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3, MARCH 2017 1713

A Frequency-Fixed SOGI-Based PLL for Single-Phase
Grid-Connected Converters
Furong Xiao, Student Member, IEEE, Lei Dong, Member, IEEE, Li Li, and Xiaozhong Liao, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Second-order generalized integrator (SOGI) based second-order generalized integrator-PLL (SOGI-PLL) has be-
phase-locked loops (PLLs) are widely used for grid synchroniza- come the commonly used single-phase PLL because of its low
tion in single-phase grid-connected power converters. Previously, computational burden and high filtering capability.
the estimated frequency of the PLL stage is fed back to the front-
end SOGI block to make SOGI-PLLs frequency-adaptive, which SOGI-PLL has a simple implementation. It consists of a basic
increases the implementation complexity, and makes the tun- SOGI block to generate two quadrature signals from the input
ing sensitive, thus reducing stability margins. Alternatively, a voltage [9]. To implement the synchronization function, these
frequency-fixed SOGI-based PLL (briefly called FFSOGI-PLL) is quadrature signals are sent to an embedded synchronous refer-
proposed to ensure stability and simple implementation in this let- ence frame-based PLL (SRF-PLL) [10]. In addition, for ensur-
ter. It is commonly known that the in-phase and quadrature-phase
signals generated by the frequency-fixed SOGI are of different am- ing accuracy in situations of frequency deviations, the estimated
plitudes in the presence of frequency drifts, which causes second- frequency of the SRF-PLL loop is fed back to the SOGI part
harmonic ripples in the estimated parameters of the PLL loop. to make SOGI-PLL frequency-adaptive [9], [11]. However, the
To deal with this issue, a simple yet effective method is developed involved frequency adaptation process increases the implemen-
in FFSOGI-PLL. The standard SOGI-PLL is first introduced, fol- tation complexity, and makes the tuning sensitive, thus reducing
lowed by the working principle and small-signal model of FFSOGI-
PLL. The FFSOGI-PLL is then compared with the SOGI-PLL stability margins. Recently, to ensure stability and simple imple-
in terms of stability and transient performance. Finally, experi- mentation, several PLLs with frequency-fixed SOGI have been
mental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed in the literature [10]–[13]. However, they still suffer
FFSOGI-PLL. from some drawbacks and should be further improved. The PLL
Index Terms—Frequency-fixed second-order generalized inte- presented in [12] is computationally intensive, and sensitive to
grator (SOGI), phase-locked loop (PLL), SOGI. high-frequency noise because of the employed differentiation
I. INTRODUCTION operator. It is well known that input frequency deviations in
SOGI-PLLs with frequency-fixed SOGI cause second-harmonic
INGLE-PHASE inverters are widely used as grid side con-
S verters that convert the power from the dc-bus and properly
inject this power to the grid, with which the injected current has
ripples in the estimated parameters [9]. Hence, a new design rule
to reduce such second-harmonic ripples is presented in [10] and
[13]. It, however, cannot fully eliminate the second-harmonic
to be synchronized. In addition, the integration of renewable en-
ripples and, therefore, cannot ensure zero steady-state error un-
ergy sources into the power grid must follow modern grid codes
der varying frequency conditions.
[1]–[3], which requires an injection of high-quality power in the
In this letter, a new frequency-fixed SOGI-based PLL
normal operation mode. That is, the grid-tied inverter should
(FFSOGI-PLL) is proposed to ensure stability and simple im-
inject synhcronized grid currents of high power quality, which
plementation. Considering possible frequency deviations, a sim-
requires a good grid sychronization algorithm.
ple yet effective method is applied to the generated quadrature
The power-based phase-locked loop (pPLL) [4], the enhanced
signals of the frequency-fixed SOGI. As a result, the intro-
PLL (EPLL) [5], and the orthogonal signal generator-based PLL
duced FFSOGI-PLL can provide accurate synchronization per-
(OSG-PLL) which can be implemented by combining pPLL
formance even in the presence of frequency drifts. Moreover,
and different OSGs [6]–[9] together, are among the most popu-
FFSOGI-PLL contains no interdependent loops, thus offering
lar single-phase PLLs. Especially, OSG-PLLs have attracted
enhanced stability and easy tuning process. The operational
lots of attention within the areas of power electronics and
principle as well as the small-signal model of FFSOGI-PLL is
power systems. Among a large number of reported OSG-PLLs,
presented in detail, together with experimental results for veri-
fying its performance.
Manuscript received July 15, 2016; revised August 17, 2016; accepted
September 4, 2016. Date of publication September 7, 2016; date of current
version December 9, 2016. (Corresponding Author: Lei Dong).
F. Xiao, L. Dong, and X. Liao are with the School of Automation, Beijing II. OVERVIEW OF THE SOGI-PLL
Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China (e-mail:;;
In this section, a brief overview of the standard SOGI-PLL
L. Li is with the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Univer- is presented, followed by its small-signal model. The structure
sity of Technology, Ultimo, NSW 2007, Australia (e-mail: of the typical SOGI-PLL [9] is depicted in Fig. 1, where Vg
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
represents the sampled grid voltage, ω0 is the nominal grid
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2606623 frequency which is 2π50 rad/s in this work, and ω̂ and θ̂ are
0885-8993 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 1. Block diagram of the standard SOGI-PLL.

