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Use of a novel fragmentation map to identify the

substrate for ventricular tachycardia in postinfarction

Bieito Campos, MD,* Miguel E. Jauregui, MD,* Francis E. Marchlinski, MD, FHRS,†
Sanjay Dixit, MD, FHRS,† Edward P. Gerstenfeld, MS, MD, FHRS‡
From the *Electrophysiology Section, Department of Cardiology, Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova,
Lleida, Spain, †Electrophysiology Section, Cardiovascular Division, Department of Medicine, Hospital of the
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and ‡Electrophysiology Section, Cardiovascular
Division, Department of Medicine, University of California San Francisco; San Francisco California.

BACKGROUND Substrate ablation is commonly performed in scar surface area (27.3% ⫾ 7.1% vs 42.1% ⫾ 12.3%, P o.001), yet
patients with postinfarction cardiomyopathy and ventricular tachy- contained 100% of VT isthmus sites. In the frequency domain, areas
cardia (VT). Recognition of fragmented and late potentials during of abnormal fractionation occupied 9.7% ⫾ 6.9% of total LV
sinus rhythm is a tedious process subject to operator fatigue. surface area and included only 60% of the VT isthmus sites.
OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to assess the value of CONCLUSION Automated electrogram fractionation analysis rep-
automated analysis to quantify electrogram fragmentation and to resents an objective tool to rapidly quantify electrogram fragmen-
determine the relationship of fragmented regions to the VT isthmus. tation and guide substrate-based ablation of VT. Empiric ablation of
these regions may be a new strategy for substrate-guided VT
METHODS Detailed left ventricular (LV) mapping was performed in
2 groups: (1) 14 patients with previous myocardial infarction and
tolerated VT and (2) 14 controls with structurally normal hearts. In KEYWORDS Ventricular tachycardia; Fragmentation; Mapping;
patients with VT, mid-isthmus sites were identified using entrain- Ablation; Cardiomyopathy; Fourier transform
ment mapping. Sinus rhythm endocardial LV electrograms under-
went time– and frequency–domain analysis and were displayed as ABBREVIATIONS A-VFI ¼ abnormal ventricular fragmentation
fragmentation or frequency maps. The region of fractionated index; FFT ¼ fast Fourier transform; FFTr ¼ fast Fourier transform
electrograms and their relation to the VT isthmus sites were ratio; H-FFTr ¼ high fast Fourier transform ratio; HF-VFI ¼ highly
determined. fragmented ventricular fragmentation index; LV ¼ left ventricle;
VFI ¼ ventricular fragmentation index; VT ¼ ventricular
RESULTS Cutoffs for abnormal electrogram fragmentation were tachycardia
ventricular fractionation index Z7 and fast Fourier transform ratio
Z14%, respectively. In the time domain, LV surface area with (Heart Rhythm 2015;12:95–103) I 2015 Heart Rhythm Society. All
fractionated electrograms was significantly smaller than the total rights reserved.

Introduction throughout the chamber of interest and display on a

Entrainment mapping is the gold standard for identifying the 3-dimensional electroanatomic mapping system. Cutoffs
critical isthmus of ventricular tachycardia (VT) during ca- for abnormal voltage reflecting damaged myocardial tissue
theter ablation procedures. However, because the majority of or scar have been established in prior studies and are widely
VTs are poorly tolerated, substrate modification has emerged accepted.1 Once the location of scar is identified, pace-
as a valuable technique for identifying the abnormal sub- mapping around the scar border can be used to locate the
strate distribution and exit sites of VT in patients with ische- presumed exit site of the induced VT. Then, linear ablation
mic cardiomyopathy. Such techniques involve a detailed through these exit sites can render the VT noninducible.
point-by-point acquisition of bipolar voltage information Although such substrate modification techniques opened
up a new era in the ablation of poorly tolerated VT, the
efficacy in completely eliminating recurrent VT has been
Drs. Gerstenfeld and Marchlinski have received honoraria from Bio- limited.1–5 Therefore, other surrogates of slow conduction
sense Webster. Address reprint requests and correspondence: Dr.
Edward P. Gerstenfeld, University of California, San Francisco, MU-East
within scar that might harbor a VT isthmus, such as frac-
4th Floor, 500 Parnassus Ave, San Francisco, CA 94143. E-mail address: tionated and late potentials, are also often empirically targeted for ablation. Such sites are often manually tagged

