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Theories and Concepts of Public

Administration MCQs [set-1]

1. Who is known as ‘the father of local government’ in India?

A. lord ripon
B. mahatma gandhi
C. lord cunning
D. lord wellesley
Answer: C

2. Public Administration may be defined as…?

A. administrative capacity
o m
B. management of industry
. c
C. management of property
D. administrative of public
Answer: D

q M
3. Bureaucracy is based on…? c
A. personal authority M
B. corporate authority
C. traditional authority
D. charishmatic authority
Answer: D

4. The founder of Scientific Management School of thought was..?

A. f.w. taylor
B. herber simon
C. pfiffner john
D. mary parker follet
Answer: A

5. The father of Human Relations theory was..?

A. douglas m. mcgregor
B. elton mayo
C. e.n.gladden
D. l. urwick
Answer: B

6. The founding father of theory of Bureaucracy was:

A. herman finer
B. la palombra
C. max weber
D. albert lepawsky
Answer: C

7. Systems theory of management is based on the concept of components having:

A. independence
B. inter- dependence
C. dependence
D. contingency
Answer: B

8. Administrative accountability is established in government organizations by:

A. executive
B. legislature
C. judiciary
D. all the three above
Answer: D

9. The first book on Public Administration was written by?

A. pfiffner and presthus
B. l. d. white
C. simon, smithburg and thompson
D. e.n. gladden
Answer: B

10. Public Administration is the study of…?

A. maintenance of law and order
B. control of trade and commerce
C. public policy implementation
D. politico-administrative dynamics
Answer: C

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11. Communication runs faster in…?
A. centralized structure
B. decentralized structure
C. matrix structure
D. line structure
Answer: A

12. Performance budgeting is based on..?

A. items of expenditure
B. items of investment
C. objectives of expenditure
D. plan of implementation
Answer: C

13. The concept of Politics-Administration dichotomy was given by…?

A. frank henry goodnow
B. james w. fes1er
C. w paul appleby
D. ordway tead
Answer: A

14. The President of U. S. who laid the foundation of the study of public
administration was:
A. president wilson
B. president hoover
C. president kennedy
D. president roosevelt
Answer: A

15. Formal relationship in an organization is based on…?

A. friendship
B. peer groups
C. authority on subordinates
D. rules and regulations
Answer: D

16. The Ideal Model of bureaucracy is based on authority of…?

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A. tradition
B. charisma
C. legal rational
D. money
Answer: C

17. Pressure groups in public administration work for..?

A. public interest
B. self interest
C. foreign interest
D. sectoral interest
Answer: D

18. The administrative reforms under which various services were merged in
occupational groups were introduced in…?
A. 1960
B. 1973
C. 1989
D. 1994
Answer: B

19. Which of the following administrative thinkers has defined administration as

“the organization and direction of human and material resources to achieve
desired ends” ?
A. l. d. white
B. j. m. pfiffner
C. j. a. veig
D. h. a. simon
Answer: B

20. Which one of the following statements is not correct in respect of New Public
A. it has market orientation
B. it upholds public interest
C. it advocates managerial autonomy
D. it focuses on performance appraisal
Answer: B

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21. ‘Good Governance’ and ‘Participating Civil Society for Development’ were
stressed in World Bank Report of….?
A. 1992
B. 1997
C. 2000
D. 2003
Answer: A

22. If the administrative authority within a department is vested in a single

individual, then that system is known as…?
A. board
B. bureau
C. commission
D. council
Answer: B

23. Globalisation means….?

A. financial market system is centered in a single state
B. the growth of a single unified world market
C. geographical location of a firm is of utmost importance
D. foreign capitalist transactions
Answer: B

24. By whom was the ‘Managerial Grid’ developed ?

A. blake and white
B. blake and schmidt
C. blake and mouton
D. mouton and shophan
Answer: C

25. Who among the following says that public administration includes the
operations of only the executive branch of government ?
A. l. d. white and luther gulick
B. l. d. white
C. luther gulick
D. w. f. willoughby
Answer: C

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