the estimated frequency and phase angle, respectively. Note that Then, under the frequency-locked condition (i.e., ω̂ = ω), (3)
the estimated frequency is fed back to the SOGI block to make can be rewritten as [3]
it frequency adaptive. The park transformation (αβ −→ dq) is  −k ω t
defined as follows: sin ( 1 − (k/2)2 ωt)e 2
     Vα (t) = sin (ωt) − 
Vd sin(θ̂) −cos(θ̂) Vα 1 − (k/2)2
= . (1)
Vq cos(θ̂) sin(θ̂) Vβ  −k ω t
cos ( 1 − (k/2)2 ωt − ϕ2 )e 2
From Fig. 1, the characteristic transfer functions of the SOGI Vβ (t) = − cos (ωt) − 
1 − (k/2)2
block can be derived as [3]  
Gα (s) =
Vα (s)
= 2
k ω̂s ϕ2 = tan−1  . (5)
Vg (s) s + k ω̂s + ω̂ 2 2 1 − (k/2)2

Vβ (s) k ω̂ 2 As expected, in steady state, Vα and Vβ are in phase and

Gβ (s) = = 2 (2)
Vg (s) s + k ω̂s + ω̂ 2 quadrature phase with the input voltage, respectively. Applying
where k is the gain factor of SOGI. Assume the grid voltage to be the transformation matrix (1) to (5) yields Vd and Vq signals as
Vg = Vp sin(ωt) = Vp sin(θ), where Vp is the voltage amplitude, expressed in
and ω and θ are the frequency and phase angle, respectively. For 
the purpose of simplicity, the voltage amplitude is assumed Vd (t) = cos(θ − θ̂) − [sin( 1 − (k/2)2 ωt)sin(θ̂)
to be unity in the following discussions (Vp = 1). After some  −k ω t
e 2
mathematical manipulations, the output signals of the SOGI − cos( 1 − (k/2)2 ωt − ϕ2 )cos(θ̂)] 
block with k < 2 can be obtained as 1 − (k/2)2

Vα (t) = 
k ω̂ω
sin(ωt − δ) Vq (t) = sin(θ − θ̂) − [sin( 1 − (k/2)2 ωt)cos(θ̂)
k ω ω̂ + (ω̂ 2 − ω 2 )2
2 2 2
 −k ω t

