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I, Twalib SALIM, declare that this dissertation is my original work and has not been
submitted for a degree award in any other university before.

Signature………………………… Date……………………………

Twalib Salim (Researcher)


This dissertation has been submitted for examination with the approval of the university

Signature……………………….. Date……………………………



©2020 International Leadership University

All Rights Reserved


I dedicate this work to my family specially my mother Noorjahen, for an upright bringing,
ceaseless support, encouragement and unconditional love and more appreciation to my aunty
Shamim for all these years of reinforecement, love and care. From bottom of my heart, I
appreciate a lot and you will forever be in my heart.


Firstly, my sincere thanks to the Almighty God for the blessings, strength, ability and
knowledge till the completion and achievement of this project.

Secondly, it’s a pleasure to express my particular gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Emery

EMERIMANA for his guidance, assistance and greater input on finalizing and my-coming-
through with the research paper and my outmost gratitude to the international leadership
university community for making it all possible.

Thirdly, special thanks and appreciations to everyone who supported and contributed in the
realization of my work

My sincere thanks to Garage City Motor’s General manager for an admission, warm
welcome into their organization and wonderful support and understanding in the completion
of my work and further thanks and appreciations to colleagues of Garage City Motors for
their endless assistance during and after internship period.

My outmost thanks and appreciation to my beloved mother for continuous pushes and
encouragement in the realization of my research paper and also, outmost thanks and
appreciation to my aunty for the moral and materialistic support till finalization of my work
and further credit to my brothers and sisters for their encouragement and stupendous


Table 1: Probability and non –probability sampling techniques..............................................20
Table 2: Gender of respondents................................................................................................25
Table 3: Age of respondents.....................................................................................................26
Table 4: Level of education of the respondent..........................................................................26
Table 5: Respondents duration with Garage City Motors........................................................27
Table 6: Needs and desires in employee motivation................................................................28
Table 6: Employee motivation in Garage City Motors.............................................................28
Table 8: Friendly working condition as a motivational factor..................................................29
Table 9: In-job relationship as a motivational tool...................................................................29
Table 10 : Reward system in employee motivation..................................................................30
Table 11: Work evaluation and feedback in employee’s motivation.......................................30
Table 12: Empowerment and recognition in intrinsic satisfaction...........................................31
Table 13: In-job relationship in creating satisfaction...............................................................32
Table 14: Financial aspect of motivation in job satisfaction....................................................32
Table 15: Job satisfaction from motivational factors................................................................33
Table 16: Job satisfaction on organizational productivity........................................................33
Table 17: Customer satisfaction from employee motivation....................................................34
Table 18: Employee motivation in competitive advantage.......................................................35
Table 19: Motivation on organization efficiency......................................................................35
Table 20: Employee motivation in attainment of goals and objectives....................................36
Table 21: Productive employees is organization’s productivity...............................................36
Table 22: Employee motivation in organization’s productivity...............................................37


Figure 1: Conceptual framework................................................................................................7


G.C.M.: Garage City Motors

VIN: Vehicle Identification Number


1. Motivation: Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to
be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort
to attain a goal (“Motivation,” n.d.)
2. Productivity: The ability to do as much work as possible in a particular period
(“productivity,” n.d)
3. Job satisfaction: The feeling and achievement that you experience in your job when
you know that your work is worth doing, or the degree to which your work give you
this feelings. (“Job satisfaction,” n.d.)


Motivation may be characterized with the stimulation of employee’s efforts to give their best
work. In the process, the stimulation of effort creates a satisfaction at work which enhances
the attainment of productivity while benefiting both the individual and the organization.
Organization uses motivation to attain desired outcome thus the motivational factors are
critical in the attainment of the outcomes. This study meant to assess the effect of the
employee motivation on the organization’s productivity. The study was based on the
following objectives; to examine the relationship between work motivation and employee
wellbeing and satisfaction, to assess the relationship between job satisfaction and
organization’s productivity and to amplify the relationship between employee motivation and
the overall organization productivity. A descriptive research design was used in findings and
the study was based on a mixed research approach. From random sampling, a total of 110
respondents were selected as the sample; 72 staffs and 38 customers. Questionnaires were
used for staff members and an interview guide for customers as data collection instruments.
The primary data consisted of findings from staff members and customers while the
secondary data comprised of books, publications, journals and articles. From Study findings,
90% of respondents agreed that motivating employees create satisfaction at workplace known
as job satisfaction while 81% agreeing that the satisfaction at work place is essential in
organization productivity. Further from findings, 74% of respondents agreed that indeed,
employee motivation play an important role in an organization’s productivity. Thus, the study
completed with a reasonable outcome in form of conclusion that, there exist a good
relationship between the motivation of employees and Garage City motor’s productivity. The
study provided with recommendations to Garage City Motors to thorough study and consider
employee’s needs, desires and motives and further, put more emphasis on proper motivational
factors by subduing current costs. The study also recommended to Garage City Motors on
providing a friendly working environment to the employees for their motivation and a greater
input in achieving organization productivity.


LIST OF FIGURE....................................................................................................................vii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................................viii
DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS...............................................................................................ix
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................1
1.1 Overview......................................................................................................................1
1.2 Background of the study..............................................................................................1
1.3 Description of the organization....................................................................................2
1.3.1 History of the organization...................................................................................2
1.3.2 Vision....................................................................................................................2
1.3.3 Mission..................................................................................................................2
1.3.4 Objectives.............................................................................................................3
1.3.5 Core values............................................................................................................3
1.4 Internship Activities.....................................................................................................3
1.5 Problem statement........................................................................................................4
1.6 Purpose of the study.....................................................................................................5
1.7 Research objectives......................................................................................................5
1.8 Research questions.......................................................................................................5
1.9 Significance of the study..............................................................................................6
1.10 Scope of the study........................................................................................................6
1.10.1 Content scope........................................................................................................6
1.10.2 Geographical scope...............................................................................................6
1.10.3 Time scope............................................................................................................6
1.11 Conceptual framework.................................................................................................7

1.12 Summary......................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................9
2.1 Employee work motivation..........................................................................................9
2.1.1 Friendly environment..........................................................................................10
2.1.2 Reward systems..................................................................................................10
2.1.3 Work evaluation and feedback............................................................................11
2.2 Job satisfaction...........................................................................................................12
2.2.1 Extrinsic satisfaction...........................................................................................12
2.2.2 Intrinsic satisfaction............................................................................................13
2.2.3 Relationship between employee motivation and Job performance.....................14
2.3 Organization productivity..........................................................................................14
2.3.1 Efficiency............................................................................................................15
2.3.2 Competitiveness..................................................................................................15
2.3.3 Customer satisfaction..........................................................................................16
2.4 Relationship between employee motivation and productivity...................................17
2.5 Relationship between job satisfaction and productivity.............................................17
2.6 Knowledge gap...........................................................................................................17
2.7 Summary....................................................................................................................18
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................19
3.1 Research design..........................................................................................................19
3.2 Research approaches..................................................................................................19
3.3 Study population........................................................................................................20
3.4 Sampling procedures..................................................................................................20
3.4.1 Sampling technique.............................................................................................21
3.4.2 Sample size.........................................................................................................21
3.5 Source of data.............................................................................................................22
3.5.1 Primary data........................................................................................................22
3.5.2 Secondary data....................................................................................................22
3.6 Data collection methods and instrument....................................................................22
3.7 Data processing and analysis......................................................................................23
3.8 Measurement of variables..........................................................................................23
3.9 Ethical consideration..................................................................................................23
3.10 Limitation of the study...............................................................................................24
3.11 Summary....................................................................................................................24

CHAPTER FOUR: DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION...............................................25
4.1 Profile of respondent..................................................................................................25
4.1.1 Gender.................................................................................................................25
4.1.2 Age of respondents.............................................................................................26
4.1.3 Educational Level of the respondents.................................................................26
4.1.4 Duration of the respondent with Garage City Motors........................................27
4.2 Employee motivation.................................................................................................27
4.2.1 Needs and desires................................................................................................27
4.2.2 Friendly working environment...........................................................................28
4.2.3 Reward system....................................................................................................30
4.2.4 Work evaluation and feedback as a motivational factor.....................................30
4.3 Job satisfaction...........................................................................................................31
4.3.1 Intrinsic Job satisfaction.....................................................................................31
4.3.2 Extrinsic Job satisfaction....................................................................................32
4.3.3 Employee motivation as an element of job satisfaction......................................32
4.3.4 Job satisfaction in organization’s productivity...................................................33
4.4 Organization productivity..........................................................................................34
4.4.1 Customer satisfaction..........................................................................................34
4.4.2 Competitiveness..................................................................................................34
4.4.3 Organization efficiency.......................................................................................35
4.4.4 Goals and objectives...........................................................................................36
4.4.5 Organization’s productivity................................................................................36
4.5 Findings from interview.............................................................................................37
5.1 Overview....................................................................................................................39
5.2 Summary and conclusion...........................................................................................39
5.3 Recommendation........................................................................................................40
5.3.1 Recommendation on studying employee needs and desires...............................41 Recommendation on proper working condition and environment.....................41
5.3.2 Recommendation on exploring suitable motivational factor..............................41
5.4 Area for further research............................................................................................42


1.1 Overview

In the present era, employees or human resources are critical and unique assets to both
the organization survival and competitive advantage. Customer service excellence and
organization productivity depends on whether the organization can retain the employees and
whether there are available boosting factors that influence them to give their best. The more
or lesser employees are treated the more or lesser they are persuaded towards working harder
and being efficient at work.