1547-5271/$-see front matter B 2015 Heart Rhythm Society. All rights reserved.
96 Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 1, January 2015

on an electroanatomic map during acquisition and then served as the reference group to determine the reference
targeted later for ablation.6,7 The detail of such maps requires value of abnormal bipolar electrogram fractionation.
laborious acquisition, the labeling of these sites is quite Absence of structural heart disease was confirmed by
subjective, and cumulative labeling of all fractionated/late transthoracic echocardiography, stress testing, and/or
signals depends on the number of points acquired and coronary angiography.
operator diligence. The frustration with such detailed map-
ping has led some to advocate empiric ablation of all tissue
within the scar, a laborious process that may increase the risk Endocardial electroanatomic substrate mapping
of complications and create more slow conduction through Patients were studied in the postabsorptive state under
incomplete substrate ablation.8 conscious sedation or general anesthesia. Detailed maps of
Therefore, in addition to display of “activation time” and the endocardial LV surface were obtained during sinus
“voltage” information on an electroanatomic map, we rhythm before radiofrequency ablation from the 28 patients
hypothesized that automated display of a “fractionation in the study using an electroanatomic mapping system
map” could be useful for guiding catheter ablation. Using (CARTO, Biosense Webster, Diamond Bar, CA) and a
this rubric, after acquisition of a sinus rhythm voltage map, a 3.5-mm open irrigated-tip catheter (NaviStar ThermoCool,
“fractionation map” could be displayed and all abnormal Biosense Webster), which contains a 2-mm ring electrode
areas targeted for ablation, thus limiting the ablated area to with a 1-mm interelectrode distance. Bipolar electrograms
that of abnormal electrograms. Therefore, we studied patents (sampled at 1 kHz and bandpass filtered at 30–500 Hz) were
with an postinfarction cardiomyopathy and tolerated entrain- recorded, displayed at 200 mm/s sweep speed, and digitally
able VT, together with a population of patients with stored for offline analysis. A detailed assessment of each
idiopathic VT and normal endocardial voltage maps in order electrogram was made to exclude premature or paced beats
to determine (1) cutoffs for normal and abnormal electro- and noisy signals. Valvular sites were identified, and intra-
gram fractionation, (2) percentage of scar attributed to areas cavitary and poor contact points were deleted and excluded
of abnormal electrogram fractionation, and (3) relationship from the analysis. To ensure adequate sampling density and a
between regions of abnormal fractionation to the VT isthmus complete representation of voltage distribution, a fill thresh-
in patients with tolerated VT. old r15 mm was maintained with an emphasis on fully
defining the scar and border zone of the infarcted tissue.
Normal bipolar endocardial electrogram voltage was defined
Methods as a peak-to-peak amplitude Z1.5 mV, and “dense scar” was
Study population defined as a peak-to-peak amplitude o0.5 mV.1 Peak-to-
Detailed left ventricular (LV) electroanatomic data were peak amplitude was measured automatically. A retrograde
obtained from 2 groups of patients undergoing ablation of transaortic approach was used to access the LV endocardium
ventricular arrhythmias: (1) patients with a history of remote in all except 2 cases (1 in each group of patients) in whom
myocardial infarction and spontaneous VT, and (2) a transseptal access was used to map the LV endocardium.
reference group of patients with structurally normal hearts
undergoing ablation of idiopathic ventricular premature VT mapping and catheter ablation
depolarizations or VT. All patients provided written Once the endocardial LV bipolar voltage map during sinus
informed consent. All of the procedures were clinically rhythm was completed, ventricular programmed stimulation
indicated, and data collection was approved by the human applying up to 3 extrastimuli at Z2 basic cycle lengths was
research committee. performed. Induced VTs were analyzed for cycle length and
morphology using the CardioLab recording system (GE,
1. Postinfarction cardiomyopathy: Fourteen patients (13 Houston, TX). If an induced VT was hemodynamically
men, mean 67 ⫾ 8 years) with a history of remote tolerated, standard entrainment maneuvers were performed
myocardial infarction undergoing detailed endocardial by pacing from the mapping catheter at a cycle length 20–30
LV electroanatomic mapping and catheter ablation of ms faster than the tachycardia cycle length and observing the
VT in whom at least 1 critical isthmus of a hemodynami- response to entrainment. A site was considered a VT mid-
cally tolerated and mappable monomorphic sustained VT isthmus only if it demonstrated (1) concealed fusion on all 12
had been accurately identified using entrainment maneu- ECG leads during entrainment, (2) postpacing interval within
vers were included in the study. In all cases, VT 30 ms of the VT cycle length, (3) stimulus-to-electrogram
terminated with ablation at the critical isthmus site. interval within 30 ms of the electrogram–QRS interval
Fractionation analysis of the electroanatomic maps was following entrainment, and (4) local electrogram-to-QRS
performed offline after the procedure. interval between 30% and 70% of the VT cycle length.
2. Reference population: Fourteen patients (10 men, mean Confirmed VT isthmus sites were annotated on the map after
age 42 ⫾ 13 years) with structurally normal hearts who VT termination in sinus rhythm. Radiofrequency ablation
underwent detailed endocardial LV mapping for catheter was performed using an open-irrigated ablation catheter
ablation of idiopathic ventricular premature depolariza- (NaviStar ThermoCool) with power of 30–50 W. For the
tions/VT and had normal bipolar endocardial voltage purpose of this analysis, only isthmus sites that resulted in
Campos et al Fragmentation Map of Postinfarction VT 97