 e 2
−k ω̂ t + cos( 1 − (k/2)2 ωt − ϕ2 )sin(θ̂)]  .
− Asin( 1 − (k/2)2 ω̂t − ϕ1 )e 2 1 − (k/2)2
−k ω̂ 2 (6)
Vβ (t) =  cos(ωt − δ)
+ −
k 2 ω 2 ω̂ 2 (ω̂ 2 ω 2 )2
 −k ω̂ t
It is worth noting that the second terms on the right-hand side
− Bcos( 1 − (k/2)2 ω̂t − ϕ2 )e 2 (3) of (6) decay to zero in steady state. Hence, under a small phase
where difference (θ − θ̂), Vd yields an estimation of the voltage ampli-
 tude, and Vq gives the phase error information. In what follows,
kω 4(4 − k 2 )(ω 2 − ω̂ 2 )2 ω̂ 2 + [2k ω̂(ω 2 + ω̂ 2 )]2 the small-signal model of SOGI-PLL is derived under assump-
[k 2 ω̂ 4 (4 − k 2 ) + (k 2 ω̂ 2 − 2ω̂ 2 + 2ω 2 )2 ] 1 − (k/2)2 tions: the estimated frequency is almost equal to the real one
(i.e., ω̂ ∼
= ω), and the estimated phase angle θ̂ is approximately
2kω ω̂
B=  close to the real phase angle θ, thus, sin(θ − θ̂) ∼ ˆ and
= (θ − θ))
k ω̂ (4 − k ) + (k ω̂ − 2ω̂ 2 + 2ω 2 )2 1 − (k/2)2
2 4 2 2 2
cos(θ − θ̂) ∼= 1.
ω 2 − ω̂ 2 It follows from (6) that the decaying terms decay to zero with a
sin(δ) = 
k 2 ω̂ 2 ω 2 + (ω̂ 2 − ω 2 )2 time constant of k2ω , and Vq converges to sin(θ − θ̂) ∼ ˆ
= (θ − θ).
√ Thus, for a step phase change, Vq can be approximated in s
4 − k 2 (ω 2 − ω̂ 2 ) domain as [14]
tan(ϕ1 ) =
k(ω 2 − ω̂ 2 ) + 2k ω̂ 2
1 2
k 2 ω̂ 2 − 2ω̂ 2 + 2ω 2 Vq (s) ∼
= Gτ (s)[θ(s) − θ̂(s)], Gτ (s) = , τp = .
tan(ϕ2 ) =  . (4) τp s + 1 kω
2k ω̂ 2 1 − (k/2)2 (7)

Thus, the estimated phase angle can be obtained as

θ̂ = θ1 + δ. (11)

Similarly, the amplitude of Vα is slightly different from the

actual amplitude of the grid voltage, and the difference should
be also compensated if a very accurate voltage amplitude esti-
Fig. 2. Small-signal model of the standard SOGI-PLL.
mation is required.

B. Small-Signal Model of the FFSOGI-PLL

Considering the possible voltage harmonics, Vq should be
rewritten as follows [14]: To evaluate the small-signal stability of FFSOGI-PLL, its
small-signal model is also derived under the same assumptions
Vq (s) ∼
= Gτ (s)[θ(s) − θ̂(s)] + D(s) (8) shown in the above section. Applying the transformation matrix
where D(s) represents the disturbances arising from voltage (1) to (3) and (4) yields Vd and Vq signals in the FFSOGI-PLL
harmonics. The small-signal model of the typical SOGI-PLL as expressed in
can therefore be derived as shown in Fig. 2. Vd (t) = kθ cos(θ − δ − θ1 ) + Dd (t)

III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED FFSOGI-PLL − [Asin( 1 − (k/2)2 ω0 t − ϕ1 )sin(θ1 )
 −k ω 0 t
In this section, the FFSOGI-PLL as shown in Fig. 3 is de- − Bcos( 1 − (k/2)2 ω0 t − ϕ2 )cos(θ1 )]e 2
veloped to ensure stability and simple implementation. It can
be observed that the SOGI block is tuned at the nominal fre- Vq (t) = kθ sin(θ − δ − θ1 ) + Dq (t)