This chapter aims to cover on background of the study, problem statement, objectives
of the study, research questions, significance of the study, scope of the study and the
conceptual framework.

1.2 Background of the study

Organizations are seeking unique ways to strive and retain their best employees,
acknowledging their important roles and adhering to their satisfaction with the current
competitive environment to their advantage. In order to achieve goals and objectives,
organizations are looking forward to better working conditions, work empowerment,
employee recognition, job security and creating a sense of belonging among others for the
employees as strategies to create a stronger relationship as a drive towards task
accomplishment. Manzoor (2012) agrees that the more the empowerment and recognition of
employees in an organization is increased, more will their motivation to work will enhance.
Meanwhile few organizations are doing less or nothing believing monetary rewards as the
best way to pursue people to task fulfillment as pursuing employee satisfaction is expensive
but a greater investment that can be harvested for long. The study is to put light into factors
that motivates employee to create a bond with the organization that in the end, will bring up
the productivity. Ovidju (2013) also goes ahead and mentions that, if employees are not
satisfied with their jobs and not motivated to fulfill their tasks and achieve their goals, the
organization can not attain success.

Motivation typically defined as consisting of the drive that moves us to do what we do.
According to Sharlyn (2005) “Motivation is defined as a psychological force that determines
a person’s level of persistence. Persistence refers to whether when faced with roadblocks or

obstacles, people keep trying or give up. Motivation is an art targeted to getting people work
willingly, and an art of inducing one to behave in a particular manner to achieve a task
(Maduka & Okafor , 2014).

Irrespective of the industry in which the organization is in, in the context of a garage
or any other organization, motivation can not be looked down upon since pace at which work
is done all depends on motivation as unmotivated employees can irritate customer making
them go away or unmotivated employees shows how lesser the organization is interested
towards its customers and overall leads to a loss in customer’s trust.

1.3 Description of the organization

Garage City Motors is a garage found in 2011 specializing in servicing and repairing
vehicles of all sort of engines, selling and renting of cars and overall selling of car parts.

1.3.1 History of the organization

Garage City Motors came to life on the 10 th November of 2011 founded by its current
owner and General Director Abdoulghani Azad, as a project of a determined and ambitious
automobile mechanic with ultimate objective to service and repair cars of all sorts of engines
and sell car parts.

Garage City Motors (G.C.M.) is registered in the book of commerce on number 80621
and holds a fiscal matriculation number of 4000017360. During its creation, the owner had
gathered an outstanding 800 million Burundian Francs. It is a family owned organization and
currently ranking in the top ten Garages in Burundi as it is among the few garages capable and
specializing in serving the immerse size of the National police of Burundi.

1.3.2 Vision
The grand vision in to maintain integrity to customers in upholding higher quality

1.3.3 Mission
Mission is to make at ease vehicle owners during servicing and repairing guaranteeing
marvelous service quality at an affordable price.

1.3.4 Objectives
Garage City Motors main objective is to make a difference in serving its customer by
maximizing its quality service in offer.

1.3.5 Core values

Garage City Motors rooted value is serve with integrity and assure maximum customer

1.4 Internship Activities

The internship was carried out over a two month period from the 15 th of June to 14th of
August of the year 2020. The internship placement was carried over two departments;
customer care and logistic department. The internship started with the customer care
department from June 15th to 29th June

Over the customer care department, on the first day, the researcher was introduced to
their system on how to make a quotation. The quotations consist of a printed hardcopy with
prices on services and car parts that need to be changed. It also specifies services to be done.
The researcher was shown around on how to prepare quotation and filling out car repair
forms. The cardboard or forms involved inspecting the car, ticking appropriate boxes which
specified different parts, filling out customer details and a specified area for services to be
done. The researcher was given responsibility to make sure the car heads to appropriate
department for servicing.

Slowly as time progressed, the researcher was able to learn how to attend to customer
needs, fill out the forms and prepare the quotation.

The researcher working with the secretary was shown through how to prepare bills for
different types of customers. The customer could be private or the customer could be the
government. The bill was part of a whole software system that connected everything around
the garage including the logistic, financial, stock and customer care departments.

Due to potential and flexibility with the system, on the 29 th June, the researcher was
transferred to the logistic and stock department. This department is the core of the
organization as everything had to pass over this department. From calculating prices on
quotation, look out for car parts and ordering car parts from international suppliers and
storage of all car parts among other purposes are all inclusive in the department.

The researcher was introduced on how to find any car part just by using the VIN
(vehicle Identification Number) or chassis number. In case a car part is needed from the
garage, the researcher was shown how to look out for the part numbers using the VIN from
different software and websites, hand it over to the stock supervisor also as a colleague to
inquire for prices from the suppliers as most car parts were being ordered internationally due
to price concerns.

The researcher assisted on handing over car parts when needed. This could be only
learned by following the stock supervisor around the stock. The researcher was also
introduced to the stock software that had records to all inputs and outputs of car parts,
specified details on each output in terms of who was the customer including the plate
numbers. After learning how to find car part numbers, the researcher was able to learn how to
locate the parts using the stock software.

A month in the internship, as mentioned earlier, during the first week, the researcher
could only prepare a printed quotation. but a month being an intern, the researcher was able to
inquire for prices by emails, associate taxes, exchange-rates and benefits for calculating final
prices and prepare a hard copy with all price ready to be typed, printed and handed over to the
customer. This had to be carefully done as mere mistakes could be costly and every quotation
had to go through the chief for an inspection and signature before handed to the customer.

1.5 Problem statement

From the industrial revolution era, people were dependent on organizations and
businesses for their survival but things have taken the other way around since then. In the
current 21st century, business survival depends on the stakeholders who are also known as the
customers, employees and surrounding community among others. Business can neither
survive without it customers nor survive without its employees, The problem observed during
internship program is the lack of employee determination also knows as the employee work
motivation that is hindering the overall organization productivity. Due to the lack of work
recognition, job security and proper working conditions, as an intern, the low spirit within
employees can be seen with the naked eye as most employees daily objectives are to make it
through the day which tends to reduce productivity as lower productive employees are a
hindrance to overall organization productivity. Employees tend to develop a reluctant culture
due to the lesser work spirit brought by lack of work motivation.

The problem observed at Garage City Motors is that, the organization as a concern is
doing lesser or no effort on work motivation distinguishable by it poor working conditions
and less work pay that in the long run affects the commitment of employees towards
achieving the goals and the commitment towards daily routine that would have boosted the
productivity and performance. Due to the absence of work motivation which could polish
employee satisfaction and are meant to increase productivity, employees are reluctant towards
daily task fulfillment, there is lower reaction towards responsibilities thus affecting overall
motivations making Garage City Motors loose on customer and customer’s trust and overall,
being slow in accomplishment of its objectives and goals.

1.6 Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to highlight the effect of employee work motivation to the
organization productivity at Garage City Motors.

1.7 Research objectives

The following are specific objectives arose from the general purpose;

1. To examine the relationship between employee motivation and employee wellbeing

and satisfaction at their work place.
2. To assess the relationship between job satisfaction and organization productivity
3. To amplify the relationship between employee motivation and overall organization

1.8 Research questions

From the general and aim question being the ‘the impact of employee work motivation
to the organization productivity’ three research sub-questions will be discussed

- Where is the relationship between employee motivation and job satisfaction?

- What is the relationship between job satisfaction and organization productivity?

- To what extent is employee motivation impacting organization productivity?

1.9 Significance of the study

This study is to make a contribution in the academic era as the students can rely or be
able to use the results and finding to their development whether as findings or hints to their
research and further make a contribution for internal use by Garage City Motors. The research
findings are to enlighten and recommend Garage City Motors on facts concerning motivating
employee and how important are motivated employees to the productivity of the organization.

The aim of every organization is to outcome its competitors by offering the better
services and this can not be achieved without well motivated employees to drive the
organization towards objectives. The study is to put light into few fact concerning motivating
employee that all organization can acknowledge and put an emphasis on and so as to boost
employee spirit for the better of productivity.

1.10 Scope of the study

The area of study was focused on G.C.M. employees both from the administration and
logistic department.

1.10.1 Content scope

This study was about employee work motivation as the independent variable, job
satisfaction as the intervening variable and organization productivity as the dependent

1.10.2 Geographical scope

The research was be conducted at Garage City Motors located at Industrial Quarter.
Bujumbura, Burundi. .

1.10.3 Time scope

The research was conducted during the month of June and July to mid-August during
internship program and considered a period of five years from 2015 to 2019.

1.11 Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework figure represents detailed variables and their inter-
relationship amongst them which the researcher based on to achieve the set objectives.

