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Emergence of Asiatic Vibrio Diseases in South America in

Phase With El Niño
Jaime Martinez-Urtaza,a Blanca Huapaya,b Ronnie G. Gavilan,b Veronica Blanco-Abad,a
Juan Ansede-Bermejo,a Carmen Cadarso-Suarez,c Adolfo Figueiras,d,e and Joaquin Trinanesf

seems to be one of the driving forces of the spread of Vibrio

Background: The seventh pandemic of Vibrio cholerae unexpect-
edly reached the coast of Peru in 1991, causing an explosive
emergence of infections throughout the American continents. The (Epidemiology 2008;19: 829 – 837)
origin and routes of dissemination are as yet unknown. A new Vibrio
epidemic arose in 1997 in South America (northern Chile) when the
pandemic clone of Vibrio parahaemolyticus was for the fist time
detected outside of Asia. These 2 cases were concurrent with 2
episodes of El Niño.
Methods: We carried out a survey of records of V. parahaemolyti-
V ibrio cholerae and Vibrio parahaemolyticus are the major
human pathogens among Vibrio species. Despite their
distinctive biologic and ecologic features, both pathogens
cus infection and of strains existing in the Instituto Nacional de show some parallelisms in their epidemic dynamics and are
Salud of Peru between 1994 and 2005. Association between the El currently involved in 2 pandemic spreads.
Niño event and the V. parahaemolyticus disease was analyzed The seventh cholera pandemic began in Indonesia in
through generalized additive models applied to time-series data with 1961 and was confined to Asia until 1970 when it reached
negative binomial response, selecting some oceanographic factors Africa and Europe. It re-emerged in northern Peru in 1991,
distinctive of the movement of the El Niño waters. causing more than 1 million cases of cholera and 10,000
Results: Epidemiologic data and laboratory investigations of the deaths in Latin America in just 3 years.1 V. cholerae was the
strains showed that V. parahaemolyticus infections caused by the unique case of pandemic spread among Vibrio pathogens
pandemic clone emerged in the coasts of Peru linked to the 1997 El until 1996, when a dramatic increase in the number of V.
Niño episode. The epidemic dissemination of this clone matched the parahaemolyticus illnesses was detected in India.2
expansion and dynamics of the poleward propagation and the
Before 1996, V. parahaemolyticus infections were spo-
receding of the El Niño waters. This pattern was similar to previ-
radically detected in various geographic areas associated with
ously reported onset of cholera epidemic in 1991.
diverse serotypes.3 However, the emergence of V. parahae-
Conclusions: These findings identify the El Niño episodes as a
molyticus infections in Calcutta in February 1996 was dis-
reliable vehicle for the introduction and propagation of Vibrio
pathogens in South America. The movement of oceanic waters
tinctively linked to isolates belonging to the O3:K6 serotype,
with identical genotypes (tdh positive and trh negative) and
profiles indistinguishable by molecular typing techniques.2
The first reported isolate belonging to the new O3:K6 clone
Submitted 12 April 2007; accepted 18 March 2008. was previously detected in a patient from Indonesia in 1995.2
From the aInstituto de Acuicultura, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, In 1996 and 1997, diseases caused by this clone spread
Spain; bInstituto Nacional de Salud, Lima, Peru; cDepartamento de
Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa and dDepartamento de Medicina throughout most Southeast Asian countries (Fig. 1). The
Preventiva y Salud Publica, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, epidemiology of the O3:K6 infections changed abruptly in
Spain; eConsortium for Biomedical Research in Epidemiology and Pub- November 1997, when infections caused by this clone were
lic Health (CIBERESP); and fInstituto de Investigaciones Tecnologicas,
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. first detected outside of Asia at a single location on the
Supported by grants MTM2005-00818 from the Spanish Ministry of Education, northern coast of Chile,4 triggering the first pandemic expan-
PGIDIT06PXIC208043PN from the Xunta de Galicia (to C.C.-S.), and sion of this organism. The factors that endow the O3:K6
PI021512 from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria of the Spanish Ministry
of Health (to A.F.). clone with this pandemic potential are not well understood
Supplemental material for this article is available with the online version because no specific advantages in virulence or enhanced
of the journal at; click on “Article Plus.” survival of these isolates have yet been established.5
Correspondence: Jaime Martinez Urtaza, Instituto de Acuicultura, Univer-
sidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Until the appearance of Vibrio epidemics in South
E-mail: America, the infection had spread mostly westward, consis-
tent with the prevailing westward movement of water asso-
Copyright © 2008 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISSN: 1044-3983/08/1906-0829 ciated with the Indonesian throughflow (a system of currents
DOI: 10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181883d43 flowing from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean through