quency ω0 which is 2π50 rad/s in this work, thus decoupling − [Asin( 1 − (k/2)2 ω0 t − ϕ1 )cos(θ1 )
the SOGI block and the SRF-PLL. Moreover, a simple yet ef-  −k ω 0 t
fective method is applied to the generated signals Vα and Vβ for + Bcos( 1 − (k/2)2 ω0 t − ϕ2 )sin(θ1 )]e 2
ensuring accuracy in the presence of frequency drifts. In what
kω0 (ω̂ − ω)
follows, the operational principle and the small-signal model of Dd (t) =  cos(θ − δ + θ1 )
FFSOGI-PLL are given. 2 k 2 ω02 ω 2 + (ω02 − ω 2 )2
kω0 (ω − ω̂)
Dq (t) =  sin(θ − δ + θ1 )
A. Operational Principle of the FFSOGI-PLL 2 k 2 ω02 ω 2 + (ω02 − ω 2 )2
Also from (3), Vα and Vβ of the frequency-fixed SOGI in kω0 ω − 0.5kω0 (ω − ω̂)
steady state can be achieved as kθ =  (12)
k 2 ω02 ω 2 + (ω02 − ω 2 )2
kω0 ω
Vα (t) =  sin(ωt − δ) in which, A, B, ϕ1 , and ϕ2 are obtained by replacing ω̂ with
k 2 ω 2 ω02 + (ω02 − ω 2 )2
the nominal frequency ω0 in (4). Since the allowable frequency
−kω0 2 variation range in the normal operation mode is relatively small
Vβ (t) =  cos(ωt − δ) such as 0.2 Hz in China, |ω − ω̂|  2ω is satisfied so that
k 2 ω 2 ω02 + (ω02 − ω 2 )2
ω 2 − ω02 kω0 ω
sin(δ) =  . (9) kθ ∼
= ∼
= 1. (13)
k 2 ω02 ω 2 + (ω02 − ω 2 )2 k 2 ω02 ω 2 + (ω02 − ω 2 )2

It is obvious that Vα and Vβ have different amplitudes if As shown in (12), the decaying terms decay to zero with a time
ω = ω0 , which causes second-harmonic ripples in the estimated constant τp = k ω2 0 , and Vq converges to kθ sin(θ − δ − θ1 ) ∼=
parameters of SOGI-PLLs based on frequency-fixed SOGI. A (θ − δ − θ1 ). Dd and Dq represent the additional oscillating
close observation of (9) reveals that the amplitude of Vα is ωω0 components due to ω̂ = ω, and become zero under the frequency
times as large as that of Vβ in steady state. In other words, locked condition (i.e., ω̂ = ω). For a step phase change, the
Vα is orthogonal to ωω0 Vβ in steady state. Therefore, Vα and corresponding signal Vq can be approximately expressed in s
ω̂ domain as
ω 0 Vβ are used instead of Vα and Vβ for ensuring no second-
harmonic ripples in steady state as shown in Fig. 3. Note that, 2
Vq (s) ∼
= kθ [θ (s) − θ1 (s)] + Dq (s), τp =
there exists a small phase difference δ between the real phase kω0
angle θ and that of Vα , which should be compensated. Given 1
that |ω02 − ω 2 |  kωω0 (allowable frequency deviation range Dq (s) = L[Dq (t)], θ (s) = Gτ (s)θ(s), Gτ (s) =
τp s + 1
is generally small, such as 0.2 Hz in China), the phase angle
difference δ can be approximated as (14)

ω̂ 2 − ω02 where θ is the real phase angle of Vα , and L denotes the Laplace
= sin(δ) ∼
= . (10) operator. Considering the possible voltage harmonics as well,
k ω̂ω0

Fig. 3. Block diagram of the proposed FFSOGI-PLL.


In this section, the typical SOGI-PLL is compared with the
proposed FFSOGI-PLL in terms of the system stability as well
as the transient performance.

Fig. 4. Small-signal model of the proposed FFSOGI-PLL. A. Small Signal Stability Comparison
The open-loop and closed-loop transfer functions of the stan-
dard SOGI-PLL can be obtained from Fig. 2 as
kp s + ki
Gol SOGI (s) = 2
s (τp s + 1)
θ̂(s) kp s + ki
Gcl SOGI (s) = = . (16)
θ(s) τp s3 + s2 + kp s + ki
According to the Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion, the cor-
responding stability condition is
Fig. 5. Accuracy assessment of the FFSOGI-PLL small-signal model with
k p = 137.5, k i = 7878, k = 1.63, and T s = 1e−4 s.
kp > τp ki (17)