Figure 1: Conceptual framework

Independent variable Dependent variable

Work motivation Organization productivity

-Friendly environment -Efficiency

-Reward system -Competitiveness

-work evaluation and -Customer satisfaction


Intervening variable

Job satisfaction

-Extrinsic satisfaction

-Intrinsic satisfaction

Source: The researcher

This study is to assess the impact of employee work motivation on organization

productivity. The conceptual framework is as follows; work motivation as the independent
variable, organization productivity as the dependent variable and job satisfaction as the
intervening variable. From the independent variable, three elements shall be considered;
reward system, work evaluation and feedback and friendly environment. The intervening
variables consist of extrinsic satisfaction and intrinsic satisfaction as attributes. From
organization productivity as the dependent variable, three key areas will be touched on;
efficiency, competitiveness and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the study is to assess the

relationship between the independent and intervening variable then linked to the dependent

1.12 Summary

This chapter represents the introductory part of the research paper. It consist of the
research background, description of the company, internship activities, problem statement,
purpose of the study, research objectives, significance of the study, scope of the study and the
conceptual framework. It is the base and foundation of the research. Next chapter shall consist
of the existing literature review on the topic and the existing relationship between variables
(dependent, independent and intervening variables)


This chapter presents the relationship between the independent, dependent and
intervening variables being work motivation, organization productivity and job satisfaction

2.1 Employee work motivation

Nowadays, motivation is not a lighter thing to an organization but a subject that needs
to be studied and put in to proper consideration by the organization. The concept of employee
motivation varies among researchers. According to Ostroff (1992, as cited in Anantha, Huam
& Abdul, 2013), the most practical definition proposed by social scientists that motivation is a
psychological process that origin the stimulation, direction and persistence of behavior.
Therefore, motivation is the stimulation of employees to work harder and give their best.
Anantha et al. (2013) adds saying that, motivation becomes those psychological procedures
that cause the direction, arousal and persistence of voluntary actions that are goal-oriented.

Motivation by Duică (2008, as cited in Robescu & Iancu, 2016) is defined as all
internal and external driving forces that makes the individual to perform an activity,
what determines the limits and forms of activity and which give it its activities oriented
towards achieving certain goals.

Employee motivation begins with the realization of individual needs and expectation
they want to meet. These needs result in to a driving force or behavior to accomplish desired
goals. According to Robbins (2005, as cited in Kuranchie-Mensah & Amponsah-Tawiah,
2016), motivation is the willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organizational goals,
conditioned by the effort’s ability to satisfy some individual need. In fact, employee
motivation is what pushes people to give their best. The rate and pace at which work is done
is dependent on degree of motivation.

Ways to motivate employees also known as the motivation factors can range from; job
training, monetary and non-monetary incentives, job transfer, promotion, appreciation and
recognition, better working condition and job security among others. According to Alfandi &
Alkahsawneh (2014), incentives are methods used by institutions to encourage employees to

work with high spirits and also as concrete and moral methods of satisfying the
individual’s moral and material desires.

Due to research limits, the researcher will emphasize on three research variables
characterized as; friendly environment, reward system and evaluation and feedback.

2.1.1 Friendly environment

Clean and neat places, well designed infrastructures, security measures and protection
from incidents are a key to motivate employees especially considering the organization
environment and which industry is in. According to Basuki and Susilowati (2005, as cited in
Muchtar, 2012), work environment is everything in the environment that can affect either
directly or indirectly, any person or group of people in carrying out its activities. The
determination and creation of a good working environment will determine success in
achieving organization goals

Muchtar (2012) also argues that, work environment can improve employee
performance and conversely, inadequate working environment will be able to decrease
employee performance.

Generally speaking, there are two type of work environment; the physical and Non-
physical. The physical work environments consist of the physical form contained around the
workplace that may affect the employees either directly or indirectly. In this case, it is in the
form of physical places and things such as chairs, tables and equipment. The Non-physical
work environment is all of the circumstances relating to labor relations, good relations
with superiors and co-workers relationships, or relationships with subordinates.

Therefore, organization environment that allow employee to grow, foster their self-
esteem and improve self confidence in overcoming weaknesses, an environment that create a
mutual respect, there is friendship and interpersonal trust among employees come in hand
during employee motivation. Employee’s feelings on coming to work over a welcoming place
are important to persuading them towards goals and objectives.

2.1.2 Reward systems

Rewards whether financial or non-financial are key elements to motivate employees.

According to Sarvadi (2010, as cited in Njanja, Maina, Kibet & Kageni, 2013), every

organization’s reward system should focus on these major areas; compensation, benefits,
recognition and appreciation.

According to Sageer, Rafat and Agarwal (2012), Employees should be satisfied with
competitive salary packages and they should be satisfied with it when comparing their pay
packets with those of the outsiders who are working in the same industry. Shafiq and Maliq
(2011) supports that, a god pay and interesting work are key to higher the employee

Njanja et al. (2013) states that, Research has proven that when human being are
appreciated and praised they tend to improve their performance. It is indeed that when
employees are rewarded with promotions, increased wages or salary, bonuses and overtime
payment, it a persuasion and appreciation by the organization that gives a motive to the
employee to perform better.

Ugwu and Coker (2012) mentions that, two major components of compensation are
open to management: the financial (material) and the nonfinancial (non-material) components.
Reward systems can be in different forms; Promotions, salary or wage, bonus payment,
overtime payment. Money is a want to every human, give him or her more, and they will put
in more effort. Several studies exist supporting money oriented motivation as a key
motivation factor but other studies goes on and support the money orientation while not
excluding other factors such as employee living status, employee needs and want and overall
each employee personal drives that pushes them towards motivation.

2.1.3 Work evaluation and feedback.

From Dijk and Michal (2015) definition” The term performance appraisal (or
performance evaluation) refers to the methods and processes used by organizations to assess
the level of performance of their employees” (Dijk & Michal, 2015, p.716). Feedback is
response employees get from either their evaluation or response from communication.
Feedback can also be inform of recognition or appreciation of work being done and can well
be put into simple words such as “well done” or “great work”. High Communication system
or communication efficiency is important for any organization and that goes in hand with
occasional feedback on results.

According to Denisi and Pritchard, (2006, as cited in Dijk & Michal, 2015),
performance appraisal process usually includes measuring employee’s performance and
providing them with feedback regarding the level and quality of their performance. Feedback
is sometimes neglected but actually shows the standing point of an organization and where it
wants to be. Work evaluation as part of performance appraisal, is evaluating and putting
emphasis on control how work is being done. From employee’s perspective, doing work just
for the sake of work, there is no evaluation of results, no supervision and no control over
activities done have an impact on how employees react toward carrying out task either in
speed or outcomes.

2.2 Job satisfaction

Nancy (1997 as cited in Sageer et al., 2012) definition, job satisfaction is the level of
fulfillment of one’s needs, wants and desire. Satisfaction depends basically upon what an
individual wants from the world, and what he gets. Moreover, According to Oshagbemi
(2000, cited in Bektaş, 2017), Job satisfaction can be defined as an emotional response
that occurs as a result of the interaction between the employees’ values concerning
their job and the profits they gain from their jobs

From Sageer et al. (2012) definition, employee satisfaction is the terminology used to
describe whether employees are happy, contended and fulfilling their desires and needs at
work. Sageer et al. (2012) adds saying that, employee satisfaction is a measure of how happy
workers are with their job and working environment.

Sageer et al. (2012) urges “It is sure that there may be many factors affecting the
organization effectiveness and one of them is employee satisfaction” (p.32). As mentioned
earlier, there are different factor that can influence the employee’s motivation as these factors
also play an important role in influencing satisfaction at work. Work motivation is mostly
categorized into two types, being intrinsic and extrinsic motivation showing that different
incentives have distinct impact on employee motivation (Kuranchie-Mensah & Amponsah-
Tawiah, 2016). Therefore, job satisfaction consists of two elements; extrinsic satisfaction and
intrinsic satisfaction.

2.2.1 Extrinsic satisfaction

From the definition of satisfaction, it’s meeting the needs, wants and desires, Every
human being is different, so as their needs and desires. Form Bektaş (2017) definition,
“extrinsic satisfaction refers to monetary and status-related gains obtained via
performance of the job and friendship, fellowship and prestige to be developed in the
working environment” (p.630).

According to Bektaş (2017), these pay, monetary rewards and working conditions
are factors defined as external means and influences emotions of an individual. He adds
saying that, If management utilizes these means on time, in place and at required
levels, it will make positive contributions to job satisfaction (Bektaş, 2017).

As When an employee has an interest in a job, they can obtain tangible or

intangible gains. Extrinsic factors rely on employee adapting from external factors for
satisfaction such as receiving rewards, being in a team, improving professional career, job
security and relations with supervisors and colleagues. Therefore, this factors or forces can
contribute to the overall being and satisfaction of the employee at work hence job satisfaction

2.2.2 Intrinsic satisfaction

To understand intrinsic satisfaction, we need to first understand its factors. According

to Bektaş (2017), Intrinsic job satisfaction factors include such components as sense of
success at work, relations with colleagues, job stability, customer relations and efforts
to unearth one’s skills. These are feelings one get from doing a certain job and there is
feeling and emotions that one’s desired are met. This is a type of satisfaction which does not
come as a result of pay or reward system but mere things for example; relations with
supervisors, job confidence and ability to grow.