Epidemiology • Volume 19, Number 6, November 2008 829

Martinez-Urtaza et al Epidemiology • Volume 19, Number 6, November 2008

FIGURE 1. Distribution of pandemic V. parahaemolyticus 1996 –1997 when infections were detected outside of Asia in northern

the Indonesian Sea).6,7 The emergence of V. cholerae in 1991 was restricted to Asia until its detection in America. Finally,
and V. parahaemolyticus in 1997 on the west coast of South the 1997 El Niño was the best-documented episode of El
America was evidence of an eastward drift of Asian endemic Niño, and numerous studies were undertaken to assess the
infections, concurrent with the arrival of warm equatorial oceanographic and biologic changes coupled with this event.
waters displaced from Asia to America by the last 2 El Niño To evaluate the hypothesis of oceanic dispersion of
episodes. Vibrio infections, we focused our study on Peru, a country
The origin of the 1991 cholera epidemic in America greatly affected historically by El Niño episodes, and also the
remains uncertain. An oceanic theory for the transPacific place of emergence of the cholera epidemic in 1991.
transport of cholera from Asia to America was proposed,8 in
which the exchange of water masses throughout the Strait of
Makassar near Indonesia was suggested as the route of entry
of V. cholerae to the Pacific, and from there transporting Epidemiologic Information and Strains of V.
bacteria to Peru by eastward equatorial displacement of parahaemolyticus
waters of El Niño.8 However, this hypothesis could not be V. parahaemolyticus is not routinely investigated in
consistently contrasted because of the rapid dissemination of hospitals in Peru, and related infections are not reported to the
infections that spread over 2000 km of the west coast of Peru infectious diseases surveillance system. However, mandatory
in just 2 weeks and reached the tropical forests 1 month investigation of V. cholera in clinical laboratories after the
later.9,10,10a Furthermore, the scarcity of oceanic records and emergence of cholera epidemic in 1991 enabled parallel
satellite data available in 1991 constrained reliable analysis of identification of other pathogenic Vibrio.
the role of El Niño in the origin of the American cholera Vibrio strains isolated from clinical sources in hospitals
epidemic. and public health laboratories in Peru are shipped to the
The emergence of the V. parahaemolyticus epidemic in Instituto Nacional de Salud (Lima, Peru) for final identifica-
America concurrently with the 1997 El Niño episode pro- tion and characterization. Information concerning isolates
vided an opportunity to test the hypothesis of the oceanic received by this Institute is registered weekly. We conducted
spread of Vibrio infections from Asia. Unlike V. cholerae, V. an extensive survey of their records to establish the number of
parahaemolyticus is a strictly halophilic organism with a V. parahaemolyticus strains received from clinical laborato-
habitat restricted to the marine environment. This ecologic ries between 1994 and 2005. We inferred the rate of V.
feature limits its distribution to coastal areas, thereby en- parahaemolyticus infections from the number of strains re-
abling accurate tracking of the disease spread. Moreover, the ceived by the Institute in that period. As each strain shipped
pandemic clone of V. parahaemolyticus emerged in 1996 and was associated with a patient who received medical assis-

