangla </td>
<td colspan="3" align="center">English</td>
<td colspan="3" align="center"> ICT </td>
<th> Optional </th>
<td> Physics </td>

<td> Math </td>

<td> Biology</td>

Dinajpur Board – 2017

<head> <title> ICT </title> </head>
<th> Roll </th> <th> Name </th> <th> Result </th>
<td> 501 </td> <td> Sumaiya </td>
<td> <a href = "Exam Result.html"> My Test
Result </a> </td>

1. Explain the basic structure of the stem. [Dinajpur Board – 2017]

2. Give your opinion on behalf of the necessary statements that should be taken for watching
the stem on the internet. [Dinajpur Board – 2017]
Solution 1:

head sec on
html </title>
</body> body sec on

Every HTML file starts with <html> tag and ends with </html>.

Head tag: Keywords, page description and page title are placed in this part. The head section
performs important functions like search engine optimization in addition to displaying several
information related to the page in the browser.

Title tag: <title> tag should be written inside the <head> tag. Anything written between these tags
can be seen in the title bar of the browser.

Body tag: The main text or document is written inside the body tag. All the content of a web page
(Image, Text, Table, Form, Frame, Paragraph, Heading etc.) should be written in this section.

Solution 2:

Website publishing is required to watch the stem on the Internet. Below are the steps of website

Domain Name Registration: Choose a proper name that is easy to remember and makes sense
and register the domain name.

Web Page Design: Generally, web pages should be designed through banner, graphics design,
frames, coding and database handling, text images, animation, audio, video, testing and debugging,
addresses, hyperlink tools, etc. In this case, it is better to take the help of professional web

Page Hosting on Web Server: After completing domain registration registration and web page
design, website pages should be hosted on a reliable server.

Linking Website to Search Engine : This step is not essential. The web page/site should be linked
to the search engine for more promotion. As a result, the website of the college can be visited
through the web browser from any part of the world and visitors can provide feedback on the site.
Cumilla Board - 2017

1. Explain the website structure of scenario-1 of the stem. [Cumilla Board - 2017]
2. Write the necessary HTML-code to display the scenario-2 of the stem in web page. [Cumilla
Board - 2017]
Solution 1:
The website structure of scenario-1 is a hierarchical or tree structure.
Hierarchical is the simplest, most popular and logical of website structures. Most online systems
use this method. In such a structure, a list or menu of main topics is created and sub-topics are
created from the main topics. Each sub-topics deals with specific topics. By using this type of
framework, the user enjoys additional freedom in receiving information. Links make it easy for
him to easily move from one page of the web to another as per his need and to know which part of
the web page he is on. The homepage of the hierarchical structure contains a summary of all the
documents. For detailed information, links can be used to navigate to other pages from the home

Solution 2:
Below is the required HTML code to display the scenario-2 of the stem in webpage:
<table border="1">
<th> Roll </th>
<th> Subject </th>
<td> 201</td>
<td> Bangla </td>
<td> 202 </td>
<td> English </td>
<td> 203 </td>
<td> ICT </td>

Chattogram Board-2017

Didar creates the following web page for displaying the test examination result and save it as
test.html. :

1. Write the html code to create the above test.html file. [Chattogram Board-2017]
2. Write the html code which will display the website www.moedu.gov.bd after clicking on the
image image.jpg and analyze the role of those tags in the web page. [Chattogram Board-
Solution 1:
<html> <body>
<table border="1">
<th colspan="4" align="center"> Test Result </th> <td rowspan="6"> image.jpg </td>
<th> Roll </th>
<th> Group </th>
<th>Name</th> <th> Result </th>
<td> Hum.</td>
<td> Raza </td>
<td>A <sup>-</sup></td>
<td>102 </td>
<td> Hum.</td>
<td> Eva</td>
<td> 103 </td>
<td> Hum.</td>
<td> Jaber </td>
<td>A <sup>-</sup></td>
<td>104 </td>
<td> Hum. </td>
<td> Joni </td> <td>C</td>

Solution 2:
<a href = "http://www.moedu.gov.bd">
<img src = "imge.jpg" ></a>

Here anchor tag <a> and image tag <img> are used. Hyperlinks are placed by the HTML tag
<a>. We have to add the href attribute to the <a> tag. It starts with <a> and ends with </a>.
The <img> tag is used to add images to HTML pages. To link to an image using the Image tag, the
source of the image must be specified through the src attribute. The <img> tag has a beginning but
no end.

