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Week8 Assignment

Question 1
1.1 Please code a python module called, which contains three functions:
a) rec_area() function that calculates and prints the area of a rectangle taking the length and
width as inputs.
b) tri_area() function that calculates and prints the area of a triangle taking the base and height
as inputs.
c) cir_area() function that calculates and prints the area of a circle taking the radius as input
(Hint: you may need the built-in module math).

1.2 Please code another python module called, which contains two functions:
a) rec_peri() function that calculates and prints the perimeter of a rectangle taking the length
and width as inputs.
c) cir_peri() function that calculates and prints the perimeters of a circle taking the radius as
input (Hint: you may need the built-in module math).

1.3 Please test the module and module from 1.1 & 1.2 interactively, by
using import/from-import to load the exports to fetch functions to make perimeter calculations.

Question 2
2.1 Create a subdirectory called mypkg nested in a directory on your module import search path, move
the module file and module file you created in exercises 1.1 & 1.2 into the new

2.2 Please test mypkg package by using import/from-import to load the exports and use your self-
defined functions to make area calculations.

Note: Figure 1 is an example when you import the module/package and call one of your self-
defined functions.

Figure 1 input&output example (partial)

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