830 © 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Epidemiology • Volume 19, Number 6, November 2008 Vibrio Epidemics in South America and El Niño

tance, we assumed that the number of isolates shipped was content above 20°C as consistent indicators of the advance of
indicative of the dynamics of V. parahaemolyticus infections warm waters displaced by the Kelvin waves.
over the period of study. However, considering that V. para- The thermal structure of ocean impacts on sea surface
haemolyticus infections often cause mild illnesses that rarely topography and the variations of this parameter are detected
need medical care, these values probably represent only a by radar altimeters, which allow inference of sea height
small fraction of the actual number of infections. anomaly values at an accuracy of 1–2 cm rms.17 This param-
Additionally, 63 V. parahaemolyticus isolates from eter is the deviation of the sea height from a climatologic
the National Culture Strain Collection, deposited in the annual mean. We use the gridded sea height anomaly fields
Instituto Nacional de Salud, were subjected to serologic computed by AVISO (
and genetic characterization. Two environmental strains of The heat content above 20°C is defined as the inte-
V. parahaemolyticus obtained from previous studies were grated heat content from the surface to the depth of the 20°C
also characterized. isotherm, estimated by a 2-layer reduced gravity model.18
This isotherm represents the depth of the thermocline in the
Laboratory Investigations equatorial region19 and serves as a proxy for monitoring the
Identification of the isolates was confirmed by the evolution of El Niño and the propagation of Kelvin waves.
presence of the species-specific Vp-toxR and tlh genes. The Other variables in this parameter are the monthly relation-
presence of the Vp-toxR gene was investigated by PCR as ships among the depth of the isotherms above 20°C and
described previously.11 Presence of tlh and the virulence- values of sea surface temperature obtained from ⬃9 km
related genes tdh and trh was determined by multiplex PCR NOAA/NASA AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder Best-surface sea-
according to the procedure of Bej et al12 Virulence attributes water temperature data product20 and the Tropical Rainfall
were also investigated by single PCR protocols for identify- Measuring Mission Microwave Imager by Remote Sensing
ing tdh and trh genes, according to Tada et al13 The pandemic Systems and sponsored by the NASA Earth Science REASoN
nature of isolates was investigated by use of the Group- DISCOVER Project (
Specific PCR assay as described previously14; this procedure Time series of these 3 parameters show the evolution of
allows specific detection of the pandemic clone-specific nu- El Niño in 1997–1998. Fields were averaged and resampled
cleotides in the toxRS operon of V. parahaemolyticus. Sero- weekly into 1° ⫻ 1° grids.
typing of isolates was performed according to the manufac-
turer’s instructions (Denka-Seiken Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Statistical Analysis
Lipopolysaccharide (O) and capsular (K) serotypes were The relationships between V. parahaemolyticus strains
determined by agglutination tests in which specific antisera isolated in Peru during the study and the environmental
were used. explanatory variables were analyzed by generalized additive
Pulsed-Field Gel Elecrophoresis models (GAMs)21 applied to time-series data.22–24 The vari-
Peruvian V. parahaemolyticus isolates were compared able response was defined as the number of strains isolated
with a panel of isolates from Asia representing prepandemic, per week in the area, and the explanatory variables consid-
pandemic spread, and pandemic serovar transition periods. ered were surface seawater temperature, sea height anomaly,
Isolates from the first emergence of pandemic V. parahae- and heat content above 20°C. We also used a smooth function
molyticus in Antofagasta (Chile) in 1997 were also included. of time as an independent variable when autocorrelation was
Asian and Chilean isolates were provided by Mitsuaki Nishi- detected in the residuals. Because the isolations of strains
buchi (Kyoto University, Japan) and Romilio Espejo (Uni- throughout 1 week were not independent events, a variance of
versity of Chile, Chile), respectively. Pulsed-field gel elec- the response variable higher than the mean (overdispersion)
trophoresis was performed according to “One-Day (24 –28 may have resulted. We, therefore, used negative binomial
hours) Standardized Laboratory Protocol for Molecular Sub- models rather than Poisson response models to obtain stan-
typing of Nontyphoidal Salmonella by PFGE”15 following a dard errors corrected for overdispersed parameters. The log-
previously described method.16 Restriction patterns were arithm “log” link function was used to achieve interpretable
compared by use of BioNumerics software (Applied Maths, epidemiologic measures of the effect. We used thin-plate
Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium). regression splines as trend smoothers, according to Wood,25
and automatically selected the optimal degrees of freedom by
Environmental Data using generalized cross validation criterion.26 The use of log
Association between El Niño waters and the arrival and link in our model and the high proportion of zeros encoun-
dissemination of V. parahaemolyticus epidemic was evalu- tered in the response variable may cause problems of con-
ated by selecting oceanographic factors distinctive of El Niño vergence in the algorithm for fitting GAMs (because of a
phenomena. In addition to surface seawater temperature, fundamental lack of identifiability of the models). We, there-
which varied seasonally independently of the El Niño epi- fore, applied a ridge regression with penalties to impose
sodes, we also considered sea height anomaly and the heat identifiability in the GAMs. Models were estimated by use of