Sylhet Board - 2017

Promita creates Home.html, Admission.html and Reult.html pages to make a website. In the
Result.html page, following results are displayed:

After that she makes the thing to go to other pages from home page.
1. Write the html code to create table in the Result.html page. [Sylhet Board - 2017]
2. Evaluate the necessity of the last thing taken by Promita. [Sylhet Board - 2017]
Solution 1:
<table border="1">
<th> Roll </th>
<th> GPA </th>
<td> 101 </td>
<td> Karim </td>
<td> 5.00 </td>
<td>102 </td>
<td> Afrin </td>
<td> 4.75 </td>
<td>103 </td>
<td> Zakia </td>
<td> 4.50 </td>

Solution 2:
The last method adopted by Promita is the establishment of links. Link system is called hyperlink.
A hyperlink is a system of establishing virtual connections between different types of information.
Now a website can't be imagined without it. Because currently each website has a main topic list
or menu and sub-topics are created from it where specific topics are discussed.This structure is
used to create menus or lists with key fields. Then from the list or menu of the main topic, one has
to start or guide and create a sub topic which serves as the beginning of the discussion about a
particular topic.
By using this type of design, users can be given additional freedom in receiving information. As a
result, users feel more comfortable using the page. Through links, users can easily go from one
page of the web to another page as needed and it will be easy for him to know in which part of the
web page the user is located.In the case of tree design, the home page contains the full image of
all the documents in a concise form. For detailed information, use the links on the home page to
go to the next pages of the tree.
Without hyperlinks, the website's page status will be much larger. It will cause many problems. A
large file will take longer to download. It will annoy the users and also have to scroll to find a
topic.Navigating to a specific point is very difficult or can be easily done through hyperlinks.
Moreover, it is not possible to go from one website to another without hyperlinks. So it can be said
that the need for hyperlinks in the website is very high.

Jashore Board - 2017

XYZ College, Dhaka
Available Honor's subject:
1. Bangla
2. English
3. Mathematics
4. Accounting
1. Write the HTML code for showing the stem on the homepage of your college web site.
[Jashore Board - 2017]
2. Write HTML code of a table (with border) by taking Serial No and Subject Name as table
heading from the subject list of Honour’s. [Jashore Board - 2017]
Solution 1:
<h1> XYZ College, Dhaka </h1>
<h4> Available Honor's Subject </h4>
<li> Bangla </li>
<li> English </li>
<li> Mathematics </li>
<li> Accounting </li>

Solution 2:
<table border="1">
<Caption> Available Honor's Subject </caption>
<th> Serial No </th>
<th> Subject Name </th>
<td align="center">1</td>
<td align="center"> Bangla </td>
<td align="center">2</td>
<td align="center"> English </td>
<td align="center"> 3 </td> <td align="center"> Mathematics </td>
<td align="center"> 4 </td>
<td align="center"> Accounting </td>
Barishal Board - 2017
Two friends Anis and Iqbal takes the training of web page creation. Anis takes fig-1 web
structure and Iqbal takes fig-2 web structure to create web page.

1. Explain Iqbal’s web page structure by identifying it. [Barishal Board - 2017]
2. Which of the above structure is the most convenient- Give your analytical answer. [Barishal
Board - 2017]
Solution 1:
Iqbal's web page is a linear structure. Linear structure is used when the pages of a website need to
be viewed in order. This type of structure is useful when the number of pages is less. This type of
structure describes the next steps in the document starting from the main page. Links like Next,
Previous, Fast, Last etc. are usually used in such pages.

Solution 2:

In the stem, the structure of figure-1 is a tree or hierarchical structure and the structure of figure-2
is a linear structure.
Among these two structures, tree or hierarchical structure is more convenient to use.This structure
contains the complete picture of all the documents in short form. For detailed information you can
go to the next pages using the links on the home page. Hierarchical structure is the simplest and
most popular of website structures. Most online systems use this type of structure. In such a
structure, sub-menus are created by creating a list or menu of main topics.

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