while the open-loop and closed-loop transfer functions of the

FFSOGI-PLL can be derived from Fig. 4 as
Vq can be rewritten as follows:
kθ (kp s + ki )
Gol FFSOGI (s) =
Vq (s) ∼ 
= kθ [θ (s) − θ1 (s)] + D (s)  s2
θ1 (s) kθ (kp s + ki )
D (s) = D(s) + Dq (s) (15) Gcl FFSOGI (s) = = Gτ (s) 2
θ(s) s + kθ kp s + kθ ki
where D(s) represents the disturbances arising from voltage 2ζωn s + ωn2
harmonics. Thus, the small-signal model of the FFSOGI-PLL = Gτ (s) (18)
s2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2
can be derived as shown in Fig. 4. Similarly D (s) appears
as a disturbance input to the PLL small-signal model. Due to where ωn and ζ represent the natural frequency and damping
the decoupled structure of the FFSOGI-PLL, the approximated factor, respectively. For such a third-order system, it is always
block Gτ (s) for the SOGI block acts as a prefilter, and has no stable for any given positive kp and ki , which implies that the
influence on the system stability. In contrast, the block Gτ (s) is presented FFSOGI-PLL is superior to the typical SOGI-PLL
inside the closed feedback loop of the SOGI-PLL as shown in in terms of system stability. The gain factor k is designed as
Fig. 2, and affects the system stability. 1.63 for the minimum settling time of the SOGI part in both
To evaluate the accuracy of the derived small-signal model the SOGI-PLL and FFSOGI-PLL [13]. The tuning of kp and
of FFSOGI-PLL, the actual FFSOGI-PLL and its model are ki involves tradeoffs among the speed of response, overshoot,
simulated, and their results under a phase angle jump and a stability margin, and filtering capability, which has been well
frequency step change are obtained and compared to each other. discussed in many publications [14], [15]. Here, kp = 137.5 and
The corresponding simulation results are depicted in Fig. 5. It ki = 7878 are selected for the SOGI-PLL according to [14]. For
is clear that the derived model can well predict the dynamic the comparison purpose, the same control parameters are used
behavior of FFSOGI-PLL. A phase offset can be observed in in the FFSOGI-PLL. The bode plots of the Gol SOGI (s) and
the presence of frequency drifts, which should be compensated Gol FFSOGI (s) are plotted in Fig. 6. It is clear that the FFSOGI-
by using (11) as shown in Fig. 3. PLL has nearly the same performance with the SOGI-PLL in



kp ki ω n (rad/s) ζ kp ki ω n (rad/s) ζ

Case I 137.5 7878 2π 14.1 0.78 137.5 7878 2π 21.88 0.7

Case II 284 40385 2π 32 0.707 137.5 7878 2π 21.88 0.7
Case III 284 40385 2π 32 0.707 284 40385 2π 45.2 0.5

Fig. 6. Bode plots of the SOGI-PLL and FFSOGI-PLL with k p = 137.5 and dc offset and low-order harmonics, which have been well stud-
k i = 7878.
ied in lots of reported work [18]–[21] and, therefore, will not be
further discussed for simplicity in this letter.