According to lee (2017), Intrinsic satisfaction are the factors satisfying the
individual deriving from the individual her/himself. Bektaş (2017) supports saying that,
“Factors such as the job itself, independence granted by the job, importance of the job
for the individual, involvement in management, taking responsibility, opening space for
creativity and enabling the individual to utilize her/his skills and capabilities constitute
intrinsic factors” (p.630).

Therefore, an organization environment that foster motives or motivational factors,
touching the moral and values of the employee while accomplishing together the needs and
desires of those employees, altogether created a sense of satisfaction that makes up the job

2.2.3 Relationship between employee motivation and Job performance

According to Njanja et al. (2013), research has proven that when human being are
appreciated and praised they tend to improve their performance. Gouws (1995, as cited in
Roos & Eeden, 2008) points out that, the factors that motivate employees are the same ones
that contribute towards their satisfaction in the workplace and subsequently concludes that,
motivated employees are generally also satisfied with their work.

Roos and Eeden (2008) adds saying that, Motivation therefore manifests in job
satisfaction (attitudinal) and performance (behavioral) and thus provides the link between
employee job satisfaction and employee performance.

As employees have different needs and desires, these desires become objectives that
the employee wants to attain and the attainment of those objectives, personal goals and the
fulfillment of those desires is what encloses job satisfaction hence there is a positive
relationship between employee motivation and job satisfaction.

2.3 Organization productivity

From Ugwu and Coker (2012) definitions;

In economics, productivity is the ratio of what is produced to what is required to

produce. It is the measure of production efficiency over a given period of time. To the
engineer; productivity means new technology, machines and equipment, measurement
and controls. To a business manager, productivity has various meanings including
effectiveness and efficiency. This is because in management there are no measurable
units of output, no productivity function and the non-existence of an effective data
base (p. 34).

From Akerele (1991, as cited in Ugwu & Coker, 2012), Productivity is an attitude of
the mind. It is the mentality of progress and constant improvement. According to Saxena
(2014), Productivity shows whether the activity of an organization is efficient and effective.

She adds by saying that, productivity requires both efficiency and effectiveness, because a
certain activity will not be productive if it is only efficient, but not effective, or effective, but
not efficient (Saxena, 2014).

Therefore productivity is whether an organization can achieve its vision, goal and
objective (being effective) basing on producing and designing quality products and same time
be efficient (use lesser input to produce reasonable output). Efficiency and effectiveness are
going to be well detailed in efficiency variable.

2.3.1 Efficiency

Pinprayong and Siengthai (2012, as cited in Bartuševičienė & Šakalytė, 2013),

efficiency and effectiveness are thought to be the same but often misinterpreted. According to
Heilman and Kennedy–Philips (2011, as cited in Bartuševičienė and Šakalytė, 2013),
organizational effectiveness helps to assess the progress towards mission fulfillment and goal
achievement. As most organization accesses their performance in effectiveness as the focus
point is in achieving the missions, goals and objectives, there is a phenomenon behind which
value the organization performance in terms of efficiency which is how the organization uses
its resources to achieve certain outputs.

Bartuševičienė and Šakalytė (2013) adds by saying that, it is important to understand

that efficiency doesn’t mean that the organization is achieving excellent performance in the
market, although it reveals its operational excellence in the source of utilization process.
Bartuševičienė and Šakalytė (2013) backs up by saying that, efficiency is oriented towards
successful input transformation into outputs, where effectiveness measures how outputs
interact with the economic and social environment.

Therefore, an organization rely on products to make sales and money, but there is a
concept of how those inputs are used whether less time is used, employees skills are at a
higher standard, employees are motivated and creative in time consumption and overall
structure of the organization in successful transformation of inputs to outputs. The
organization ability to be effective (achieve objectives and goals) while being efficient (use
less resources and materials) is a greater combination to achieve higher productivity and

2.3.2 Competitiveness

According to Stigler (1988, cited in Listra, 2015), competition is a rivalry between

individuals (or groups or nations), and it arises whenever two or more parties strive for
something that all cannot obtain. According to Grzebyk &Krynski, (2009, as cited in Zelga,
2017), Competition is defined as an activity of individuals who seek to achieve the benefits
that others want to gain at the same time and in the same conditions.

As it is believed, staying in business and the development of the business is dependent

on the market and surpassing the competitors, therefore competition by lesniewski (2014, as
cited in Zelga, 2017), is a process between the rivals but also an opportunity for cooperation
between business partners. Therefore, competition can be a hindrance but an opportunity for
an organization to maximize its labor resources in overcoming the existing competition that
will create and influence productivity in the employees and passed on to be the overall
organization productivity.

2.3.3 Customer satisfaction

Different researches have come up with different concept and definition regarding
customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is the overall customer attitude towards a service
provider (Levesque and McDougall, 1996 as cited in Hansemark & albinsson, 2004).
According to zineldin (2000 as cited in Hansemark & Albinsson, 2004), Customer satisfaction
is an emotional reaction to the difference between what customers anticipates and what they

Hansemark & Albinsson (2004) urges that, customer satisfaction is essential to every
organization as satisfied customers are less-price sensitive, buy additional products, are less
influenced by competitors and stay loyal longer. A customer who is satisfied with a product
or service is more likely to repeat the purchase and to recommend the consumption
experience to other persons (Al-Maslam, 2015).

Hansemark and Albinsson (2004) cited Ovenden (1995) as findings that, organizations
must be aware of how well or badly its customers are treated. Customers rarely complain, and
when someone does, it might be too late to retain that customer. Research by

In fact, Customer satisfaction brings many benefits. According to Hansemark and

Albinsson (2004), customer satisfaction is an aid to retention (retaining customers), customer

loyalty, market or total sales and improves the brand image. Athanassopoulos (2000) indicates
that, product innovations, prices, staff services, convenience and business profile as
determinants of customer satisfaction.

2.4 Relationship between employee motivation and productivity

Bawa (2017) argues that, first and foremost, there is the need to motivate workers in
order to increase their productivity and also that there are many financial and non-financial
strategies of motivating workers. The very many strategies play an important role in
productivity. Bawa (2017) concludes saying that, robust pay, promotion, recognition,
conducive working environment, equity and fairness and other aspects of human resource
management systems are important for enhancing motivation, job satisfaction and higher

According to Mohammed (2019), a job that offers chances for recognition and rewards
tends to motivate the workers making them very productivity. Therefore, an organization
focusing on motivating the employees tags along with an increase in employee productivity
that in the end, it reflects to the overall organization’s productivity hence a positive
relationship between employee motivation and productivity.

2.5 Relationship between job satisfaction and productivity

According to Potterfield (1999, as cited in Sageer et al., 2012), satisfied employees

affect the customer satisfaction and organizational productivity. Sageer et al. (2012) add
saying that, one of the main aspects of Human Resource Management is the measurement of
employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction should be high among the workers, which is a
precondition for increasing productivity, responsiveness, and quality and customer service

According to Sageer et al. (2012), employee satisfaction is the terminology used to

describe whether employees are happy, contended and fulfilling their desires and needs at
work. Thus, when employees are satisfied at their job, there is a possible increase in
productivity hence a link between job satisfaction and productivity.

2.6 Knowledge gap

The knowledge gap in this research paper is on the employee motivation, the existing
literature on individual employee motivation factors from scholars due to the many different
factors involved in employee motivation.

2.7 Summary

Literature review chapter consists of an overview on existing findings conducted by

other researchers on employee motivation, job satisfaction and organization productivity. The
chapter also consists of existing literature review and findings on the inter-relationship
between the different variables and further, the chapter mentions the existing knowledge gab
observed in terms of literature review on individual motivational factors.


3.0 Overview

This chapter outlines procedures, methods, techniques and ways used by the
researcher in conducting the study. This chapter entails the research design, research
approach, the study population, sampling size and methods, source of data, data collection
methods and instruments, data processing, data analysis, the limitation of the study and the
ethical consideration.

3.1 Research design

Research design is a master plan specifying the methods and procedure for collecting
and analyzing the needed information (Zikmund, 1988 as cited in Akhtar, 2016). In other
words, research is a plan that makes up the structure, process, analysis, investigation and
methods of data collection that makes the research work.

According to akthar (2016), there exist four types of research designs; Exploratory or
Formulative research, Descriptive research or Statistical research, Explanatory research and
Experimental research or Analytical research

This study was based on descriptive research design. Descriptive research answers the
questions, what, who, where, how and when. It is used to study the current situation (akthar,
2016) A descriptive research design was adopted for this study as to provide a clear
understanding on employee motivation and how it affects the employee and organization
productivity of Garage City Motors.

3.2 Research approaches

According to Bhawna and Gobind (2015), there are four approaches to research;
Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research, Mixed methods Research and
Advocacy/participatory Research. Rahi (2017) urges that, qualitative and quantitative
methods are the most dominant approaches used in researches despite the different methods
that exist.