© 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 831

Martinez-Urtaza et al Epidemiology • Volume 19, Number 6, November 2008

the mgcv package version 1.3–13, in the R environment, tions was suddenly disrupted in 1997 with the presence of an
version 2.5.0 (R Development Core Team, 2003). anomalous increase in the number of V. parahaemolyticus
Cases of V. parahaemolyticus infections in Lima were cases in the course of the austral winter dispersed from north
analyzed during 3 periods: pre–El Niño (1994 –1996), El to south along coastal regions. The onset of infections was
Niño (1997 and 1998), and post–El Niño (1999 –2004) to initially detected in July and lasted for 10 months, with 2
evaluate whether similar oceanographic conditions were re- peaks occurring in September and February (Fig. 2). Infec-
lated to infections associated with the different serotype-domi- tions were observed along the entire coastline of the country,
nance periods (1994 –1996, 1997–1998, and 1999 –2004), or and spread more than 1500 km in just 4 months (Fig. 3A).
whether the propagation of O3:K6 infections in Peru was asso- The first record was detected in Chiclayo, Department of
ciated with distinctive oceanographic factors linked to the move- Lambayeque, in the north of the country, in July. From there,
ment of El Niño waters. infections spread in a constant southward direction, affecting
To elaborate the models, we identified lagged periods the Department of Cajamarca in August, La Libertad in
(weeks) for each independent variable that showed lower
September, Huaraz in October, and finally reaching the south-
values of the Akaike’s Information Criterion. For this, we
ern Peruvian border in November—the same time as the
constructed a model for each explanatory variable and each
emergence of V. parahaemolyticus illnesses in the northern
lag, with lags ranging from 1–5 weeks. For each period, we
Chilean city of Antofagasta.4
developed 2 models: the first included surface seawater tem-
perature and sea height anomaly as covariates, and the second Laboratory investigations of 64 strains recovered from
included surface seawater temperature and heat content above the Instituto Nacional de Salud strain collections representa-
20°C. As the sea height anomaly and heat content above 20°C tive of the 1994 –2005 period showed an extraordinary shift
variables were used as indicators of the same phenomenon, in pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus populations associated
they were not simultaneously included in the same model to with the rise of infections in July 1997 (eFigures 1 and 2 and
prevent potential collinearity. To check nonlinear relation- eTable; available with the online version of this article).
ships, all 3 variables were included in the models as a smooth Serotypes O4:K8, O4:K55, and O4:K28 were identified as the
function of continuous covariates through thin-regression prevailing serovars among pathogenic strains from environ-
splines. A linear relationship was assumed when the esti- mental and clinical sources in a previous study conducted in
mated degrees of freedom was 1 or close to 1, whereas when Peru in 1983–1984.27 Serotype O4:K8 was also identified in
they were different from 1, a Bayesian approach to smooth strains isolated before 1997 in the present study, whereas
modeling was used to derive standard errors on predictions O5:KUntypable (UT) was associated with the large outbreak
and obtain credible confidence bands for the effects, assum- of disease in Lima in 1995. The onset of infections in 1997
ing linearity if a straight line could be delineated between the was associated with a complete change in serotype domi-
boundaries of the 95% confidence bands. When this did not nance. All the isolates obtained in the 1997–1998 period
occur, we categorized the variable by using the change points belonged exclusively to the O3:K6 serotype, which remained
observed. We then assessed the simple autocorrelation func- the dominant serotype until its total disappearance in 2004.
tion of Pearson residuals. If an elevated autocorrelation was The O3:K6 isolates showed typical molecular characteristics
observed, a smooth function of the time was included in the of the pandemic clone and were positive for the specific PCR
model. In those cases still supporting residual autocorrelation, pandemic test. Molecular typing procedures revealed high
we included autoregressive terms of the dependent variables clonal uniformity among O3:K6 specimens. Pandemic iso-
for lags with autocorrelation. lates obtained in 1997 and 1998 presented highly uniform
Results were expressed as rate ratios (RRs) with 95%
DNA restriction patterns, as revealed by pulsed-field gel
confidence intervals (CIs), indicating an increase or decrease in
electrophoresis analysis with NotI and SfI enzymes, and
the probability of obtaining a response for an increase of 1 unit
shared serotype and indistinguishable genetic properties with
in the independent variable. We also included the interquartile
the pandemic O3:K6 strains obtained from India, Bangladesh,
RR (IqRR) to take into account the distributions of dependent
Thailand, and Taiwan, for the initial spread of V. parahae-
variables24 and to allow for comparing the magnitudes of the
effects of independent variables measured in different units. molyticus epidemic in 1996. Peruvian O3:K6 isolates were also
identical to the pandemic isolates subsequently detected on the
north coast of Chile in November 1997 (eFigs. 1 and 2).
RESULTS Conversely, whereas O3:K6 populations from Asia evolved
Distribution of V. parahaemolyticus infections in Peru rapidly in 1997 and showed a dynamic serovar transition with
between 1994 and 2005 showed a pronounced seasonal pat- the generation of new serotypes (O4:K68, O1:KUT),14 Peruvian
tern (Fig. 2) during the entire period. Case records from pandemic strains maintained a unique serotype and homo-
1994 –1996 were associated with occasional scattered infec- geneous genetic characteristics until their disappearance in
tions restricted to the warmest months. This pattern of infec- 2004.

