BQA School Breefing

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Private Schools Briefing

15 November 2023

1 BQA Strategic Direction and Priorities

2 Directorate of National Examinations (DNE)

3 National Examinations Production and Implementation Cycle

4 Rules & Regulations

5 Data

6 National Examinations Timetable

1 BQA Strategic Direction and Priorities

To be an effective partner in driving continual quality enhancement for a world-class
education and training sectors.

To play a critical role in advancing quality and raising trust in the education and training
sectors, by providing reliable insights in a timely, responsive, and transparent manner.

Values - Fairness
- Competitiveness
- Sustainability

1 BQA Strategic Direction and Priorities

1 Adaptive organization
NATIONAL EDUCATION AND 2 Streamlined for value
3 Outputs that improve regulation and quality

4 A skilled workforce
5 Sustainable growth

6 Outreach and engagement

7 Insights that Improve national policies

2 Directorate of National Examinations (DNE)

National Examinations​ Aims

Independently assess students' performance in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Provide information about students’ performance, classes and school

Contribute to improving and developing the education system in the Kingdom of Bahrain in line with the international standards and
in cooperation with the relevant stakeholders

National Examinations Implementation since BQA Establishment

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2023
3-6 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-6
3-6 3-6 3 - 12 6 - 12 9 - 12 6 - 12 6 - 12 9 - 12
9 9 9 - 12 9 - 12 9 - 12

Grades Grade 6 Unified

• Pilot Examinations Exam
• Live Examinations
2 Directorate of National Examinations (DNE)

DNE Roles

Developing test specifications

Developing reliable examinations

Implementing examinations

Publishing reports and results

Communicating with stakeholders

2024 National Examinations

The National Examinations 2024 for Private Schools are for Grade 12 students who are planning to pursue their
higher education at the University of Bahrain or Bahrain Polytechnic.

Students’ results in the National Examinations will be considered as one of the admission requirements.

Students may be exempted from some of the foundation subjects based on the universities criteria.

Exams will be offered free of charge to all students.

Schools’ Role BQA’ Role

• Coordinate with the BQA regarding students’ • Design and delivery of the examination papers
registration for NE • Provide practice materials for students
• Distribution of exam papers • Mark and communicate the results to students

G12 National Examinations


Grade 12
Assess students’ performance based on the learning goals in the secondary education in the Kingdom of Bahrain
and in accordance with international standards.


English Arabic
Paper 1 - Writing : (Essay questions) Paper 1 - Writing: (Essay questions)
Paper 2 - Listening and Reading: (MCQ) Paper 2 - Reading: (Productive questions)

Mathematical Skills
One paper (MCQ)
G12 Arabic Test Specifications

Paper 1 - Writing

Part Main Competency Description Duration Marks

Writing a reply A reply letter (250 words) containing 3 explicit questions

1 13
letter and 1 implicit requirement.

120 min

A report based on data in a graph or a chart from a

2 Writing a report reliable and up-to-date body containing three clear 12
statements to be employed in the report

Total number of marks 25

G12 Arabic Test Specifications

Paper 2 - Reading

Part Main Competency Description Duration Marks

Reading a text about a cultural or social topic of (450
1 and 13
words) and answer 6 questions
120 min

Reading a narrative or non-narrative text (persuasive,

Evaluation and
2 discursive, informative) of (450 words) and answer 6 12

Total number of marks 25

G12 English Test Specifications

Paper 1 - Writing

Part Competency Description Duration Marks

Writing a formal A formal transactional letter or email (120 – 150 words)

1 transactional covering functions specified according to the context, for 8
letter/email. example advising, complaining, enquiring, etc.