“Qualitative research is aimed at gaining a deep understanding of a specific

organization or event, rather than a surface description of a large sample of a population.”
(Bhawna & Gobind, 2015, p.50). Qualitative research is a major field of academic research
study, and the basis for awarding thesis and dissertations worldwide (Bhawna & Gobind,
2015).This research was based on the mixed research approach (mixture of qualitative and
quantitative designs). Data collected was in form of numeric (numbers) and text (opinions)

3.3 Study population

Population is the total number of people put in to consideration by the researcher as

subject of research. It is people or items that one wishes to understand (Rahi, 2017). The
study population is a group as part of the population that the researcher will focus on as
subjects. The study population comprised of 133 people; 87 employees and 46 customers. The
number of customers represents a total number of customers owning a contract with the

3.4 Sampling procedures

Sampling is the process of selecting segment of the population for investigation (Rahi,
2017). Sampling procedure aspects includes collecting, analyzing and interpretation of data.
According to Taherdoost (2016), sampling techniques can be divided into two types namely;
Probability or random sampling and Non- probability or non- random sampling.

Probability sampling is based on random selection (selecting subjects randomly) while

non-probability sampling is non-random sampling as basis is required for sample selection.
According to Taherdoost (2016), sampling methods can be subdivided as follows:

Table 1: Probability and non –probability sampling techniques

Probability sampling Non-probability sampling

Simple random sampling Quota sampling

Systematic sampling Snowball sampling

Stratified random sampling Convenience sampling

Cluster sampling Purposive or judgmental

Multi-stage sampling

Cluster sampling

Source: Taherdoost (2016)

The researcher based on probability sampling procedure specifically the simple
sampling technique as for everyone to get a selection chance. The study applied the following
sampling procedures.

3.4.1 Sampling technique

The study applied simple random sampling for everyone to get a chance of selection.
The simple random sample means that every case of the population has an equal probability
of inclusion in sample (Taherdoost, 2016).

3.4.2 Sample size

A sample is part of the population (Kothari, 2004). A sample is chosen to represent the
whole population. Most of time, due to accessibility constraints, time and cost concern, it is
difficult to involve the whole population and a sample was selected to represent the
population. The total population was 87 employees and 46 customers; Slovin formula was
applied to determine the sample size (Kothari, 2004).

Formula; n= 2 where;
1+ N e
n=sample size
N=Total population
e= margin error (0.05 or 5%)
N= 87 Employees and 46 customers
e= 0.05
A 5% margin of tolerable error was used

87 46
n= 2 n= 2
1+ 87∗0.05 1+ 87∗0.05

87 46
n= n=
1+ 87∗0.0025 1+ 87∗0.0025

87 46
n= n=
1+ 0.2175 1+ 0.2175

87 46
n= n=
1.2175 1.2175
n=71.45 n=37.78 ≈ 38

n ≈72 n≈ 38

The sample size considered was 72 employees and38 customers.

3.5 Source of data

Two sources of data namely exist; Primary and secondary data.

3.5.1 Primary data

According to Hox and Boeije (2015), primary data are data collected for the specific
research problem at hand, using procedure that fit the research problem best. Primary data is
original data collected by the researcher by him/herself either by the use of
questionnaires/surveys and interviews. The researcher mainly used questionnaire for the
employees with interview for the customers.

3.5.2 Secondary data

From Hox and Boeije (2015) definition, material created by other researchers and
made available for reuse by the general research community is called secondary data.
Secondary data include gathering information from already existing sources. Secondary data
used were publication such as articles, journals and thesis.

This research consisted of both primary and secondary data. Primary data consist of
data collected with the use of questionnaires and open interview while articles and journals
were used for secondary data.

3.6 Data collection methods and instrument

Data collection methods and instruments are instruments guiding the researcher in
gathering of information. Survey interviews and observation are among the most used
instruments in research (Eladio, 2006 cited in Trigueros, Juan & sandocal, 2017). Research
methods are essential part of any research project as they determine its success, validity and
reliability (Alshenqeeti, 2014).

According to Trigueros et al. (2017), interviewing involves asking questions and

getting answers from participants in a study. A face-to-face interviewing was preferable as to
target detailed perceptions, opinions, and attitudes from the respondent. As for the survey, it
was used because of being the most used quantitative research technique (Trigueros et al.,

Interview and survey technique were used in gathering and collection of data for the
study. From the method of data collection, interview guide and questionnaire were the tools

3.7 Data processing and analysis

Data Analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical

techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data (Sharma, 2018).
After data is processed and centralized, it needs to be input into a computer and that is
processing. According to Kothari (2004), processing data implies editing, coding,
classification, tabulation of collected data so that they are amenable to analysis, while data
analysis refers to the computation of certain measures along with searching with patterns of
relationship that exist among data group. Microsoft Excel 2010 was used in tabulation,
editing and analysis of data gathered during the study.

3.8 Measurement of variables

Likert-type scale has been used in the measurement of variable. According to William,
James and Samuel (2009), subsequent research have confirmed that the Likert-type scales are
quite reliable and valid instruments for the measurement of attitude. William et al. (2009)
adds saying that, the subject is asked to indicate whether he agrees or disagrees with each
statement. Variables were measured through the following scale: strongly agree, neutral,
strongly disagree

3.9 Ethical consideration

The researcher held a meeting with the general director on August 2020 requesting for
permission to carry out with the research. The researcher put in to consideration the hard work
and labor of the employees accompanied with less leisure time thus the researcher approached
gently as not to burden staff on busy schedules.

3.10 Limitation of the study

Researcher faced problems with language barrier and employees shifting work places
occasionally with the parent company which the organization prefers undisclosed, thus there
was need to use a French-translated version of the questionnaire for respondents to better
understand and obtain reliable data. The researcher also had to shift work places in collecting
back the questionnaires. Besides, the researcher faced problems with staff schedules due to
constant movements and simply unavailability of some of study population which prompt the
researcher to accommodate more time to representative so as to be able to collect their
response. Some customers were in much hurry that would question the reliability of their
opinions on the study which the researcher had to question (their time availability) before
proceeding with the interview.

3.11 Summary

This chapter combines the appropriate methodology used for the study. The chapter
generalize on methods, procedure and techniques used in carrying out the study. The chapter
outlines the research approaches, research design, study population, sampling methods,
sample size, data collection methods and instruments, the limitation of the study and the
ethical consideration of the study. The next chapter shall consist of the analysis and
interpretation of data collected though questionnaires and interview guide.


This chapter present the analysis carried and interpretation of data collected from the
study. The data collected and findings from the respondent were collected over a sample of
110 respondents; questionnaires for 72 staff members and 38 interview guides for customers.
Data collected was on a basis of a single question; the effect of employee motivation on
organization productivity at Garage City Motors. The results were guided by the following

 To examine the relationship between employee motivation and employee’s

wellbeing and satisfaction at their work place.
 To assess the relationship between job satisfaction and organization productivity.
 To amplify the relationship between employee motivation and overall organization

4.1 Profile of respondent

The description of respondents was assessed in form of; gender of respondent, age of
the respondent, educational level of the respondents and number of years the respondent has
been working with the organization.

4.1.1 Gender

The gender representation of the respondent was in two ways; male or female gender.
The table below represents the gender basis of sample studied.

Table 2: Gender of respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage
Male 66 92%
Female 6 8%
Total 72 100%

Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From the above table, the sample size of the study which consisted of 72 respondents
was characterized with 92% male and 8% female.

4.1.2 Age of respondents

The table below represent the age of respondents in the different age gap. It is
important to recognize the age of the respondent targeted for the study.

Table 3: Age of respondents

Respondent age gap Frequency Percentage

20 – 30 years 52 72%
31 – 40 years 11 15%
41 – 50 years 3 4%
51 years and above 6 9%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From the sample selected, respondents were characterized as follows; 72% were of
age between 20 and 30 years old, 15% between 31 and 40 years old, 4% between 41 and 50
years old and 9% were 50 years old and above. The majority fall in the gab between 20 and
30 years old.

4.1.3 Educational Level of the respondents

The table below represents the educational level of the different respondents in
category of; primary education, high school certificate, diploma and bachelor or master’s

Table 4: Level of education of the respondent

Education Frequency Percentage

Primary education 7 10%
Diploma 49 68%
Bachelor or Masters 16 22%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 10% of respondents had at least a primary education certificate, 68%
of respondents had a diploma certificate and 22% had either a bachelor or master’s degree.
The majority of respondents with a 68% margin had a bachelor degree or master’s degree.

4.1.4 Duration of the respondent with Garage City Motors

The table below represent the duration the respondents have been working with the

Table 5: Respondents duration with Garage City Motors

Period Frequency Percentage
Less than 5 months 6 8%
6 to 12 months 12 17%
1 year to 2 years 19 26%
More than 2 years 35 49%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August2020)

From findings, 6% had a stay with the organization for less than 5 months, 17%
between 6 and 12 months of stay, 26% between 1year and 2 years of stay and 49% had a stay
of more than 2 years. The majority represented by 49% had a stay of more than 2 years with
the organization.

4.2 Employee motivation

In order to answer to set objectives, the following consist of organized questions in the
aspect of motivating employees asked to the respondents

4.2.1 Needs and desires

To understand the role of meeting needs and desires in employee motivation, the
following two questions were asked to the respondents:

The first question consisted of respondent’s opinion on the question that employee
motivation depends on organization meeting employee’s needs and desires. The objective of
the question is whether meeting needs and desires makes up employee motivation or in other
words, meeting needs and desires in employee motivation.