832 © 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Epidemiology • Volume 19, Number 6, November 2008 Vibrio Epidemics in South America and El Niño

FIGURE 2. Monthly number of cases of V. parahaemolyticus reported in Peru between 1994 and 2005 according to the data
provided by the Instituto Nacional de Salud in Lima. Sea Surface Temperature anomalies and Multivariate ENSO index data for
the same period were provided by NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostic Center (

The emergence and pattern of dissemination of V. north of Chile (23° S latitude). The propagation pattern was
parahaemolyticus infections along coastal cities associated similar to that observed for the second spread of infections
with O3:K6 strains showed a close correspondence with the that were detected in Moquegua in November and subse-
arrival and propagation of 1997 El Niño along the coast of quently reached the Antofagasta area. The 1997 El Niño first
South America. This El Niño episode reached northern Peru began to decline in northern Chile in May 1998 and, from this
by April 1997 and exhibited 2 periods of peak intensity in point, anomalies entered in a constant northward recession
June and November 1997 (Fig. 3B). The 2 peaks of maximum until its total disappearance from the north of Peru by June
intensity were linked to the arrival of the 2 major sets of 1998, coinciding with the decline of V. parahaemolyticus
equatorial Kelvin waves, which were observed along the infections.
coast of Peru with different degrees of intensity.28,29 The first Interactions between V. parahaemolyticus cases and the
set of Kelvin waves reached Chiclayo (7° S latitude) by the environmental variables confirmed the earlier observations
end of May and showed a strong effect in the northern area. linking the emergence of pandemic cases with the arrival of
The intensity of this first anomaly decreased gradually during El Niño to Peru (Table 1). For the pre–El Niño period, surface
its poleward displacement, to become almost imperceptible seawater temperature was the dominant factor affecting the
south of 12° S latitude (Fig. 3B). This dynamic matched with disease dynamics in the zone. The rise of temperature with
the first epidemic spread of V. parahaemolyticus infections, the warmer months was the prevalent factor that affected the
which emerged in Chiclayo in July and was restricted to the appearance of infections associated with nonpandemic V.
north and central areas of Peru, whereas no infections were parahaemolyticus populations. An increment in surface seawa-
detected in southern Lima. The second and stronger set of ter temperature from 18.4°C–23.4°C accounted for an increase
Kelvin waves was first observed at the equator in August of more than 600-fold in the risk of infections (IqRR ⫽ 601;
1997 and subsequently detected in northern Peru in Novem- 95% CI ⫽ 128 –2811).
ber. This additional anomaly had a more severe and extended By contrast, the dominant effect of surface seawater
effect on the entire coastline of Peru and was observed in the temperature disappeared entirely from the model with the

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Martinez-Urtaza et al Epidemiology • Volume 19, Number 6, November 2008

