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Practical Report 2

Psychological Testing and Measurements (PSYP631)

Submitted to

Submitted By


Student ID:


Department of Psychology

Virtual University of Pakistan

Table of Contents

Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank (RISB)

Contents Page no.

Practical Report No-2

Rotter’s Incomplete Sentence Blank (RISB)

Format of Practical Report

Background Information:






Birth order:

No of siblings:


Marital status:


Mother tongue:

Socioeconomic Status:


No of dependence:

Reason for Referral

The client was referred to the trainee Clinical Psychologist by the Psychologist for

administration of Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank (RISB) at ___________ for academic purpose

and Psychological Assessment.

Presenting Complaints (in client’s verbatim)

As reported by the client he/she had

Complaints Duration (in weeks/months/years)

History of Present Illness

In history of present illness, you are required to write the client’s problem. When the
problem/illness was started? Which precipitating factors trigger the problem? For how much time;
the client experienced such problem/ illness? Which was the factor that maintains that
problem/illness? Keep one thing in consideration that a sequence must be maintained while
discussing the client’s problem.

Background Information

Family History:


Alive/dead: Education: Occupation:

Cause of death: Physical health:

Any psychiatry problem:


Nature of relationship with client:

Relationship with wife:

If strained why/cause:


Alive/dead: Education: Occupation:

Cause of death: Physical health:

Any psychiatry problem


Nature of relationship with client: Relationship with


If strained, why/cause:


Total No: Brothers Sisters

Client Birth order

Physical health Relationship with siblings

If strained, why/cause:

Overall family history:

Marital History: (If participant is married).


Alive/dead: Age: Education:

Occupation: Cause of death:

Physical heath:

Any psychiatric problem:


Nature of relationship with client:

Relationship with spouse family

If strained, why/cause


Total No: Son: Age:

Daughter: Age:

Physical health:
Any psychiatric problem:

Relationship with children:

If strained, why/cause:

Overall home atmosphere:

Occupational History: (If participant is doing job).

Age at which client starts occupation: -------------------------

Name of Occupation------------------------

Relationship with co-workers: --------------------

Change in occupations if any: ---------------

Reason of occupation change: --------------

Any dispute with co-workers: -------------

Test Administration:

This section of your report will present the administration of the RISB. Student will tell about the
procedure, environment, seating arrangements, material required and time taken by the client for
the administration of the test.


The client will be given several instructions regarding test administration. Student have to
mentionthe instructions under this heading.

Behavioral Observation:
During test administration, the client’s general behavior; verbal and non-verbal cues, facial
expressions, maintaining eye contact, questions, mood, reaction to the test, emotions, pauses and
attempts to fill the sentences will be mentioned under this section.

Quantitative Analysis
Table 1: Showing Responses, Type of Responses, No. of total Responses and Percentage of the
Responses Type Number

Positive P1



Conflicted C1



Neutral N

As according to pre-established criteria given in manual

C3= 6 N=3 P3=0

C2= 5 P2=1

C1= 4 P1=2

Conflict score Total Positive Score Total

C1= 4 x () = ____ P1=2 x () = ___

C2= 5x () = ____ P2=1 x () = ___

C3= 6 x () = ____ P3=0 x () = ___

Total Conflict Responses Total Positive Responses

= _____ = _____

Total Neutral Responses= 3 x () = ____

Omission Responses= ()

Total Score= C+ P+ N+ O

= ____+ ___+ ____+ ____

Total Score = _____

Table 2: Showing obtained scores, cutoff score and category.

Obtained scores Cutoff score Category

135 Mal-adjusted/Well-adjusted

Qualitative Analysis

The participants overall raw score was above/below cutoff score which indicated his state of mind

and maladjustment in various problems and situations of life.

Familial Attitudes

Family category tells about the family relationships of the client. (Description required)

Social Attitudes

This category focuses on the social attitudes of the client. (Description required)

Sexual Attitudes

This category focuses on the sexual attitudes of the client. (Description required)

General Attitudes

This category focuses on the general attitudes of the client. (Description required)

Character Trait

This category focuses on the character traits of the client. (Description required)


Diagnosis should be provided as per DSM-5 diagnostic criteria along with diagnostic code.


In this section student will conclude all the report.

Limitations and suggestions


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