VT termination with ablation directed at the isthmus were

included as true isthmus sites.

Fragmentation analysis of bipolar electrograms

during sinus rhythm
The bipolar signals recorded during sinus rhythm with the
CARTO system before the ablation procedure underwent
offline fragmentation analysis using custom developed soft-
ware and implemented in the MATLAB (Mathworks Inc,
Natick, MA) environment. The CARTO system records a
2.5-second continuous bipolar electrogram at 1000-Hz
sampling frequency at each point on the electroanatomic
map. All of the electrograms recorded from the distal bipole
of the mapping catheter were digitally exported and then
imported into MATLAB for quantitative analysis. Time–
domain analysis is technically easier to implement in online
software and is not fraught with difficulties interpreting
frequency spectra and harmonics of the dominant frequen-
cies. Frequency analysis allows more automated analysis
without relying on time–domain thresholds to determine
electrogram onset/offset and amplitude/duration of a change
in slope to qualify as fractionation. Therefore, we tested both
methods to measure electrogram fractionation in sinus

Time–domain analysis
The bipolar signals underwent an automated time–domain
fragmentation analysis using custom developed software.
The automated ventricular fragmentation index (VFI) was Figure 1 Time–domain analysis of bipolar electrograms. The automated
defined as the total number of deflections (ie, change in slope ventricular fragmentation index (VFI) was defined as the total number of
from positive to negative or negative to positive), identified deflections identified for each recorded electrogram (EGM). Three degrees
for each recorded electrogram. We previously described such of fractionation were defined by examining the VFI distribution in the
2 populations of the study: normal (VFI o7), abnormal (VFI Z7), and
an algorithm in maps of atrial fibrillation using manual highly fragmented (VFI Z14).
counting of electrogram deflections.9 The automated soft-
ware algorithm was implemented to make the procedure less HF-VFI was defined as the value exceeded by 75% of all
laborious and more uniform. The software algorithm for abnormal electrograms in the ischemic population.
deflection detection is based on the amplitude and the timing
of each signal deviation compared to the previous detected
deflection. This algorithm was optimized by meticulous and Frequency–domain analysis
careful visual analysis of many normal, abnormal, and highly We used the fast Fourier transform ratio (FFTr), previously
fragmented electrograms (Figure 1). described by our laboratory for use in atrial fibrillation, as
another automated method for identifying abnormal areas of
electrogram fractionation and late potentials within myocar-
Reference values for VFI
dial scar.9 The digital 2.5-second signals were zero padded
We determined the reference value for abnormal ventricular
and underwent a 1000-point FFT (frequency resolution 0.25
fragmentation index (A-VFI) by examining the VFI distri-
Hz). The ratio of the area under the curve for the high-
bution in the reference cohort of 14 patients with structurally
frequency (Z80 Hz) to low-frequency (o80 Hz) compo-
normal hearts who underwent catheter ablation of idiopathic
nents of the resulting spectra was calculated as FFTr
ventricular premature depolarizations/VT. Bipolar electro-
(Figure 2). The FFTr values were manually coded back into
grams underwent offline automatic fragmentation analysis,
the electroanatomic maps (100* ratio as “local activation
and the VFI for every point was calculated. Normal VFI was
time”) for display and analysis.
defined as the value exceeded by 95% of all electrograms.
This criterion has previously been used to determine the
bipolar voltage cutoffs for scar.1 We also determined the Reference value for abnormal FFTr
reference value for highly fragmented electrograms (HF- We did not use the cohort of 14 patients with structurally
VFI) by analyzing the distribution of abnormal electrograms normal hearts to determine the cutoff for abnormal FFTr
in the 14 patients with a previous myocardial infarction. because normal high-voltage bipolar electrograms had too
98 Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 1, January 2015