75 min

Writing a A discursive essay (170 – 200 words) presenting an

2 discursive essay. argument for and/or against a point of view. 12

Total number of marks 20

G12 English Test Specifications

Paper 2- Listening and Reading


Part Competency Description Duration Marks

Identifying gist, detail, function, - listening to four short monologues each is

purpose, attitude, opinion, etc. in a between (130 – 150) words long.
1 8
series of short monologues on everyday - completing 2 3-option multiple choice
topics. questions for each monologue.
Identifying main points and specific 30 min
information (including attitude or - listening to an extended conversation/
opinion) in an extended conversation/ interview on a general topic of (550-600)
2 6
interview on a general topic. words.
- completing 5 3-option MCQs.

Total number of marks 14

G12 English Test Specifications

Paper 2- Listening and Reading


Part Competency Description Duration Marks

- reading four short texts related in topic of (250 words

Locating specific
3 in total). 6
- matching information from the texts to 6 items.

- reading a text from the world of work from which 6

Focusing on organisation,
sentences have been removed of (380 - 400 words).
4 cohesion and coherence of 60 min 5
- selecting the correct sentence for each gap from a
bank of 7 sentences.

Demonstrating - reading a long text from a range of general English

5 comprehension of detailed sources of (450-500 words). 5
information. - answering five 4-option multiple-choice questions.

Total number of marks 16

G12 Mathematical Skills Test Specifications

Mathematical Skills Paper (One paper)

Competency Skill Duration Questions

- Extracting and Processing data

- Identifying similar data
Dealing with Data
- Choosing and working with models

120 min 30

- Finding procedures for solving problems

Dealing with Problems - Searching for solutions
- Making choices and decisions

G12 Test Specifications and Exam Samples

3 National Examinations Production and Implementation Cycle


The distribution venue will be specified by BQA

The distribution starts at 5:30am on same day of each exam

A representative from each school is responsible for receiving and returning the packets

DNE staff confirms receiving all answer packets before school representative leaves

3 National Examinations Production and Implementation Cycle

Results and Reports

Results Types

• The National Exam Score 50 (Standardized Marks)

• The National Examination Score is calculated on a performance scale that ranges between
0 and 50
• Results are analysed together with Cambridge International Education

Qualitative Reports Quantitative Reports

• Student Report
• Marking Reports for each paper • Teaching Group Report
• Marking Reports - Summary for each subject • School Report
• MoE Report

4 Rules & Regulations

Phase 1: Before NE Distribution

Special Arrangements
Arrangements made to allow students with substantial and long-term disabilities to gain access to the examination and to
demonstrate their attainment in the best possible examination conditions

Phase 2: During NE Implementation

Special Considerations
It’s a procedures for the student who is exposed to emergency circumstances before or during the exam and these circumstances
prevented him from taking the exam or completing it, such as: sudden illness, an accident, or the death of a relative

Phase 3: During NE Marking

Malpractice & Maladministration Cases
Actions carried out by students or school staff that may threaten the integrity of the DNE examinations

Phase 4: After NE Results

Results Appeal
Schools can appeal National Examinations results online by filling an electronic form within 3 days of announcing the National
Examinations results 18
5 Data

Collection and Maintenance of Data

Data on:
All Grade 12 students who are eligible to sit the National Examinations
Exceptions: Cancer and Learning difficulties

For Private Schools: Provide BQA with a list of all students who are willing to participate

Initial Data Final Data

This is required to calculate the total number of students, The final data is used to configure NES for generating packet
teaching groups (TG), and schools that will participate in the numbers, non-confidential materials (such as attendance
National Examinations registers and seating plans), and for marks capturing

5 Data

Data Required from Private Schools (Forms will be sent by BQA)

Last day to submit the required data to BQA: 26 November 2023

6 National Examinations Timetable

Exam Date Re-sit Exam Date Subject Time

Paper 1 – Writing (120 mins) 08:00 – 10:00
Paper 2 – Reading (120 mins) 10:30 – 12:30

08:00 – 09:15
March 2024 June 2024 Paper 1 – Writing (75 mins)
09:45 – 11:15
Paper 2 – Listening and Reading (90 mins)

Mathematical Skills: (120 mins) 08:00 – 10:00

Schools briefing will be held prior to the exam session


For further clarifications or questions
you may contact us at:
Thank you


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