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SQL is the only language that we can use to talk with data that is available in the cloud.

But to start learning SQL, I have divided it into 4 categories to become a master in SQL.

1. Pre-requisites
2. Basics
3. Intermediate
4. Advanced

1. Pre-requisites :
This is like basic and general information that we have to know before getting into
SQL. Things that we need to learn here.

a. What is data ?
b. What is a Database ?
c. What is a Database Management System and types ?
d. What is SQL ?
e. What is a platform and what are they ?
2. Basics:
These are the simple and basics concepts which are really needed to know This
includes very basic level of knowledge, that includes:
a. DDL
b. DML
c. DQL
d. DCL
e. TCL
f. SQL command, comment
g. Bulk insert
h. Data types
i. Operators
j. Constraints
k. Clauses
3. Intermediate:
a. Aggregate functions [max, min, avg, count]
b. Joins [all types of queries]
c. Sub-queries
d. In-built function [string functions, Date function]
e. Windows Function [rank, dense rank, row number, lead number, first value,
last value, nth value]
f. Views
g. Case and Switch Statements
4. Advanced :
a. Function
b. Sequence
c. Stored procedure
d. TCL

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