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Welcome to The Patrol, a two player game of USE ME 15mm Sci-Fi. In this small game a Neo-Soviet patrol encounters
small groups of Xiberia Irregulars trying to ambush them.

Set-Up: The Neo-Soviet patrol sets up at the start of turn 1 on the road on the right hand edge of the map, with all infantry
characters being carried by the BTR-290 Vepr. The Xiberia Irregular forces set-up hidden, as per the Special Rules.

Special Rules:
1). TERRAIN: All the dark green areas (including the small ones) on the map count as Woods, and are classed as
difficult terrain. Similarly, all buildings are classed as difficult terrain. Vehicle characters may not enter buildings. The
roads are classed as excellent going.
2). Before play begins, the Neo-Soviet player should secretly choose and write down which of the 6 numbered
locations on the map that he intends to patrol in the scenario. At least 1 of these locations MUST be 1 or 5, and 1 must
be 3, 4 or 6.
3). Before play begins, the Xiberia Irregulars player should divide his forces onto 3 roughly equally sized groups, and
then should secretly choose and write down at which of the 6 numbered locations on the map these groups are hidden.
Only 1 group may be hidden at each location.
4). The Irregular forces are hidden at the start of play and are not placed on the table unless they are activated, or any
of the Neo-Soviet players characters come within 4” of their hiding position.
5).The Irregular Forces player may opt to activate any or all of his forces during a turn.
6). Players should not use squad activation's - each character should be activated individually in this small game.

Victory: Victory is based upon how may of the Neo-Soviet players 3 chosen locations at least 1 of his infantry characters
spends 1 turn (2 activation's) within 2” of: 3 = Complete Success; 2 = Partial Success; 1 = Failure; 0 or less = Total Failure.
Reduce the Neo-Soviet players victory level by 1 if 50% or more of the Neo-Soviet patrol is killed.

TEAM 1 Neo-Soviet 901st Infantry Patrol

TROOPS 1 Sergeant, 2 Corporals with Heavy Weapons, 5 Privates, 1 BTR-290 Vepr A.P.C.
DEPLOYMENT As previous page
Id Name Descrptn Type Elan MV Weapons Armr Notes
1 Sergeant Leader Infantry 4 4” Std Rfl N
1 Corporal Infantry 3 4” Hvy Wpn N
1 Corporal Infantry 3 4” Hvy Wpn N Anti-Vhcl Spclst
5 Privates Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl N
BTR-290 Vepr A.P.C. HV Vhcl 3 8” LVC, VAW N

TEAM 2 Xiberia Irregulars

TROOPS 3 Leaders, 3 Irregulars with Heavy Weapons, 13 Irregular infantry
DEPLOYMENT As previous page
Id Name Descrptn Type Elan MV Weapons Armr Notes
3 Irregulars Leaders Infantry 4 4” Std Rfl N
2 Irregulars Infantry 3 4” Hvy Wpn N Anti-Vhcl Spclst
1 Irregular Infantry 3 4” Hvy Wpn N
13 Irregulars Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl N

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