FIGURE 3. Dissemination of V. parahaemolyticus in Peru and progression of the 1997 El Niño waters. A, Southward dissemination
of cases of V. parahaemolyticus infections in 1997 and progression of the El Niño waters during the same period. The sites where
the first cases of cholera were detected in the 1991 epidemic (reported by Seas et al53) were included in the map. B, Advance of
the 1997 El Niño waters in Chiclayo (7° S latitude), Lima (12° S latitude), and Moquegua (16° S latitude) measured by heat content
above 20° C and number of cases of V. parahaemolyticus infections in Peru.

arrival of the 1997 El Niño episode, and the appearance of constructed with the considered parameters, possibly because
pandemic cases in Peru could then be linked only to the of the complex environmental situation that prevailed during
incoming of El Niño waters. The heat content over 20°C for the long period of ecologic restoration of the Peruvian coastal
this period was associated with an IqRR of 4.7 (2.2–9.8). areas after the El Niño event.
Finally, disease dynamic during the post–El Niño pe- The pattern of spreading of pandemic V. parahaemo-
riod could not be consistently explained by the models lyticus in Peru showed characteristics similar to those ob-

834 © 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Epidemiology • Volume 19, Number 6, November 2008 Vibrio Epidemics in South America and El Niño

TABLE 1. Association Between Number of V. parahaemolyticus Infections and Environmental Factors. RR and IqRR With Their
Corresponding Confidence Intervals (95% CI) are Provided for the Three Study Periods
Period Variable Lag 25 50 75 RR (95% CI) IqRR (95% CI)

Pre–El Niño Surface seawater temperature 3 18.39 20.90 23.38 3.60 (2.65–4.91) 601 (128–2810)
Sea height anomalya 4 1.00
⬍4b 0.01 (0.00–11.53)
4-0 14.0 (0.33–601)
Surface seawater temperature 3 18.39 20.91 23.38 2.00 (1.74–2.30) 32. (16–64)
Heat content above 20°C 4 0.00 10.65 28.41 1.04 (1.02–1.05) 2.90 (2.00–4.21)
El Niño Surface seawater temperature 1 21.29 23.15 25.13 0.97 (0.80–1.17) 0.88 (0.41–1.85)
Sea height anomaly 2 2.19 2.19 4.71 1.31 (1.15–1.49) 1.97 (1.41–2.74)
Surface seawater temperature 1 21.29 23.15 25.13 0.89 (0.71–1.11) 0.64 (0.27–1.51)
Heat content above 20°C 2 18.10 34.37 47.77 1.05 (1.03–1.08) 4.66 (2.23–9.75)
Post–El Niño Surface seawater temperature 5 18.05 20.32 23.58 1.19 (1.01–1.40) 2.59 (1.05–6.41)
Sea height anomaly 3 ⫺4.05 10.43 ⫺0.13 1.11 (0.95–1.28) 1.49 (0.83–2.67)
Surface seawater temperature 5 18.05 20.32 23.58 1.14 (0.94–1.37) 2.02 (0.70–5.80)
Heat content above 20°C 3 0.00 10.43 22.22 1.03 (0.99–1.07) 1.87 (0.85–4.12)
Results for the categorized variable due to the absence of a linear relationship between the predictor and variable response.
Reference category.

FIGURE 4. Number of cases of V. cholerae and V. parahaemolyticus infection from the emergence of their respective epidemics in
Peru in 1991 and 1997, according to the data from the Instituto Nacional de Salud. Relative abundance of cases of pandemic V.
parahaemolyticus was inferred from the percentage of pandemic strains detected among the representative strains retrieved from
the INS culture collection for laboratory investigation.

served for the 1991 cholera epidemic. The first cholera case V. parahaemolyticus in 1997, which was linked to the weak-
was detected in Trujillo on 23 October 1990; new cases were est set of Kelvin waves with southern boundary in Lima. Both
then diagnosed in Chimbote on 11 December, Chancay on 26 epidemics were initially detected in the same area, Chiclayo
December, and in Lima on 13 January (Fig. 3A). This gradual and Trujillo, and shared their southward rate progression,
southward dissemination of cases was similar in sequence covering 600 km of distance in just 3 months. Furthermore,
and speed to that observed for the fist spreading of pandemic although the dimensions of the 2 diseases were not compa-