Table 6: Needs and desires in employee motivation

Opinions Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 72 100%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Neutral 0 0%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 100% of respondents strongly agreed to the statement that meeting
employee’s needs and desires motivates them in G.C.M. and none disagreed nor were neutral.
This proved to the researcher that meeting the employee’s needs and desires motivates them.

The second question consisted of finding whether G.C.M. is concerned in meeting

employee’s needs and desires and the objective was figuring out whether the organization is
catering for motivation or not.

Table 7: Employee motivation in Garage City Motors

Opinions Frequency Percentage

Yes 29 40%
No 43 60%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 40% of respondents agreed that the organization is meeting their needs
and desires while 60% disagreed. With a majority of 60% this clears that, the organization is
not fulfilling the employee’s needs and desires in the form of motivation.

4.2.2 Friendly working environment

In order to understand the relationship between friendly working environment and the
motivation of employees, the following two questions were asked:

Question one consisted of respondent’s opinion on whether Non-financial incentives

such as friendly working conditions impact the motivation of the employees. The objective of
the question was to answer to the fact that, friendly working environment is a factor and an
element of employee motivation.

Table 8: Friendly working condition as a motivational factor

Opinions Frequency Percentage
Strongly agree 69 96%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Neutral 3 4%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 96% of respondents strongly agreed to the statement that friendly
working conditions plays a role and importance to their motivation in the organization, 4%
neutrally agreed to the statement and none disagreed. This proved to the researcher that
indeed, friendly working condition is a factor, a variable and an element of employee

Question two represent respondents opinion on whether the Non-physical working

environment such as relationship among employees and relationship between supervisors and
employees play a role in employee motivation. The objective was to provide support to the
fact that work environment and conditions impact employee’s motivation and their well-

Table 9: In-job relationship as a motivational tool

Opinions Frequency Percentage
Strongly agree 72 100%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Neutral 0 0%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 100 % of the respondents strongly agreed to the statement that
relationship with co-workers and supervisor determines their motivation in G.C.M while
neither disagreed nor were neutral. The percentage proved to the researcher that non-physical
aspect of working environment such as relationship among co-workers and supervisors is
important during motivation of employees.

4.2.3 Reward system

This represents the respondent’s opinion on the question that financial incentives such
as promotion and rewards are important when it comes to motivation. The objective of the
question is whether the reward system is a key factor to employee motivation.

Table 10 : Reward system in employee motivation

Opinions Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 72 100%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Neutral 0 0%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 100% of the respondents strongly agreed to the statement that reward
systems such as promotion, pay and bonuses motivate them at G.C.M. Neither of respondents
neutrally agreed to the statement nor did they disagree. This proved to the researcher that the
reward system is a major factor in employee motivation.

4.2.4 Work evaluation and feedback as a motivational factor

The question consist of respondent’s opinion on work evaluation and feedback during
employee motivation and the objective is whether work evaluation and feedback is an
attribute of employee motivation.

Table 11: Work evaluation and feedback in employee’s motivation

Opinions Frequency Percentage
Strongly agree 57 79%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Neutral 15 21%
Total 72 100%

Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 79% strongly agreed that work evaluation and feedback play a role in
the motivation of employees. 21% of the respondents were neutral to the statement while
none disagreed. With 79% strongly agreeing to the statement, this provide with proof and
evidence that evaluating work and constant feedback is important in motivating employees.

4.3 Job satisfaction

To answer to set objectives, questions were subdivided into two categories; questions
on intrinsic satisfaction and questions on extrinsic satisfaction.

4.3.1 Intrinsic Job satisfaction

In order to understand the relationship between employee motivation and intrinsic job
satisfaction, two questions were observed:

The first question consisted of respondent’s opinion on whether the empowerment and
recognition of employees motivate them and the objective is linking empowerment and
recognition as elements of intrinsic job satisfaction in creating satisfaction to the employees.

Table 12: Empowerment and recognition in intrinsic satisfaction

Opinions Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 68 94%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Neutral 4 6%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 94% of respondents strongly agreed that empowerment and recognition
of employees is critical to employee’s motivation, 6% neutrally agreed and 0% disagreed. It is
therefore proven to the researcher that, empowerment and recognition are factors of employee
motivation and elements in creating satisfaction at work.

The second question consisted of respondent’s opinions on the fact that in-job
relationship among co-workers and supervisors create a sense of belonging in the
organization. The objective is whether attributes of non-physical environment such as

relationship between employees amongst themselves or with supervisors create satisfaction at

Table 13: In-job relationship in creating satisfaction

Opinions Frequency Percentage
Strongly agree 65 90%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Neutral 7 10%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 90% of respondents strongly agreed that indeed, the relationships at
work whether with supervisors or employees influences their satisfaction at work. 72% of
respondents neutrally agreed to the statement while none disagreed. This proved to the
researcher that non-physical working conditions are factors in creating job satisfaction.

4.3.2 Extrinsic Job satisfaction

This represents opinions from respondents on the question that financial related
motivational factors influences job satisfaction. The objective is whether financial aspects of
motivating employees such as rewards and bonuses create job satisfaction.

Table 14: Financial aspect of motivation in job satisfaction

Opinions Frequency Percentage
Strongly agree 61 85%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Neutral 11 15%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 85% of respondent strongly agreed that the organization’s focus on
financial incentives influences the job satisfaction. 15% of respondents neutrally agreed while
none disagreed. This proved the fact that financial aspect of motivation such as pay and
bonuses directly influence the level of job satisfaction.

4.3.3 Employee motivation as an element of job satisfaction

This represents respondent’s opinions on the question whether job satisfaction can be
achieved from motivating employees and in general, motivational factors. The objective was

to figure out whether employee motivation is an element and attribute of job satisfaction.

Table 15: Job satisfaction from motivational factors

Opinions Frequency Percentage
Strongly agree 65 90%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Neutral 7 10%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 90% of respondents strongly agreed that motivation of employees

influence job satisfaction. 10% neutrally agreed to the statement while none disagreed. With a
major percentage on agreeing side, it is therefore proven that employee motivation is key to
creating job satisfaction in an organization.

4.3.4 Job satisfaction in organization’s productivity

This represents respondent’s opinion on the question whether job satisfaction

influence the organization’s productivity. The question objective is to provide an answer to
research objectives on the fact that job satisfaction is an attribute of organization productivity.

Table 16: Job satisfaction on organizational productivity

Opinions Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 58 81%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Neutral 14 19%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 81% of respondents strongly agreed that satisfaction at work play an
important role in influencing organization’s productivity. 19% neutrally agreed to the
statement while none disagreed. This proved to the researcher that indeed, job satisfaction

influences an organization’s productivity and this answers the research objectives that there
exist a positive relationship between job satisfaction and organization’s productivity.

4.4 Organization productivity

In order to answer to set objectives, the following consist of organized questions in the
aspect of organization’s productivity asked to the respondents

4.4.1 Customer satisfaction

This represents respondent’s opinion on the question whether satisfaction of customers

can be depending on motivational level of employees. The question objective is whether
motivation of employees influences customer’s satisfaction level at Garage City Motors.

Table 17: Customer satisfaction from employee motivation

Opinions Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 58 81%
Strongly disagree 6 8%
Neutral 8 11%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 81% of respondents strongly agreed to the statement that employee
motivation plays a role in customer satisfaction, 11% were neutral while 8% disagreed. This
proved to the researcher that indeed, motivation of employees plays a role in customer
satisfaction of an organization. This can be backed up by interview data which is covered later
on that, customers are more contended with the organization when welcomed and cared well
by motivated and high spirited employees.

4.4.2 Competitiveness

This represents respondent’s opinions on the question that motivating employee play a
important role in competitive advantage of G.C.M. and the objective is to determine whether
motivation of employee influences and organization’s competitive advantage and whether
competitiveness is an attribute of organization productivity.

Table 18: Employee motivation in competitive advantage

Opinions Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 43 60%
Strongly disagree 10 14%
Neutral 29 26%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 60% of respondents strongly agreed, 26% neutrally agreed while 14%
strongly disagreed to the statement that motivation of employees in G.C.M influences it’s
competitive advantage. This proved to the researcher that motivation of employee in G.C.M.
plays a role in competitive advantage and thus an existing positive relationship between
motivation of employees and organization’s competitive advantage.

4.4.3 Organization efficiency

This represents opinions from respondents on the question that whether motivation
plays a role in Garage City Motor’s efficiency. The question objective was to determine the
link between motivation of employee and an organization’s improvement in efficiency. This
was to prove the link between motivating employee and achieving organization efficiency.

Table 19: Motivation on organization efficiency

Opinions Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 55 76%
Strongly disagree 7 10%
Neutral 10 14%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 76% of respondents strongly agreed, 10% were neutral and 14%
strongly disagreed to the statement that motivation has an influence in speed at work and
organization efficiency. This proved to the researcher that indeed, there exists a positive
relationship between achieving organization efficiency and motivating employees.

4.4.4 Goals and objectives

This represents respondent’s opinion on the question that whether motivation of

employees ease and play a role in organization meeting it’s goals and objectives and the
statement objective is to have proof from respondent’s opinion.

Table 20: Employee motivation in attainment of goals and objectives

Opinions Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 57 79%
Strongly disagree 4 6%
Neutral 11 15%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 79% of respondents strongly agreed to the statement that motivation
influences G.C.M.’s attainment of goals and objectives, while 15% where neutral and 6%
strongly disagreed to the statement. This indeed proved to the researcher that, there exist a
positive relationship between motivation of employees and an organization attaining its
objectives and goals.

