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S/Y 2022 – 2O23




Presented to the Sr. High School Department of

King Thomas Learning Academy.

Is partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Senior High School






Novels, films, comic books, radio, recorded music, television, video, online games, and

the internet were all created and consumed during the late nineteenth and early twentieth

centuries. The internet plays an important role in the development of one's mind and life

experiences through the creation of productive works in schools, offices, and even at

home. Nowadays, this can be a person's most effective strategic tool for empowering

himself to take control and cope with rapidly evolving technology. Over the last few

decades, the way we play games has changed dramatically. From arcades to home

consoles to smartphones, video games have evolved. Mobile technology has

revolutionized the gaming industry and opened the door to a new generation of gamers to

the point where it has become so integrated with modern popular culture that even

grandparents know what Candy Crush is. The growing popularity of gaming is being

boosted by the spread of mobile technologies, with 36% of gamers using their mobile

devices to access their favorite games at any time and from any location in 2013.

(Entertainment Software Association, 2013). There are numerous kinds of online games.

The most popular are puzzle, logic, and card games (34% of all online games), followed

by action, sports, strategy, and role-playing games (26%), casual and social games (19%),

and persistent multiplayer universe games (14%). (entertainment software association

2013). Gaming has grown in global popularity and become one of the world's most

profitable entertainment industries. These games transport users to a virtual world where

they can play alone or with other online gamers. Many players seek the competitive

nature of online games (Liu et al. 2013), while others seek hedonic gratification
(enjoyment, fantasy, and escape from reality), while still others enjoy social interaction

(Li et al. 2013).Online gaming is one of the most popular pastimes among most people,

particularly teenagers, young adults, and students. Teens who play online games are

simply having fun, according to Kuss and Griffiths (2012). They play not only because

they are serious, but also because they want to feel relieved. Students often feel stressed

during the school day due to the amount of work they have to do, and playing helps to

relieve that stress. However, the impact of online gaming on youth is undeniably dubious.

According to Rock (2009), all of these technologies are very good at distracting people.

The growing popularity of video games has resulted in an explosion of video game

research ( barlett, Anderson and swing, 2009). Several studies have found negative

correlations between the use of online games and academic performance in children,

adolescents, and students. Egil and Myers (1984) discovered that 13% of the students

they interviewed sacrificed other activities and uncontrollably spent money and time in

gaming, identifying compelling behaviors associated with online gaming. Anderson and

Dill (2007) found that video games have a direct impact on their performance,

stimulating a high level of aggression that is typically associated with school problems

and a decrease in academic performance. Another point of contention is that computer

games are addictive. When a person starts playing, he tends to spend more of his time just

playing online games, which is why many parents are concerned about this type of

gaming. Many teachers, parents, and other concerned organizations and individuals are

constantly calling for a tighter grip on online gaming. There has been a backlash about

how the trend is distracting students from their studies. They play until late at night, or

worse, during school hours, causing students to miss classes. In 2007, complaints were
received from schools throughout Manila, the Philippines' capital city, about students

becoming increasingly addicted to online computer gaming. This is despite the fact that

the government's department of education (DepEd) values how online computer gaming

helps sharpen the young generation's skills in new technologies and digital trends. Deped

also recognizes that the internet and computer shops cater to students' research needs,

particularly those without home internet access. Online games have presented many

challenges to students' academic behavior and personality, which are constantly changing

negatively or positively as it introduces various types of behavior that affect players in

various ways. According to studies on the positive effects of online gaming on player

behavior, playing online games improves social skills, mental skills, and problem-solving

abilities. According to studies on the negative impact of online games on players, online

gaming causes addiction, aggressive behavior, and has a link to mental health problems

such as depression and anxiety, which also affects their academic performance.

Adolescents face a significant risk from online games, which can lead to psychological

disorders and depression. Attractions to online games cause many mental, physical, and

social problems for students and adolescents. These effects include increased rage and

violence, social isolation, and other physical and mental harm. Challenging the obstacles

and reaching a higher level in the game excite the players, while losing the game causes

them to become anxious and lose focus on their studies. They become so engrossed in the

game that they become completely disconnected from their surroundings. Worst scenario

of this is that they forgot that they also need to live in real life.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effect of online games to the academic performance of

the students in King Thomas Learning Academy, Inc. it seeks to answer the following


1. How can online games affect the academic performance of the students in King

Thomas Learning Academy, Inc ?

2. What are the effects of online games to the academic performance of the students

in King Thomas Learning Academy, Inc ?

3. How often do the respondents spent time in playing online games in a week?

4. Is there a significant relationship between online gaming and academic

performance of the students in King Thomas Learning Academy, Inc.

Objective of the study

This study entitled the

1. To know the effect of online games to the academic performance of the students

in King Thomas Learning Academy, Inc.

