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It is often said that starting up an own business is one of the few ways to improve the standard
living of an individual were you own the profit of your own business, were you can have the
freedom to do whatever you want in your business and no one is their to dictate you whatever to
do in short no one is their to boss you around. Starting a business may sound easy but its not, it
requires skills, experience, and ability to make a dream come true as most of the time it involves
sacrifice particularly during the start up stage.
This plan discusses the types of business that Mr. Andilan wants to build within the specific area,
he is planning on building a boarding house, a small food stall, and a rental place for a business.
He is sure that this business will be successful because of the location, it is located in a high road
near by the School of Pamplona National High School.
Upon observing the locality he notice a good location for starting a business so he decided to put
a risk in building the business that he thinks will be a successful one and can earn big amount of
profit. His goal is not only to earn profit but also to solve the problem of the students who live in
far places of Pamplona by building a boarding house, this boarding house will help the students
to lessen their trouble in transportation and spending more money.
For the rental place his purpose is to help business owner who is looking for a small place to start
a business, with this location he is sure that a lot of business owner would want to build a
business here because again it is located at a high road near the School of Pamplona, but of
course the successful of their business will depend on what types of business they are doing and
how will they manage their business. this type of business will give more income and profit to
Mr. Andilan because of the rent of the business will surely go directly to him.
And for the final business that he thinks will give him a good profit is the street food business
since students can`t seem to resist the mouth-watering fish ball, tempura, and other street food.
To add more profit he decided to have this food stall so that not only he can gain a monthly
income but also in his regular days.
With all this ideas starting this now is one of the best thing that he will do since the pandemic is
over and the students are now going back to school, business men and women are now rising up
from the bitter era of pandemic.

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