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Health Education On

1. Nutrition (dietary intake during pregnancy and lactation)

2. Personal and environmental hygiene
3. Danger signs of pregnancy

Nutrition (dietary intake during pregnancy and lactation)

Nutrition is about eating a healthy and balanced diet so your body gets the nutrients that it needs.
Nutrients are substances in foods that our bodies need so they can function and grow. They include
carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water.

When you are pregnant, nutrition is more important than ever. You need more of many important
nutrients than you did before pregnancy. Making healthy food choices everyday will help you give your
baby what he or she needs to develop.

Health Education

Educate the pregnant woman to:

1. Eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods from all food groups
2. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables for their vitamins such as vitamin B9, minerals such as
iron and fiber
3. Choose whole grains over refined grains for added fiber and nutrients
4. Avoid processed and junk foods that are high in calories, sugar, and unhealthy fats
5. Drink plenty water to stay hydrated and support healthy digestion
6. Avoid consuming alcohol and limit caffeine intake to 200mg per day
7. Take prenatal vitamins as recommended by your healthcare provider
8. Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day to maintain steady blood sugar levels
9. Listen to your body and eat when hungry, stop when full and prioritize self-care during
10. Consult with a registered dietitian or healthcare provider for personalized nutrition guidance

Health Education on Personal and Environmental Hygiene

During pregnancy, it is important to prioritize both personal and environmental health to ensure the
well-being of both mother and the developing fetus. Here are some key points to consider when
educating the pregnant woman;

1. Vaginal Hygiene: When you are pregnant, you will experience a lot of changing hormone levels.
There may also be an increased amount of blood flowing to your intimate area. Therefore, you
may experience more vaginal discharges than usual. Because your vagina is also your birth canal,
you need to make sure you minimize the risk of infection.
2. Skin and Hair Hygiene: Skin and hair hygiene is going to be particularly important during
pregnancy. When you are pregnant, your unborn child is going to take a lot of nutrients. These
nutrients that are typically reserved for your skin and hair. Therefore, you need to keep your
hair skin and hair healthy by consuming extra nutrients.
3. Maintaining Oral Hygiene: You need to maintain your dental hygiene during pregnancy. As your
body produces a lot of hormones during pregnancy, this is going to have an impact on your oral
health as well. You still need to brush your teeth at least twice per day. You should try to use
toothpaste that has fluoride in it. This is important in keeping your teeth healthy.
4. Breast Care: You also need to care of your breast during pregnancy. As your body produce more
hormones, you may notice that your breast starts to get bigger. This is normal but it may also
make it harder for you take care of them. You need to stay well-hydrated.
5. Avoiding toxins: Educate Patient that exposure to certain chemicals and toxins can be harmful
to the developing fetus and so it is important that she avoids those exposure to such chemicals
which include pesticides and some harsh cleaning chemicals.
6. The pregnant woman should also be educated to drink quality water which is clean and devoid
of impurities since drinking of unclean water will affect the health of both the fetus and her
7. Educate the woman to always make sure that all hazardous materials such as sharp objects are
stored and handled well to avoid injury which can adversely affect the fetus
8. Educate the woman on proper hand washing after visiting toilet and before meals and the need
to practice that.
9. Educate the woman on the need for proper food storage and handling and harmer on its
importance of avoiding foodborne illnesses.
10. Educate the woman to as well avoid areas with high levels of pollution or secondhand smoke.

Danger Signs of Pregnancy

As a pregnant women, you must be aware of urgent maternal warning signs and symptoms during
pregnancy and in the year after delivery. Seek medical care immediately if you experience any signs or
symptoms that are listed below.

1. Severe abdominal pain: Severe abdominal pain, especially if accompanied by vaginal bleeding or
cramping, can be a sign of a serious complication such as ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.
2. Severe headache or vision changes: These symptoms can be signs of preeclampsia, a serious
condition that requires immediate medical attention.
3. Decreased fetal movement: If the baby is not moving as much as usual, it could be a sign of
distress and should be reported to the healthcare provider.
4. Persistent vomiting: Severe vomiting can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, which
can harm both the mother and baby.
5. Contractions before 37 weeks: Preterm labor can lead to premature birth and requires
immediate medical attention.
6. Difficulty breathing: Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing can be a sign of a complication
such as pulmonary embolism or heat failure and should be reported as soon as possible for
examination and treatment.
7. Chest pain: Chest pain during pregnancy should be taken seriously and reported to the
healthcare provider immediately.
8. High fever: A fever over 100 .4ᴼF during pregnancy can be a sign of infection and should

reported to the healthcare provider

9. Educate Patient who are pregnant, to always report to the hospital for examination and possible

treatment when there is swelling of the hands and face since that can be a sign of preeclampsia.

10. Patients who are pregnant should be educated to always report immediately to the hospital for

examinations and possible treatment when they experience any amount of vaginal bleeding

during pregnancy


1. Tetteh Freda Dede

2. Boabil Timothy Yinkabya

3. Sebgenu Portia Esinam

4. Alobra Patience Ayinbota

5. Kolanbik Charity Talata

6. Atanga Derrick Adalogra

7. Nasana Emmanuella Balima

8. Adu Dacosta

9. Kolan Peter

10. Mustapha Abdul Mujib

11. Yenbaah Tenga Donald

12. Adjei Boansi Derrick

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