2. To gain information on how can online games affect the academic performance of

the students in King Thomas Learning Academy, Inc.

3. To give knowledge about the effect of online games to the academic performance

of the students in King Thomas Learning Academy, Inc.

4. To know if there’s a significant relationship between online gaming and

academic performance of the students in King Thomas learning academy, inc.

Scope and limitation

This study focuses on the effect of online games to the academic performance in King

Thomas Learning Academy, Inc.

The respondents were the Grade 12 gas students at King Thomas Learning Academy, Inc.

The limitation of the study is limited to the Grade 12 Gas 3 student at King Thomas

Learning Academy, Inc.

Significance of the study

The following may find the study suited to particular needs;

Students – The findings of this study will primarily benefit student, particularly those

who enjoy playing games, they will aware of the effects of online gaming on their

academic performance, they will be more aware of the effects mentioned, they will

realize that playing too many online games can have negative consequences for their

behaviour and performance in school.

Parents - This study will serve as basis to help share with other parents the information

about certain games or ideas to help each other in parenting. Also, the result of this study
will give parents greater awareness to understand the behaviour and study habits of their

childrens when they’re engaged into such activity.

Teachers – The result of this research endeavour is very important to the teachers, so that

they can easily understand the behaviour of theis students. With the result of the study, it

will provide them additional knowledge on what strategy to use to educate students about

the well – known effects of online gaming to student’s academic performance. They can

make adjustments in their teaching strategies, problem solving strategy, decision making

and spatial visualization to address the needs, interests, and behaviour of their students.

Future Researchers – researchers may use this study as their source of information and

as reference on related studies. This study can also provide baseline data which further

studies can be made.


A video game is typically defined as an electronic game played with a controller that

allows for user interaction by generating visual feedback. According to Edward

Castronova (2008) in his book Synthetic Worlds: The Business and Culture of Online

Games, online games are defined as massively multiplayer-online games (MMOG). An

MMOG is a game capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players and is mostly

played using the internet. Nowadays, online games have become extremely popular

among the young generation thus leading to the rise of online game addiction issues

especially among the students.

According to Ahn and Randall (2008)'s research, massively multiplayer online games

(MMOG) have an impact on both the social and academic lives of students. According to

their survey data, students who are addicted to online games received more F grades than

non-addicted students. These statistics corresponds with the amount of playing time of

addicted students on the MMOGs. Their surveyed data also shows that approximately

50% of MMOG addicted students were also reported as actively engaged in a physical

altercation. Addicted students are mostly involved in arguments with their teachers and as

well as their friends.

According to Marzano (2010) explains that of the 60 studies he has been involved in

regarding the effects of games on student achievement, “ on average, using academic

games in the classroom is associated with a 20- percentile point gain in student

achievement”. Although quantitive evidence is quite scarce regarding the use of board

games and television based review games, there is evidence that shows positive results
from computer based games and other cooperative learning techniques, such as the

Team-Games-Tournament (TGT) method and the knowledge net framework.


According to the study "why people continue to play online games: in search of critical

design factors to increase customer loyalty to online contents" of Dongseong Choi, PhD

and Jinwoo Kim, MS (2004) as people increasingly play online games, numerous new

features have been proposed to increase player’s log-on time at online gaming site. Few

studies, however, have looked into why people continue to play certain online games or

which design elements are most closely related to the amount of time players spend on

specific online gaming sites. This study proposes a theoretical model that explains why

people continue to play online network games by utilizing the concepts of customer

loyalty, flow, personal interaction, and social interaction. Following that, the study

conducts a large-scale survey to validate the model. Finally, it examines current online

games in order to identify design elements that are closely related to theoretical concepts.

The findings suggest that people will continue to play online games if they have a

positive gaming experience. This optimal experience can be obtained if the player

engages in effective personal interaction with the system or enjoys pleasant social

interactions with other internet users. Personal interaction can be facilitated by providing

appropriate goals, operator and feedback; social interaction can be facilitated by through

appropriate communication places and tools. This paper ends with the implications of

applying the study results to other domains such as e-commerce and cyber communities.
According to the study "Consumer Behavior in Online Game Communities: A

Motivational Factor Perspective of Chin-Lung Hsu and Hsi-Penglu (2007)", studies on

transactional communities, like online auctions, have received more attention in the

literature than studies on entertainment communities, like online games, which have

hardly ever been addressed. This study applies the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and

modifies it to examine consumer behavior in online game communities. The findings

suggest that subjective happiness, societal expectations, and preference all have an

impact on customer loyalty. The indirect effect of perceived coherence on loyalty. The

practical implications of the findings further reveal that community administrators must

develop solutions to the issues users face, such as those caused by an unreliable system

and sorrow and nasty actors.