4.4.5 Organization’s productivity

To understand the relationship between motivating employees and organization

productivity, the following two questions were asked to the respondents:

Question one consisted of respondent’s opinions on whether employee productivity

represents a clear image of overall organization productivity. The objective is to have proof of
the statement form respondent’s opinion

Table 21: Productive employees is organization’s productivity

Opinions Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 66 92%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Neutral 6 8%
Total 72 100%

Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From table 21, findings suggest that 92% of respondents strongly agreed that the
productivity of the employees shows a clear picture of the organization’s productivity in the
eyes of customers. 8% of respondents neutrally agreed while none disagreed. This provides
support to the statement that productive employees lead to organization productivity.

Question two consisted of respondent’s opinions on the question that motivation of

employees is a key to G.C.M.’s productivity and the question objective is whether motivation
of employees influences an organization’s productivity.

Table 22: Employee motivation in organization’s productivity

Opinions Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 53 74%
Strongly disagree 15 21%
Neutral 4 5%
Total 72 100%
Source: Primary data (August 2020)

From findings, 74% of respondents strongly agreed to the statement that motivation of
employee in G.C.M. play a key role in the organization’s productivity. 21% of respondents
strongly disagreed to the statement while 5% were neutral. This proved to the researcher that
indeed, motivation of employees influences an organization’s overall productivity and thus
employee motivation a factor of organization productivity. According to Bawa (2017), robust
pay, promotion, recognition, conducive working environment, equity and fairness and other
aspects of human resource management systems are important for enhancing motivation, job
satisfaction and higher productivity.

4.5 Findings from interview

The interview was held at Garage City Motors. The questions were directed towards
customers of the organization. The questions were based on employee motivation and the
organization productivity. The questions basis was to relate employee motivation to
customer’s satisfaction and how employee motivation plays a role in organization
productivity. The following questions were asked.

The first question was to know how as a customer, what did they expect from
motivated employees? They responded saying that, they need to be taken good care of,
employees to show respect and positive attitude and a strong work spirit when attending the
customers. it involves how employees give a warm welcome to the customer.

Second question was to know whether as customers, they expected employees to be

motivated. The majority of customers agreed to the statement saying that, employees need to
take good care of them, show positive attitude and positive spirit towards work as employees
behavior reflects organizations doings or image. They don’t want to be served by dormant
people and do-not-care employees.

Third question was to find out whether motivated employee can make the organization
be efficient. The majority were on the agreeing side generalizing that, if employees are
motivated, they work faster, accomplish numerous tasks in short time and indeed work well
thus leading to efficiency.

Fourth question was to know whether motivated employee can help organization gain
competitive advantage. They responded saying that if they are satisfied with the organization,
the more it attracted other customers. Others were on neutral side generalizing that employees
attract customers and more customers lead to competitive advantage,

Fifth question was to know if motivated employee attracted new customers and help
retain old one. The majority agreed saying that if they felt appreciated, welcomed, treated well
and taken good care of, this influenced the image of the organization which attracted more
customers and the satisfied customers will keep coming back.

Sixth question and last question was to know the reason why the organization should
motivate employee in relation to benefiting the organization. The majority chose, retaining
employees followed with achieving goals and objectives and overall performance


5.1 Overview

Upon completing the study, having analyzed and presented findings, the following
summary, conclusion and recommendations were developed based on the study objectives.
The objective was to analyze the effect of employee motivation on organization productivity
within Garage City Motors. This chapter entails the summary, conclusion and possible
recommendation on the study and propositions for further researches.

5.2 Summary and conclusion

The general objective of the study was to determine the effect of employee motivation
on the organization’s productivity at Garage City Motors. The study was guided by the
following objectives: to examine the relationship between employee motivation and
employee’s wellbeing and satisfaction at their work place, to assess the relationship between
job satisfaction and organization productivity and to amplify the relationship between
employee motivation and overall organization productivity.

In order to assess the effect of employee motivation on organization’s productivity,

one has to understand the correlation between the different variables. To determine the
relationship between the independent variable being employee motivation and organization
productivity as the dependent variable, job satisfaction was used as an intervening variable for
the study.

As mentioned earlier, robust pay, promotion, recognition, conducive working

environment, equity and fairness and other aspects of human resource management systems
are important for enhancing motivation, job satisfaction and higher productivity (Bawa,
2017). From findings or data collected from questionnaires, the researcher found that, there
exists a positive relationship between employee motivation and organization productivity at
G.C.M. From data collected, 74% of respondents strongly agreed to the fact that motivating
employees is key to productivity at G.C.M thus an existing positive relationship. As
respondents strongly agreed at 100% that meeting needs and desires of employees is what
motivates them, 90 % of respondents strongly agreed that motivation is indeed essential in
creating job satisfaction at workplace. Therefore, this proves an existing link between
motivating employees and the creation of job satisfaction.

From findings, the researcher found that 81% of the respondents strongly agreeing to
the fact that job satisfaction at workplace can influence an organization’s productivity.

Concerning the motivation of employees, at 100% the respondents recognized reward

system and friendly working environment as key elements to employee motivation while only
79% of the respondents agreeing that work evaluation and feedback is an element in
motivating employees.

Regarding the aspect of organization’s productivity, the researcher found that 76% of
respondents strongly agreeing that efficiency can be attained when organization cater for
motivation of its employees. Further, 60% of respondents agreeing that, employee motivation
is a tool in creating competitive advantage to the organization.

As customers are pleased when well server and taken good care of, 81% of
respondents agreed that motivated employees are a key to enhancing customer satisfaction in
the organization. The study findings backed up by interview findings suggest that, customers
are more pleased with motivated employees, therefore motivation of employee is critical in
creating customer satisfaction which tag along with various benefits such as retaining
customers and attracting new customers to the organization. It is supported by Hansemark and
Albinsson (2004) that, customer satisfaction is essential to every organization as satisfied
customers are less-price sensitive, buy additional products, are less influenced by competitors
and stay loyal longer.

In a nutshell, the researcher found that, there is indeed an existing positive correlation
between employee motivation and job satisfaction at workplace which in the long run,
influences an organization’s productivity thus a positive relationship between employee
motivation and organization productivity.

5.3 Recommendation

Based on study findings, the researcher has provided with the following
recommendation to G.C.M. on how to enhance motivation of employees and other key areas
to achieving organization productivity.

5.3.1 Recommendation on studying employee needs and desires

Based on the study, employee motivation is dependent on organization meeting

employee’s needs and desires. This proves that, if organization put into consideration the
employee’s needs, motives and desires, employees will be happy, contended and motivated
and further, satisfied at work thus a long term return such as improved customer satisfaction,
attracted-new-customers , improved efficiency and effectiveness in the organization. From
findings, it is proven that motivation tags along with many benefits thus, it is recommended to
G.C.M. to proper study employee’s needs, desires and motives so as to reap the long term
benefits. Recommendation on proper working condition and environment

From findings, employees strongly agreed at 100% that both the non-physical working
conditions such as relationship with supervisors and the physical working conditions such as
clean, well designed and secure working environment are both key to motivating employees.
From researcher’s observation, it is recommended to G.C.M. to highly consider a promising
environment to the employees for better results and motive to work harder and create a work
satisfactory environment to the employees. Therefore, G. C. M. should reconsider providing
a promising working condition and environment whether clean and designed work place, a
secured working environment and integrate employee-supervisor relationship so as to create
job satisfaction which will enhance organization productivity.

5.3.2 Recommendation on exploring suitable motivational factor

As mentioned earlier, there are different kinds of motivational factors. Amongst the
reasons there is no perfect organization with all motivation factors, the concern of cost. Cost
is among the drives that determine the motivation factor the organization is using. From
training, bonuses, rewards, promotions to perfect work area, all depend on costs. It is
recommended to G.C.M. to study the employee’s needs, desires and motives, study possible
applicable motivational factors, involve costs and long term return of the decision taken
among other concerns to determine adequate motivation factors for its employees. Therefore,
G.C.M. should explore suitable motivational factors that will lead to a long term return on
productivity of the organization and overlook the current costs posing hindrance on
possibilities to growth.

5.4 Area for further research

The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of employee motivation on
organization productivity. More or less, employee motivation is not the only organization
aspect that can influence organization productivity. Further researches should be carried out
on how individual employee motivational factor influences and play a role in organization
productivity. That is to say, how different motivational factors affect the organization’s
productivity. Furthermore, the study generalized on all rewards thus, other researches should
be carried out by focusing on individual type of rewards and their relative consequences and
effect on employee motivation and organization as a whole.



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Appendix 1: English questionnaire

Dear respondent,
As I am pursuing a bachelor degree in business administration from International
Leadership University, to be able to hand over an internship report, I would appreciate it if
you would kindly take some time to complete the following questionnaire concerning my
research as your response would be very helpful and important.. I am conducting a research
on the impact of employee motivation on organization productivity.

INSTRUCTION: Please mark (√ ). In spaces provided and specify where necessary.