Figure 2 Frequency–domain analysis of bipolar electrograms (EGM). Bipolar signals from the left ventricular endocardium underwent fast Fourier transform
(FFT) analysis (digital 2.5-second signals were zero padded and underwent a 1000-point FFT, frequency resolution 0.25 Hz). The ratio of the area under the
curve for the high-frequency (Z80 Hz) to low-frequency (o80 Hz) components of the resulting spectra was calculated as the fast Fourier transform ratio (FFTr).
A cutoff for high FFTr was defined at 14% by examining the FFTr distribution within the bipolar scar area in the postinfarction cardiomyopathy group.

many high-frequency harmonics in the frequency spectra to The χ2 test was used for comparison of dichotomous
make it meaningful. Therefore, we calculated the abnormal variables. P r.05 was considered significant.
FFTr cutoff as the fractionation value exceeded by 75% of
the electrograms in the scar area (o1.5 mV) in the group of Results
patients with postinfarction cardiomyopathy.
Patient characteristics
Baseline characteristics of the 14 patients with previous
Assessment of surface areas of abnormal myocardial infarction are given in Table 1. Mean age was
fragmented electrograms 67 ⫾ 8 years, and13 (92.9%) were men. Mean LV ejection
The surface area of the A-VFI was measured using the fraction was 34% ⫾ 7%. A total of 12 patients (85.7%) had a
surface area measurement software included in the CARTO prior inferior myocardial infarction, and 2 patients (14.3%)
system. The proportion of the VFI and HF-VFI area to the had a prior anterior myocardial infarction. An implantable
area of dense scar, total scar, and total LV endocardial cardioverter-defibrillator was present in 13 patients (92.9%).
surface area was calculated. We also measured the area of Eight patients (57.1%) were treated with antiarrhythmic
overlap between the A-VFI and HF-VFI area and the area of drugs at the time of the procedure.
scar and dense scar according to bipolar criteria. Baseline characteristics of the 14 reference patients with
structurally normal hearts are also given in Table 1. Mean
age was 42 ⫾ 13 years, and 10 (71.4%) were men. Mean LV
Correlation between A-VFI, HF-VFI, and H-FFTr areas ejection fraction was 61% ⫾ 5%, and mean LV end-diastolic
and VT circuit diameter was 48 ⫾ 5 mm.
Confirmed VT isthmus sites according to standard entrain-
Table 1 Baseline patient characteristics
ment maneuvers criteria were carefully tagged on the LV
endocardial electroanatomic map in sinus rhythm after Postinfarction Structurally
ablation terminated VT. The linear distance of the VT cardiomyopathy normal heart
isthmus site to the border of the nearest area of A-VFI, No. of patients 14 14
HF-VFI, and H-FFTr was calculated using the CARTO Male 13 (93%) 10 (71%)
software. Age (years) 67 ⫾ 8 42 ⫾ 13
Left ventricular ejection 34 ⫾ 7 61 ⫾ 5
fraction (%)
Myocardial infarction Anterior 2 (14%) —
Statistical analysis location Inferior 12 (86%)
Continuous data are expressed as mean ⫾ SD. All contin- Antiarrhythmic drug at 8 (57%) 5 (36%)
uous data were tested using the 1-sample Kolmogorov– procedure
Smirnov test against a normal distribution. Continuous Implantable cardioverter- 13 (93%) 1 (7%)
variables were compared using the paired Student t test.
Campos et al Fragmentation Map of Postinfarction VT 99