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Martinez-Urtaza et al Epidemiology • Volume 19, Number 6, November 2008

rable, the 2 epidemics also showed similarities in the dynam- displacement and gathering of Vibrio specimens in the open
ics of infection (Fig. 4). Both epidemics showed a character- ocean which, under certain extraordinary oceanographic cir-
istic explosive emergence, a rapid fall in the number of cases, cumstances, may allow for the long-distance displacement of
and a final cyclic seasonal pattern under the influence of Vibrio specimens. This could have been the mechanism for
increases in surface seawater temperature, before disappear- the extraordinary migration of Asian pathogens to America
ing almost totally. Surface seawater temperature failed to coupled with El Niño. The arrival of the invasive exogenous
account for the extraordinary dimension of emergence of zooplankton populations to the coasts of Peru associated with
cases in both epidemics, which were linked with the arrival of the El Niño waters may have been the vehicle of entry and
specific El Niño episodes. distribution of foreign Vibrio populations along the coast of
Peru and the subsequent contamination of fish and shellfish in
the coastal zones. The consumption of the contaminated
DISCUSSION seafood may have finally been responsible for the emergence
The cause of the dramatic emergence of the cholera of infections in phase with the evolution of the El Niño
epidemic in Peru in 1991 has not previously been understood. episode described in this study. Due to the dose-response
The appearance of a new Vibrio disease in the same area has dependence of both pathogens,49 –52 the explosive emergence
yielded novel information that allows a better understanding of Vibrio infections in the first stages of the epidemics may be
of the spreading mechanisms and the dynamics of these explained by the ingestion of seafood contaminated with
waterborne diseases. The absence of environmental informa- large amounts of Vibrio. From this point, the 2 diseases
tion about the impact of the arrival of El Niño waters on the acquired separate dimensions due to their distinctive abilities
native Vibrio community severely constrains a comprehen- to spread among the population. The acquisition of a hyper-
sive overview of the role of El Niño episodes in the intro- infectious state by V. cholerae resulting from its passage
duction of new Vibrio pathogens in these remote regions. through humans may have stimulated the rapid progression of
However, the abundant information about the major biologic the cholera disease in interior regions associated with the
and oceanographic impacts of El Niño in this area, obtained human-to-human transmission,51 whereas V. parahaemolyti-
from oceanographic studies conducted in the Pacific coasts of cus infections remained restricted to coastal areas because of
South America throughout the El Niño event, could poten- their dependence on environment-to-human transmission.
tially provide new insight into the possible mechanisms The manifestation of an El Niño episode may imply the
involved in these processes. generation of a temporary eastward corridor for the sporadic
One of the main manifestations of the El Niño episodes in displacement of marine organisms to America. This process
America is the inflow of foreign zooplankton populations trapped in may additionally provide a periodic and unique source of new
the El Niño waters,29–32 as has been reported for different areas of pathogens in America, with serious implications for the
Peru and Chile for the 1997 El Niño.28–31,33,34 The arrival of future spreading of waterborne infections on a global scale.
warm tropical waters produced a drastic reduction in up-
welling and primary production,30,35 which in turn caused a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
dramatic decrease in the abundance of phytoplankton and the The authors thank Juan Tarazona for helpful informa-
subsequent collapse in zooplankton production. Conversely, tion on the impact of El Niño in Peru; Mitsuaki Nishibuchi
this decline in native zooplankton species did not have a and Romilio Espejo for providing some of the strains in-
direct effect on the overall abundance of zooplankton, which cluded in this study; Douglas Bartlett, Tomas G. Villa, and
was maintained throughout the El Niño episode by the mas- Oscar Garcia for critical advice. The authors are grateful for
sive input of equatorial species of zooplankton—mainly the financial support and assistance contributed by the Xunta
small copepods.28 –31,33,34 de Galicia and the NOAA CoastWatch Program.
The survival and growth of V. parahaemolyticus in the
marine environment have been strongly associated with its REFERENCES
ability to attach to planktonic organisms, predominantly 1. Tauxe RV, Mintz ED, Quick RE. Epidemic cholera in the new world:
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