The purpose of this study was to assess the degree to which gender and other factors

predict the severity of online gaming addiction among Taiwanese adolescents, according

to the study by Ko, Chi-Yung MD et al. (2005) titled Gender differences and related

factors affecting online gaming addiction among Taiwanese adolescents. 359 junior high

school students in all were enlisted to participate in the evaluation of their online gaming

experiences. Males and girls who had previously played online were compared for the

severity of addiction, behavioral traits, stressors, and level of daily life pleasure. Gender

variations in the association between the severity of online gaming addiction and a

number of variables were investigated using multiple analysis. This study discovered that

the motivations and addiction of the subjects who had previously played online games.

Among males but not females, older age, lower self-esteem, and lower satisfaction with

daily living were associated with higher serve addiction. To stop at-risk teenagers from
developing an online gaming addiction, certain gender-based policies must be put in



The article by Edward Castronova (2008), which is related to the researchers' study that

tries to understand how online games effect gamers, discusses how online games have

become an addiction for players. The current study differs from the preceding literature in

that the researchers want to understand how playing online games would impact players'

personal health, academic performance or employment, social interactions, and family


According to Ahn and Randall's (2008) paper, online games have an impact on players'

social and academic lives, which is relevant to the research since it tries to understand

how online games affect players' social behavior, personal health, academic performance,

or job and family relationships. This literature differs from the current study in that the

researchers will also be able to determine how online games affect adults and working-

age individuals, in addition to students.

According to the Zhang and Zhuo (2007) article, playing online games might cause spine

injuries, psychological disorders, and trouble sleeping. This relates to the research since it

demonstrates how internet gaming impacts players. The present study will not only want

to know how online games effect gamers' health, but also how online games affect

gamers' social behavior, education or employment, and relationships with their families.

This is where this literature differs from the researchers' study.

The article by Bachhuber and Saulnier (2012) is relevant to the researchers' research

since it explains how educationally beneficial online games are for players. The current

study differs from previous research in that it aims to understand both the positive effects

of playing online games on students as well as the negative effects that these games may

have on them.

ture according to Marzano (2010) is related to the present study because it shows positive

effects of online games to gamers which is one of the objectives of the present study .

The bridge gap of this literature to the present study is the researchers will not just only

focus on the positive effects of online games to gamers but to also focus on the negative


The study " Why People Continue to Play Online Games. In Search of critical of Design

Factors to Increase Customer Loyalty to Online Contents " of Dongseong Choi , PhD and

Jinwoo Kim , MS (2004) is related to the present study because it uses the gamers or

customers " loyalty, flow, personal interaction and social interaction in knowing the

effects of online games to gamers which is the same in the present study that aims to

know how online games effect gamers in terms of social behavior and family relationship

. The bridge gap of this study to the present study is the present study will also focus not

just on the social behavior and family relationship but also in personal health and

schooling or work of a gamer.

The study "Consumer behavior in online game communities:A motivational factor

perspective" of Chin-LungHsu and Hsi-PengLu (2007) tells that customers or gamers are

directly affected in playing online games such as enjoyment ,social norms and preference.
The difference between this study to the present study will also look for negative effects

of online games to gamers.

The study "Gender Difference and Related Factors Affecting Online Gaming Addiction

Among Taiwanese Adolescents " of Ko, Chih-Hung MD et al(2005) compared males

among females about who is the most affected in playing online games which is related

to the researchers ' study because the present study also aims to know the demographical

profile of the respondents in terms of gender . The bridge gap between this study to the

present study which aims to know not just gender but also the age , social status and civil

status of the gamer.

The study " Determinants of adoption of mobile games under mobile broadband wireless

access environment "of ImsookHe et al (2007) tells that starting to play a game will give

you an average amount of effects in gender , age and prior experience which is related to

the present study because the researchers will also determine the geographical profiles of

the gamers in terms of age and gender. The difference of this study to the present study is

the researchers will also determine the social status and civil status of the gamers.

The study "The relationship between online game addiction and regression , self-control

and narcissistic personality traits of Eun JooKim et al (2007) tells that playing online

games are correlated in aggression and narcissistic personality traits. This is related to the

researchers " study because it shows that online game has affect to gamers. The bridge

gap of this study to the present study is that the present study will also look forward to the

social behavior, personal health , schooling or work and family relationship of a gamer.
The difference of the gathered literature and studies to the present study is the place

where the study will be conducted. The present study will only focus in the suburban

place. Primarily it will cover the effect and generally the impact of online game to the

suburban populace and the effect/s on ages ranging from 8 and 35 years of age and

above. Likewise this study is different from other existing studies in terms of using

female respondents out of the usual male respondent.