Reference value for A-VFI Conventional substrate mapping in the

A total of 1660 LV bipolar electrograms were analyzed from postinfarction cardiomyopathy population
the 14 reference patients with structurally normal hearts (119 The 14 patients with prior myocardial infarction and sponta-
⫾ 62 points per patient). Ninety-five percent of LV neous VT underwent detailed endocardial LV electroanatomic
endocardial bipolar signals had VFI o7 (mean 4.6 ⫾ 1.5); mapping (382 ⫾ 107 points sampled per patient) before
therefore, VFI Z7 was defined as the VFI cutoff value for ablation. The endocardium of all patients demonstrated an
abnormal LV endocardial electrograms. area of abnormal bipolar voltage, consistent with postinfarc-
tion scar, which occupied a mean endocardial surface area of
95.3 ⫾ 33.4 cm2 and represented 42.1% ⫾ 12.3% of the total
recorded LV geometry endocardial surface area. The dense-
Reference value for highly fragmented automated
scar area averaged 26.3 ⫾ 17.7cm2, which represented 27.0%
fragmentation index (HF-VFI)
⫾ 14.5% of the scar area (o1.5 mV) and 11.3% ⫾ 7.0% of
From the 5227 LV endocardial bipolar recordings analyzed
the total recorded LV endocardial surface area.
in the 14 patients with a history of prior myocardial
infarction, a total of 2447 exhibited A-VFI (Z7). Seventy-
five percent of these LV A-VFI recordings had VFI o14
Time–domain fractionation analysis
(mean 11.6 ⫾ 5.1); therefore, we defined VFI Z14 as the
Areas of A-VFI (VFI Z7) were present in 14 of 14 patients
cutoff for HF-VFI.
(100%) with prior myocardial infarction and occupied a
mean endocardial area of 61.6 ⫾ 19.6 cm2, which repre-
sented 27.3% ⫾ 7.1% of the total LV endocardial surface
Reference value for FFTr (H-FFTr) area. The proportion of VFI area to total LV surface area was
From the 5227 LV endocardial bipolar recordings analyzed significantly smaller than the proportion of scar surface area
in the 14 patients with a history of prior myocardial to total LV surface area (27.3% ⫾ 7.1% vs 42.1% ⫾ 12.3%,
infarction, a total of 2989 had bipolar voltage amplitude P o.001). However, 92.2% ⫾ 4.6% of the A-VFI areas
o1.5 mV, consistent with scar according to classic criteria. overlapped with the area of bipolar voltage scar (o1.5 mV;
Seventy-five percent of these recordings within the LV Figure 3).
bipolar scar had FFTr o14% (mean 10.7 ⫾ 11.1); therefore, Areas of HF-VFI (VFI Z14) were present in 14 of the 14
we defined H-FFTr Z14% as the cutoff value for H-FFTr. patients (100%) with prior myocardial infarction and

Bipolar Voltage Fragmentation Index Bipolar Voltage

1.5 mV VFI 14 1.5 mV

0.5 mV VFI 7 0.5 mV

VT Isthmus VT Isthmus VT Isthmus

1.5 mV VFI 14 1.5 mV

0.5 mV VFI 7 0.5 mV

Figure 3 Relationship between the area of fragmented and highly fragmented electrograms and bipolar scar on the left ventricular (LV) electroanatomic map.
Inferior and left lateral views of the bipolar voltage map (A, D) show an area of low-voltage scar extending on the inferior, lateral, and anterior aspects of the LV
endocardium. Inferior and left lateral views of the ventricular fragmentation index (VFI) map (B, E) show the area of fractionated electrograms (VFI Z7, black
line) and its relationship to bipolar scar (white line). The VFI map (B, E) also shows the area of highly fractionated electrograms (VFI Z14, in purple), which is
much smaller than the bipolar scar area. The areas of highly fractionated electrograms (VFI 414) included the ventricular tachycardia (VT) isthmus site (green
tag) in this patient. The inferior and left lateral views of the bipolar voltage maps are shown again in the right panels (C, F), with the area of highly fractionated
electrograms (VFI 414) outlined in yellow.
100 Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 1, January 2015

Table 2 Findings from electroanatomic mapping in the postinfarction cardiomyopathy group