A. Demographic data
1, Gender:
a. Male [ ]
b. Female [ ]
2. Age:
a.20 – 30 years [ ]
b.31 – 40 [ ]
c.41 – 45 years [ ]
d.46 years and above [ ]
3. Education level:
a. [ ] Primary education
b. [ ] College degree (certificate & diploma)
c. [ ] University degree (Bachelor, masters)
d. Other (Please specify) ……………………
4. Length of stay with G.C.M:
a. Less than 5 month [ ]
b. 6 to 12 months [ ]
c. 1 year to 2 years [ ]
d. More than 2 years [ ] (please specify) ……..

B. Employee motivation
5, Are you meeting your needs and desires from the organization?
a. Yes [ ]
b. No [ ]

6. Tick the appropriate box that represents the respondents’ experience; strongly agree,
neutral and strongly disagree

Statements Strongly agree Neutral Strongly disagree

Employee motivation depends on

whether organization is meeting
employee needs and desires.

Financial incentives such as

promotion and reward are important
when it comes to motivation.

Non-financial incentives such as

friendly working condition impact
the employee motivation.

Relationship with co-workers and

supervisor determines employee

Evaluation and feedback play an

important role in motivation of the

c. Job satisfaction

7. Tick the appropriate box that represents the respondents’ experience; strongly agree,
neutral and strongly disagree

Statements Strongly agree Neutral Strongly disagree

Empowerment and recognition of

employee will motivate them

In-job Relations with co-workers,

supervisors and team-mates create a
satisfactory environment in the

Job satisfaction can be achieved when

organization focus on motivation

The Financial aspects of motivating

employee such as promotion, bonuses
and rewards create satisfaction.

Motivating employees influences job


In-job satisfaction influences the

organization productivity

C. Organization productivity

9. Tick the appropriate box that represents the respondents’ experience; strongly agree,
neutral and strongly disagree

Statements Strongly agree Neutral Strongly disagree

Customer’s satisfaction can be

depending on employee motivation.

In customers eyes, productive

employee/labor image represent the
overall productivity of the

Motivated employee plays a role in

competitive advantage of G.C.M.

Speed at work (efficiency) depends on

motivation which makes motivation
an element of efficiency.

Employee motivation in G.C.M. leads

to attainment of goals and objectives.

Employee motivation is a key role to

G.C.M. productivity.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration

Appendix II: French Questionnaire
Cher répondant,
En poursuivant un baccalauréat en administration des affaires de l'Université internationale de
leadership, afin de pouvoir remettre un rapport de stage, je vous serais reconnaissant de
prendre un peu de temps pour remplir le questionnaire suivant concernant ma recherche, car
votre réponse serait très utile et importante. Je mène une recherche sur l'impact de la
motivation des employés sur la productivité de l'organisation.

INSTRUCTION: Veuillez marquer (√ ) dans les espaces fournis et précisez si nécessaire.

A. Données démographiques
1, Sexe:
a. Homme [ ]
b. Femme [ ]
2. Age:
a.20 – 30 ans [ ]
b.31 – 40 ans [ ]
c.41 – 45 ans [ ]
d.46 ans et plus [ ]
3. Niveau d'éducation:
a. [ ] Enseignement primaire
b. [ ] Diplôme universitaire (certificat et diplôme)
c. [ ] Diplôme universitaire (baccalauréat, maîtrise, etc.)
d. Autre (Veuillez préciser) ……………………
4. Durée du séjour avec G.C.M :
a. Moins de 5 mois [ ]
b. 6 à 12 mois [ ]
c. 1 ans à 2 ans [ ]
d. Plus de 2 ans [ ] (Veuillez préciser) ……..
B. Motivation des employés
5, Répondez-vous à vos besoins et à vos désirs a partir de l'organisation?
a. Qui [ ]
b. Non [ ]

6. Cochez la case appropriée qui représente l’expérience des répondants; fortement
d'accord, neutre et fortement en désaccord

fortement fortement en
Declaration neutre
d'accord désaccord

La motivation des employés dépend

de la question de savoir si
l'organisation répond aux besoins et
aux désirs des employés.

Les incitations financières telles que

la promotion et la récompense sont
importantes pour la motivation.

Des incitations non financières telles

que des conditions de travail
favorables ont un impact sur la
motivation des employés.

La relation avec les collègues et le

superviseur détermine la motivation
des employés.

L'évaluation et la retour
d'information jouent un rôle
important dans la motivation des

c. Satisfaction au travail

7. Cochez la case appropriée qui représente l’expérience des répondants; fortement

d'accord, neutre et fortement en désaccord

fortement fortement en
Declaration neutre
d'accord désaccord

L'autonomisation et la reconnaissance
des employés les motiveront

Les relations professionnelles avec les

collègues, les superviseurs et les
coéquipiers créent un environnement
satisfaisant dans l'organisation.

La satisfaction au travail influence la

productivité de l'organisation

La satisfaction au travail peut être

obtenue lorsque l'organisation se
concentre sur les facteurs de
Les aspects financiers de la
motivation des employés tels que la
promotion, les primes et les
récompenses créent de la satisfaction.

Motiver les employés influence la

satisfaction au travail.

C. Productivité de l'organisation
9. Cochez la case appropriée qui représente l’expérience des répondants; fortement
d'accord, neutre et fortement en désaccord

fortement fortement en
Declaration neutre
d'accord désaccord

La satisfaction du client peut dépendre

de la motivation des employés.

Aux yeux des clients, l'image de

l'employé productif représente la
productivité globale de l'organisation.

Un employé motivé joue un rôle dans

l'avantage concurrentiel de G.C.M.

La vitesse au travail (efficacité)

dépend de la motivation qui fait de la
motivation un élément d'efficacité.

La motivation des employés chez

G.C.M. conduit à la réalisation des
buts et objectifs.

La motivation des employés est un

rôle clé pour G.C.M. productivité.

Merci beaucoup pour votre temps et votre considération

Appendix III: Interview guide

Dear respondent,
As I am pursuing a bachelor degree in business administration, i would appreciate if
you would kindly take some time to answer to a few questions concerning my research as
your response would be very helpful and important. I am conducting a research on the impact
of employee motivation on organization productivity.

A. Demographic data
1, Gender:
a. Male [ ]
b. Female [ ]
2. Age:
a.20 – 30 years [ ]
b.31 – 40 [ ]
c.41 – 45 years [ ]
d.46 years and above [ ]
3. Education level:
a. [ ] Primary education
b. [ ] College degree (certificate & diploma)
c. [ ] University degree (Bachelor, masters etc.)
d. Other (Please specify) ……………………
4. Length of stay with G.C.M:
a. Less than 5 month [ ]
b. 6 to 12 months [ ]
c. 1 year to 2 years [ ]
d. More than 2 years [ ] (please specify) ……..

5. As a customer, what do you expect from motivated employees?


6. Do you think the organization needs to motivate employees to your benefit or expectations?
If Yes/No; please justify your answer.


7. Do you think by motivating employees, can the organization be efficient? Please explain
your answer.


8. Do you think motivated employees can help the organization gain on competitive


9. Do you think employee motivation attract new customers and help retain old ones?


10. Explain briefly how motivated employees make you satisfied with the organization?


Appendix IV: French Interview guide

Cher répondant,
Comme je poursuis un baccalauréat en administration des affaires, je vous serais
reconnaissant de bien vouloir prendre le temps de répondre à quelques questions concernant
mes recherches, car votre réponse serait très utile et importante. Je mène une recherche sur
l'impact de la motivation des employés sur la productivité de l'organisation.
A. Données démographiques
1, Sexe:
a. Homme [ ]
b. Femme [ ]
2. Age:
a.20 – 30 ans [ ]
b.31 – 40 ans [ ]
c.41 – 45 ans [ ]
d.46 ans et plus [ ]
3. Niveau d'éducation:
a. [ ] Enseignement primaire
b. [ ] Diplôme universitaire (certificat et diplôme)
c. [ ] Diplôme universitaire (baccalauréat, maîtrise, etc.)
d. Autre (Veuillez préciser) ……………………
4. Durée du séjour avec G.C.M :
a. Moins de 5 mois [ ]
b. 6 à 12 mois [ ]
c. 1 ans à 2 ans [ ]
d. Plus de 2 ans [ ] (Veuillez préciser) ……..

5. En tant que client, qu'attendez-vous de collaborateurs motivés?


6. Pensez-vous que l'organisation doit motiver les employés à votre avantage ou selon vos
attentes? Si Qui / Non; veuillez justifier votre réponse.


7. Pensez-vous qu'en motivant les employés, l'organisation peut-elle être efficace? Veuillez
expliquer votre réponse.


8. Pensez-vous que des employés motivés peuvent aider l'organisation à obtenir un avantage


9. Pensez-vous que la motivation des employés attire de nouveaux clients et aide à fidéliser
les anciens?


10. Expliquez brièvement comment des employés motivés vous satisfont de l'organisation.


Appendix V: Work plan

September October
Activity June 2020 July 2020 August 2020
2020 2020



collection and



Appendix VI: Budget

Item Amount (Burundian Francs)

Transport 60,000

Communication 5,000

Bloc note 7.000

Printing and binding 140,000

Total cost 212,000 Francs

Appendix IV: Letters

A. Internship Letter

B. Internship acceptance letter


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