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word meaning Russian translation Examples and

Curtain a piece of material, especially cloth, занавес a curtain of secrecy
[kɜːtn] that hangs across a window or opening to
make a room or part of
a curtain of trees
a room dark or private

Fair Free from favoritism or self-interest Справедливый, a fair referee

[feə] беспристрастный
a fair fight

Fiddle Play around with or alter or falsify Обманывать, The reporter fiddle
[fɪdl] совершать махинации with the facts

Knave A deceitful and unreliable scoundrel Плут, лжец I heard you're a liar and
a knave.
Harness a set of straps fastened around a Упряжь , запрячь harness the horse
[ˈhɑːnɪs] horse's body and connecting it to
a vehicle that it will pull

Veneration A feeling of profound respect for someone Почитание, his respect for the law
[venəˈreɪʃn] or something благовение bordered on

Deportment (Behavioral attributes) the way a person Поведение , умение Morals and deportment
[dɪˈpɔːfmənt] behaves toward other people преподносить себя

To avail without success, especially after a lot Воспользоваться She sent more than
əˈveɪl of effort (безрезультатно) 50 letters, but to no avail.
Invariably Without variation or change, in every Неизменно, Unlike perfect
[ɪnˈveərɪəblɪ] case постоянно competition, imperfect
competition invariably m
eans market power is
unequally distributed.
Dubious Open to doubt or suspicion Сомнительный , dubious about agreeing
ˈdjuːbiəs подозрительный to go

Epitaph An inscription on a tombstone or Эпитафия, надгробная His epitaph reads: I hope

[ˈepɪtɑːf] monument in memory of the person надпись for nothing.
buried there

Lark North American songbirds having a Жаворонок

[lɑːk] yellow breast

Somber Lacking brightness or color; dull Угрюмый, неяркий, children in somber

[ˈsɒmbə] мрачный brown clothes
Austere Strict or severe Строгий, суровый an austere expression

Cease Put an end to a state or an activity Прекращать, To me it means that it

[siːs] переставать will cease broadcasting

Orphan A child who has lost both parents Сирота It seems you are
[ˈɔːfən] an orphan.

Beak Horny projecting mouth of a bird Клюв It is unknown how

[biːk] her beak was broken or
Revenge Action taken in return for an injury or Месть Sometimes the
[rɪˈvenʤ] offense best revenge is
Perplexity Trouble or confusion resulting from Недоумение, His tired face
[pəˈpleksɪtɪ] complexity растерянность expresses perplexity and
Dissolute Unrestrained by convention or morality Распутный, «To live like a
[ˈdɪsəluːt] развратный Corinthian»was to lead
a dissolute and lawless
Scold Censure angrily Ругать, бранить The mother scolded the
[skəʊld] child for entering a
stranger's car

Apparition A ghostly appearing figure Привидение, призрак we were unprepared for

[æpəˈrɪʃn] the apparition that
confronted us

Matrimony The state of being a married Брак, супружество We think

[ˈmætrɪmənɪ] that matrimony is
something exceptional.
Lucrative Producing a sizeable profit Прибыльный The last one is definitely
[ˈluːkrətɪv] the most lucrative

Bachelor A man who has never been married Холостяк Max is a successful
[ˈbæʧələ] sculptor and
confirmed bachelor
Peevish Easily irritated or annoyed Вздорный, Because John is peevish
[ˈpiːvɪʃ] раздражительный and never satisfied with

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