Total no. of LV endocardial mapping points, per patient 382 ⫾ 107
Area of bipolar voltage scar (cm2) and proportion to total LV surface (%) 95.3 ⫾ 33.4 (42.1% ⫾ 12.3%)
Area of A-VFI (VFI Z7) (cm2) and proportion to total LV surface (%) 61.6 ⫾ 19.6.4 (27.3% ⫾ 7.1%)
Overlap of A-VFI areas to bipolar voltage scar (%) 92.2 ⫾ 4.6%
Area of highly fragmented VFI (VFI Z14) (cm2) and proportion to bipolar scar area (%) 16.4 ⫾ 12.0 (17.2% ⫾ 10.1%)
Area of high FFTr (FFTr Z14) (cm2) and proportion to bipolar scar area (%) 22. ⫾ 16.8 (23.% ⫾ 17.1%)
Isthmus included in A-VFI area (VFI Z7) 15 (100%)
Isthmus included in highly fragmented VFI area (VFI Z14) 12 (80%)
Isthmus included within 5 mm of highly fragmented VFI area (VFI Z14) 15 (100%)
Isthmus included in high FFTr area (FFTr Z14) 9 (60%)
Isthmus included within 5 mm of high FFTr area (FFTr Z14) 13 (87%)
A-VFI ¼ abnormal ventricular fragmentation index; FFTr ¼ fast Fourier transform ratio; LV ¼ left ventricle; VFI ¼ abnormal ventricular fragmentation index.

occupied a mean endocardial area of 16.4 ⫾ 12.0 cm2, which 23.8% ⫾ 17.1% of the bipolar voltage scar area (o1.5 mV);
represented 7.2% ⫾ 4.9% of total LV endocardial surface. 41.0% ⫾ 22.7% of the highly fragmented FFTr areas
The area with highly fragmented electrograms represented overlapped with the areas of bipolar voltage dense scar
25.4% ⫾ 12.8% of the total A-VFI area (VFI Z7). Of the HF- (o0.5 mV), which occupied 39.1% ⫾ 31.7% of the bipolar
VFI areas, 98.8% ⫾ 2.9% overlapped with the areas of bipolar voltage dense-scar areas (Table 2 and Figure 5).
voltage scar, specifically selecting small regions of highly The size of the areas of bipolar scar specifically selected
fragmented electrograms, which occupied 17.2% ⫾ 10.1% of by HF-VFI and H-FFTr were not significantly different
the bipolar voltage scar areas, and 81.8% ⫾ 14.2% of the HF- (17.2% ⫾ 10.1% vs 23.8% ⫾ 17.1%, respectively, P ¼.10).
VFI areas (VFI Z14) overlapped with areas of bipolar voltage Qualitatively these areas also typically overlapped.
dense scar, which occupied 54.0% ⫾ 20.1% of the bipolar
voltage dense-scar areas (Table 2, and Figures 3 and 4). There Electrophysiologic study, VT mapping, and catheter
was a moderate negative correlation between electrogram ablation
bipolar voltage amplitude and VFI (r ¼ – 0.44, P o.001).
Programmed ventricular stimulation induced 39 different
sustained VTs in the 14 patients with prior myocardial
Frequency–domain fractionation analysis infarction (2.8 ⫾ 1.3 per patient, range 1–5). Thirteen VTs
Areas of H-FFTr (FFTr Z14%) were present in 14 of the 14 required rapid termination for hemodynamic instability. The
patients (100%) with prior myocardial infarction and occu- remaining 26 VTs were hemodynamically well tolerated and
pied a mean endocardial area of 22.2 ⫾ 16.8 cm2, which could be mapped using entrainment. A VT reentrant mid-
represented 9.7% ⫾ 6.9% of total LV endocardial surface. isthmus site was accurately identified with standard entrain-
Areas of abnormal H-FFTr specifically selected small ment maneuvers in 15 VTs (1.1 ⫾ 0.3 per patient, cycle
regions of highly fragmented electrograms, which occupied length 409 ⫾ 65 ms) and annotated on the electroanatomic

1.5 mV VFI 14

0.5 mV VFI 7

VT Isthmus

Figure 4 Relationship between the area of highly fragmented ventricular fragmentation index (VFI) and bipolar scar on the left ventricular (LV)
electroanatomic map. Left: Inferior view of a bipolar voltage map shows an area of scar extending on the inferior aspect of the LV endocardium. Right: Same
view of the VFI map shows the area of highly fractionated electrograms (VFI Z14, in purple, yellow line) and its relationship to bipolar scar (white line). Areas of
VFI Z14 specifically selected small regions of highly fragmented electrograms within the bipolar voltage scar (white line). All VT isthmus sites (green tags) in
the study were included within 5 mm of the highly fragmented areas (VFI Z14). VT ¼ ventricular tachycardia.
Campos et al Fragmentation Map of Postinfarction VT 101