This section presents the various theories that will be used in this study including

the functional attitude theory of Daniel Katz, and the learning theories by Ivan Pavlov in


According to Cherry (2016), "attitude" in psychology refers to a combination of

feelings, beliefs, and actions toward a certain object, person, thing, or event. Attitudes are

frequently the product of experience or upbringing, and they may have a significant

impact on behavior. Attitudes are defined by psychologists as an acquired tendency to

judge things in a particular manner. This includes assessments of persons, problems,

objects, activities, or events. Such assessments are either favorable or negative, but they

can also be ambiguous at times. There are three founders of attitudes. Attitude formation

theories explain how a person's attitude develops and why a person may have a certain

attitude or how that attitude came to exist. Attitudes typically influence behavior toward

the individual. Functionalism, learning, and cognitive dissonance theories are the three

most commonly employed to characterize attitude formation. According to attitude

formation theories, individuals do what helps them, therefore the functionalist hypothesis.

According to functional theorist Daniel Katz, attitudes are developed based on how

effectively a specific person or item fits our wants. According to a functionalist, attitudes

are formed depending on the personal advantage they provide. In relation to the study, a

person develops their online gaming attitudes because the games suit their demands. It

helps to support one's self-image or current values to some level.

Learning theory, on the other hand, claims that their previous experiences taught

them how to behave. According to Ivan Pavlov, a learning theorist, our attitudes are

developed through conditioning. Pavlov would predict that as people become older, they

will gravitate toward classical music. Classical conditioning occurs when a previously

neutral stimulus creates a conditioned response. Operant conditioning is another sort of

conditioning. This is simply when a stimulus causes a reaction. In terms of the study,

online gaming attitudes are developed via conditioning to the same stimuli. It is usually

encountered by gamers since they constantly play online games nowadays. According to

learning theories, attitudes are shaped by previous experiences that extend into the

present. According to cognitive dissonance theory, people have tried to restore harmony

between two contradictory realities they accept. Cognitive dissonance is a psychological

condition in which a person suffers from contradictory ideas or beliefs. People may adjust

their attitudes to mirror their other ideas or real behaviors in order to minimize this strain.

To tie this to the study, online gamers may be aware that some individuals claim that

excessive gaming is bad for them, so they shift their opinion that "playing" computer

games is simply a type of leisure activity and nothing to be concerned about.

Functional attiitude
(Daniel Katz)

Effect of Online Games

on the Students of King
Thomas Learning
Academy INC

Learning Theories
(Ivan Pavlov)



Different online Games Construction, validation,

and Administration of Effect of Online Games on
Survey Questionnaires
Effect of online games the students of King
Statistical treatment
Analysis and Interpretation Thomas Learning
of data.
Academy Inc.


This study was guided by the conceptual; paradigm shown in figure 2. This

section presents the flow of the conduct of this study. It follows the system approach

which includes input, process, and output.

Input. This includes the different online games of the respondents as well as the

effect of the online games on the academic performance of the respondents.

Process. This covers the construction and administration of survey questionnaires,

statistical treatment, analysis, and interpretation of data. The data gathered from the

respondents will be subjected to analysis and interpretation through the use of

appropriate statistical tools.

Output. This will be the discussion of the relationship between online games and

students’ academic performance of the students of King Thomas Learning Academy.



Evolving Technology- it refers to a theory of radical transformation of society through

technological development

Hedonic Gratification - it refers to The rational and purpose-driven gratified attitude

during the performance of conduct.

Aggressive Behaviour - any behavior or act aimed at harming a person or animal or

damaging Physical Property.

Depression - it refers to a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and

loss of interest.

Anxiety - a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness

Engrossed - it refers to having all one's attention or interest absorbed by someone or something.


The study's proposed methodology is presented in this chapter. It also includes a

discussion of the research method, respondents, research setting, and statistical tools used

in the data processing. This shows the important steps that must be taken by the

researchers in order to complete the study's objectives. This chapter demonstrates how

the researcher collected the essential data for the study and how the results were then

easily understood, presented, and analyzed.


This study entitle “ Effect of Online Games to the Academic Performance of the Students

in King Thomas Learning Academy, Inc” is a quantitative type of research used

descriptive – correlation method of research. It is descriptive – correlation in a sense that

the data contained where analysed and measure the extent of the effect of Online Games

to the Academic Performance of Grade 12 Student in King Thomas Learing Academy,

Inc and one of the reason of researchers in conducting this study is to enhance their

knowledge about the main topic.


The respondents of this study were the Grade 12 students of King Thomas Learning

Academy Inc, in school year 2022 – 2023. The gas 3 section, who has 37 student but only

few of them served as the respondent of the study.


The researchers study will be conducted at King Thomas Learning Academy Inc,

Malubago Sipocot Camarines Sur.


The researchers preferred a survey questionnaire to determine the views of Grade 12 Gas

Student regarding the “Effect of Online Games to the Academic Performance of King

Thomas Learning Academy, Inc. This can be determined based on the indicators about

the different types of Online Games used by the students.

The survey questionnaire is a checklist type of questionnaire wherein respondent are

intended to check their answer in a box provided

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