the low-frequency range. However, the FFSOGI-PLL provides V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
a higher phase margin, hence, a more stable operation.
In this section, the performance of the proposed FFSOGI-
PLL is evaluated under several grid disturbances including 1 Hz
B. Transient Performance Comparison
frequency jump, 30% voltage drop, and 20◦ phase jump. In
The PLL technique generally suffers from large frequency obtaining all results, the sampling frequency is fixed at 10 kHz
transient during phase jumps [16]. This is because the frequency frequency. To provide a base for comparison, the standard SOGI-
and phase angle are estimated within a single loop as shown PLL is also implemented, and its results are compared with
in both Figs. 1 and 3. In SOGI-PLL, the propagation of the those of FFSOGI-PLL. The considered parameters used in the
large frequency transient to the SOGI block makes the pro- first three test cases are shown in Table I.
duced signals Vα and Vβ oscillatory, which is reflected back Fig. 7 shows the experimental results of the test case I. It can
on the SRF-PLL stage. Consequently, the SOGI-PLL becomes be observed from Fig. 7 that, with the same control parameters,
oscillatory and may even become unstable during large phase the FFSOGI-PLL has nearly the same dynamic performance,
jumps. To avoid this issue, the PI controller with smaller kp but smaller overshoots and/or undershoots in comparison to the
and ki is often designed at the expense of slower dynamic re- SOGI-PLL. In addition, Figs. 8 and 9 depict the experimental
sponse in SOGI-PLL. In contrast, the front-end SOGI block is results of the test cases II and III, respectively. It is worth noting
tuned at the nominal frequency in FFSOGI-PLL, which, hence, that, the FFSOGI-PLL with kp = 284 and ki = 4 0385 provides
can avoid the aforementioned stability problem. As a result, the faster transient responses than the SOGI-PLL with kp = 137.5
FFSOGI-PLL provides a possibility to select larger kp and ki and ki = 7878, while the SOGI-PLL with kp = 284 and ki =
than the typical SOGI-PLL for a faster dynamic response. Here, 4 0385 becomes oscillatory and requires much longer time to
ζ = 0.707 and ωn = 2π32 rad/s can be chosen in the FFSOGI- settle to a new steady state. It implies that the FFSOGI-PLL
PLL, which results in kp = 284 and ki = 40385. can achieve a faster response, while not affecting the system
As shown in both Figs. 1 and 3, the sum of the integral part stability.
ωi and the proportional term ωp is used as the frequency es- As mentioned above, to obtain a more filtered frequency es-
timation ω̂. However, the proportional term ωp is kp times as timation, the frequency estimation can be taken only from the
large as the input error signal without any filtering capability, so integral term (ω̂ = ωi ) in both the SOGI-PLL and FFSOGI-
large ωp happens in the presence of large phase jumps/voltage PLL, and the enhanced SOGI-PLL and FFSOGI-PLL are termed
drops, which not only increases the transient frequency errors, as ESOGI-PLL and EFFSOGI-PLL, respectively. Due to space
but also has great impact on the system stability of SOGI-PLL limitation, these four PLLs are only compared to each other
as mentioned above. To attenuate the negative effects of the under 20◦ phase jump. Here, two additional test cases are con-
proportional term ωp on frequency estimation as well as sta- sidered, kp = 137.5 and ki = 7878 are adopted for these four
bility in SOGI-PLL, the integral term ωi instead of the sum PLLs in the test case IV, while kp = 284 and ki = 40385 are
(ωp + ωi ) can be used as the frequency estimation [17]. In this used for them in the test case V. The corresponding results are
way, more filtered frequency estimation and enhanced stabil- shown in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. It can be observed that
ity can be achieved in SOGI-PLL. It is worth noting that the both ESOGI-PLL and EFFSOGI-PLL exhibit smaller transient
same modification also can be applied to the FFSOGI-PLL for frequency errors than SOGI-PLL and FFSOGI-PLL, respec-
achieving more filtered frequency estimation. Due to space limi- tively. Besides, ESOGI-PLL provides better stability margin
tation, the simulation results are neglected here, and the stability than SOGI-PLL as shown in Fig. 11(a). From Figs. 10(c) and
analysis will be carried in the future work. 11(c), the experimental results show that EFFSOGI-PLL per-
Also note that SOGI has good rejection capability on high- forms better than ESOGI-PLL in terms of dynamic performance
order harmonics and high-frequency noise so that both the and stability. Therefore, it is worth doing further research on the
SOGI-PLL and FFSOGI-PLL can perform well in most cases. EFFSOGI-PLL in terms of stability analysis which will be one of
Nevertheless, these two basic PLLs cannot effectively address the focuses of our future work.

Fig. 7. Experimental results of the test case I. (a) 1 Hz frequency jump. (b) 30% voltage drop. (c) 20◦ phase jump.

Fig. 8. Experimental results of the test case II. (a) 1 Hz frequency jump. (b) 30% voltage drop. (c) 20◦ phase jump.

Fig. 9. Experimental results of the test case III. (a) 1 Hz frequency jump. (b) 30% voltage drop. (c) 20◦ phase jump.

Fig. 10. Experimental results of the test case IV. (a) SOGI-PLL and ESOGI-PLL. (b) FFSOGI-PLL and EFFSOGI-PLL. (c) ESOGI-PLL and EFFSOGI-PLL.

Fig. 11. Experimental results of the test case V. (a) SOGI-PLL and ESOGI-PLL. (b) FFSOGI-PLL and EFFSOGI-PLL. (c) ESOGI-PLL and EFFSOGI-PLL.

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