Figure 5 Relationship between the area of high fast Fourier transform ratio (FFTr) and bipolar scar on the left ventricular electroanatomic map. Left: Inferior
view of the bipolar voltage map shows an area of scar extending on the inferior aspect of the LV endocardium. Right: Same view of the FFTr map shows the area
of high FFTr (FFTr Z14, in purple, yellow line) and its relation to bipolar voltage scar (white line). Areas of H-FFTr specifically selected small regions of highly
fragmented electrograms within the bipolar voltage scar that included 60% of the ventricular tachycardia (VT) isthmus sites in the study. Eighty-seven percent of
VT isthmus sites in the study were included within 5 mm of the high FFTr areas.

map in sinus rhythm after VT termination. Radiofrequency bipolar voltage scar (o1.5 mV), and 11 (73.3%) were located
application at those sites successfully terminated the VT in within the area of bipolar voltage dense scar (o0.5 mV).
all cases and resulted in noninducibility of the targeted VT All 15 of the isthmus sites (100%) were located within the
with later programmed ventricular stimulation (Figure 6) area of A-VFI (VFI Z7, Figure 3). Twelve of the 15 isthmus
sites (80%) were located within the area of HF-VFI (VFI
Z14). The mean distance of the remaining 3 isthmus sites to
Relationship of VT circuit to areas of abnormal the area of highly fragmented electrograms according to the
voltage and fractionation VFI criterion was 3.8 ⫾ 1.2 mm (range 2.9–4.8 mm). All 15
Of the 15 isthmus sites identified in the 14 patients with prior of the isthmus sites (100%) were located within 5 mm of the
myocardial infarction, all were located within the area of HF-VFI area (Table 2 and Figures 3 and 4).

1.5 mV
aVF 0.5 mV

VT Isthmus VFI 14


Figure 6 Identification of ventricular tachycardia (VT) isthmus sites. Standard entrainment maneuvers were systematically performed to characterize the
circuit of well-tolerated mappable VT in the postinfarction cardiomyopathy patients. A site was considered a VT mid-isthmus only if it demonstrated (1)
concealed fusion on all 12 ECG leads during entrainment, (2) postpacing interval (PPI) within 30 ms of the VT cycle length (CL), (3) stimulus-to-electrogram
interval within 30 ms of the electrogram-to-QRS interval following entrainment, and (4) local electrogram-to-QRS interval between 30% and 70% of the VT CL.
102 Heart Rhythm, Vol 12, No 1, January 2015

Nine of the 15 isthmus sites (60%) were located within the measured bipolar electrogram duration and fragmentation
area of high FFTr (FFTr Z14%). The mean distance of the during sinus rhythm for the identification of target areas for
remaining 6 isthmus sites to the area of highly fragmented radiofrequency ablation of VT. However, because of the
electrograms was 5.7 ⫾ 4.0 mm (range 2.2–12.2 mm). complexity of electrograms within the scar, manual deter-
Thirteen of the isthmus sites (87%) were located within 5 mination of the number of deflections and electrogram
mm of the H-FFTr area (Table 2 and Figure 5). duration may be subjective, time consuming, and hardly
feasible during regular VT mapping and ablation procedures,
making such a technique difficult to expand to general
Discussion practice in other laboratories. Moreover, the manual labeling
Substrate ablation for treatment of poorly tolerated VT of fragmented and late signals on electroanatomic maps that
includes ablation through areas of pace-maps matching a currently is performed in such procedures usually is a tedious
clinical VT and ablation of visually identified late potentials process that also is subject to operator subjectivity. The
within scar.1,6,7 However, VT recurrence rates have led some usefulness of automated fractionation analysis lies in its
to propose complete “scar homogenization” or empiric objectivity, reproducibility, and reliability for fast electro-
ablation of the entire scar to prevent current and future gram fragmentation quantification when mapping the sub-
VTs.8 We have developed and automated a method for strate for ischemic reentrant VT.
quantifying and displaying abnormal fractionated scar elec- The present study also explored the usefulness of a
trogram characteristics on an electroanatomic map. We frequency–domain analysis based on fast Fourier transform
defined cutoffs for abnormal fractionated and highly fractio- (FFT) to quantify electrogram fractionation. We had already
nated regions in the time and frequency domain based on a demonstrated that signal processing using the FFTr param-
normal control population. Importantly, we have shown that eter closely approximated a manual measure of atrial bipolar
the fractionated region composes roughly 60% of the total electrogram fractionation in sinus rhythm.9 FFTr is computa-
scar surface area yet contains 100% of the mapped VT tionally more complex than the time–domain measure, only
isthmuses. This finding suggests that empiric ablation of overlapped with 60% of the identified VT isthmus sites, and
these automatically detected regions of electrogram fractio- did not perform well in areas of normal voltage because of
nation may be a new method for performing substrate multiple harmonics in the frequency spectra. Therefore, the
modification without the need to homogenize the entire scar. simpler time–domain measure of fractionation should be
From previous data we know that bipolar electrogram easier to implement.
amplitude tends to label larger areas as border zone
compared to late gadolinium enhancement magnetic reso-
nance imaging.10 Moreover, Zeppenfeld et al11 described the Study limitations
importance of bipolar electrogram duration and fragmenta- This analysis focused only on mappable VTs. Although the
tion, manually determined, to better define the scar area correlation of all the identified VT isthmuses to areas of
compared to bipolar voltage. Our current data are consistent highly fragmented electrograms imply that they will also be
with these previous findings and support the potential value useful for targeting nonmappable unstable VTs, this requires
of automated fractionation analysis for scar area delineation. further prospective confirmation. We also did not attempt to
The study also demonstrates the ability of time–domain correlate additional empiric ablation targeting nontolerated
fractionation analysis to specifically select, using a higher VTs performed by some operators to areas of electrogram
cutoff (VFI Z14), small regions of highly fragmented fractionation because of the empiric and diffuse nature of
electrograms within the LV endocardial bipolar scar these ablation lesions.
(17.2% ⫾ 10.1%) that significantly correlated with critical This was a retrospective study performed using signal
VT circuit components, including 80% of the VT isthmus in analysis after VT ablation. Reproducibility of fractionation
the ischemic population. Even more, 100% of VT isthmus maps on the same patient has not been reported because, due
sites were included within 5 mm of the HF-VFI areas (VFI to the length of the VT ablation procedures and the
Z14). Fragmented and late or isolated potentials recorded retrospective nature of the study, only 1 detailed voltage
during sinus rhythm have been long recognized as a potential map was acquired during sinus rhythm for each patient
marker of slowly conducting critical components during before ablation. These findings should be confirmed pro-
reentrant VT, reflecting local depolarization of surviving spectively with an online analysis tool.
myocardial bundles insulated within denser scar.12 As Changing the direction of depolarization can influence the
demonstrated in previous studies, the presence of late and appearance of local electrograms. We did not test the
high-frequency multiple component electrograms during algorithm during pacing from multiple locations because of
baseline rhythm mapping is specific for VT circuit identi- time limitations and the retrospective nature of the study.
fication.6,7,13 Moreover, Zeppenfeld et al11 described a Finally, additional nonclinical, poorly tolerated VTs were
highly sensitive and specific method to visually but reliably often induced, and empiric substrate modification was
determine electrogram number of deflections and duration, performed by the operators after ablation of the tolerated
independently of interobserver variability, and demonstrated VTs. Because of the broad and varied nature of such
the usefulness of a mapping strategy based on manually ablation, we did not attempt to correlate this with regions
Campos et al Fragmentation Map of Postinfarction VT 103

of electrogram fractionation. Whether empiric ablation of all 5. Vergara P, Trevisi N, Ricco A, Petracca F, Baratto F, Cireddu M, Bisceglia C,
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Catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia (VT) can be lengthy and has only moderate success. Because the induced VT
can be rapid and poorly tolerated, ablation is often performed in sinus rhythm and includes targeting of fractionated and late
potentials. However, identification of late potentials is quite subjective and depends on the density of mapping and the
fastidiousness of the operator in labeling every late potential. We examined methods, in the time and frequency domains,
for automatically identifying late potentials and fractionated electrograms on an electroanatomic map. We found that the
time–domain method was simpler and identified 100% of the VT isthmus sites that were identified with detailed
entrainment mapping. This process could simplify the mapping process by allowing display of a VT “fractionation map” in
addition to the usual activation and voltage maps. Empiric ablation of the fractionated regions may be a simpler and more
effective approach than current substrate modification approaches, without the need to ablate the entire scar. We believe
such an approach should be tested in a prospective randomized trial of VT ablation compared to standard substrate-guided
ablation approaches.

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